Ruin Rework was Brilliant

Since the ruin rework, I've noticed that the killers remaining in the high ranks are exceptionally good and have forced me to improve how I played as a survivor. I'm seeing a lot of unique perk combinations I never really saw and it's making me rethink a lot of my own builds.
When I play SWF (Much lower rank survivor players) I can tell that the average skill level of killers has also increased.
Getting rid of the training wheels has been a good decision so far.
Change is good.
Yeah, not really
Ever since the ruin rework, I have been more enraged to play killer than ever. I will literally get a chase done and a gen or 2 pops, and hell, I removed ruin out of my loadout cause I don't wanna run loadouts that synergize.
If you ask me, playing survivor is now walking on a golden brick road, playing killer is like taking the worlds biggest gamble
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Sounds like you really depended on ruin to rank up, which is the mistake a lot of R5-10 killers made.
I suggest you watch some streamers that are -actually- good and learn from them.
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It made bad survivors get into red ranks tho. That's a bad thing you know? Cause survs that are supposed to be at like green/yellow get to red/purple. It makes good soloQ survs have to suffer with the other ones that are just absolute dogshit
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and yet red rank survivors are full of second chance perks stacked on top of eachother... when do those training wheels get adressed?
(I do agree though that the Ruin rework was needed)
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I used ruin to have FUN, I can apply pressure easily as I main Oni, but its not fun for me or the other side to slug. And watching streamers don't help because they are PC players.
When the update dropped, I ran ruin trying to find a tech with it that made this Hex actually worthy of the title without needing other perks to help it, I couldn't.
And before someone throws the "just split chase", the killer role is called killer, not quitter.
Throw the "Git Gud", yeah getting good with this ranking system and emblem system isn't fun either, as I will literally lose and I will safety pip
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I haven't played much since the ruin rework but I imagine red ranks are the opposite of what you describe. When the devs make it difficult for killer then I can picture most high rank killers running the top 3. All with the same try hard perks. When you make a game harder people tend to stick with what works. Not the opposite. Your probably having a string of good luck being paired with the few good killers that can succeed with non meta killers/perks.
I love to play as my trapper or get jump scares with GF. But when I get matched with a sweaty red rank swf at rank 16, I switch back to my nurse. A shadow of what she was but still pretty powerful if not unforgiving at times.
I feel the ruin rework was not needed. It only affected bad survivors. By making their jobs easier you flooded the purple/ed ranks with people that don't belong there. Thus screwing with MM and making solo survivor an even greater nightmare.
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I don't think anyone would disagree that old Ruin was bad design.
At the end of the day,my killer experience hasn't changed much. I'm starting to mind it less and less when 2 gens pop in the first chase because I know I can snowball the game very fast as killer too.
But with matchmaking this bad I don't think we'll get a clear picture of the game state anytime soon.
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The ruin change was done too early. In addition, it was handled and addressed poorly by the devs. While it may seem like you are seeing more exceptional killers, the facts are that they are most likely sweating to death to try and win.
Killers do not want that kind of match every match every time they play.
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Not a single Fog Whisperer that I watch on Twitch shares any of your complaints. The other red rank killers on stream, also do not share any of these "complaints."
These forums are a good barometer for hubris being higher than skill and it's relatively easy to pinpoint what ego looks like when its been rebalanced to match the skill level.
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This is a point I find interesting. Shouldn't you have to try hard to win?
I'm not going into the merit of whether survivors have to try or not. If the answer is no, that should be changed too. But in most games I've played people don't have a problem with having to tryhard to win.
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You mean trying hard to stay in the top ranks is now a "thing"?
When I was Grandmaster ranked in Starcraft, there was never a "casual stroll with my training wheels on" like the players in this game seem to think they're entitled to.
You want that red rank? Sweat for it.
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I am red rank and I don't sweat
And StarCraft is a competitive game correct?
Dead By Daylight is pure RNG, you get unlucky as survivor, you lose, unlucky as killer, you lose
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Sure, you can try hard to win. But every match? Some of us just want to chill. And it's not really fair when survivors get to chill and/or get carried through every match.
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What survivor perks turn the game on easy mode with no effort required?
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You know exactly what perks im talking about, come on now.
I even stated "second chance perks"
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Idk what you mean...exhaustion perks, ds, adrenaline?
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Just play billy 4heads.
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Haha. Sure buddy if it was fair for both killer and survivor absolutely. Guess what, its not. Survivors have almost no downside. Even if they chill and just escape they still safety pip. They die safet pip. Unless they die in the first minute. You really think we care about rank? When it's this broken? And why would i care about your rank in a game ive never even played? Your comment is laughable.
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Being Red Rank and getting rank 10+ killers is not fun for anyone. Frustrating for killer and boring for survivors.
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Does DS give you a second chance? yes.
Does Adrenaline? yes
Further BT and DH
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I do agree you need to try harder as killer than survivor, especially considering you're the only one responsible for your success.
But this is a problem with this game. There's no option for "this is tryhard time so I'll go ranked" or "I just want to chill so I'll go normals". You never know what the enemy is bringing too. I'm not sure how to fix it in this specific game.
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The majority of red rank survivors are so bad anymore it is impossible to tell how good a killer really is.
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Lots of egos are still bruised because they refuse to find a way to play better. Lots of entitled players think they deserve to be R1-3 because they've clocked a lot of hours in the game.
