Suggestion: Show how many totems left in the HUD

We can see how many generators are left in the HUD, so why not Totems? That way if people were worried about NoED, they could work on Totems before they finish up the generators. Which in turn could slow down how fast those gens pop. Maybe this idea has been suggested before, but I think it'd be beneficial to both survivors and killers.


  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Survivors would be more encouraged to actually do totems instead of leaving them up if they could see how many totems were left. They'd still have to hunt the totems, they'd just know how many are left. So instead of finishing up that last generator, they might be encouraged to go hunt those totems before NoED kicks in. As it stands now, it's better to just do generators than totem hunt because you don't know how many totems have been cleansed. Right now, might as well take your chances with NoED. The killer might not have it, and even if they do they might not find you first. You don't know how many totems are left, there could be 2, or there could be 5.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057


    Unless they either make it a separate perk, but I would just add that to Small Game, but add the killer traps as well, since those are detected by Small Game, too.

    Play against a non-trap killer? You see 5 and it decreases with each cleansed totem.

    Play against a Hag/Trapper/Freddy? You start at 5 but then the number increases as more traps are being put down, then decreases when totems are destroyed or traps are triggered or disabled.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    How about no?