Shroud of Binding and Shroud of Union are they necessary?

Do you use these shrouds?
The way I see it most of the time you spawn near or with other people. I don't know how survivors spawned when the game first came out, but these offerings cost 4k and 6k respectively, yet I hardly ever see them used for the reasons stated above. Do you think they are worth the cost? Do you use them? Or should they be removed as offerings. People may want them to stay for nostalgic reasons in which case a decrease in bp price would be more amenable. To me they are just another thing to buy in a bloodweb when I'm grinding to get perks on my survivors that I rather not have to obtain to finish my web.
I don't use them, unless I wanna throw them out
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Flashlights and Prove Thyself exist, the shrouds have some use.
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I could see using it for Prove Thyself, but really you usually spawn with someone now, and the other two players are just around the corner. Also, banding together is not all its cracked up to be with perks like discordance and infectious fright.
I also don't get what you mean about flashlights, are you betting on the person getting downed at the beginning of the match? Perks like empathy and Bond would be better for that, no?
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literally never use shrouds i prefer bloodpoint offerings or something useful anyway
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An offering isn't as costly as a perk slot, and the closer someone is the easier it is to flashlight save them.
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I get that, but you're using a 4k-6k bp to ensure people are near for a start of the match save. How many people go down before the first gen is popped, in which case the team splits up? If it is useful to you, I respect that.
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Agreed. I am having so much trouble keeping bp offerings on my mains because of all the other stuff I have to buy on the web that I feel is useless. That's the point of this whole thread.
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2nd most useless offerings in the game to me.
Right behind the fog ones.
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Sometimes you have no choice but to buy them so you might as well use them. I use them often, especially when I'm doing rituals or challenges to complete gens or escape or something. It's usually easier with teammates
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That is true. I've got a lot of add ons/offerings I don't use so they are stacking up.
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I actually think the fog ones are more useful, for those who play stealthy or 'immersed'. I don't use them either as I don't stealth. They are also useful for stealth killers, or killers like Trapper.
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The fog also hides totems, chests, traps, and other ######### on the ground. They are worse because they always have a negative.
At least you can make the shrouds work 100% in your favor.
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I try to avoid the Separation one unless there's something behind them on the Bloodweb that i want, but i still won't use them.
The very idea that i could be the cause to separate them in such a way that they can all quickly start repairing a Generator on their own just scares me.
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Has anyone ever actually seen a match with 5 purple fog offerings stacked? I can only imagine!
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Never use them, they don't seem like a good idea for either side.
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Maybe shrouds should be replaced by something that affects generator spacing. Seems fair since we can already affect hook spacing.
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I have never understood the appeal of playing an offering that makes all 4 survivors start together. If there is a benefit to it I would love to know what it is.
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I use them when tome challenges require me to do something that another survivor would be helpful for, like that one where you had to complete 4 gens.
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- Uses Vigo's Shroud
- It's a Legion or Plague with discordance and now your entire team has deep wounds/the plague
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- Uses Vigo’s Shroud
- David immediately throws a pallet and starts sliding. (We’ve all met “that one guy”).
- The other 2 bolt off in random directions, never to be seen again.
- Offering effectively wasted.
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That's a good point. Separation is actually more efficient for the players especially against Plague, Legion, and Oni. Also when using the offering some survivors have dc'd thinking it is a mori.
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I would love to see what this looks like too, lol.
As for gens spaced farther apart or closer together, that would be a huge game-changer, not sure if the devs would ever get behind that.
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Don't quote me on this, but i believe they said that there's a hard limit to how much fog you can get, and that the Very Rare one bumps it from the normal amount to the max.
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I agree with both points in a way. The fog can definitely be useful for stealth,hiding traps,etc. But both fog and shrouds are not great things to have to buy if there are other options. They both have some downsides depending on if you are on killer or survivor side also. I mean if all 4 start together in the same area and work on the same gen,it might not be as good an option as having everyone in different areas working on 3 gens, especially if someone gets spotted quick.
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I feel like the framerate would just completely tank (especially on console) if they let it get too out of hand,lol. I could be wrong though.
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Agreed. Having everyone start the trial together is rarely advantageous and even when you start out together there is no guarantee it will stay that way for the few minutes it takes to work on a gen. Most gens now are 3 man at the most so somebody has to wander off. Not to mention if everyone is found together against a killer like Plague or Legion it is never good news.