Wraith Main Rank 1 - Ask me anything

I felt in love with mr Bing Bong when I started playing a month ago, and my heart was dismayed when I learned he was the second to worst killer in the meta. Nevertheless that did not stop me to P3 him and run for the Killer Rank 1 Bing Bonging my way.

If you have any question do not hesitate to ask please!

In case any kind of proof is needed, some screenshots from the last captured game:



  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @Vietfox said:

    @oRabble said:
    If you have any question do not hesitate to ask please!

    What's your favourite food?

    Followed closed by Spanish Black Rice:

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @Orion said:
    How do you catch Survivors with eyeballs, who can see you from afar?

    Reposition yourself and start your uncloak behind cover as you're walking to your predicted survivor path. Good survivors want to run to their closest pallet / vault as soon as they hear your bell, use that to your advantage.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @oRabble said:

    @Orion said:
    How do you catch Survivors with eyeballs, who can see you from afar?

    Reposition yourself and start your uncloak behind cover as you're walking to your predicted survivor path. Good survivors want to run to their closest pallet / vault as soon as they hear your bell, use that to your advantage.

    Thanks. I usually just run some add-ons that allow me to cloak and uncloak during a chase.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    What do you do against flashlights? (assuming you dont lobbydodge in the first time)

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @Master said:
    What do you do against flashlights? (assuming you dont lobbydodge in the first time)

    I have never ever lobbydodge nor DC from game. No matter how toxic or how much tbagging I may have ever got in a game.

    Against unaware survivors flashlights are useless in their hands, as they can not react in time before your hit them and Franklin's Demise their flashlight.

    If they're aware of you coming their way you can play around flashlights by positioning yourself and using over for the first part of your uncloak animation. With good timing, they will hear your first bing as you're still out of line of sight and your second bong as you're in line of sight, and windstorm will close the gap for your strike.

    If no cover is possible and they're full aware of your presence, run to the survivors first until you're body to body with them. And only then start your uncloak as you move in circles around them dodging the light as much as possible. Think what survivors try to do against a close combat Huntress that is about to throw her hatchet and you will get more or less the idea.

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @Orion said:

    @oRabble said:

    @Orion said:
    How do you catch Survivors with eyeballs, who can see you from afar?

    Reposition yourself and start your uncloak behind cover as you're walking to your predicted survivor path. Good survivors want to run to their closest pallet / vault as soon as they hear your bell, use that to your advantage.

    Thanks. I usually just run some add-ons that allow me to cloak and uncloak during a chase.

    In fact there are some loops you can win by a fast uncloak and windstorm. Pairing the two Green Addons "Windstorm - White" and "Swift Hunt - White" allow you to win a short loop with poor visibility from the survivor if the survivor is position next to the pallet. You can trick him into throwing the pallet / vault over it into the wrong direction by mind trick starting your Windstorm Dash in one direction of the loop and then rushing in the other one instantly. Like what the Pig do to win a pallet loop with ambush from the inside of the pallet, but swapping the positions of Killer and Survivor.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    So you're a pro wraith cause you're rank 1 when it's easier for everyone to double pip. Where's the rank 1 freddie's who must be gods. Lol jk, the rank 1 thing is thrown around too much as a point of authority. 
  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    So you're a pro wraith cause you're rank 1 when it's easier for everyone to double pip. Where's the rank 1 freddie's who must be gods. Lol jk, the rank 1 thing is thrown around too much as a point of authority. 

    I think I am the clumsiest of killers in fact. Reviewing my recorded trials I kept feeling ashamed of all the mistakes done in loops, and survivors I totally failed to notice hidden in a corner of the screen. I tried to achieve rank 1 with Wraith because I love his aesthetics and gameplay, and didn't want to felt discouraged to just play with what I want to play instead of what is being perceived as the strongest.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Orion said:

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    So you're a pro wraith cause you're rank 1 when it's easier for everyone to double pip. Where's the rank 1 freddie's who must be gods. Lol jk, the rank 1 thing is thrown around too much as a point of authority. 

    You can make one of these threads too, instead of being salty that someone else is getting attention.

    Lol not salty, waiting for the train just commenting, not saying he isn't skilled, saying rank doesnt determine skill from ranks 1-6 about. 
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    oRabble said:

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    So you're a pro wraith cause you're rank 1 when it's easier for everyone to double pip. Where's the rank 1 freddie's who must be gods. Lol jk, the rank 1 thing is thrown around too much as a point of authority. 

