is it just me or does every freddy use the same exact build

every game it’s a freddy it’s the same exact build so unfun going against the same thing over and over
And that build is?
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Have you tried applying pressure?
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Uhm do you not know??? Omg u don’t play the game!!! Like dude everyone knoooooows bro. That’s why op didn’t even mention it. It’s probably the most well known build hell THING in all the dbd universe or actually gaming as a whole! Sorry sir but hand over your stanky leg privilege because you don’t deserve it.
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What the heck is that thing. The new killer?
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comedy gold
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i play both lol killer more actually don’t act like some smart guy here
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i don’t play freddy why would i care what build it is just know it’s all the same thing
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wow good for u
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I usually run enduring, BBQ, make your choice and brutal strength/spirit fury with the teleport cooldown add-on. Really don't like Freddy's slowdown gimmicks with the swing chains, corrupt, pop etc and want matches to be a decent pace. (Just clarifying but I run BBQ and enduring on almost every killer because those two perks are like drugs and I cant stop using them or I'll suffer from withdrawal symptoms)
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all i know is every freddy i go against they use paintbrush swinging chains or jump rope with slowdown perks
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Its almost like generators get done fairly fast and killers need to slow down the game to have a chance. I know its a crazy idea.
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again i play killer lol
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I'm so confused why a player is frustrated by one of many killers playing a build especially when they play killer.
As mentioned survivors tend to have many powerful perks and the top tier ones tend to be used similar to ruin but more frequently. Yesterday I was shocked that nobody was the obsession (no ds!) although the other three survivors seemed to be fairly new to the game
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I don't know what this common freddy build is either because he's one of the killers I don't have yet and at Green ranks for survivor it seems like nobody plays as him (I haven't faced a Freddy in a couple months). The most common killers I come across when playing Survivor in green ranks are Huntress and Trapper with the occasional Legion, Pig, Meyers, or Ghostface
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I'm Freddy Main and the only 2 perks which I see constantly on him are BBQ and Pop. There was Ruin be for the nerf, and I've seen some Ruins now with Surveillance. But never the same build.
Yes, there's still people with Forever Freddy, but it's not that much.
I for myself use BBQ, PGTW, Discordance and Dying Light (instead of Ruin now). With fake pallets and a cooldown Add-on.
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i have no issue applying extreme pressure as clown.
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Slowdown builds are absolutely overkill on Freddy, he has zero need for them.
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Its only the 3rd of February and we already have a contender for dumbest thread of the year
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I run remember me, noed, bloodwarden and then whatever else i have because screw your endgame
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Yes, people are super boring individuals in general, all doing the same thing, try harding what works the best, going off what youtubers/twitch people tell them to.
Its pathetic.
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Hes not wrong. Every match I go against 4 survs all running atleast 2 of the same meta perks, always DS and always BT, usually paired with DH and Adrenaline and SB. So... isnt that pretty annoying to go against?
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Where? Because when I play freddy 4 gens pop in the first 3 minuets and then I take the team out ONLY because they got cocky and decided to run saves right as i turn around lmao
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False. False. False. False
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Wow a killer that actually gives you a challenge and your mad because you can't bully them? Get over it, adapt, and get better. They already nerfed forever Freddy and ruin. What more do you want? A neon sign that lights up everytime Freddy teleports? His pallets or blood puddles to glow neon green? His blades on his glove replaced w sausages? Cmon maaaan.
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You're not executing him properly then. He can end chases quite fast and be where he needs to be in the map.
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You apparently care enough to complain about it.
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My Freddy build is pallet add-on with Enduring, SF, Fire Up, and Brutal Strength. I also change my name to "i hate pallets >:("
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I dont use any of those so your wrong
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You know whats worse than forever freddy?
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People who play killer are a bunch of spoiled brats about it. Almost nearly demanding a 4k each game just because you chose killer. Like, a lot of you all literally have some warped sense of entitlement about it.
Something ive noticed about killer mains is whenever a survivor complains about something its always the same response: "gEt GuD!" and "aDapt!" Yet werent you all the exact same people screaming to the heavens about ruin? Burning your laptops and consoles and threatening suicide over it? Right, I see the hypocrisy. And dont try and justify it with your opinions because thats all they are, opinions. Example, you may say well thats because perk x,y, z does this and that but everyone doesnt play the same or use the same perks so what may work to you and allow you to win may be ######### to someone else and cause them to lose and vice versa. In that sense its all subjective. However, anyone can get good and adapt, including killer mains.
Survivors y'all arent any better! Yall cry and whine about everything too and theres FOUR OF YALL! There is no reason to do all that crying, especially with SWF! I have played matches where yall dc just because you suck and went down early then have the audacity to mssg me and tell me to dc as well! NOOOO! Im not some crummy trash ass player that cant take a few L's.
Survivors also go out of their way to be douchebags. Teabagging, clicking the flashlight, all of that is unnecessary. Then when you get tunneled slugged and face camped in the next 7 games all by killers who've just had to experience a toxic survivor such as yourselves yall wanna have that pikachu surprised face. No #########! Paint a bullseye on your back dont be surprised when you become the target! Survivors are another group that expect to escape most of the time. Thats not how serial killers work!
To summarize, in the few short months Ive played this game, ive discovered that its a toxic environment. The devs make the game toxic. Survivors make the game toxic. Killers make the game toxic. You all made this experience very unenjoyable so thanks for that.(sidenote, shoutout to yabbo, elephant teevee, and a few others for genuinely making the game fun to play)
The very last thing I want to add is, PLAY SOMETHING ELSE! Too many of you all play this game all day everyday for weeks and thats literally ALL you play. Normally would never ever tell someone thats a problem, but with this game and its community its definitely a reason why you all are so angry all the damn time.
Edit: just in case anyone was wondering. Im a survivor main. When I played I hovered around ranks 3 and 4 pretty much all the time including after the rank reset. So i was pretty good but clearly not great lol
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Oh, so I'm not the only one that uses Hangman's Trick, Blood Echo, Shadowborn and Cruel Limits on Freddy. Tbh it's pretty much unbeatable with these perks
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yea never seen 1 in green but right when i hit purple there’s like three thousand freddys
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shut up
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How dare you, I do what Mixer tells me. ;) s/
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i play on xbox and there’s so many that use forever freddy
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That explains a lot. I play on PC.
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BBQ is a must have with his teleport hability.
New Ruin + Survillance is a great combo now, that I prefer rather than old Ruin. And if you use that addon that makes all gens spell blood when you teleport, you can get exactly where it is at least one survivor doing gen.
Players must use, as killer or survivor, the best options either to get objectives done and to have fun.
But complaining is aways a right from ppl in the forum. :)
Oh by the way, this topics answers are very very LOL.
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I dont think there is a common build for Freddy anymore (RIP Forever Freddy). A lot use BBQ+Pop but those are insanely popular killer perks in general.
The real issue is that out of the 70ish killer perks there is a clear tier of perks that are waaaay better than the rest.
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Personally I use BBQ, Pop, Sloppy, Discordance. I think BBQ, Pop, and Discordance are probably going to be pretty common and your 4th tends to be adjustable based on your playstyle.
I think most killers will have a decent "main build" based on their ability with 1 or maybe 2 perks you can swap in and out though.
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Rank 1 xbox P3 LVL 50 Freddy here (not my main though), I run addons for pallets and slowdown with this build:
Iron Grasp + Agitation + Discordance + BBQ
3K+ Every game, no matter what map
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It's not just freddy. You can almost guess the build as soon as you see the killer in most matches. Everyone just copies what their favorite youtuber or streamer is doing.