Chapter Concept - He Who Hunts Monsters

Doccy Member Posts: 103
edited July 2020 in Creations

Chapter: He Who Hunts Monsters:
The theme of this chapter is falling to the corruption of the Entity. The Chapter comes with the new Survivor, Frederick Harrington - and the new Killer, The Raven, or Darius Locke. Both are men trapped in impossible situations, willing to go as far as they have to in order to achieve their goals. And does that make them any different, in the end?


"What makes a man human? The longer I run and die in this umbral world, that is the question that resurfaces in my mind. Or rather, what makes those who seek us, who chase us and kill us inhuman? What horrible gifts has the spider limbs granted them to make them what they are? I wonder this as I look at the newcomer, a man who seems to be stuck in a state of frustration. I dare not get close to him, for when I do I feel my heartbeat slowly rise. What has he done for the sake of his own survival? I dare not think of it..."
-Benedict's Journal

Name: Frederick Harrington
Desc: Frederick is a grim and perseverant Perfectionist, who takes risks and is willing to do whatever it takes. His personal Perks, