A solution to body blocking

Yes, another thing Killer's should have because it's beyond stupid that Survivors can body block with impunity, not unless you're EW3 Myers but I'll get to that later.

Solution: the instant a Killer picks up a Survivor, now their attack instant downs. It's more than fair considering that the Killer moves slower. Survivors can still save with a flashlight or pallet. But now they can't troll the Killer and the little conga line blocking the hook completely goes away.

Please don't make this a perk just make it a base ability. Thank you.



  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    Or make the the survivors be able to be hooked at the 180 degrees of the hook, just as survivors can unhook each other.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @SaltyKiller said:
    I like my solution more because that completely shuts it down.

    Name me one slasher movie where the killer picks someone up and everyone just runs up to them, teabags, and body blocks them.

    Plus, I make you a bet that even if you made it so you could hook from any direction a 3 guys could still block it.

    I know, but devs won't implement it, as the survivors will start crying because "REEEEE THERE ARE POINTS FOR BODYBLOCKING, SO IT IS FAIR REEEE".

  • hMM
    hMM Member Posts: 121

    @SaltyKiller said:
    I like my solution more because that completely shuts it down.

    Name me one slasher movie where the killer picks someone up and everyone just runs up to them, teabags, and body blocks them.

    Plus, I make you a bet that even if you made it so you could hook from any direction a 3 guy team could still block it.

    Dead by daylight is it's own unique game. This is not based on a horror movie and it doesn't have to follow the rules of classic horror films. Don't expect body blocking to be removed.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    Plus, I make you a bet that even if you made it so you could hook from any direction a 3 guy team could still block it.

    Dead by daylight is it's own unique game. This is not based on a horror movie and it doesn't have to follow the rules of classic horror films. Don't expect body blocking to be removed.

    It does however need to follow it's own settings rules in which the survivors should not have ever had teleporting powers at pallets in the first place.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    I don't like this idea at all, hook blocking's a mechanic that should stay.

    I'm not convinced body blocking needs to be changed at all.

  • Feyard
    Feyard Member Posts: 43

    To give my two cents: I think bodyblocking is ridiculous (for both sides) and it indeed should be removed, but another thing I would try to completely remove (kinda as a set) is camping, since for me it feels just as bad as bodyblocking.
    Reason I say this is: Every game I get bodyblocked I camp every Survivor I hook (fight fire with fire), that is probably the reason why for me these two things go hand in hand.

  • TheSkreechingDeath
    TheSkreechingDeath Member Posts: 36

    @SaltyKiller said:
    Yes, another thing Killer's should have because it's beyond stupid that Survivors can body block with impunity, not unless you're EW3 Myers but I'll get to that later.

    Solution: the instant a Killer picks up a Survivor, now their attack instant downs. It's more than fair considering that the Killer moves slower. Survivors can still save with a flashlight or pallet. But now they can't troll the Killer and the little conga line blocking the hook completely goes away.

    Please don't make this a perk just make it a base ability. Thank you.

    I've had this exact idea. A great one indeed; I would think it's pretty fair.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    @SaltyKiller said:

    @ASpazNamedSteve said:
    I don't like this idea at all, hook blocking's a mechanic that should stay.

    I'm not convinced body blocking needs to be changed at all.

    Okay then the Killer should be allowed to body block you in the basement. That's a mechanic that should stay.

    See how this game works?

    I agree, as long as it's not for griefing purposes.

    I don't think I've ever been held hostage in the basement before, so i don't think it happens too often.

  • VayneHellslinger
    VayneHellslinger Member Posts: 47

    Hmm let me give my two cents on the topic: Bodyblocking is a tactical advantage that a survivor should have at their disposal. They get hit for the prospect of delaying the killer for a set amount. The problem, I suppose that comes from the concept, comes from two ways. Often getting hit isn't too big of a negative in the given situation, and body blocking a killer rarely takes finesse. Oneshoting survivors while carrying a victim seems like an over correction, too much potential to be abused with carrying specific perks such as agitation and iron grasp. The cleanest way to remedy this would be to allow hooking from all directions of the hook. It still allows for bodyblocking to a degree, but now it takes more skill and coordination to pull off successfully.

  • Steebear
    Steebear Member Posts: 105

    Bodyblocking is just part of the game and I have no problem with it as a killer. If survivors want to take a hit on the way to the hook then I gain pressure, in almost all situations except perhaps being close to the open exit gates I would take 3-4 injured survivors over 1 hooked one because you gain immense map pressure. Chances are you are going to down one of those 3-4 quickly after the stun wears off and be in a better spot than you were before. Rremember that if they are all taking hits they are not doing gens!

