If you had to marry a killer, who would it be?

You're chosen as a survivor, but The Entity offers you an unusual proposal: marry one of the killers or participate in the trials. The killer of your choosing is unable to hurt or harm you, and you will stay in their realm with them.
Yeah, while everyone's at each other's throats about nerfs and buffs, I'm that person.
If you had to marry a killer, who would it be? 123 votes
Legion (Frank/Joey)
I feel like marrying Legion would at least feel normal, since they're essentially normal people with a knife. Frank is my preference - I like his varsity jacket.
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Nurse, Huntress, or Pig
She already has wedding dress cosmetics! If that isn't wife-material, then I don't know!
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Legion (Susie/Julie)
Can I marry both?
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Trapper, Wraith, or Hillbilly
@anonymous31337 100% yes
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Legion (Susie/Julie)
Susie is cute. She's a little aggressive and deranged but that's nothing compared to the physical and mental afflictions of most other killers and it might actually be a little exciting.
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Spirit or Plague
just imagine the positions Spirit could get in!
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Nurse, Huntress, or Pig
Nurse. She is perfect wife material! 😳
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Spirit or Plague
Spirit is bae lol.
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Each time I realize how HORNY this community is...
Anyways, where is the Demogorgon?
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Just send me to the trials, please
This is going on r/cursedcomments.
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Nurse, Huntress, or Pig
In the whole bunch, Amanda is probably the most normal one. Just gotta be careful when she prepares breakfast in the morning.
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Nightmare, Cannibal, or Clown
At least he can cook.
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Nurse, Huntress, or Pig
Huntress or Plague, tall girls are the best.
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Legion (Susie/Julie)
Tough choice.
I feel bad for Rin, but... I don't think I can deal with the fact that she's all cut up.
Amanda would probably smell really bad from wearing that pig mask all the time.
Sally, maybe, but I don't want Philip to use my spine as a weapon.
I think I'll stick with Susie. Susie/Julie are the most normal ones, though I'm pretty sure Julie's taken.
If I was into men it would be Myers all the way.
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Spirit or Plague
I love Spirit xDD i mean the basic outfit
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Shape or Doctor
Myers obviously the only answer. With that booty I don't care if he keeps his mask or not in bed 😈
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Legion (Susie/Julie)
Taking things fast, eh?
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Ghostface or Oni
I already am
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Trapper, Wraith, or Hillbilly
When you’re supposed to be a big scary killer but everyone just wants to f* you. uwu
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Trapper, Wraith, or Hillbilly
@WRussoW also you’re so right! How could I forget the demogorgon? O: He’s quite the chatter box after all, I’m sure he’d make a great husband! Dang it
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Just send me to the trials, please
I just don't really think of any of the Killer cast that way.
Like, sure Susie and Wraith are cute, but they're like, puppy cute. At least to me.
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Just send me to the trials, please
I just don't really think of any of the Killer cast that way.
Like, sure Susie and Wraith are cute, but they're like, puppy cute. At least to me.
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Shape or Doctor
Myers or Frank can get it.
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Demogorgon,It seems to be a creature that instills respect and I think it would keep me well fed by things that I don't really like. (people, how disgusting🤮 )
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Shape or Doctor
*Marriage Intensifies!*
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Just send me to the trials, please
Why one when I can have them all <3
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Shape or Doctor
Daddy Myers, duh. He’s so cute and emotionless! You can give him all your love and affection, never expecting anything back. He will always be there for you, because he’ll be stalking you 24/7. And, you can hug him, and squeeze him, and read to him, and play DBD together, sit around and just look at him, and best of all he will never want to have sex because he is probably sexually attracted to killing. 🥰
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Nurse, Huntress, or Pig
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Nurse, Huntress, or Pig
First pick would be Huntress. Hopefully I could tame her a bit and make her a little civilized. Be like the whole Tarzan and Jane except it would be David King and Huntress. If she could learn to bathe I'm sure things would be amazing. Perhaps even incredible Snu-Snu.
If not I'll choose Pig. She's most normal human after all and has issues. But she is kinda cute with a good bod. Would take some kinks to work out but she is loyal so that's a plus and I'm sure she'd love someone to try out some of her more kinkier traps on.
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Legion (Frank/Joey)
Legion because they are around my age.
As for choosing which one, i choose not to choose and marry all of them <3
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Spirit or Plague
Spirit for me
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Legion (Susie/Julie)
Susie without a doubt.
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Ghostface or Oni
Ghostface is daddy change my mind.
Also Julie/Joey or Spirit<3 (I hate her in game but my weeb ass loves schoolgirls)
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Legion (Susie/Julie)
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Legion (Frank/Joey)
or ghostface
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Nurse, Huntress, or Pig
Might be into that 6ft+ Russian woman thing tho...
I get the feeling Huntress might be hiding more than she lets on beneath that sweater and skirt.. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
..Susie = close second though, might be into some kinky stuff considering the crowd she hangs around.. Also can't get over the fact she frequently puts her hands behind her back and lifts her leg a little bit lol
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Nurse, Huntress, or Pig
Nurse, but pre-hospital nurse, Sally needed some love that she never got and went crazy.
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Shape or Doctor
D a d d y M y e r s
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Legion (Susie/Julie)
Susie and Julie are the least threatening imo, they were easily manipulated by Frank, Susie literally joined the gang out of peer pressure. Plus I think they're the cutest female killers (Bubba and Myers are cuter tho)
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Ghostface or Oni
Ghost face
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Freddy all the way, then I could be his partner in crime and we could both be killers and I could have a little bejeweled glove like the one from AHS hotel that Lady Gaga wore.
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Spirit or Plague
Can I make it a three-way with Spirit and Vommy Mommy?
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Shape or Doctor
Myers all the way
He's quiet
Tall, dark and (maybe handsome)
He has good posture
He probably has a job, at least he wears a gas station uniform