NOED needs either a nerf or to be removed.



  • Kongtwenty12
    Kongtwenty12 Member Posts: 140

    Oh so you mean just like DS or BT or Dead hard, ECT. Why should survivors be the only ones with second chance perks?

  • Kongtwenty12
    Kongtwenty12 Member Posts: 140

    How is noed any worse than the survivor second chance perks? If killer having one or two second chance perks is bad perk design then survivor perk design must be atrocious.

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    My god some people don't want a challenge at all.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620
    edited January 2020

    What do you want me to say? Yes, you're right? You don't want to run small game, you don't want to clean totems. You don't want to learn totem spawn location, then It's your faul for not wanting to learn how to counter NOED and want to nerf it because you don't want to modify your gameplay instead. We are not talking at old 5 blink nurse who barely had a counter, we are talking about something you CAN AVOID and you CAN PREVENT from the very beggining, since you spawn in the game, you can search and destroy all five totems, with small game is faster than you think.

    Post edited by Saitamfed on
  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    If you read the entire thread you will know that actually not only me but a few people already told those ideas. What do you want me to say if you don't want to take it?

    How can I avoid getting killed by NOED? Cleaning totems, if there are no totems then there won't be NOED.

    Small game is a base game perk. Wich is not only helpful with totems but with trapper bear traps and the Hag traps so yes, it's useful. Besides totems have a general area to spawn, as an example the one in the killer's shack, If a totem is placed there, it will be inside the killer's shack or outside in one of the killer shack walls.

    Anyway I think it's pointless further talking with you. You want a solution, and many users gave it, then you say "I don't want to use it". Enjoy your day.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Unbreakable? Don't use it. I hate single use perks. Decisive or Borrowed? Nessecary evil, counterable and telegraphed.

    I'm not saying I DON'T want to cleanse totems, or run Small Game, I'm saying that there are games where I literally cannot find them anywhere regardless, and that with Archives challenges, I am limited on perks and Small Game doesn't make the cut for use against a niche perk which is broken by design.

    All I have ever wanted for NoED is one small change. An immediate warning during the Endgame. Not on hit, on activation, be it 5th generator or hatch close. A simple change that will be better for everyone.

  • KWPrice
    KWPrice Member Posts: 8

    Do you have a moment to speak about your savior, Dead Hard?

    There are half dozen counters to NOED that are also useful in other situations, but none of them are effective as just breaking bones.

    I realize, since I am a mere 15, I am a filthy casual, but if I 'get it' so should you.

    Also - look up or look down - those bones are sometimes (lots of times) up stairs.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Survivors need a totem counter. Maybe even an indicator similar to the obsession claws around your survivor icon. So survivors can see, how many totems are left and wether the killer has noed at all. If he has noed, the totemcounter gets a skull icon on top, so survivor know to do totems.

    I think noed could be a cool thing, but its badly implemented.

  • SurvJoe
    SurvJoe Member Posts: 111

    remove noed /close

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Maybe put the totem counter in with Small Game, sure. Or a separate perk that has to do with traps/totems, sure. A counter for them to see at all times? No. Why? Because the killer doesn't have one of those, they have to run Thrill of the Hunt to see how many totems are still in play, why should survivors get a free pass of how many totems are left on the map just because they can't be bothered to search the map or counting remnants of bones they find scattered about the place..

  • Kalazius
    Kalazius Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2020

    I'm officially convinced that people that only main Survivor are SJW.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    It should be basekit. We dont need more bandaid perks to help partially counter another bandaid fix. More important, it brings solo closer to swf, since they can communicate how totems are done.

    The killer can also have a totemcounter, if you want. I dont see much benefits in it, but fair game for everyone. Its not a free pass if you spend 80s + search time for the deactivation of a perk. That atleast 4 free pgtw charges. So its a good slowdown perk by itself this way when countered. And a counterable comeback mechanic when not. Win-Win with a totemcounter

  • You didn't play great if you didn't clear all the totems. You played ok.