    And in the basement with the killer it is fine too, as long as they do not hold the game hostage I don't see the problem. The basement is supposed to be punishing, not just another area of the map. If all 4 decide to go down and all have to take a hit to get out that is their choice.

  • Steebear
    Steebear Member Posts: 105

    Yeah, it's not like Survivors have Self Care and it only takes about 10 seconds to fully heal... Not to mention that they will heal at a safe pallet or loop spot.

    It takes a lot more than 10 seconds. Then get rid of the safe spot and down them? This has been in for ages and especially with the use of Nurses actually presents huge opportunities for the killer to mindgame survivors in this situation. Often you catch survivors healing each other and this gives even more map pressure.

    Hitting them isn't going to delay them and helps them if you're carrying someone because -GUESS WHAT?- that means you don't get a hook and can't get momentum from that.

    What? Of course hitting them delays them because they spend ages self healing or searching for a team mate to do so for them. Hooking is not the only way to gain momentum as a killer.

    If you are a distance from the hook while carrying someone over to it then just one body block means that they get away. Basically you're saying this:

    "I love it when I spend a minute or more chasing a Survivor, downing them, trying to get them to a hook, get denied by a body block, but I got one hit on one guy, but then I get stunned and now all of them run away from me. And now, I have to find them again, try to down them, all while dealing with pallets and loops while gens are getting done. That's fine."

    While they are bodyblocking and running from you they are losing time. You are stunned for a few seconds at most and will literally turn around and immedietely resume the chase. You make it sound like they are immortal of something. The chances of a hook being so far away that only one bodyblock is needed is so rare anyway which you must know if you play a lot of killer so you are presenting a false picture here.

    The mental gymnastics from you people... I'm going to make a guess
    that you only main Survivor and are fervently against any changes to the hatch (The last guy should get away for free!), to DS (Everyone deserves a Get Out Of Jail For Free Card!), and Adrenaline (Being fully healed, getting a sprint burst, and getting up after being downed is FAIR!).

    You are being extremely tedious. In fact I play far more killer than survivor but I am fed up with people who 'main' killer whinging all the time about mechanics that have always been in the game and can actually benefit them if they took a moment to think about what they are doing.

    Adrenaline is a one time use perk and only if the exit gates get powered. If you think that games hinge on single perks then you are simply wrong and need to change your outlook. I could count on one hand the number of times a survivor has gotten real use out of Adrenaline in my games in the past month of games.

    DS is just DS we have to suck it up..at least they are reviewing it with regards to a change.

    Instead of spending your time acting like the victim why not actively seek ways to improve your own gameplay and make it harder for survivors and think about how their apparent advantages can be turned against them. We literally just got handed a perk that slows down survivor healing inside the TR massively further strengthening perks that can be used in conjunction with it and also make taking hits on the way to the hook less desirable.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @SaltyKiller said:

    @VayneHellslinger said:
    Hmm let me give my two cents on the topic: Bodyblocking is a tactical advantage that a survivor should have at their disposal. They get hit for the prospect of delaying the killer for a set amount. The problem, I suppose that comes from the concept, comes from two ways. Often getting hit isn't too big of a negative in the given situation, and body blocking a killer rarely takes finesse. Oneshoting survivors while carrying a victim seems like an over correction, too much potential to be abused with carrying specific perks such as agitation and iron grasp. The cleanest way to remedy this would be to allow hooking from all directions of the hook. It still allows for bodyblocking to a degree, but now it takes more skill and coordination to pull off successfully.

    @Steebear said:
    Bodyblocking is just part of the game and I have no problem with it as a killer. If survivors want to take a hit on the way to the hook then I gain pressure, in almost all situations except perhaps being close to the open exit gates I would take 3-4 injured survivors over 1 hooked one because you gain immense map pressure. Chances are you are going to down one of those 3-4 quickly after the stun wears off and be in a better spot than you were before. Rremember that if they are all taking hits they are not doing gens!

    Yeah, it's not like Survivors have Self Care and it only takes about 10 seconds to fully heal... Not to mention that they will heal at a safe pallet or loop spot.

    Hitting them isn't going to delay them and helps them if you're carrying someone because -GUESS WHAT?- that means you don't get a hook and can't get momentum from that.

