Yeah, I quit playing Killer.

I simply cannot have a relaxed game as Killer in Red Ranks anymore. Every game i'm literally having to sweat my ass off and it isn't fun.
Countless issues that have plagued the killer side for months, sound issues, issues with grabbing survivors from vaults and gens, the hook-tech, the recent insta-blind flashlights and completely unbalanced maps (4/5 of Macmillan Maps have insanely strong loops, Coldwind Farm has an insane amount of safe pallets), but hey, we're able to fix the DS bug which affects ONE KILLER within a week of it's finding amirite? You may say "Well, he just had a rework therefore more people will be playing him" - and my response to that is, apart from the first day or two of Doc's rework coming to live servers I haven't seen him much at all.
I'd much rather play the survivor side with the state of the game right now. At least I can relax and have fun rather than having to sweat my ass off.
Solitaire is pretty fun if you want to play a relaxing game.
4 -
I disagree. I don't agree with the ruin change but with the state of the game, the killer can almost never protect the first 2 gens. In my experience after 2 gens have been completed I get tons of pressure. Obviously they have the advantage still but I don't think you should just give up.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
Corrupt intervention is a good perk I run to ensure they can't get two gens done before I find someone
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I recently quit playing killer. I just found it rather boring, so many potato survivors that it's not even worth it to look for a match when I won't even get a challenge.
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Why do you feel like you "have to sweat your ass off"? You don't always have to 4k with 3-5 gens up.
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Me too. I play for fun most of the time so I don't really mind losing, but having to worry about DS every time I pick up a survivor is very stressful and tends to ruin any fun for me. That, plus the general strength of perks like Adrenaline and Unbreakable make me feel helpless. I'd play survivor, but the queues are way too long to make it worthwhile. I'd rather just play Terraria or something, because at least then I'm actually able to play the game
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should could, you dont have to do anything, you dont even have to play the game, im merely say you can just leave the match if things are not going your way and start a new match asap.
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Boo, get off the stage
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You know what they say, if you can't play the cards, play the people, it's not about the system of winning necessarily, it's showing of skill, outplaying.
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Just wanted to share my experience...not playing against players of your skill level is frustrating.
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Don't get me wrong, I don't think every killer belonged in the red ranks that got there pre nerf, some killers did get carried to an extent, but honestly wish matchmaking as it is right now, it doesn't really matter anyway. Rank 18's playing against full red ranks. Everyone's tired of it
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im sure the survivors would love it if you could insta kill them eyes closed with your toes on the keyboard every game lol. i'm sure if you keep playing killer you will become able to play without sweating at some point
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I stopped playing killer when the nurse got reworked. I came back after the ruin nerf to see how bad things were. That wasn't what drove me away. It was the MM. I deranked back to 18 and I'm getting the same red rank survivors I would face at r1. I can't imagine what new killers are going through.
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Well, as a rank 3 survivor, most of my games have been against green rank and lower killers lately. And as a rank 2 killer, it's a real mixed bag of ranks. It's broken.
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and the devs wont fix it. That's why they are making rank invisible. So long as the majority has a match they could care less how the other side feels.
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You can think what you want but @mcote was totally right when he said "Change it up, maybe your are just tired... Or play something else, for a week". If only the half amount of people in this "community" would follow that advice, the game and this forum would be much healthier and nontoxic. But as everyone knows, keep whining and always blame others is the easiest way to compensate the own weak and disturbing mindset.
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Most people are missing the point. If you mastered the game good for you. But what about players that just put the game in and play hours a day.
Like most of we bought the game not be waiting lobbies forever just to get 5min games. I play Call of Duty and games are longer then 5min and thats a fast paced game. Friday 13th has better play value then Dbd at the current moment. There is no balance for casual play either play hard or go play another game.
I don't play killer to get anxiety either.
I play because I want to have a good time.Im about to have a salty moment but I don't get where it's ok for Survivors side to have all the fun and when killers have any type fun it's toxic or Gg Ezzz! When your trying out meme builds. Gees I know I sound like a cry baby but crap I love DBD but like being a abusive relationship.
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I have been advised that I cant tell you about the "leave match" option as leaving the match would be unsportsmenlike no matter how one-sided its going.
Apperently you as killer have to just suffer till the end.
Apperently the only advice im allowed to give you is to either play survivor instead or stop playing alltogehter.
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So many people resort to this same strawman argument. OP literally never said anything about getting a 5 gen 4k.
If you don't sweat, you're depipping more often than not. It is objectively more stressful to play killer than survivor.
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Yeah, i guess survivors can dc because they get downed or dont like the killer, but not the killer, ruins the match!
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Well technically its not allowed for survivors either even though it happens all the time.
Its more that im not allowed to inform people of the option as that is considered unsportsmenlike.
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CI just makes them hide for 2 minutes, doesn't really change anything.
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It doesnt matter as long as the new survivor players have fun. 🤣
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Playing DbD to relax? And as a KILLER? Relax???
Good joke.
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(Clap emoji x100,000)
Good for you!!!
Don't remember askin' tho
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I wasnt making an argument - strawman or otherwise.I was being sarcastic. As far as a real argument goes, here's one: Whether you stress out playing killer or not depends purely on your attitude. If you play competitively and want to win (regardless of whether your win condition is pipping, getting a 4k or something else entirely), but your skill is not quite there yet, you'll probably find playing killer stressful. Naturally, if you don't sweat and play to enjoy the game for what it is you'll eventually get better and be able to perform at the highest level (notice i'm not mentioning rank or pips here) without much stress at all. Furthermore, there's quite a lot of RNG in the game so even if you're the best killer there is, you still won't be able win all the time and that's not even taking the survivors' relative skill into consideration. Some people just can't seem to accept that.
In his second paragraph, op complained about maps and killer bugs, but failed to knowledge that for every survivor-sided map there's a map that favours killers - e.g. suffocation pit, shelter woods, the complex, the game, the bone shaped azaraof's map (I forget the name) and for every bug that favours survivors there is a bug that favours killers - e.g. servers prioritising killer's perspective when registering hits (think vaults, hatchets, etc), dead hard leaving survivors exhausted on the ground when they try to use it to dodge a hit instead of going for distance and so on. It's not like either side is prioritised when fixing bugs. It's literally a matter of whatever is easiest to fix will get fixed first.
Survivors and killers alike complaining about all of these things just demonstrate how a person can get so stuck into their own perspective that they can't step back and look at the bigger picture. That's why at this point it's difficult to take any of these threads seriously, thus the sarcasm in my original response.