Can we get rid of tunneling and camping already? Not with perks

Are all balance problems in DBD going to be solved with perks? We have DS against tunneling, BT against camping. What is next? A perk against disconnects? If someone DCs you get additional 5000 BP?
Can we start solving balance problems with game mechanics and encourage Killers to leave hooked person and go for another survivor? That problem is as old as DBD. No one likes it, even many killer mains, yet we still have no solution for tunneling and camping. DEVs, can we already get rid of it?
how? what could you do that changed what real people do?
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Unfortunately there isn't much they can do about tunneling or camping without using perks. I understand the frustration but people will camp and tunnel regardless.
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Looping. Problem solved. Never had DS unlocked and rarely got tunneled once I made it past purple ranks. If you're good at looping, then the killer won't tunnel you. If they do, then they're gonna throw the whole game and your teammates will escape so either way it's a win. Killers are already weak enough, preventing them from using one of the strategies that gives them the ability to apply pressure is basically giving them the middle finger.
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The fix needed for this issue would require the devs to stop pumping out DLC killers and skins. Which they won't do. Offerings, loot, enviromental hazards, new items to actually put on the map for survivors-and by extension killers as it benefits the chase experience- haven't been touched once since release.
With the exception of some tweaking of the rng placement and minor stats. Until killer isn't such a sweaty experience and the maps aren't just either dead zone, safe zones, or loops zones most people will probably resort to tunneling as a needed tactic or to take some pressure from the god awful ultra-sweat experience that is the killer game right now.
Camping itself is a harder issue to fix although I do think there should be a radius around an active hook that will slowly start to induce some negative effect if the killer stays in it without getting into a chase.
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I can eliminate camping with one simple trick
Quote me and reply to find out
Number 3 will surprise you
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I can eliminate tunneling with one simple trick
Quote me and reply to find out
Number 3 will surprise you
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Last Year did it right I think. Take survivors needing rescue far from the killers reach and far from objectives.
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I mean, you got the loss of blood points and emblem for standing next to a hooked survivor and getting less hooks.
And as the survivor that isn't hooked/tunneled, you can punish the ever living ######### out of the killer by just doing gens while they're sitting over there doing nothing.
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While this is a solution, it's not really fair to the survivor whos stuck on the hook for 2 minutes losing out on a match worth of BP, and just having a crappy time overall
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Entity sacrifice progress reduced by 50% if killer is nearby and not in chase
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Camping is part of the game just do gens or run DS/bt
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We dont change the game, we fix everything with perks
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Oh im sorry, I guess as a killer, I should ask you whats fair before I kill you.
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Well, if you were offering, that would be extremely nice of you. I'd even consider not DS'ing you! 😂
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Nah I like saving peoples DS if I need to focus my obsession out of game early on so I can keep my Dying Light stacks.
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no, just live with it, all of us already are
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Tunneling is effective sometimes. It’s a bit silly to suggest it’s not a valid way of playing. And 99% of the times I’ve seen killers be called “campers” is because a different survivor won’t leave the hook and just runs in circles while the person dies on the hook. I’m willing to bet that’s what you’re referring to.
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Tunneling and camping are not balance issues. They are legitimate strategies.
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This has already been tried (or something similar) and it was a massive failure.
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Here is something I suggested a week ago in the feedback section.
I believe it is better to give incentives for healthy playstyles than to punish unhealthy playstyles.
I didn't mention this in my feedback post but it would help with the grind as well.
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Make it so survivors can't be rescued. Camping solved
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They tried this. Survivors abused it, just like all the easy fixes people come up with.
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Hmm what if instead of hanging on a hook, survivors instantly get sacrificed, remaining survivors have to respawn the sacrificed, kinda like cleansing a totem. Up to 2 respawns per player. And each player only gets 1 heal per life.
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Hmm, ive been going after people who are doing specific challenges for the rift and tunneling them out first.
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Also everyone, killers and survivors should enter game with just the basics, no perks, no add ons,
These should randomly spawn in lockers and chests, killers can go to lockers to see what's avail and use the random perks and add ons found, same with survivors digging through chests