    If you are a distance from the hook while carrying someone over to it then just one body block means that they get away. Basically you're saying this:

    "I love it when I spend a minute or more chasing a Survivor, downing them, trying to get them to a hook, get denied by a body block, but I got one hit on one guy, but then I get stunned and now all of them run away from me. And now, I have to find them again, try to down them, all while dealing with pallets and loops while gens are getting done. That's fine."


    The mental gymnastics from you people... I'm going to make a guess
    that you only main Survivor and are fervently against any changes to the hatch (The last guy should get away for free!), to DS (Everyone deserves a Get Out Of Jail For Free Card!), and Adrenaline (Being fully healed, getting a sprint burst, and getting up after being downed is FAIR!).

    Trying to dismantle someone’s argument by using their status as a person instead of answering or streangthing your own argument is determined by psychoanalysis to be a sign of insecurity...

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930


    I use a phone, it was autocorrect from players. Nothing further other than instead of asking about why it makes no sense, going into a tangent

  • Steebear
    Steebear Member Posts: 105

    He didn't say it was a social status just a status. Basically you made a straw man by assuming my status as a 'survivor main' rather than actually addressing the argument itself.

    I apologize if you're on the spectrum.

    This is just offensive and should be moderated. Stop with the ad hominum attacks and grow up.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930
    edited June 2018

    @SaltyKiller said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    I use a phone, it was autocorrect from players. Nothing further other than instead of asking about why it makes no sense, going into a tangent

    Because, again, it's always the Survivors who cry about everything. Demanding nerfs left and right and who believe that DS is fine, Sprint Burst is fine, body blocking is fine, pallets right now are fine, etcetera and etcetera.

    You can downvote me all you want but that's not going to deflect the reality of the situation.

    Didn’t downvote. Wanted to talk. Saying it’s a entire faction (I’m not a part of btw) is just rude and ignorant. I don’t even know a person who thinks pallet looping and DS is fine as is. The reality is you match your name quite well Now who downvotes me? Because my downvotes matter WAY more than yours

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930


    So if someone’s opinion opposes you it doesn’t deserve value? Seeing how SWF and solo differences are the sole reason the game isn’t balanced citing them as the reason a perk, and not the mode itself, is a problem is kinda ridiculous. Also, it takes more than 15 seconds; just saying.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Jack11803 said:

    So if someone’s opinion opposes you it doesn’t deserve value? Seeing how SWF and solo differences are the sole reason the game isn’t balanced citing them as the reason a perk, and not the mode itself, is a problem is kinda ridiculous. Also, it takes more than 15 seconds; just saying.

    Also, yet again apparently what someone plays as, according to you, determines their merit, and if they are the majority which is survivors (straight white males; not sorry for comparison, now I’m doing it because you said I shouldn’t) all of a sudden their opinion is stupid?

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @SaltyKiller said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    So if someone’s opinion opposes you it doesn’t deserve value? Seeing how SWF and solo differences are the sole reason the game isn’t balanced citing them as the reason a perk, and not the mode itself, is a problem is kinda ridiculous. Also, it takes more than 15 seconds; just saying.

    There's a difference between having an opinion and being blatantly wrong.

    Saying body blocking is fair even after all of the arguments I've made (Killer wastes time, doesn't get a hook, gets stunned for several seconds, then has to find Survivors again, and getting hit and being healed doesn't take up much time) you still ignore them in favor of mental gymnastics. Because you are blatantly wrong. You may as well be saying "The sun is green!" Or "Walking is a more efficient use of travel then driving or taking a train." You're wrong. You are wrong sir. Accept that you are wrong.

    Fairness is subjective, and always an opinion. Successfully dismantled

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    Username checks out
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @ThePloopz said:
    Username checks out

    He complained about misuse of downvotes, then just goes through and downvotes every reply I made to him.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    Jack11803 said:

    @ThePloopz said:
    Username checks out

    He complained about misuse of downvotes, then just goes through and downvotes every reply I made to him.

    He’s a SaltyKiller what do you expect lol 🤔 I wonder if someone on here is named toxic survivor? 
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @SaltyKiller said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @SaltyKiller said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    So if someone’s opinion opposes you it doesn’t deserve value? Seeing how SWF and solo differences are the sole reason the game isn’t balanced citing them as the reason a perk, and not the mode itself, is a problem is kinda ridiculous. Also, it takes more than 15 seconds; just saying.