    I think I am the clumsiest of killers in fact. Reviewing my recorded trials I kept feeling ashamed of all the mistakes done in loops, and survivors I totally failed to notice hidden in a corner of the screen. I tried to achieve rank 1 with Wraith because I love his aesthetics and gameplay, and didn't want to felt discouraged to just play with what I want to play instead of what is being perceived as the strongest.

    Same here, I main freddy. I just found it funny you said your rank kind of like how doctors say, I'm  a doctor with a phd in this or that. That's all lol. Not saying you aren't skilled, as a dedicated wraith it takes a lot of patience. Proud of your skill meng. 
  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
      I'm a freddy main since he released. I'm like you I'm not going to be discouraged from playing freddy even though he's the weakest killer in the game. I have other characters I enjoy playing like wraith pig and clown but freddy is the one I enjoy the most (along with the pig of course). Ok I'm done rambling my question is what's your normal build on Mr bing bing boi, I run a whole anti pallet and window build with BS, Enduring, Fire up and Bamboozle its not the strongest but I enjoy it
  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
      My question is what's your normal build on Mr bing bing boi, I run a whole anti pallet and window build with BS, Enduring, Fire up and Bamboozle its not the strongest but I enjoy it

    I like how Hex:Ruin, BBQ, SBFL and Franklin's Demise work together for my game style with Wraith. As I tend to cut chases early a lot to look for a safer prey. Franklin make that your first hit from cloak to have a meaningful impact on the game even if you stop the original chase. And a fully charged SBFL make chases short and sweet when you have an area clear of loops.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @oRabble said:

    @Master said:
    What do you do against flashlights? (assuming you dont lobbydodge in the first time)

    I have never ever lobbydodge nor DC from game. No matter how toxic or how much tbagging I may have ever got in a game.

    Against unaware survivors flashlights are useless in their hands, as they can not react in time before your hit them and Franklin's Demise their flashlight.

    If they're aware of you coming their way you can play around flashlights by positioning yourself and using over for the first part of your uncloak animation. With good timing, they will hear your first bing as you're still out of line of sight and your second bong as you're in line of sight, and windstorm will close the gap for your strike.

    If no cover is possible and they're full aware of your presence, run to the survivors first until you're body to body with them. And only then start your uncloak as you move in circles around them dodging the light as much as possible. Think what survivors try to do against a close combat Huntress that is about to throw her hatchet and you will get more or less the idea.

    Yeah but you are a lot slower while you are uncloaking, also the 360 exploit is only a thing for survivors :lol:

  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    What's your strategy for the chase? You mentioned you cut the chase early so what's the trigger for you to cloak and hint someone else?
  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @azazer said:
    What's your strategy for the chase? You mentioned you cut the chase early so what's the trigger for you to cloak and hint someone else?

    Wraith can not deal easily against a competent survivor in loop such as the Coldwind Farm Jungle Gyms, or the Mcmillan State central building. So when you see that your chasing prey is a good one and is heading to these, is a safe call to cut the chase after one or two pallets getting throw. Your next prey is surely waiting for you at the same gens you checked before, and now there is two pallets less in their scape route so hopefully you can catch them now.

    Additionally, sometimes you see a survivor going into hide somewhere while you're chasing another. Take note of where he hide, and in your next pallet throw instead of breaking it, use the bloodlust to run toward the sneaky survivor.

    Survivors with expensive flashlights and toolboxes that have been Franklin Demised tend to go back to where they lost them to pick them up. Taking note of the location of those allow you to ambush the greedy survivor.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088
    1. Do you use Play with you food to get even more speed? Well, Monto's build. What your thoughts on it, anyway.
    2. Addons, which removing/reducing your bell sound. Are they playable?
    CL4P_TRAP_ER Member Posts: 114
    1. One problem I've had with Wraith is trying to body block survivors when I'm uncloaking. I've been able to body block survivors into corners before but it's always tricky. Any tips?

    2. What do you recommend for perk builds/sets? Ruin and BBQ are obvious but what else do you run sometimes?

    3. Are the bell sound reduction add-ons good to use against rank 1-7's?

    And thank you for making this post.

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @Rattman said:
    1. Do you use Play with you food to get even more speed? Well, Monto's build. What your thoughts on it, anyway.