    No, absolutely no changes are needed at all whatsoever for NOED. If it bothers you so much, run small game, detectives hunch, bring a map, totem spawn locations.

    Your ideas for NOED, just nurf it. There's plenty of counterplay already for this hex. Learn to use them

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I see no reason for it to be basekit though.

    What next, a counter to show how many unopened chests are remaining on the map, and how many non-sabotaged hooks are still on the map, and how many pallets are still upright on the map?

    Seriously, the holding survivors by the hand thing is a bit ridiculous. And honestly, even with a counter, survivors still don't do totems. When I play with random survivors, I always find uncleansed totems, and when I play killer I often find super obvious totems that no one touched because omigod it takes time to do it and they would rather genrush than do secondary objectives!

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    Not really... spawn locations are easy to know.

    They litterally spawn on each corner of the map.

    So if the map was a square. One would be in each quadrant. And then the fifth will be in the middle of all 4 quadrants combined.

    So bones are easy to find because they have certain spawn points but their exact location is the hard part.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    The reason is, it buffs solo survivors, but not swfs. And it gives better, balanced counterplay to an unhealthy crutchy perk. You dont know wether the killer has noed (thus the skull icon on the totemcounter) and you dont know how many totems are left as solo (thus the totemcounter). Solo survivors need some hand holding tbh

  • PB182
    PB182 Member Posts: 80

    Just Do bones argument can be used in defense of every totem perk. Yet ruin still got changed why? Just tell survivors to cleanse totems. NOED will indeed get reworked soon, the amount of complaints are rising. It's only a matter of time.

    For me personally NOED is annoying but I don't think it should be changed (but it will). It gets really difficult when playing solo with dumb survivors who'd rather get hooked and hide over doing gens or looking to cleanse totems. Run detectives hunch or a rainbow map. Its alot more useful than small game imo.

  • bearluvr182
    bearluvr182 Member Posts: 26

    Boy, you whiny survivors aren't gonna stop till the killers have no good perks at all and you all can just practically escape every game without getting hit, having to run, or getting hung. You all are the reason this game is so unfun anymore, not the killer perks, it's you all. And I'm a survivor main, and I can say this with absolute certainty....

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    You get 1000/1200 plus inner strength just for doing one. I dont understand what makes doing them pointless

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Maybe solo players should find people to play with instead of asking for nerfs to everything "but it's haaard when I'm playing soloooo!" that'll make a huge buff to survivor groups, too.

    Because he can't genrush if he's doing bones, duh

  • Flood
    Flood Member Posts: 1

    Hex: Ruin has already been basically removed from the game, and survivors are overpowered because the game is sided to get them to win. The more the game becomes survivor sided, the more balanced NOED becomes.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Ya lets encourage 4-swf to keep noed crutch alive... Do you actually read your advice? It doesnt buff anything about swf, they can already tell how many totems are done.

    Last thing we need is more 4-swfs. Encourage and buffs solos. Start with totems.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I don't know what kind of killers you play against that all seem to be running that Hex perk all of a sudden, no wonder you want it nerfed so badly and to give survivors an advantage over killers (for free, too! not even as an added bonus to existing perks)

    And there are better ways to encourage and buff solo players than nerfing killers. Nice try using the solo survivors excuse to try to get killers nerfed through the ground even more though.

  • SirMrWinkie
    SirMrWinkie Member Posts: 1

    Really? I survivor main, and noed is usually worthless for the killer. Do bones. Period. Take the 3 minutes to run the map, or risk a one shot. The only issue I have is one shot killers running it, but if a chainsaw, or stalker wants to waste a perkslot, so be it. Adapt, your play style, learn to run, be stealthy, or screw the other survivors to escape. Or better yet, determine success on BP rather than escaping.

  • MJ_Out
    MJ_Out Member Posts: 184

    "Get rid of NOED, pls!" they say. "Surv need a seCOnd oBJecTive!" they say.


