Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Shrouds should be retired.

Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238
edited February 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Shrouds are probably the most pointless offering in DBD. Survivors almost always spawn together by default anyway, and the killer offering actually hurts you because the killer generally wants survivors to all be in the same place, and the only use for it is to bait "Mori = DC" players into DCing at the loading screen without using an actual mori in case they stay.

Reagents and Oaks could be useful in some situations, but I cannot think of a situation where shrouds would have a significant benefit. I think they should be retired or at least removed from bloodwebs.


  • JetTheWaffleCat
    JetTheWaffleCat Member Posts: 284

    I wouldn't be against giving shrouds another purpose. Like you said survivors will most likely spawn in the close proximity of each other.

    But the real question is what could they do instead of tampering with survivor spawns?

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Offerings could effect

    number of totems

    Could affect the lights above gens brighter or missing

    Could trap chests causing aura on search or damage on open

    Dust clouds on map that either help hide or help know when survivors last past based on settled. Things that make them think twice about running when not in a chase

  • Skulldugged
    Skulldugged Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2020

    I really like the idea of the lights, I think that's a subtle and interesting way to change up the game.

    Not sure I understand what you're saying with the dust clouds (like I can't visualize it), but I would like a mechanic that punishes running a little more. I know you can be tracked with the scratches and all that, but I feels like a huge part of gen rushing is that everyone just runs all the time. It could help pace games a little if there was something in addition to scratches. I main survivor and I don't really want to just run from one gen to the next the whole time.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Be better to simply hide all Offerings except ones that affect the other players, like BPS or Envelopes. It's a personal request to the Entity and should be treated with the respect and care it is due.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    In my opinion, they don't need to be removed, just switched. The killer should have the power to make survivors start together, and the survivors should have the power to start separately, instead of the other way around, because as you pointed out, the current effect of shrouds is actually detrimental to the role using them most of the time.

  • MysterTal
    MysterTal Member Posts: 157

    Shrouds are for the most part meme/noob things.

    First of all, as you said, it makes no sense for Survivors to want to spawn together and for the Killer to want them to spawn apart.

    This only made sense in the devs' heads back in development because before the game was released they believed it would be a "survival horror" game so they thought that Survivors will be scared and want to stay with their friends for safety and that the Killer will be like a movie slasher who wants to separate them and pick them off one by one.

    Like you said, in reality it's the reverse - good Survivors prefer to spread out in order to pressure and contest multiple gens at once and any Killer's wet dream is to find all four Survivors huddled together at the start.

    Obviously, the greatest advantage (among all the others) that Survivors have over Killer is that there's 4 of them and can be in multiple places at once while the Killer (yes, even a zero terror radius Nurse with 5 Blinks without cooldown and somehow a chainsaw on top of that) can only be in one place at a time.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    +1 downvote bc I use them and like using them. Vigo's shroud gives me annoyance sometimes because of spawning options for the killer (eg. center of map), and other than it should hide the furthest generator's aura until the killer comes within 24 meters, it's a perfectly acceptable uncommon offering.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    In my opinion, rather than switching the shrouds, it should be made so that survivors working together are more powerful than when split up so that when a killer is efficient at splitting up survivors in chases and such, the killer is rewarded.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    The problem is that it's actually in the killer's best interests - some killers more than others, admittedly - for the survivors to stay together in the same area most of the time, because it's easier to catch them and to monitor them so you can keep track of what each survivor is doing at all times. So rewarding the killer for forcing the survivors to split up doesn't make a lot of sense, since the killer actually doesn't necessarily want them to split up unless it's to stop them from healing.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Yes, which is why my suggestion was to rework that game balance feature rather than retiring offerings. The times in the game at which it is beneficial for survivors to stick together are:

    1. For getting flashlight and pallet stuns
    2. Healing and unhooking
    3. Pumping out the last generator
    4. Taking hits for a survivor once the exit gates are opened

    However, for some strange reason, the main objective, generators, do not follow this convention of survivor gameplay (and to some extent chases depending on the chase location). This is in part due to inefficieny debuffs and in part due to the killer's ability to guard a stationary object to prevent progress.

    Killers benefit extremely from having survivors clumped up around one objective (unless it's a killer like scratched mirror myers on an open map). I think it's much healthier to promote gameplay that encourages survivors to be together and encourages killers to push them apart (on the whole, not in every scenario) due to the importance of interaction between players. I think it's poorly designed that the most efficient way of winning the game as a survivor is to avoid teammates until injured and split up to work on generators to abuse the fact that a killer can't realistically be in both places at the same time.

    In the current state of the game, I've never once waved at a survivor to come over here an work on my gen unless I was dedicating myself to getting a certain generator done to avoid a three gen scenario. I find that strange.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    My point is that the fact that survivors repair less efficiently as a group is only one of many reasons why it's beneficial to killers to keep survivors together. So increasing coop repair efficiency is not enough to change that dynamic. All it does is give the killer a conflict of interest - do they split the survivors up so that they can't repair efficiently, or do they try to keep them together for the multitude of other benefits?