    I love Monto and his speed wraith videos were the ones that made me test SBFL. Play with your food felt clunky when i tried it and found the additional speed gained was not needed in most of cases. The ideal chase is to alpha strike a survivor from cloak using Windstorm, and shortly catch him before the safety loop with your second attack. SBFL helps much more for this and takes less time to get build up than PWYF, specially since you will need two charges of PWYF to have a real impact in the chase. Mind that the first alpha strike does not really need anything more than the windstorm effect.

    1. Addons, which removing/reducing your bell sound. Are they playable?

    Regrettably not. Your ideal bingbong distance to uncloak is less than 14 meters so you can catch up with the Windstorm effect. Since the sound is 24 meters, even using the best of such addons you will be still outside Windstorm range and therefore totally useless.

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2018

    @CL4P_TRAP_ER said:
    1. One problem I've had with Wraith is trying to body block survivors when I'm uncloaking. I've been able to body block survivors into corners before but it's always tricky. Any tips?

    If you're uncloaking into the unaware survivor it is just a matter of uncloak from the right angle: Usually their preferred escape route.

    If you are instead chasing a survivor and want to mindgame him into a block position you must first cloak and cut line of sight while paying close attention to his bloodstain, grunt sounds and predicted safe spots where he is going to stop to self care. Most of survivors do not get directly next to the vault/pallet they want to use as a crutch scape because they're trained to avoid surprise hits over the vault or 'last-second-hit-for-hit' with the pallet. So if you come from the opposite expected angle, and RUN positioning yourself between the survivor and the vault/pallet before start uncloaking most of the time the survivor try to use the vault/pallet without noticing they can not use it as you're bodyblocking the exact spot needed to do so.

    If there are two survivors healing each other next to a vault/pallet you can attack with a windstorm dash from the unexpected side of the vault/pallet. More likely than not they're going to bodyblock themselves and you will secure the hit to the most far away survivor from the perspective of the vault/pallet.

    1. What do you recommend for perk builds/sets? Ruin and BBQ are obvious but what else do you run sometimes?

    I think like you: Ruin and BBQ are needed for killers like Wraith given the state of the game. Regrettably they only add more power to already powerful killers like Hillbilly or Nurse...

    I like to run SBFL and Franklin's Demise apart of those two.

    SBFL allow you to have really short chases once you have some tokens on it: An alpha strike from cloaking using windstorm followed by a short chase as you have only been one second in the successful cooldown animation and hopefully the survivor would have waste part of their wounded sprint burst as you catched him unprepared facing a non-optimal angle.

    Franklin's Demise helps you deal with flashlights and toolboxes. Since some time you do not fully chase a survivor and switch your prey using mindgames and cloak, it allows you to maximize the effect of your surprise hit. If killers wouldn't have to use Hex: Ruin to prevent 3 minutes gen rushing games, I would also use Sloppy Butcher for the same reason: making survivors waste more time healing due to the mangled effect.

    If there are not flashlights/toolboxes in sight on a campfire, I usually swap Franklin's Demise for Baamboozle. As it is the only perk that allow Wraith to shut down fast some loops that would be otherwise too time consuming.

    1. Are the bell sound reduction add-ons good to use against rank 1-7's?

    Regrettably not. Your ideal uncloak distance is less than 14 meters to use Windstorm and even the best of such addons do not make the bell silent at such distance.

    And thank you for making this post.

    Thanks to you for taking your time reading it!

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    I love my bing bong, always have.

    Very excited for his complete addon rework and base Windstorm :D

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426
    edited August 2018
    1. Are there any good Perks  (on majority of the killers) that are bad on Wraith?

    2. What's the biggest mistake low tier wraith mains make?
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    anything? okay...
    why dont you play a usefull killer?

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    what day is it?

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @CheersTC said:
    1. Are there any good Perks  (on majority of the killers) that are bad on Wraith?

    Apart from the obvious ones that are related to terror radius I think that the majority of what are considered 'good perks' are viable for Wraith as well.

    1. What's the biggest mistake low tier wraith mains make?

    Eternal chases. Uncloaked Wraith have no tools at his disposal to stop a good looper distracting you from the rest of survivors. Cut the chase and take the new pallet-free zone as a new playground to lure new survivors into.

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @Mister_xD said:
    anything? okay...
    why dont you play a usefull killer?

    I love the flavor and aesthetics of Wraith and wanted to play him even if it was not optimal.

