Remove the corn already!
It's not fun at all for killers how can you say it's fun it's not it's pigeon #########
You try playing any farm map on console and you'll want to rip your eyes out due to the bad fps mixed with the corn that is so ugly it hurts the eyes it physically hurts to play farm maps. Survivors purposely pick the cold wind offer because they know they are unfair unfun gar-barge you can be ######### hero and still escape in chase due to corn which hurt eyes that much you lose track of hero's.
Why are most maps detriment to killers? If it's killer realm why so in favour of heroes? A chimp in zoo could pick up controller and beat any killer on farm given right circumstance add in sounds for killers are broken this is kickstarter game or indie development people?
Until sounds fixed I may well stare at corner on farm maps because I already lost
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The next event is to celebrate corn's birthday. They are adding corn to every map. Even indoors.
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I main Trapper and I love the corn.
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I have no problem with the corn, get better.
I play console as well.
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I would reinstall the game, just to uninstall again if they did that.. lmao
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Suuuuuure my eyes are different so pleaze stop ignorant comment of git gud when you don't know what you talk about my friend
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Nobody like corn if you say this what you say you almost certain lie so please take class to stop being like pinnocio
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idk how many hours you have as killer, but in general you can learn to deal with the corn, being aware of the map and survivor behavior helps as well.
And if all of that fails, you can run stuff like Bloodhound or something to help you along a bit
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You try with one good eye is not simple as say deal with or git gud at least you make constructive comment unlike other Thank you my friend
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"You try with one good eye"
Mate, I only do have one good eye.
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Coldwind is more killer-sided, especially if you're Billy.
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Oh man, too relatable! Every single time on any Coldwind map!
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I don't mind corn. You just have to train yourself to get used to it, man.
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Do not make mockery my friend or you leave very very simple
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######### man. If you cant find surviviors then you cant saw them. Coldwind is extremely survivior sided and balanced/slightly killer sided on Billy. We cant keep terrible map balance because 1 killer is doing mostly fine
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Now you are defo trolling,at first i thought it was just like normal bait,but guess not.
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What replace it with thick wheat that blendettes can’t be found in...
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While I cant stand corn maps personally, I can understand how simply deleting all the corn would just make rotten fields a giant dead zone. No one likes facing "Blendettes", and corn maps just give that blending treatment to every survivor at all times. You dont really have to hide behind anything in particular, just crouch.
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*Starts a chase with Invisadette in the corn*
”What do you mean?! Where is she?!”
I can deal with corn but I can be terribly corn blind especially when survivors start to spin. Sensitivity on console is low even at 100%.
Corn isn’t that big of an issue unless you’re on Rotten Fields where 90% of the map is corn. I like Rancid Abattoir the most because there is very little corn and the map is small.
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The only time i have ahard time in the corn is if im using a short killer. Like hag(which i main).
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Let me guess. You also easily 4k with clown without perks and add-ons and we just need to git gud?
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Just don't go into the corn... I'm on console and I don't have a problem with it. It might be harder to see but not THAT bad.
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Uhhh maybe you don't grasp the fact that on all farm maps survivors run into the corn
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Not if they realize you have eyes, no offense but that's not the case. Unless you can't tell the difference between a human that usually is wearing dark or colorful clothing from a yellow/pale row of sticks, it's pretty easy to get your hits.
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Again you try having one eye alongside the ugly texture of the corn and bad console optimisation its disorienting oh and 360
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Again, I do lol. I'm a red/purple rank killer. I play on console. I can easily see when a survivor is trying to 360, you should already have the mindset that they're gonna do that. I still don't have that much trouble getting my hits.
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The corn is formed in rows, and looking down the spaces between the rows is often enough to get a glimpse of somebody. I use this trick frequently on corn.
Don't be a douche. Some guy said that he had the same problem as you and you're telling him "Do not make mockery." Maybe try being a little less cynical.
Are you actually suggesting that anybody who disagrees with you is a liar? That people can't be okay with corn?
I don't know man, I'm starting to smell something fishy. Probably a bait post, you guys.
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Totally that's why agreed with @MegMain98 right? That guy says he can deal with corn I found his comment more helpful than yours which involves name calling very mature.
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My friend I can help you with your managing your anger you just need meditate be spiritual like me
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Locking this as the OP clearly doesn't want a discussion about this topic, and is just arguing at this point.