[Feedback] Cooldown Nurse is Pathetic to Play Against

I found it no fun, very easy, impossible for the Nurse to have a chance to get me. I just stopped running and let her hook and kill me, for the sake of the player.

Just... no fun to play with her (was my main) and no fun to play against (back then i used to feel thrilled against her).

Its just... sad, very, very, very sad. All Nurses players now looks like a rank 20 Nurse player.

When she finishes the blinks, i feel "now im safe". Back then, "now i have to think fast" cause another blink was coming.

Devs, look at all the feedbacks against, they are majoriry. The cooldown is much more a "let then down".


  • hanscardoso
    hanscardoso Member Posts: 83

    Nurse is still strong, but needs skill to play with and against. Skilled players can still play with it.

  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    As the users say yes, the Nurse is still strong. In fact, I think that the objects that make it special strong can pass through it and I think they should remove it.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,099

    I can't tell how strong she is because of the constant bugs, when playing against her, she just randomly appears and disappears in to the ground and there is no animation, when playing as her I get the ghost blinks.

  • hanscardoso
    hanscardoso Member Posts: 83

    The Nurse was only reworked because of the ease with which she broke down the fundamental mechanics of the game, and she can still do so. Only now you have to bet a few times and you will be punished if you lose.

  • Magician
    Magician Member Posts: 75

    I don't think she is terrible but she probably needed visual indication for accuracy and confirmation with her blinks. You are right....the cooldown after she misses is a bit long. Also, if you see the blink coming, just count internally then start running straight back at her location. She will miss, cooldown, and then you are gone. The problem is that a good nurse player is never far off and will keep blinking after you. With that said, when I see nurse, it is almost a sure survival.

  • Magician
    Magician Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2020

    I think it would be helpful for people who have success with the nurse to share ideas. I think some people approach the game with such high expectations that failure is broadly defined. If you manage to kill 2 survivors with the nurse, you probably had a decent game. I use the blink to scatter survivors and always try to blink just ahead of where the player is running. You will almost always generate a trail to follow bc they have to run. You don't need to blink, just make an appearance and make people have an "oh crap" moment then just walk them down. Another is that you always take a swing coming out of blink no matter what, whether first or additional blinks. Another is establish a personal threshold if you miss for determing whether you will blink again, like if the player is "x" distance, you automatically blink to close. Another is that you don't blink through two walls unless you are sure the survivor is there--don't blind blink with blind hope. Lastly, if you have tons of trouble, just do proximity facecamping and use hooked survivors as bait. That's my 5 cents. I think the challenge of playing well with the nurse is a lot of fun. It's great to come out of blink right on top of a person being healed too and downing them.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    Basically, if you want to play nurse, get into the time machine, tp before nerf, learn, how to, and then come back so you're skilled enough to not suffer as a new nurse. That's an abridged guide on how to learn the nurse post-nerf, you're welcome.

    On serious note, that's practically what EVERYONE defending new nurse says, you CANT enjoy nurse until you're "just skilled enough", and skilled at nurse means another side of the stick, no middle ground.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I've been playing No-Blink Nurse, tonight. No add-ons, just running tier 1 Enduring and not Blinking. If the survivors don't realize I'm slow as molasses and try to mind game me, I actually get hooks. If they "hold w," then I'm outta luck.

    It's sad I find this more enjoyable than trying to play around her cool down.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    I have had a no-blink Nurse match the other day. Not because I choose to do, but because the game took away my blink ability as a whole. Was definetely not enjoyable seeing survivors holding the game hostage, because I ran into a gamebreaking bug.

  • Magician
    Magician Member Posts: 75

    I would play with her cooldown, just don't put so much pressure on yourself. You don't have to stress over it. The only thing a survivor is scared of about the nurse is the blink. It is pretty startling when the nurse just appears right next me as a survivor. When I see a nurse who isn't blinking, I am very calm and not scared at all. But when a nurse is dedicated to blinking, my anxiety is high and frankly you can't be sure you aren't going to be gunned down at any moment. You want the survivors to be as frantic and anxious as possible so they make poor decisions. I personally don't think you can do that well with a non-blink nurse. But, of course, you should play however you are most happy.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Haha, were you playing against me, perhaps? The only games I've gotten kills in as Nurse since the changes was when a team decided to sabo and then proceeded to suicide rather than play the game, do gens, and escape.

  • Magician
    Magician Member Posts: 75
    edited February 2020

    I think if you blink wisely and plan to usually double blink, nurse is really easy to get kills and cause disarray. The huge issue playing as survivor against nurse is that she can just basically appear like a ghost without warning, even change stories to do it. It's nuts really. I can tell by the way survivors behave, that it realy goes to their heads. More people seem to feel the need to hide in closets. Also, you are never safe healing. I just wiped 4 people out pretty fast with her. I don't think I am that good but great nurses slaughter people. I edited to say this: if there wasn't a cooldown, survivors would have almost zero chance against her, because with the blinking they can't get away from her and hide.

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223
    edited February 2020

    There isn't because very few if any are good with her on console. The only people that say she is still "top tier" are those who watch pre-nerf videos, a fixed match or maybe, maybe some 500+ hrs nurses on pc. She has one of the lowest pick rates and kill rates in the game. Please change something.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    I am curious about your rank.

    Because when I play Nurse, no survivors ever panic, or hide in lockers and #########. Even if I am having a good day and hit my blink pretty consistent, the survivors are always pretty calm and do smart decisions. They have gone against good Nurses playing old Nurse alot. Old Nurse was really a battle of wits. The ultimate minggame, and a bit of hand-eye coordination. New Nurse is a cakewalk compared to that.

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    I disagree she is top tier, or even medium tier.

    I'm rank 1, now 4 months in a row on both sides survivor and killer and like Ive explained before, I own nurses when I play survivor, the very few I encounter, and I get owned when I play nurse, and I've played her for abut 100+ hrs. Most the time I get owned. Simple fact is she sucks on console against any half brain survivors.

  • Magician
    Magician Member Posts: 75
    edited February 2020

    I honestly think the rank is immaterial except better players are better at surviving. I think the success of the nurse boils down to which map you play. The asylum and places like it, yeah, nurse is tough because there are walls everywhere. But with openness, it is much tougher, especially with nurse with 3-5 blinks chained. Even 3 makes just running in open areas very hard. Also, a good nurse will blink to a location just offset from a gen, then blink again toward the survivor, not directly at the gen...most people assume cooldown and will get hit then run, leaving trail. She should probably walk faster by default, but you should be able to kill at least one person as nurse. Hey, if you want a better version of nurse, I am all for it. I think killers feel like they should be able to dominate every game without much trouble on their part. I will refer back to something I already said though: without the cooldown, a good nurse player with 3 blinks should really do very well because the survivors really can't get away, ever. Then if you heal you have to worry about being found out that way, and a lot of times that means revealing the location of two people. I respect the opposite opinions though. The game is heavily biased toward at least one survivor escaping every game. Nurse isn't perfect but she isn't terrible imo. Once people see that you are dedicated to blinking and can connect with it, they get scared, but I too have had so many games with people who play nurse poorly, which in fairness is easy to do, so most people don't care till they realize it is a problem. Then they start looking for lockers.