I watched my girlfriend flashlight blind him at a pallet and still not reveal him. Explain to me how aiming a beam into the eyes of ghostface for long enough to blind him, at point blank range, doesn't count as "looking at him". Absolutely ridiculous.


  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Do you have a video of it?

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897

    His reveal mechanic has always been broken. Its why I dislike facing him.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    I find I get revealed to easily when I play ghost face imo. Literally losing my power and having to wait 30 seconds of cooldown without addons for a cheese reveal

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    I'm no expert but I believe the "looking at him" may actually done using the direction you are moving (or were most recently moving if you are stopped). It may not be the direction you are facing nor the direction of the camera. In my experience if you are moving towards him (or were and then stopped) you will reveal him.

    In the case of the flashlight blind. If she were not holding the flashlight up then she was likely backing up as she blinded. Thus (if you took the flashlight component out) she was moving away from him. And if the "vision cone" is taken off of movement direction. Then using the flashlight won't change that.

    Another way to put it, you will reveal in the direction of the left joystick / wasd. Despite the right stick, camera, or mouse.

    I could be COMPLETELY WRONG. This is just a speculation guess from the experience of someone who codes things. That COULD explain an issue with the reveal mechanic from a code standpoint. Hard to explain without drawing a picture.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    You are completely wrong.

    You can reveal gf while running away from him.

    Movement direction has nothing to do with it

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275
  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited February 2020

    GF is fine. Try playing "as" him against survivors who aren't potatoes and tell me his reveal mechanic is broken. What I find works best, don't stare him down. If he is stalking you GTFO. If you challenge him to a staring contest he can expose you before you reveal him. If he is leaning around a corner you can't reveal him because you need to see his center mass, not his head. Your best bet is to run from him looking backwards or have someone else break him out of it. The closer you are to him the worst it gets. If you move your camera off him for a split second the reveal resets. The closer he is the greatly chance for error.

  • Cronk
    Cronk Member Posts: 283

    Nobody has any problem revealing me and I tactical patrol anyone who does that to me because Flash during killer in animation is cheap if killer can't move is cheap so earn a tactical patrol

  • Tru3_Chemistry
    Tru3_Chemistry Member Posts: 35

    If I had to guess, you might have had one of the survivors stalking you. Whenever I'm in SWF and its a ghostface, one of us tries to keep him revealed

  • Supr3_Angel
    Supr3_Angel Member Posts: 22

    No evidence, no fix

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    No killer sucks the fun out of the game like GF. Completely broken mechanic, all of them camp, has no penalty to his stealth and tends to get almost as many gen grabs as prayer beads spirit. He can cancel your reveal by ducking behind a rock then pop out and stalk you to full before you can reveal him.

    Awful, awful cheap feeling killer. I’d rather go against a 5 blink nurse or prayer beads spirit. Sure GF isn’t as strong but at least those killers feel less cheap.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    I have played ghostface and only ghostface for the last few months and I can assure you his reveal mechanic works.. is it a bit buggy?.... what isn't buggy in this game?

  • hammertime
    hammertime Member Posts: 51

    It's not ghost face. Read the other comments.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    its due to connection i feel, iv had games where im running right next to him in the open or just point blank staring him down while he tries to sneak and i cant reveal him yet other times i wont even notice to guy and i will revel him

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Not trying to be cocky but if your going to complain about him getting grabs than you might wanna start increasing your awareness. Multiple times I have evaded getting grabbed simply because I look and listen for clues.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 905

    Yesterday, I ran at a ghostface three different times to stop his stalk, we literally touched shoulders and it didn't reveal him. I tried to center him on my screen when he was standing in the middle of nowhere stalking, and still didn't reveal him. I was on xbox. It is really frustrating to play against him and as I hear it gf players get unfair reveals too.