Tunneling and Camping

Let's go over tunneling and camping shall we? People toss those words around a LOT on here. So let's be clear

Examples of camping:

Staring at the hooked survivor and revving a chainsaw face to face

Scaring off survivors but refusing to chase in order to protect one hook

Staying within heartbeat range of hook the whole time despite seeing no-one

Here are examples of NOT camping:

Chasing a survivor near a hooked survivor (guy being chased needs to leave the area and loop somewhere else so a buddy can unhook)

Seeing someone go for a save and chasing them. (Assuming the killer wasn't doing the above camping beforehand) If they SEE you. They are going to chase you and smack someone when you unhook. It's called "unsafe unhooking" verified by the fact that there are bloodpoint rewards for "safe unhook" and the game punishes you for performing unsafe unhooks rank-wise. Read the emblems for altruism.

Bouncing between nearby gens and the hook. That's patrolling. Wait for him to go for a gen. Then unhook. Simple.

Examples of tunneling

Seeing a survivor and running past them to hit someone else

Ignoring a body block to try to get to someone else

Here are examples of NOT tunneling:

Seeing you run up to the hook and following you but hitting the unhooked guy instead (he took a chance on BT triggering. If the unhooker was healthy then the killers choices were a 2 hit down on the unhooker, or a 1 hit down with a chance of BT... Easy choice)

If you get off the hook and walk or run into the killers view on accident or on purpose and he chases you.

If you get off the hook and the killer downs and hooks someone else then finds and downs you. Not tunneling. If they hit someone, pick them up, put them on the hook, find you, chase you, and down you again. That's. Not. Tunnelling. The whole time they were killing your friend was plenty of time for you to get away. Please explain that to whoever coded DS.

Did I miss anything?