    There's a difference between having an opinion and being blatantly wrong.

    Saying body blocking is fair even after all of the arguments I've made (Killer wastes time, doesn't get a hook, gets stunned for several seconds, then has to find Survivors again, and getting hit and being healed doesn't take up much time) you still ignore them in favor of mental gymnastics. Because you are blatantly wrong. You may as well be saying "The sun is green!" Or "Walking is a more efficient use of travel then driving or taking a train." You're wrong. You are wrong sir. Accept that you are wrong.

    Fairness is subjective, and always an opinion. Successfully dismantled

    Again, zero defense because your opinion is wrong. If I explain how, for example, a Honda is faster than a Toyota and I explain the mechanics why that is. That is not subjective. That is fact. Just stop.

    I'm not a car guy so I know a schmuck will appear and say "Well, actually Honda is blah blah blah." Then you're not getting the point.

    I said fairness is an opinion, by the dictionary that is true. Speed is not fairness, or anything to do with it.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930


    The only way to beat me with a metaphor, is if the metaphor also involves fairness, that metaphor you give had no correlation.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930
    edited June 2018

    @Jack11803 said:

    The only way to beat me with a metaphor, is if the metaphor also involves fairness, that metaphor you give had no correlation.

    You are the person who downvoted my message on fairness is subjective, no context, just 100% fact. The FACT that you downvoted an undeniable FACT is absurd. Notice how I’m not insulting you like you did me, claiming I’m stupid for my opinions. Even though it wasn’t my opinion, even though I was defending SOMEONE else’s opinion and right to have one, even though you somehow thought it was what I thought, even though you went after my message like a wild animal because I made a statement that was condolence to someone. That someone not being you?

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930


    Yet again, argument dismantled, you replied with cars not bodyblocking... and again, I’m only getting downvoted by you, other people are downvoting you. And many killers on this thread have agreed bodyblocking isn’t a problem. Maybe it’s just YOU

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    "Impunity" is a debatable term.
    Bodyblocking still requires you to take a hit and commitment, since you're not repairing while you're blocking. So it's not free, especially since it takes several survivors in most cases to actually get a grab rescue, which means several hits, and no many generator repairs.

    Also, if you consider the current hook amounts, it's usually fine, except in some rare extreme case of survivors running in corners, allowing another survivor not to get hooked with a single bodyblocker, possibly.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930


    He’s already lost, in almost all cases, a fellow killer would come to aid, but not here, he was simply, utterly wrong. Probably done replying, only thing he could reply with is more “you are wrong, I’m right”. Probably just gonna crop dust ya with downvotes

  • Steebear
    Steebear Member Posts: 105

    @Jack11803 said:

    He’s already lost, in almost all cases, a fellow killer would come to aid, but not here, he was simply, utterly wrong. Probably done replying, only thing he could reply with is more “you are wrong, I’m right”. Probably just gonna crop dust ya with downvotes

    Yes I have up voted your posts to equal out his need to press the down vote button each time ^^

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Steebear said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    He’s already lost, in almost all cases, a fellow killer would come to aid, but not here, he was simply, utterly wrong. Probably done replying, only thing he could reply with is more “you are wrong, I’m right”. Probably just gonna crop dust ya with downvotes

    Yes I have up voted your posts to equal out his need to press the down vote button each time ^^

    DAW...you didn’t need to :)

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    Steebear said:

    I don't believe that for a second. If you do use Killer, it's probably very brief at low ranks and in KYF.

    More straw man arguments. Do you proof read any of this before you post it? You don't believe me? On what evidence? That I have an opinion that is different to yours and well argued? This is now verging on embarassing for you. I don't play any KYF as killer and I reach the red ranks as killer each month, I am sat at rank 5 now and even uploaded two videos of last nights game play against a load of rank 2 players. You need to stop with these straw man arguments where you assume things you don't actually know...it makes you look REALLY foolish.

    But the point is that your wrong. Your opinion is wrong.

    It isn't wrong and I have provided ample argument to show that. That you refuse to acknowlede any of it is not my problem.

    Get hit, run to a safe pallet spot and heal up for 10-15 seconds. Not a big deal. If the Killer comes over they still have to deal with the pallet(s) and loops*. Plus you ignore my point that by hitting that Survivor who is body blocking the Survivor the Killer was carrying GETS AWAY AND THE KILLER DOESN'T GET A HOOK. And you need to get a hook or at least slug someone in order to build that momentum because it doesn't take long for those gens to get done.

