The doctor needs a rework.

He knows your location. So he can tunnel and camping you easily.

You can't save your Allies, cause with his shocks he knows you are coming

He change your skill check. So for new people It's so difficult.

You can't be silent, you can't vault, you can't drop pallet, you need to snap out of it, you can't rescue, skill check zones are different.

I read so many post about this Killer, It's broken.

It really needs a rework.



  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886

    He is right though you took a skillless killer and made it even easier to use him.

    He requires zero learning to use and get a 4k with

  • darknahu
    darknahu Member Posts: 6

    You don't understand what I'm trying to say, what other Killer has that kind of skillset?

    I don't think It's important but I'm rank 8 and I'm been playing for a week.

  • Mrwood204
    Mrwood204 Member Posts: 226

    I'm curious as to what you're idea for a re-rework would be.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    It definitely is important. You're very new to the game so it's kind of expected that you'd react like this to Doc, a lot of new players do since he's a bit of a noob-stomper and is pretty good once he gets going and has pressure. Detection is kind of what Doc is all about. He's bad at chasing but good at finding survivors so he hard-punishes those who don't know how to loop effectively. You can't drop pallets when he shocks you so don't greed the pallets and throw them early. Don't camp pallets either, that's where he gets a hit for free because survivors are just staying near a pallet when they should keep running. As for the skill checks you just have to get used to them. Snapping out of it is really easy now, I swear they made the skill check windows even bigger since his rework. That's pretty much all I can say. Or you can just run calm spirit if you really wanted to be stealthy. It doesn't negate the effects of the shock (You'll still be unable to throw pallets for a little while after he shocks you) but he won't get a notification as to where you are.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    You mean Freddy, Spirit, Trapper or Hag? Those are viable killers for red ranks and with the propper addons damn!

  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562

    He is fine where he is. Idk why everyone complains about skill checks and new players. It's hitting a button at the right time, figure it out instead of messing with killers.

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886

    Not to be mean or anything but doctor has no learning curve and anyone can pick him up and play as if they were rank 1. The only difference you can argue is add-ons and perks that's it.

    He doesn't need to learn how to read scratch marks or follow blood trails because all he has to do is shock randomly and somone will scream

    They gave his kit too much pressure

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    I agree with what you say about him being good as he is right now, but the skill checks with Huntress Lullaby + Whispers and addons to make them reversed and random placed on the corner of your screen is actually hard AH, take it from a rank 1 SWF 4 men who worked through old Ruin no problem. I'm having lots of fun learning to do them, but they are hard

  • bigthiccy
    bigthiccy Member Posts: 9

    I shouldn't have to completely change whatever build I'm using just to use the meta perks to escape. The whole point of this game is to have fun and if I'm just stuck using a meta build to survive against a now somewhat overpowered killer, it's not fun.

    I've been playing for months and old doctor wasnt as bad. I dread any game against doctor because it's so difficult to get out with my own build

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
    edited February 2020

    Dude, just ask yourslef, "who is my nemesis?" If you have no problem going against every other killer but one I don't understand why you can't change your build to go against it whyle somehow using a build that "helps" against the others you already "own".

    BTW... I just said to change one perk... How is that "completely change whatever build I'm using just to use the meta perks to escape"...? If you're not running DS or BT as base build I don't know what you're doing...

    Now... If the problem is that you need a build for all killers and you do not want to change it whatsoever cause of one killer then the problem is your gameplay, I can run 0 perks and still pip up no problem, the perks I pick are caused by the fun I have with them by either helping my friends or owning the killer with them, also have in mind my perks are of average use against all killers, but I do run Spinechill cause Myers is my Nemesis.

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886

    How are we supposed to know what killer we are facing?

  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562

    You are supposed to feel like you can't escape easily. What's the point in playing otherwise

  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562

    I'm not saying they are not hard, I'm just saying people should practice and learn instead of asking for nerfs, especially people who have only been playing for one week.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    If I am remembering correctly according to developers a part of the design philosophy of DBD is survivor's don't get different abilities between survivors(Talking about innate abilities like killers have) because the play styles of the survivors are meant to be dictated by the killer they are facing.

    The issue with the game atm is there aren't ENOUGH killers that force survivors to change their play-styles for this part of the philosophy to get through to new players.

