Camping & waving on hook

I swear if I get camped and survivors just crouch nearby not doing gens I might give the killer what he wants and die on the hook for an early 3v1.
Waving hands indicates he is near me, if I look like a flappy bird I have plenty of time on my first hook... Go do gens!!!
I keep getting survivors who don't know what M1 means.
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Whaatt?! I've always used waving hands to signal that nobody was coming to save me
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You just flick your hands to be saved
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Haven't you read the survivors rulebook?
Post edited by andyollolloll on1 -
M1 means camping. Since 2k16
If someone is waving, i wont go for the rescue. If i get camped and my mates wont use the time to power gens, ill just suicide and find another game.
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Waving your hands does not mean that at all, I’ve seen many survivors who spam it just to get my attention
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It means "The killer is camping" since 2k16.
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Apparently if it’s on Reddit, it’s official...
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Honestly if you are waving hands on the hook then I'll return to a generator.
Flap hands if killer nearby
Flap hands and repeat if killer camping
If nobody is coming to save you then just flick hands
If I'm a new player unaware then I will just sit on hook
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I also play since 2016 a d it always meant "killer is camping".
Now a lot of people do it out of impatience, but if someone does flap with their arms, I'm not gonna go for the unhook, because I always assume it means the killer is face camping. So if someone dies or hitting second state because they do the "warning" sign out of impatience, I don't see it as my fault.
For me it is like that:
Rising arms up and down continuously: killer is camping, do gens!
Do nothing: it's safe to unhook me
Slight waving after a while: no ones coming, unhook me rn!
Slight waving while someone approaches for unhook: watch out, there's a trap near by! (Or "hurry!", depends on the killer)
I always do it like that and the majority of teammates I play with do the same as well. I think it is the best and most logical interpretation of it.
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If kindred was a base-kit, we could end this discussion 🤪
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I also waved to say "killer is camping". Didn't know about the short waves to say killer is nearby. When I want to be unhooked, I try to self unhook but stop at 95% of the animation.
We should all commit to the common sense, as everyone complains about SWF, this should be a common way to communicate.
Waving hands = do gens
Short Waving = killer just nearby
Almost kobe = come get me pls
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The game has a tutorial for newbies. Devs should end this language barrier in the survivor's tutorial. Why not @Peanits @not_Queen ?
May be the confusion is what they want.
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Or kindred, which is what you should be doing if you're solo queueing in the first place because kindred is honestly too good to not run.
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There's no consensus on the meaning. Apparently, early on in the game history, waving meant one was being camped. Although, it's kinda counterintuitive and a little backward, imho.
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Somebody thoughtfully did a poll on this:
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I even took part in this poll. At least the majority is right :D
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I get facecamped with Kindred and survivors still come crouch nearby, some of them arent very smart.
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The new people are flappign their hands and i know the killer is on the other side of the map. They are just harming themselves and me by doign that. If he is camping, flap. If not then dont flap. Simple.
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For the majority of players, waving hands doesn't mean that; it's just a thing to do.
But if survivors are just crouching around you rather than doing gens if the killer is camping, I don't blame you. They're idiots.
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People have ruined it by flapping arms when no one is around. So the rest of the players who think it signals camping won't come or they will because it didn't mean that last game. I regularly run kindred and I still get three crouched with everyone off gens when I'm getting camped. :(