    I already addressed this but you refuse to acknowledge that there are other ways to gain pressure without having to hook every time. I would explain further but I am sorry to say you strike me as someone who won't ever listen to arguments against your position ever and just attack them instead.

    And since you defend Adrenaline (as I predicted) it's obvious no sense of reason will ever get through to you. If you think Adrenaline that fully heals them, gets them up after being downed, PLUS gives them a sprint burst is fair then we're done.

    You didn't predict anything you just spouted a load of nonsense about how overpowered a survivors perk was and I informed you how ridiculous the argument was. I adressed this, I told you how often it actually gives a real advantage and you have made the same point yet again. Just re-read what I wrote before.

    "B-b-but it only kicks in when all the gens are done! REE!"

    Yes it does...and then they need to be injured/downed or hooked to get anything other than a 5 second sprint with a huge exhaustion CD. What is it about this that is so difficult for you to understand?

    Yeah and if they're SWF it's very easy to coordinate. Especially if there's one gen left then the guy with Adrenaline will distract the Killer as everyone else gets that gen done. Not to mention that if you hook them, all the gens get done, and that guy gets rescued he still gets Adrenline. Putting them on the hook doesn't take that away from them like it should at the very least.

    If it is SWF then it is SWF, what is it you are expecting people to say? We all know that there is nothing you can do against well organised ones but you need to try and understand that they cannot balance the game against SWF and leave it balanced for all the solo players. This isn't rocket science.

    *Just another note because I know a guy will eek out of the woodwork defending that by saying "Oh well, there might not be any pallets or loops for them to run to!" Wrong again. Newest Survivor has a perk that allows you to see where every pallet is. Not to mention that if you, as Killer, destroyed tons of pallets that's still a lot of time being wasted destroying around 15-20 pallets. And if you're doing that, even if you're lucky and dealing with a bad Survivor who isn't looping and just chucking pallets and running to the next one, you're wasting valuable time and still haven't gotten someone on a hook.

    Survivors that just chuck pallets and allow you to remove them from the map are a dream come true for a killer. Makes the end game incredibly dangerous for them. I am sorry but you come across as someone who instead of watching some good killer videos or streams (of which there are plenty) you have fixed your mindset that survivors are uncatchable gods who have a neverending supply of pallets and loops and never make mistakes. This just isn't the case at all and I have to question your methods if this is your experience. It suggests you are being to predictable.

    My advice is you do a bit of reading and watching so you can see how to counter this stuff. I have never suggested killer is easy but it isn't nearly as brutal as you are making out.

    Well done 👍 
  • ACoolName
    ACoolName Member Posts: 177

    Well if you're talking facts, most games will not have bodyblockers.
    In most games where there are, it doesn't work.
    And to give your reasoning credit, if it did work, any fast killer (nurse, hillbilly, huntress, possibly the clown due to slow down trapper if a trap is set ) could get to them with minimal time. And saying that they could run to a pallet....well the chase grows longer by dropping pallets, so any near pallet would be destroyed. Say you got him will he was trying to loop but failed (pallet already dropped) then you're supposed to destroy it before it is picked up. Only if it wasn't dropped would it be a problem.
    Now let's go over perks. Thanatophobia benefits from such situations, and now clourophobia is a good combo.
    Sloppy butcher too (paired with blood hound it becomes impossible to lose a survivor)
    Also, you don't "believe" he's a killer main......well he could be lying, I will not defend what I am not sure of, but you too, sir, are not sure. Thus, this statement holds no weight in any manner.
    At the end of the day, some killers don't mind bodyblocking, and I believe they are a majority since Pallets and quasi infinites exist. Body blocking isn't even dangerous on its own, just the safe spots that make it so horrible.
    And forgot..........having only hooks and heals are benevolent points farms is not too great. Bodyblock points are precious too.

  • Abyssionknight
    Abyssionknight Member Posts: 69

    Here's the thing you might not be considering though, when these little survivors are running around trying to block you and save their friend, they're letting you get free hits and they're not working on gens.

    Now, even if they save their friend, they all have to run off and waste more time healing, while you have 2,3 or even 4 injured survivors to chase. That extends the duration they aren't doing gens, increases the amount of pallets used up, and increases your chances of winning.

    We've seen in past meta's that when you reduce a survivors options to help their allies, they stop taking the risks and just focus on generators.