  • bigthiccy
    bigthiccy Member Posts: 9

    I guess I didn't word it very well. I'm not trying to be rude but I just want to be able to experiment with different builds and I'm fine with getting killed in a match, it's just that the only way to escape doctor shouldn't be the meta perks

  • bigthiccy
    bigthiccy Member Posts: 9

    That is a pretty good way to think about it. There are a couple main killers I despise so I guess I should think about what's good against them and try to work around that while still being able to keep having fun experimenting with random builds

  • Pizza_Dweet
    Pizza_Dweet Member Posts: 68

    New survivors are bad at everything except sitting in the corner of the map/in a locker and get killed because they accrue afk crows and then ######### and moan about killers being op.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    Escaping Doctor doesn't require meta perks. You don't even need perks, and the one perk that negates his power almost completely isn't a meta perk (Calm Spirit).

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,210

    Want some advice from someone who has considered Doctor their main since they started playing DBD back in 2018?

    Play AS him for a little bit. Figure out how he works. Knowing how to play AS him will give you an insight to his weaknesses so you can play AGAINST him more easily (this goes for all killers, honestly). He is an anti-stealth killer, and he always has been. But now, it isn't passive like it used to be, or as annoying.

    Before, he had two modes, Treatment and Punishment. Punishment mode is how he attacked. Treatment mode was where he shocked you. In Treatment mode, he moved a little slower, but his terror radius PASSIVELY gave you Madness, and, outside of lockers that can only work for so long, had no counters. In Madness III, you had a longer time to Snap Out of It and it only brought you back to Madness II instead of Madness I. He was, and still is, bad at chasing, relying on ripping you from stealth and tracking you down.

    Oh yeah, and he could practically instantaneously grab you while he was in Treatment mode, though I was only able to pull this off a few times and don't recall it happening to me.

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265

    From being forced to play survivor fornarchive I've learned this. Just always run calm spirit. Literally. It's good for other things like freddy and clown. You don't scream...that's his hard counter. Problematically he can be extremely powerful on maps like hawkins where all he has to do is stand in the middle of the map and use his shock to find everyone because its multiple floors. And while playing with people that didnt have calm spirit, yes he literally almost always knows where you are. I find a lot of them running ruin and survalence because they can find out where you are 100% of the time. Hes become the easiest tracking killer because not everyone wants to run calm spirit just to stop him. And I noticed even around rank ones, probably due to the ruin change, but a lot of doctors seem to camp the first survivor they get now. If its SWF obviously this wont work, but he is stupid strong at the moment. Only thing I could suggest if they wanted to change him would be a slight nerf to the radiance that he has with his shock because it actually is pretty huge. Instead of only having the old doctor's, 1 and done, inside the terror radiance for a 1 time free find on anyone not in madness, he now can spam it every minute for a quick find if people dont have the right perk to counter him. And most survivors dont want to stop running the adren/deadhard/DS/borrow time builds. Honestly, it's on them to an extent. It's literally a massive hard counter.

  • Banderino
    Banderino Member Posts: 1

    In my opinion the the doctor is op.

    If the killer is not ######### and can play normaly you can't escape against the doctor, In the chase he puts you to the snap it out and your character screams randomly thats okay not that big of a problem but if you lost him you are "snapping it out" so you wont scream otherwise he comes and chases you again but he knows you are somewhere around and he sends his shocks around and thats it, you cant do anything.

    you should hide in a locker oh stfu pls

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    I'll just let MCote speak for me here:

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    Doctor is fine, he just forces you to play differently. I've never played doctor, only gone against doctors and he's definitely not OP.

  • DeathBeam
    DeathBeam Member Posts: 259

    Except that they keep changing things to appeal to new survivors. I guarantee you if they drop another killer that was completely different similar to old freddy and stomped new newbies like him they would nerf that killer into the ground.

  • darknahu
    darknahu Member Posts: 6

    I understand that I'm a new player and that I have to learn lots of things yet. But I really thinks It's not only me, 14 matches of 30 was against the Doctor. Math says that the killer is really strong and people know that, It's almost like 50% of matches are against him.

    Besides that, every survivor dies just like me. I would like to know the winrate.

    I'm not trying to get people mad! I just want to know if you consider that he is ok at the moment or not, and if the Devs has to do something with him.

