From the perspective of someone who no longer plays the game.

Hi everyone. This is my first post here and Ive put a lot of thought into this. First off, I finally stopped playing just before the spirit rework and oni release (unrelated) as I was so sick of the game. I had previously played pretty obsessively over a 14 month period and I finally realised I played DbD in the hope it would become the game I wanted, not the game it actually was. I LOVE horror and Saw is my favourite series so to have Amanda (Although I wouldve much preffered Hoffman), Freddy Krueger, Ghostface, Leatherface, Myers and all their associated survivors in one game!? Holy hell! Imagine my dismay to find out they play like idiots. A 32 meter warning of most killers approach, swf communication, the killers getting smacked in the head with pallets every 2 minutes, losing their prey after missing a swing in long grass due to the graphics and fps (I played on ps4) and taking two hits to down a survivor each time, followed by 3 hooks total. Borrowed time, mettle of man, adrenaline and decisive strike all offering more insurance policies for survivors all whilst they play loop-de-loop around a fence for 3 minutes before the killer tamely whacks them, staring at a blade whilst they run away teabagging. Its not scary, you dont feel powerful, you feel like a clumsy bully in a playground no one likes more than a chilling hunter. I sound massively killer biased because I was. I played survivor and it bored me to tears. Hold R1 at a gen for 2 minutes, run away when killer gets near, make killer look like an idiot for a while l, get hooked, wait on a save, hope the killer is NICE and doesnt tunnel, wait to finish all gens, wait for the gate to open, wait for survivors to join at gate then wait 30 mins for a game. Waiting and hoping for a NICE killer. Jeez. Killer side: Please be 3 maps out of 20+ I can actually have fun on. Please dont let me rank up, please dont let it be swf, please dont have DS, please dont finish that gen before I reach it... you feel like a snivelling wimp.

my feedback for tl;dr is therefore: The game needs a thorough overhaul. Killers feel more like nuisances than hunters. Survivors spend most of the game waiting and both sides end up dissatisfied. I quit playing months ago and Id love to come back, but I cant justify doing so based on how objectively awful the game is. This is not meant to offend killers or survivors, its merely my observation but I know many players echo this sentiment. Thanks so much for readibg my feedback if you lasted this far down :)


  • Magician
    Magician Member Posts: 75

    It's not that bad. They need the survivors to feel like they have a chance. It is in the horror genre but it is a game of wits with a horror setting. F13 came out with a similar concept around the same time and didn't last well. Part of the problem was that Jason could just end you immediately and then you needed to find a new game. I suspect new players wouldn't have a chance at all in DBD if killers could more easily kill them. Competitve online games need a sort of redemptive aspect where if you screw up you get another chance. I think they want 2 people to escape on average.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I think it's good that you left. Other players don't exist for your enjoyment. If you want to feel powerful then you need to play well. The game shouldn't hand you wins. You didn't even try to play both sides and you expect to be an amazing killer. If you can't get chased you definitely can't chase. Go play one of the million single player games that makes you a god immediately, that seems like something you would enjoy.

  • ThatScottishGuy
    ThatScottishGuy Member Posts: 4

    Did you actually read what I said? I played EXTENSIVELY, I got the platinum trophy. I played both roles to almost every achievement and P3 lvl 50. I found survivor to be ungodly boring, I didnt expect to 4k every game either as killer but that was my far preferred role. I agree survivors being seen should t be an auto death sentence but theres no tension, no horror, no rewarding gameplay and little fun. I reallllly want DbD to succeed as theres nowhere else I can play as that cast of characters but in its current state its awful.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
  • ThatScottishGuy
    ThatScottishGuy Member Posts: 4

    Ahh another reason I left, toxic community members. Thanks for reminding me ^^ Also dont take it so personally that DbD sucks imho, it makes you seem immature and petty my friend

  • Magician
    Magician Member Posts: 75

    Maybe just put it down for a bit and come back. Maybe just play for fun and try to not worry about achievements. Just try off the wall stuff like dropping two hooks in a corner and running to the corner then try to wiggle free and have a laugh when you run back to the same corner after wiggling free. Just be a pest in ways that are silly.

  • Magician
    Magician Member Posts: 75

    Or for example you could play as a turd survivor and just run around dropping pallets for no reason and equip with flashlight to try blind when they are broken. Another thing is to purposefully trigger gens left and right just to see how much you can irritate the killer. Just try to make it fun.

  • PatchNoir
    PatchNoir Member Posts: 600

    yeah youre right if you dont feel powerfull what kind of threat you are, killers are a joke to this game and not scary at all the opinion survey will show that, do like me and go survivor ignore the rest the devs soon will be forced to balance or create an AI killer, and if they do that the survivors will stop playing cause AI dont get frustrated when bullied

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited February 2020

    The game is the way it is because survivors aren’t interesting in playing horror movie kill simulator. This is a PvP game, not a true horror game. Survivors are not scared of the killer for that reason. It’s more competitive than horror. The type of game you’d want would never last. Each side needs to have an equal shot at winning, and many players would find needing to hide all the time boring. The chase is what many people find the most fun. That’s why looping, pallet stunning, all the other stuff you hate exists. Survivors need to have the ability to extend chases and not be downed immediately. Otherwise, where is the fun? Again, this is PvP so while it may technically be called horror, it is nothing like solo game where you are immersed such as Resident Evil or Outlast. In those horror games, hiding and playing stealth is a big part of the fun. Not this game (for most players). So if you were expecting a game where you roleplay as your favorite movie killer, survivors are scared of you and helpless if found, sorry but that just isn’t going to happen.

  • Magician
    Magician Member Posts: 75
    edited February 2020

    This explains it in a nutshell: "The game is the way it is because survivors aren’t interesting in playing horror movie kill simulator." What is the point in having weak survivors and hardly ever seeing each other on screen? I made the reference to F13 above. When Jason shows up, if he wants you dead, you are gone, and you barely spend any time seeing your competitor in a competitive game. I respect op's opinion but really like DBD the way it is.