    I don't know about you, but I'd rather have a game last longer, with more survivor injuries, than a game where I easily get someone to a hook, but all the other survivors are gen rushing.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @SaltyKiller said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    He’s already lost, in almost all cases, a fellow killer would come to aid, but not here, he was simply, utterly wrong. Probably done replying, only thing he could reply with is more “you are wrong, I’m right”. Probably just gonna crop dust ya with downvotes

    Because I have a life and don't live on the internet 24/7. You know there's an edit button too, right? You don't have to keep replying. Hit the little gear on the top right of your post and there you go.

    Another guy wrote an essay that I skimmed through basically saying "There's other ways to stop pressure" So basically slug them. Which only works if you're down to 2-3 Survivors. Slugging takes forever to kill them, the longer they stay down the easier it is for them to get picked up, plus Killers don't get a pip or decent BP from that, and in addition they could have Unbreakable. Slugging isn't very viable. Anyone who say's "Try slugging" doesn't really know what they're talking about.

    He goes on and doesn't get my point at all. Obviously, if you get lucky enough to break tons of pallets early in the match then hitting a blocker and getting stunned and trying to find them again isn't as bad. It's still bad for obvious reasons. But oh wait, Survivors can insta-heal, 2 Survivors can work on 1 person and heal them insanely fast, they could use the brand new perk that allows them to see where every pallet is or they could get to a safe vault spot.

    . > @Abyssionknight said:

    Here's the thing you might not be considering though, when these little survivors are running around trying to block you and save their friend, they're letting you get free hits and they're not working on gens.

    Now, even if they save their friend, they all have to run off and waste more time healing, while you have 2,3 or even 4 injured survivors to chase. That extends the duration they aren't doing gens, increases the amount of pallets used up, and increases your chances of winning.

    We've seen in past meta's that when you reduce a survivors options to help their allies, they stop taking the risks and just focus on generators.

    I don't know about you, but I'd rather have a game last longer, with more survivor injuries, than a game where I easily get someone to a hook, but all the other survivors are gen rushing.

    Here's the thing you might not be considering though; you STILL. DO. NOT. GET. A. HOOK. AFTER. BEING. BODY. BLOCKED. Not unless you got really lucky.

    Because not getting that hook is a huge momentum shift. So I don't understand why there's people who insist it's fine when we all know it's extremely important to down and hook a Survivor within the first 1-2 minutes of a match. Because if you don't, at least 2-3 gens will get done. More if you don't have Ruin.

    It only makes sense to me if you main Survivor or just enjoy being a contrarian. It seems to be a little bit of column A and B in this case.

    I play doc all the time, each and everytime I got bodyblocked, I got a hook regardless within the next 30 seconds, and snowballed the entire match. If they are willing to bodyblocking, they care about teammates, use that. Also, every SINGLE person who bodyblocked, is someone who must of been following you nitvdoing gens, and waiting to save, thus less progress is done. Now they have to self care for 25~ seconds, or use 2 people to heal. And you could easily chase any of the injured people. Down them in 30 seconds (takes 25~ to self care, or 2 people not on gens) if they used pallets, those pallets are never gonna be used again.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930


    Also, I’ve beaten a 4 man p3 Squadette with 4 BNP’s, before they got nerfed, before Doctor cube, and killed all of them, before they could do a single gen without a BNP. All it took was strategy and determination. I don’t think I just play killer, I think I’m very good at it as well, and I can tell you bodyblocking almost always does little. I’ve only been negatively effected by body blocking once, the first time it happened to me.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    Hookblocking rarely results in the guy wiggling off though, if you're playing it correctly as killer. And when it does it usually results in just about every survivor being injured. In my experiences 90% of hookblocking attempts result in an injured guy AND a successful hook, which helps you more than it harms you as killer.

    I also think bodyblocking is a genuinely fun mechanic on both sides resulting in cool and interesting plays, as well as promoting teamwork for the survivors.

    I am also a killer main btw, before you resort to stating otherwise :p

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    What you’ve said always confuses me, as there is almost always another hook nearby...are you just coincidentally dealing with sabatging hooks as well?

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    @SaltyKiller I didn't say I've never seen it happen, I said I very rarely see it happen successfully.