Spoiler Alert: if you depending on Ruin to get you that far and you refuse to adjust, you probably aren't half as good as you're convinced you are.
The re-work was brilliant for the rest of us. The re-work has created an entire new meta and opened up a wide array of combos that make the game more challenging and exciting for both survivors and killers.
There's nothing that will change my mind, so arguing with me is pointless.
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Killer feels like more of a chore now.
I can't tell you what it's like to play at red ranks anymore because playing Killer just isn't fun, whereas Survivor is mostly relaxing with a few tense moments. I can't be bothered to play Killer anymore outside of doing dailies / challenges.
And it isn't solely because of the Ruin nerf, rather the culmination of multiple nerfs / months of literal game breaking bugs for killers (have the devs even tried stalking with Myers? He's not functional and would have been hotfixed months ago by any competent dev) / devs expressing questionable priorities ("Here's 5 underused survivor perks we're looking at buffing. Oh, and Cruel Limits for killers. DS and gen speed are great! There's no need for secondary objectives. But Ruin? Naaah. That's gamebreaking. Let's effectively remove it from the game").
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One could also argue if you depended on DS, Adren, BT, toolboxes and headsets then you probably aren't 1/4 as good as you think you are. Yet this rule only seems to apply to killers and not survivors.
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Fun fact, I don't use DS, Adren or BT.
For the same reasons I never used ruin as a killer (R2 currently).
Training wheels create bad habits and are difficult to change.
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Yeah 5 gen for 4 min so perfect. Now this is a toilet phone game. Killers must sweat while you play for fun. Yes Yes.
Already whining about the waiting time for the survivor. Further, the crisis will only grow.
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I actually didn't run ruin half the time as killer. It didn't affect good survivors and they often spawned next to it. I main trapper so I preferred intervention or pgtw. R16 currently cause I stopped playing since the nurse nerf but I've been to r1 before as trapper.
The devs need to take off these damn training wheels on both sides.
The one thing the ruin nerf has improved is my Devour Hope gameplay. Without another hex perk to give them a notification there are a lot of survivors who don't look for totems until the 3rd stack. By then it's too late /kefka laugh
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Absolutely obnoxious and full of ######### statement BTW. Scott Jund is a killer streamer who has went out on a limb to say the maps needed addressing before the ruin nerf.
Also, matchmaking is F'd up anyway, I play against red ranks almost exclusively and I'm rank 10. I wouldn't use that as any barometer of skill at this point, especially if you're playing survivor..
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Spoken like a true R16 killer.
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It was brilliant for lazy survivors.
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Being able to balance the game is good, but idk what red ranks you've been playing but the place is a mess right now. I'm getting out of games as survivor in like 5 minutes or less, and the rest of the time the Killer DC's. Then I wait for a 20 minute que.
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I play earlier in the day / evening.
I encounter what you're describing later in the evening around midnight and later. The later the evening, the more butthurt and unstable the player base is for this game and pretty much all other games.
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Why bother to make a forum post if your just going to ignore everyone's opinion? Your pretty much just trolling.
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Opinions aren't as important as facts
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Nope, false. I get that it’s “more fun” for you because you are a survivor. But if you play killer without ruin, it’s no fun. Gens get done in the first five minutes and unless you are spirit or nurse, you normally don’t win if you are versing even decent survivors. So you have to look at it from both sides and not only survivors.
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Ruin was a doesn't even work against good survivors.
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Fact: He will ignore all opinions but his own. Satisfied? Lol.
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I do not think so. The Ruin change needed to happen, but it happened at a very bad time. Games go exceptionally fast at the moment and most Killer's are not having fun. Additionally, it essentially killed the perk. The effect is not strong enough to be a Hex, but too strong to be a regular perk, which is why I like my suggestion the most, I made a discussion about it.
Anyway, I've not had a problem staying in Red Ranks, but my games have been pretty unfun.
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How do you know what he's considering? Maybe he's heard it all before and doesn't need to respond any further.
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So this whole post was basically to ######### on anyone who said positive/chaotic neutral things about ruin and anything negative about it's nerf. This is basically a bait post. Hopefully they delete this faster than they delete my posts to favor protected class posters..
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I'm not interested in your opinion or if people agree with me or not.
You're not entitled to be taken seriously by me either.
I made a post with my own observation and some disagreed / didn't like it. That's not my problem either.
There's absolutely zero nuance in the responses contradicting me anyway, so since I've made this post; I feel even more adamant that I'm correct in my stance.
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I do not need to consider further. He stated he would ignore others opinions. If he has heard it all before why bother making a thread. Why do you care anyway?
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So your biased. Good to know.
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I am starting to change my opinion on it, but overall I disagree.
The best combo now, to have anywhere near the pressure old Ruin had was Surv + Ruin and personally, I don't agree with using two perk slots for what old Ruin COULD do.
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That's nice dear.
Your opinion is irrelevant to me.
But that hasn't stopped you from sharing it though, has it?
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I produce exactly 0 molecules of perspiration getting to rank 1 as Survivor. I think my skin actually dries up.
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Being biased and uninterested in the diatribe from the unwashed masses with their lack of nuance are two different things.
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Just a bit of an added bit here, I do agree however that killers in red ranks are getting better and getting a 4k as killer is WAY more satisfying, so with the flow of the game I agree that the change is brillant, however with speed of the game I disagree.
Sorry if I contradict myself, really was interested in this discussion.