    Ehm, what? Oo

  • holywhitetrash
    holywhitetrash Member Posts: 289

    so if NOED is a perk that rewards you for doing nothing then what is adrenaline?

    if you cant be bothered to fit small game in your load out then clearly NOED isnt a big enough threat to warrant this conversation at all

    but even without small game i cleanse usually 2 totems a match just while looking for a gen because finding totems isnt that hard when you rotate your camera as you walk

    i can count on my fingers the number of games a killer had NOED proc and got more than one kill with it, 50% of the time when i see noed proc it gets blown up in less than 30 seconds

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    This. I run small game on one of my builds, and honestly started running it to help me find the Ruin totem, but with the changes to it, I might switch out Small Game for something else. Finding totems is easy enough on most maps if you know their frequent spawn points. Most jungle gyms have 2-3 spawn points to check for before moving on to the next one, and so on until you've checked the whole map, or most of it anyway. And with more and more people running Inner Strength, it reduces the ammount of totems to cleanse since their first objective in a game is usually getting the perk up and ready before working on generators.

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 373

    Killers address already leaving the game so fast, that bhvr is removing ranked matchmaking. Now you want to meet their meta perks even more. Lol never going to learn.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    You still dont get my point. Stop with the survivor/killermain argumentation, i play both, leaning towards killer, but i still see flaws in noed. Solo/swf is a much bigger cause of problems for killers and im more interested in balanced games in the future. I dont want noed nerfed. If you read my posts, i actually want noed basekit on top of the totemcounter, so it has a healthy, gameslowing, counterable effect. So far you have no argument why that is a bad idea, except you're against survivors buffs at all, no matter what.

    Then tell me about the many better ways to encourage and buff solo survivors. DbD over the last 3 years so far had almost no ideas about it. We're trying to get devs attention about solo/swf, but almost nothing is beeing done outside out promising lots of future changes since years. Kindred was the only solosurvivor buff that comes to mind.

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    Do totems and/or dont get hit. Survivors have a plenty of skills that counters getting hit and detecting totems.

  • Legionmain0517
    Legionmain0517 Member Posts: 34

    Dont get me wrong, Solo queue survivors have it bad. The amount of hatch games Ive had as a solo queue is astounding. But you also have plenty of great perks to help in these bad games. Not to mention that competent survivors, even as solo queue, can still give Killers a run for their money.

    If Im going to be honest, with how matchmaking is right now, Killers most definitely have it worse. Numerous games with atleast one, if not more red ranks. As a rank 8/9. And can I just mention how much worse it feels to play Killer right now? Getting multiple bad games in a row as Killer is demoralizing, and unlike survivors, Killers cant really justify their loss as "Just bad teammates." They get screwed over by quite a few maps, perks, and now the matchmaking system. Plus, some survivors like to send hatemail just to piss the Killer off more.

    So as much as I think that solo queues need some buffs, I also think Killers are priority number 1. At the rate we're going, Killers are going to all but disappear from the game because they dont want to play in a climate where they hardly stand a chance of winning half the time. This isnt the time for a Survivor V Killer mentality, the Killer side of DBD has some serious issues to address, lest it kill DBD.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    You pretty much hit the nail. Killers should still be the buffed side, but maybe we can sneak in some solo survivors buffsIts night and day playing randoms and swfs and i'd rather have that gap closed first before balancing around two entirely different powerlevels.

    Im curious for the new matchmaking without ruin and the stats. It will take another year or so until we get there....

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    One of the thing they refuse to implement that would greatly help solo players is in-game voice chat, rather than having to rely on Discord or other third party voice chat.

    But it needs to be survivor chat only, not proximity chat like some games have, where if the killer's close enough, he can hear what everyone's saying (or the killer being able to talk back) because then you'd end up with trash talking and survivors screwing other survivors on purpose by telling the killer where others are.

    I know a lot of people don't have mics or don't want to use them, or just don't like talking to strangers, but it would still be a big help to counter the fact that solo players are.. well.. solo

  • amarakay95
    amarakay95 Member Posts: 24

    I play survivor main. There is a perk to find bones and take them out. Let's not make this game any more boring please! Its boring enough playing survivor since they butchered Ruin.

