why dont killers have second chance perks ?

Why dont killers have second perks? like one to spawn another gen to be done or one that resets the exit gate progression
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Wrong good survivors will ensure that never comes into play therefore not a true second chance perk.
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I guess end game persk like NOED, Bloodwarden, Remember Me could be considered "second chance" perks
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Killers have much more second chance perks than survivors; games are more killer-sided than survivors.
No One Escapes Death, Blood Warden, Remember Me, Fire Up, Make Your Choice, Barbecue & Chili, Rancor, Nemesis, and Whispers.
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That doesn't mean it doesn't give you a second chance when it does. Good killers will ensure that DS and sometimes even BT never come into play as well.
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Noed need Haunted Ground.
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Really? Remember me & Fire Up are pointless, Rancor gives u a mori instead of a hook, but...
Why the hell should all this perks, especially BBQ, MYC or Whispers be "second chance" - perks? Endgame perks are endgame perks, like Adrenaline, Hope or Wake Up.
I would agree with Spirit Fury (u would get stunned but the pally brakes instead)
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With mori? Thats a good killer? :D
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Uhh gen rushing survivors dont give a damn about NoED until it comes into play. Soooo yeah, noed is a 2nd chance perk. Rancor is a decent one too. Takes a survivor out immediately. Although I think survivors shouldnt know they're rancor target until it hits them....
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I mean, that's one way of doing it, but I was referring to the fact that those perks have quite specific activation conditions, and good killers tend to expect them and intentionally bypass the activation conditions so they don't come into play.
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Lol NOED, Bloodwarden, Remember Me, Rancor, and all these perks are not "Second Chance Perks" they are "End Game Perks". Perks that make it so that you have barely a chance during EGC.
Killer has some perks that grant immunity but they have ridiculous conditions. Like Spirit Fury - You have to take 3 pallets to the head before you can break 1 pallet. When getting hit by 3 pallets could cost you 2-3 generators.
Other than that Killer has nothing but Perks they use to balance the game.
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DS and BT abusers like to block paths. Killer can have no option but to go through BT or both. Yes, killer can leave DS on the ground, but survivors still make use of it by blocking killer and forcing killer to go through attack cooldowns.
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Yep, it's annoying as hell. And it's always a SWF team that going super altruistic just to then gloat and 'GG EZ' about their escape
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And the killer can ensure NOED comes into play by defending the totems, if it comes to that. I'm not saying it's exactly the same, but the fact is the killer can employ strategies to prevent DS from coming into play if they choose to, which was the logic that the person I was replying to was using as a basis on which to claim that NOED wasn't a second chance perk. If NOED isn't a second chance perk by that logic then DS isn't either (and we all know that's not true).
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Just throwing this out there, but 2nd chance doesnt necessarily have to mean its a good perk but rather it helps you make up for a screw up. Point being...how come no ones mentioned unrelenting, lol?
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But it doesn't because against good survivors you'll be all match without a perk because they'll cleanse, it gives hooks that the killer should have got but didn't because of true second chance perks *cough* dead hard *cough cough* sprint burst *cough* 🤡 eheh eheh heh 🍶
I never have a problem with noed and I use classy perks uber difficulty not can I play daddy difficulty perks here's what happens if I face a noed killer -
*Totems all cleansed
*I cleanse what I can find but my team cleanses zilch so one of them gets hooked and fade into the bushes Simpson style meaning I'm gone goodbye back to the campfire
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Really not sure where a lot of people are getting NOED, Blood Warden, Remember Me, Fire Up = second chance perks. You have to play the rest of the game without perks. At that point those are first chance perks with most killers, unless perkless Pig/Clown/Trapper/etc are super viable and I missed the memo.
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NOED can be broken, Blood Warden is meh, Remember got me nerfed into the ground.
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No killer will defend totems, because 1) killer need to check generators, 2) killer need to chase survivors, 3) killer need to clear map from pallets or survivors stay immortal behind them.. and thats already plenty of reasons to not waste time on totems. In the end game, if you go to NOED totem, survivors just open gates and get out. Yeah, your killer ensured that the totem stayed lit, but survivors escaped. It doesnt work.
DS and BT will come into play, because you unhook survivors in my face right after a survivor went on hook. Even if I ignoreboth of you, you can follow me and block my path, if I want to down someone for 60s.
BT and DS is troll combo.
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Don't forget unbreakable and adrenaline on top of that too!
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People can't say killers have second chance perks. Any potential second chance perks they might have is usually a hex. So players who are in the NO NO NOED army and have inner strength completely negate any of them. Haunted grounds maybe but that's more of a timing perk that you have no control over.
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I'd consider that more of an aggressive perk then second chance as it lets you get away with riskier and more aggressive swings rather then helping you out while your behind in a game.
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There are so much “second chance perks” for both sides.
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While Killers do have pseudo second chance perks. Only survivors have true second chance perks that can stand alone.