  • Kongtwenty12
    Kongtwenty12 Member Posts: 140
    edited February 2020

    People aren't playing him because he's strong. People are playing him because he got changed and is the most recent new thing and he's part of the tome challenges. You'll probably see a lot of spirits too. And it's for that same reason that his killrate seems to be so high because newer players are still figuring out how to play against him.

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    Doctor got reworked recently, there are scream required challenges and he has his own tome challenges.

  • Jollykins
    Jollykins Member Posts: 43

    A different skillset is good, it's supposed to give variety to the roster. Doctor is unique, very unique in fact that no other killer can do what he does. Some killers are best at instadowns while others are dependent on stealth. Doctor breaks the routine and forces players to change up their game. You are forced to play a little more aggressively and intelligently, which is brilliant in my opinion. Adapt to the killer to survive, the killer should not adapt to survivor needs period. So I must disagree with you, as a rank 7 survivor main.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    They do keep doing that, and look where that's gotten them. To the point where killers are leaving in such huge numbers that rank 20 killers are getting matched with red rank survivors.

  • MysticMusician
    MysticMusician Member Posts: 149

    I personally agree with you. He can easily stun lock you so you can’t get people healed or off the hook or anything since he can reach you from fairly far away. He’s not as bad as some other killers, I don’t think he needs an entire full rework especially since he just got one but I do think his ability is a bit too powerful

  • Waldorf_2R3
    Waldorf_2R3 Member Posts: 20

    Had to unlike your comment just to like it again. Tired of people complaining because they don't want to adapt their play styles and want easy wins.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,060

    None, that's the point. The Doctor is the Killer specifically designed around such a skill set.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I mean of course when going against actual viable killers that are being played by someone who is good with those killers, then meta perks are what you need in order to have just as much of a chance to win against the killer.

    If killers are balanced around survivors with random perks that aren't meta, survivors that just use meta perks will become overpowered.

    The solution here is to either nerf meta perks of killers and survivors, or to try and buff all the weaker non-meta perks.

  • darknahu
    darknahu Member Posts: 6

    What other Killer can control survivor´s actions like that?

  • pepperoninipples
    pepperoninipples Member Posts: 90

    One week of playing is not going to make you good. You need months of leaning to loop. But getting rank 8 is impressive for one week. But also shows how ranking is too easy for survivors

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    He just got reworked. Run Calm Spirit or use lockers. It's not that difficult, friend.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949
    edited February 2020
    1. Plenty of killers powers require survivors to play differently.
    2. Ghostface requires you to be more aware (and possibly use spinechill). Same with Myers and Pig to an extent.
    3. Billy requires you not to be out in the opened, or you're pretty much screwed. Same with Bubba.
    4. Plague is best played by running resilience and not cleansing (also works on Legion - run resilience and don't heal)
    5. Nurse requires you to make a point of breaking LoS during chases.
    6. Trapper requires you to be aware of the ground in front of you and is heavily countered by small game
    7. Huntress requires you not to be a W gamer, and look behind you while in chase
    8. Hag requires you to drastically change your playstyle by keeping an eye out for traps and either crouching over them, or destroying them with a flashlight. Or, just trip the trap and die.

    None of these things are "absolute musts" much like playing against Doctor and using spine chill and dropping pallets early, but they do make playing against them easier.

    Please, just stop. You don't know how to play the game yet. Learn, and then your mind will change.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,060
    edited February 2020

    While a proper answer might depend on what you mean by "control survivors actions", my initial answer is the same: none, and that's the point.

    Ever killer has a different playstyle built into them. Some are similar, such as stealth killers, the Doctor is unique in that he's designed to be hard to sneak around. What you're complaining about is literally what he's designed for

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182

    Well the fact that he can spam his shock treatment and negate every action with it, speaks by itself. In 10 games there are at least 6/7 doctors. It's very unpleasant to play against, not because i think it's too strong but because of the confusion it generates, with all those noises and broken skillchecks. It's getting annoying.

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    The devs shouldn't have to rework a killer because you refuse to adapt and use a build that can counter him.... As a new player, you should spend your time learning the basics and how to adapt, not suggesting changes to killers that give you trouble. If they change everything that survivors have a bit of trouble with, there's no challenge. Learn how to adapt. They just nerfed Ruin because new players complained about skill checks instead of just getting better at them.