To all the other console players

I have 2 questons
1 Is the Custom mode broken on all consoles or just xbox
2 Do you think the devs will fix these problems
Best Answer
Odd, than it just seems like an issue with the KYFs Mode itself and it isn't something you can entirely fix yourself...
I'd recommend for the most part to file a Bug Report about it to the Bug Report sub-forum so BHVR is more aware of the issue for the Xbox Version of DBD, if you feel you need more information on the issue than you can also submit a Support Ticket to try and get said information on if this is being currently fixed or not.
I've had problems with Custom Games, but I think it has more to do with internet connections, and possibly Xbox NAT Types. Best solution is get the person with the most stable internet to "host", invite everyone into the lobby and have them play as the killer first.
Will the devs do anything about it? Maybe if enough of us say that there is an issue.
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I am on PS4 and I haven't had any problems with my custom games. Like PigMainClaudette said, it's a possibility it's a problem with the Xbox NAT type.
If there are people complaining about it to the devs then hopefully they will but what I am seeing, consoles do not get a lot of love.
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Console has always had issues with some features of DBD, like the Custom Match or "KYFs" for example.
This seems to be the case for others as well in this comment section and other posts in the past, but I do believe BHVR is aware of this and intends to fix it because of the few people that do mention it from time to time.
I should also mention that KYF's or Custom Mode is also fairly buggy in itself, so it's no surprise if this is what you mean as "broken." If you can't load it up in-general than it might just be a console thing, your connection, or just an error with the game itself on Xbox specifically.
If you want to report it as a bug than I can link the Bug-Report sub-forum below so you can report this issue, if you want to talk to the Support Team to see if there's a fix for you than i'll also link that below.
[Here's the link to the Support Team]:
[Here's the link to the Bug Report sub-forum]:
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@FireHazard Its a wide thing on xbox we are required to friend each other if we don't it will Bug out and then we all have to reset our games sometimes it just breaks even if we friend each other