My biggest issue is how the Dev's want to nerf slowdown perks stacking, but don't do the same for the second chance perks in survivors. It may not seem like it, but the slowdown perks are effectively the killer side for second chance perks. They both serve the same purpose of providing you a longer time to either chase or be chased. The tome gained by these perks is what gives you that chance.
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I didn't say killers should defend totems. You're missing my point. The comment I was replying to claimed that NOED is not a second chance perk because good survivors will usually ensure that it doesn't come into play - just like many good killers do with DS by slugging anyone they've hooked in the last 60 seconds if they happen to down them. If NOED isn't a second chance perk by that logic, then neither is DS.
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These forums at this point don't surprise me anymore. I doubt the OP is trolling too, he legit believes killers don't have second chance perks lol
Can we tag player accounts to forums so we can see everyones ranks on both sides. It's getting real hard to take people serious now a days.
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Hey, the devs said ranks don't matter.
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There are some points they don't, but for the most part at the minimum it shows they have a general idea of they are doing. I've seen level 13-20 loop better than some red ranks so it has some truth to it, but lets be real on average that is rare.
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They already do
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Name them please.
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Spawning in, map presence , terror radius
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You have already chosen to ignore those mentioned by other posters.
You are not here for a discussion. You're here looking to fight someone.
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What? Defend the totems? You do realize the killer has no clue where dull totems are, right?
I mean, NOED is the most second chancey of the perks, and because it's tied to totems it kinda also punishes survivors just gen rushing. (Though they should add a totem counter 100%)
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I'm here to discuss and possibly argue, but I have no desire to fight anyone.
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No real loss
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Ranks only matter to people who are just getting used to being at high ranks. Anyone can be a hugh rank Surv while its harder as Killer anyone can still do it.
First time my friend got to red rank killer his whole attitude changed. Then he quickly calmed down once he realized everyone else didn't care about rank.
Just because I realized who you are. Quite literally just mentiond this in our other chat lmao
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Wrong, totems spawn in inaccessible spots all too often. Even barring that, unless they are on comms then each 'good' survivor won't know if totems are done until it is too late.
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None of those are second chance perks but ok
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Second chance perks as killer...
Like, if a survivors second chance perk is something that let's you escape the killers grasp AFTER you've failed. DS
1.)You failed to hide
2.) Got hit twice
3.) Failed to escape the chase
4.) Failed to be safely unhooked.
5 ) failed to hide after being unhooked
6.) Failed ur next chase.
You now get free 60sec to be immune with DS
Everyone in comments is so against killer second chances lol. Where do you want a second chance @underlord99 ?
If I generator is completed after you've failed to protect it you should get the second chance to turn it completely back off.
If a survivor rescues someone from the hook you've failed to sacrifice them you should get a second chance and they should be stunned
If a killer fails a chase he gets instant bloodlust 3 upon starting his next to second chance catch up ?
Those are second chance perks for killers like the ones survivors have.
To auto block the hatch to survivors who haven't completed any generators
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Never had a totem ever spawn in unreachable spots I think you need to fix your game because you are WRONG
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They would screech like rabid chimps if killer could turn off one generator using a perk it would get op posts straight away.
Full of not nice bullies.
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Those aren't "second chance" perks, they help you play, but don't reward you for mistakes, other than NOED, and kinda bloodwarden, although bloodwarden is easy to play around, and requires the killer to play right to use it.
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Enduring and spirit fury, obviously unrelenting, technically play with your food, since you "lost" the chase, although you probably did that on purpose. NOED is a second chance perk, who cares that survivors can prevent it, you can prevent unbreakable dead hard and DS just as easily. If they count, NOED counts.
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You're actually agreeing with me. The totem defence is not my point - the fact that NOED is indeed a second chance perk, and that's okay, is my point. I only brought up totem defence to rebut the notion that NOED is incomparable to DS due to the killer not being able to try to force it into play, not because I think it's a particularly viable option.
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Holy eff. Reading all this discussion. There are so many cancerous, bad-at-the-game survivors that can do nothing about getting better other than complaining to the devs that "killers are too OP" and whatnot horse crap. Killers are supposed to be stronger than survivors, but I have a hard time believing they are. A good SWF group can 5-gen a killer with 1-2 hooks at RED RANKS. It honestly pisses me off to see all these baby rank 15 survivors complaining.
Anyways, to the actual discussion, probably NOED (will likely only end up in one down) or Remember Me (which isn't all that good if there are 4 survivors remaining anyways), maybe even Rancor or a Mori.
Nothing can truly give killers a second chance the same way it gives them to survivors, but with the right combination of skills (and playing meta killers), one can usually ensure 2 kills per game... "usually".
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I could say the same about DS (slug), Dead hard (bait), BT (Stay away from the hook).
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You can't slug someone who runs straight to a locker silly billy
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No, but you can wait or bait them.
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Waste of time and bait isn't gonna work unless they are completely oblivious
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Then, I don’t know, just leave? It's not that good of a feeling, but it's better than wasting time.