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    what day is it?

    At this moment it is 27th of August 2018

  • HeyImKirby
    HeyImKirby Member Posts: 9
    honestly the wraith is probably my favorite killer for his aesthetics and ability so thank you for the tips.
  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @oRabble said:
    I felt in love with mr Bing Bong when I started playing a month ago, and my heart was dismayed when I learned he was the second to worst killer in the meta. Nevertheless that did not stop me to P3 him and run for the Killer Rank 1 Bing Bonging my way.

    If you have any question do not hesitate to ask please!

    In case any kind of proof is needed, some screenshots from the last captured game:

    can i suck you dry?

  • Spaaaaaace_steam_
    Spaaaaaace_steam_ Member Posts: 66

    @oRabble said:
    I felt in love with mr Bing Bong when I started playing a month ago, and my heart was dismayed when I learned he was the second to worst killer in the meta. Nevertheless that did not stop me to P3 him and run for the Killer Rank 1 Bing Bonging my way.

    If you have any question do not hesitate to ask please!

    In case any kind of proof is needed, some screenshots from the last captured game:

    how do you deal with pallet loopers ? Because if i start breaking a pallet they just run to another , and to another one ,etc ,ect.

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @HeyImKirby said:
    honestly the wraith is probably my favorite killer for his aesthetics and ability so thank you for the tips.

    Thanks you for reading these!

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:
    can i suck you dry?

    Thanks, not interested.

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @Spaaaaaace_steam_ said:
    how do you deal with pallet loopers ? Because if i start breaking a pallet they just run to another , and to another one ,etc ,ect.

    You have to evaluate the situation at each loop:

    *Unsafe short loop: Do not break and mindgame/chase the survivor. He either will abandon the loop or get hit by your lounge.

    *Safe but windstorm-dash-size loop : Do not break, cloak, position yourself in the shortest corner to the pallet. Uncloak and mindgame the survivor starting your windstorm dash in one direction but changing it almost instantly to the other side. If done correctly, survivor will be stuck in animation long enough to be hit by your lunge out of windstorm dash

    *Safe pallet loop: If survivor is facing an zone with already broken pallets, break the pallet and follow the chase if you have not yet build bloodlust or just keep running with your bloodlust momentum toward him without breaking the pallet. If survivor is not facing such zone, loop around the pallet to see if the survivor has either abandon it, or has vaulted over and is now facing the right zone for you.

    *God mode ultra safe pallet: Break it. There is nothing else you can do.

    Whenever you're forced to break a pallet you must evaluate if the survivor is close to you (10 meters) and if you can easily catch him before next safe loop area. If the answer is not, cloak and evaluate if you can predict his escape route so you can try to move around unnoticed (not directly behind him as he will see your glimmer) in order to ambush him. If neither are possible, keep your cloak and find your next prey. With every pallet you break you're creating a bigger and bigger hunting ground for you where you can safely finish a chase successfully.

  • Spaaaaaace_steam_
    Spaaaaaace_steam_ Member Posts: 66

    @oRabble said:

    @Spaaaaaace_steam_ said:
    how do you deal with pallet loopers ? Because if i start breaking a pallet they just run to another , and to another one ,etc ,ect.

    You have to evaluate the situation at each loop:

    *Unsafe short loop: Do not break and mindgame/chase the survivor. He either will abandon the loop or get hit by your lounge.

    *Safe but windstorm-dash-size loop : Do not break, cloak, position yourself in the shortest corner to the pallet. Uncloak and mindgame the survivor starting your windstorm dash in one direction but changing it almost instantly to the other side. If done correctly, survivor will be stuck in animation long enough to be hit by your lunge out of windstorm dash

    *Safe pallet loop: If survivor is facing an zone with already broken pallets, break the pallet and follow the chase if you have not yet build bloodlust or just keep running with your bloodlust momentum toward him without breaking the pallet. If survivor is not facing such zone, loop around the pallet to see if the survivor has either abandon it, or has vaulted over and is now facing the right zone for you.

    *God mode ultra safe pallet: Break it. There is nothing else you can do.

