swf stats please?

Can we get numbers on each platform on how many matches have 2 or more swf?
Yeah, I don't believe for one second that the PC stats for swf line up with console. It seems I go against and am teamed up with 2-3 man swf in the majority of my matches. I've had multiple three man groups invite me after a match, including a Bill squad that was excited af when I changed my character and put on a medkit like the three of them. lol
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I'm on PS4, in Merica, in CST...and I play after 10pm...so maybe i get all the uber gamer teams because of my platform, location, and time I play...
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@The_Bootie_Gorgon All same for me, except I'm EST.
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It's just easier to play swf on console and more people are used to partying up there. So yes the % is prolly higher on consoles.
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They posted stats last year and it was something like %50 of games start with 2 swf. Basically nearly every game has 2.
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I'm not sure stats for SWF would be meaningful without a ton of context regarding individual hours played, escape rate solo vs SWF for each member, etc.
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Do you think you could provide a link? I haven't seen any stats that show what percentage of games contain SWF players.
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Using your logic that 50% of the games have a 2-4 man SWF, I think it would, as there won't be anyone for you to play with if they were all in custom lobbies
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To my knowledge, the only stats they've ever published relating to SWF were in this post:
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With the matchmaking as it is and dedicated servers and new players coming in, I would like to see how that has affected SWF.
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I know just about all my games I am in at least a 2 man swf. Can't stand not having at least one teammate doing gens.
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You would lose some players of course, but not as many as some people think. The problem then becomes one of the reasons SWF was introduced in the first place, lobby jumping to find your friends. Queue times would get ugly because people would be jumping lobbies until they found the one their friends were in. I'd rather face SWF than deal with that. Probably end up with a 3-man bugged lobby every other match.
Consoles are probably much more SWF contaminated though just because the playerbase is more prone to online co-op/MP with friends, and they are really setup for this in the first place. Built-in communications and messaging are not a thing on PCs like they are on the consoles. You have to take a couple steps to get there, easy enough of course, but some people aren't willing to do so or just have no desire.
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How do you know you are facing a SWF? I have only been playing killer for about a month)PS4), and sometimes I can tell when I am by how they are playing, but how else does everyone know they are playing with/against SWF?
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The statistics they provided obviously was greatly skewed - for several reasons. People that try to use it as a way to make their point in discussions might as well change their icon to the dressing as a clown meme.
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Basically if the killer gets destroyed it MUST be SWF. I have been accused of being SWF loads of times when playing solo. They just assume it is always SWF and that is why they got beaten.
Just try not to dwell on whether the survivors you are facing are in a group or not. Just enjoy your game. Otherwise you will end up a bitter, twisted killer main.
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You can sort of tell from the Lobby. If 2 or 3 come in at the exact same time, it's usually a SWF team, but not always. Could just be solos entered at the same time
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I'm more curious to see If SWF is the same % across all platforms or do certain platforms have a bigger % of SWF than other platforms.
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Yeah, I just play for fun, do three or four games a night before bed. Just curious on how people can tell if they are SWF.
I am not good and get destroyed a lot, so I guess I must be facing lots of SWF. 😀 Actually MM has been terrible, playing against groups 7 to 9 ranks higher.....but that is an issue for a different discussion that gets mentioned once or twice a day.
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That is what I thought, didn't know if more concrete way to tell. I am assuming when I load in and all four are ready to go with 3 tool boxes and a key before I get there, that they are SWF and it will be a long game for me.
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Not sure how you do it on console, but if you check Steam Profiles and see all or some are friends with each other, and the Survivors are extremely coordinated, it's 90% they are some form of SWF. Whether it's a 2/3/4-man is open at that point. If you have multiple Private profiles in a lobby, that's a good indicator of it as well. Not always, but it's a good bet they are SWF trying to keep Killers from dodging them.
Other thing I've seen though is lobby made SWF, where everyone hops on someone's Discord channel so that while they aren't SWF through the game menu, they have the same benefits since they are communicating on Discord. It's kinda rare though. I see this maybe in .1% of matches when I'm a Survivor.
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Weird and interesting, I would assume consoles higher SWF rate. I wonder if that has changed as game as gotten older and these stats misleading now.
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Shame those stats didn't consider ranks too :(
Also would be nice to know the dates which the stats were taken since a Free weekend or something similar would impact that a fair bit i'd think.
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Lol if this happens so many survivors will quit alot of survivors only do swf so if thats removed fron public games so many survs will quit and killer que times would increase alot
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Also, You guys have more than likey thought about or planned this...
Once the hidden skill rating system is used in matchmaking, it would be nice if you guys took metrics from the start of the new system to measure stuff like survival rate/kill rate/etc and show the progression after 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months or what ever intervals would be best.
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The fix is simple implement a dodge penalty like they do in league of legends. If people keep backing out of lobbies continuously they get ban from play for x amount of time which only goes higher the more times they do it that day.
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Mainly if they are always waiting for flashlight/pallet saves, always bodyblock, DC/suicide on hook so the last person gets hatch, multiple escapes with a key, etc. Basically coordinated stuff like that, impossible for solo players.