  • toxicghostface69
    toxicghostface69 Member Posts: 19

    This game was meant to be played solo because survivors with communication make the game very unfair. Survivors can alert each other about the killers whereabouts, making any stealth killer practically useless. Many console players use their system party chat to communicate, and usually the ones who do end up completing all the gens before I can even get a say generator and all end up escaping (unless I face camp). So no, an in-game voice chat would not help, unless you want even longer queue times because killers got fed up and said “f- this, I’m out.”

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    People are already doing it, wether you like it or not.

    But they would need to implement more changes than just that for it to be a viable solution to fix things for solo players, since as you mentionned, adding that in the game would also bring up the difficulty for killers.

  • leejiseung123
    leejiseung123 Member Posts: 2

    NOED is for players who hate toxic players PERIOD.

    Like seriously, GENRUSHERS and TOXICITY is around why remove NOED?

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764
    edited February 2020

    Noed is not a good perk obviously, is a late game peek an a hex. However because of gen rush after ruin change (big maps with many safe loops doesnt help) it became a way to try to take some end game kills, espcially for some killers. Balance game (gen goes too fast, even with fast chases ) and will be less noed.

  • MrVecetti
    MrVecetti Member Posts: 41

    Ruin needs a nerf!!.., noed needs a nerf!!.. freddy needs a nerf!!.. spirit needs a nerf!!.. nurse needs a nerf!!..

    but lets keep the gen speeds as fast as they are 👍️

  • Kieran_Griffin
    Kieran_Griffin Member Posts: 9

    To me, NOED is just fine as it is.

    Usually I run Small Game and cleanse every single totem in the match myself, and I'm not even just looking for it, I'm doing gens and saving my teammates as well. It's not that hard...

  • RobertCop
    RobertCop Member Posts: 25

    Welp people shouldn't of complained about ruin and got noed nerfed instead, but no bhvr would rather say perks like noed, dead hard, ds arent the problem

  • karlofflugosi
    karlofflugosi Member Posts: 63

    So tired of nerfing killers and their perks. I may just be a casual player, not a hardcore expert player, but we bought every expansion pack, a ton of cosmetics, and every week we play less and less. Once we quit completely, we're not coming back, and the game will have lost not only the revenue from us, but a couple of non-toxic players.

    Time to stop punishing players for playing killer. No killer, no game.

  • Bigesttroller
    Bigesttroller Member Posts: 18

    And thats because survivors dont rely on a few select powerful set of perks?

    NOED is balanced, it is an end game perk that you can counteract by just doing totems early, if youre so disgusted by the idea of killers having a strong stopping force to the unstopable object that is Gen speeds then just uninstall whether ur green yellow gray or whatever doesnt matter if you dont want noed to activate do totems easy as that

    And okay i already hear u complaining saying that totems are hard to find, and sometimes i agree but if youre on any map thats not Badham then totems have easily spotted locations so calm ur tits

    I as a survivor main feel like killers need more power if anything, its kinda boring when i wait 20+mins for a match and finish in less than 10mins with only 2 chases... Noed spices that up with a major ######### YOU so you have to rethink ur strat, "is it worth to go look for Noed" "should I just leave" "what routte is best so I dont get caught" that moment of sheer anxiety and uncertainty is what this game should be based around and honestly killers need more power to execute that

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    I just escaped vs some poor killer who used NOED, guess what not only me but everybody escaped and that is 80% the case when people bring this perk.

  • Wubsyy__
    Wubsyy__ Member Posts: 116

    Cleanse totems

  • InitialBilly
    InitialBilly Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2020

    I like how the game of one killer vs 4 unarmed survivors somehow the killer is the underdog and the survivors want to make him weaker, some killers place traps, some require a little brain power but they are all weak compared to the Gen Rush mostly because the killer can only attack one survivor at a time so the other 3 work gens.

  • Animator
    Animator Member Posts: 372

    Noed is very weak. It should not be nerf, but buff. Let the developers make it infinite again and let it work without a totem. Then it will be normal.