    Whenever you're forced to break a pallet you must evaluate if the survivor is close to you (10 meters) and if you can easily catch him before next safe loop area. If the answer is not, cloak and evaluate if you can predict his escape route so you can try to move around unnoticed (not directly behind him as he will see your glimmer) in order to ambush him. If neither are possible, keep your cloak and find your next prey. With every pallet you break you're creating a bigger and bigger hunting ground for you where you can safely finish a chase successfully.

    thanks for the tips, and what do you do when you face a party of survivors ? should i try to beat them or just end it faster?

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    does it hurt?

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @Spaaaaaace_steam_ said:

    @oRabble said:

    thanks for the tips, and what do you do when you face a party of survivors ? should i try to beat them or just end it faster?

    A party of survivors behave quite similar to solo survivors in the high ranks, only that they have better communication and they tend to be overly altruistic. Take that in consideration, and always suspect they're telling each other your last know position all times. Abuse their altruism by choosing the weakest survivor and making the strongest loopers to take unneeded risks that you can abuse.

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @CoffengMin said:
    does it hurt?

    Sometimes the flashlights white screen is a little too bright and indeed it is painful.

  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    What cosmetic do you use on wraith and why? I personally avoid his wax warlock top because I feel it's too tall and eye catching for a stealthy character
  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @azazer said:
    What cosmetic do you use on wraith and why? I personally avoid his wax warlock top because I feel it's too tall and eye catching for a stealthy character

    Prestige 3 Bloody Set. Harder to see once uncloaked in certain maps. And the weapon looks cool with the bloody veins.

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    ur cute <3

  • Spaaaaaace_steam_
    Spaaaaaace_steam_ Member Posts: 66

    Your tips really help , i have got myself 5 4 kills matches with wraith lol , and on 6th match i have wrecked them before they even finished the first gen , i felt guilty and let the last guy escape , after breaking all pallets chasing him.

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @Spaaaaaace_steam_ said:
    Your tips really help , i have got myself 5 4 kills matches with wraith lol , and on 6th match i have wrecked them before they even finished the first gen , i felt guilty and let the last guy escape , after breaking all pallets chasing him.

    Woah! To be honest, my highest 4k streak so far in the game has been 3 in a row only! You're clearly more talented than me and only needed some strategic tips to enjoy Wraith :)

  • Spaaaaaace_steam_
    Spaaaaaace_steam_ Member Posts: 66

    @oRabble said:

    @Spaaaaaace_steam_ said:
    Your tips really help , i have got myself 5 4 kills matches with wraith lol , and on 6th match i have wrecked them before they even finished the first gen , i felt guilty and let the last guy escape , after breaking all pallets chasing him.

    Woah! To be honest, my highest 4k streak so far in the game has been 3 in a row only! You're clearly more talented than me and only needed some strategic tips to enjoy Wraith :)

    i am not at rank 1))) not at all mate)))

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    After some days of playing, and seeing how Hex:Ruin usually is destroyed within the first 60 seconds, I decided to swap my usual perks into Thanatophobia + Franklin's Demise + Sloppy Butcher + BBQ

    The play style is still the same: Ambush and alpha strikes from your uncloak taking advantage of your Windstorm Dash. Swap targets after every pallet loop if you feel if you can not succesfully slug down your prey. Apply pressure at generators by having several people bleeding out and trying to heal themselves through mangled + thanatophobia. Finally catch down either a unsuspected prey who was Self-Caring in what they thought it was a safe spot, or your survivor at a gen who is now forced to run through a pallet deprived area after your cleansing.

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @Spaaaaaace_steam_ said:
    i am not at rank 1))) not at all mate)))

    But you will be! rank 1 is only a matter of time and commitment once you have a functional strategy and play style... If on top of that you add talent like you have then it is assured!

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    If Wraith were to be deleted in the next patch, who'd you main next?
    Or just play everyone?
    Or quit the game?

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2018

    @Boss said:
    If Wraith were to be deleted in the next patch, who'd you main next?
    Or just play everyone?
    Or quit the game?

    The Pig. In fact I was planning to start playing her more once I finish collecting every single perk III for Wraith. I am a fan of SAW movies, and love the characterization of Amanda Young as The Pig... Although I would have love to see Mark Hoffman in The Game too!

    My main concern with The Pig is Prestige. Combat Straps is a common addon, and without it she feels slow to play. But Prestige reduces the number of common addons you get! Or at least that is what the wiki is telling me. Feels bad to having to choose to either Prestige her or being optimal most of the games.

  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    Have you been playing the PTB with the new wraith buff? If not have you seen others play it online? And what's your opinion on the changes