    The reason I bring up 'playing it correctly' is because you have quite a few options at your disposal when you face bodyblockers, it's just up to you to decide which is the best course of action. These include: just hitting them if they're close enough + hooking, changing hook if another one is close enough and you see they are ready to block the other one, drop the survivor, or just don't pick them up in the first place and slug. People get really salty over slugging but it's a very strong tactic in certain situations.

    And yeah, I stick by thinking body collision in this game is a really good thing. I enjoy it. I'm glad I at least gave you a good laugh though :D

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930
    edited June 2018

    @ASpazNamedSteve said:
    @SaltyKiller I didn't say I've never seen it happen, I said I very rarely see it happen successfully.

    The reason I bring up 'playing it correctly' is because you have quite a few options at your disposal when you face bodyblockers, it's just up to you to decide which is the best course of action. These include: just hitting them if they're close enough + hooking, changing hook if another one is close enough and you see they are ready to block the other one, drop the survivor, or just don't pick them up in the first place and slug. People get really salty over slugging but it's a very strong tactic in certain situations.

    And yeah, I stick by thinking body collision in this game is a really good thing. I enjoy it. I'm glad I at least gave you a good laugh though :D

    Mind replying to that? Seems whenever a comment tilts you, but you can’t straw man out of it you just downvote and sulk

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    People require time to heal again before blocking, you are demanding control over every survivor at once. Chase a blocker, and will a guy get up? Yeah, you still have him and several others injured, as well as you expecting the entire team to be ready to help. If they are....NO ONE IS ON GENS!

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited June 2018

    Have you tried hitting the survivors? ;)

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    @SaltyKiller I already gave you more options than that, but okay... they don't exist I guess. You should try slugging more vs bodyblocking teams, it becomes A LOT harder to bodyblock when the others will either be down or trying to heal the downed guy. Hell, even getting them in just the injured state helps a ton, as it'll mean you trade them on the hook if they try to still block.

    I don't really know how you're having so much trouble vs them, as long as they don't bait out a bunch of missed swings from you it rarely does anything but hurt them.

  • Steebear
    Steebear Member Posts: 105

    @ASpazNamedSteve said:
    @SaltyKiller I didn't say I've never seen it happen, I said I very rarely see it happen successfully.

    The reason I bring up 'playing it correctly' is because you have quite a few options at your disposal when you face bodyblockers, it's just up to you to decide which is the best course of action. These include: just hitting them if they're close enough + hooking, changing hook if another one is close enough and you see they are ready to block the other one, drop the survivor, or just don't pick them up in the first place and slug. People get really salty over slugging but it's a very strong tactic in certain situations.

    And yeah, I stick by thinking body collision in this game is a really good thing. I enjoy it. I'm glad I at least gave you a good laugh though :D

    You have much the same experiences as me and it sounds like we can both read the situation and adapt accordingly. This is apparently not the case for all killers though.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Steebear said:

    @ASpazNamedSteve said:
    @SaltyKiller I didn't say I've never seen it happen, I said I very rarely see it happen successfully.

    The reason I bring up 'playing it correctly' is because you have quite a few options at your disposal when you face bodyblockers, it's just up to you to decide which is the best course of action. These include: just hitting them if they're close enough + hooking, changing hook if another one is close enough and you see they are ready to block the other one, drop the survivor, or just don't pick them up in the first place and slug. People get really salty over slugging but it's a very strong tactic in certain situations.

    And yeah, I stick by thinking body collision in this game is a really good thing. I enjoy it. I'm glad I at least gave you a good laugh though :D

    You have much the same experiences as me and it sounds like we can both read the situation and adapt accordingly. This is apparently not the case for all killers though.


    I main doc, that person mains killer, so dies another...just take the hint, YOU are the problem that needs fixing.

  • Zavri
    Zavri Member Posts: 261

    @SaltyKiller said:
    Yes, another thing Killer's should have because it's beyond stupid that Survivors can body block with impunity, not unless you're EW3 Myers but I'll get to that later.

    Solution: the instant a Killer picks up a Survivor, now their attack instant downs. It's more than fair considering that the Killer moves slower. Survivors can still save with a flashlight or pallet. But now they can't troll the Killer and the little conga line blocking the hook completely goes away.

    Please don't make this a perk just make it a base ability. Thank you.

    Terrible idea and I'm a killer main.

    People would run agitation and if you didn't know, agitation allows you to outrun survivors while carrying someone. So if anyone is within roughly 10 seconds of the downed person, they are basically guaranteed to be downed ( unless a pallet is around or w/e )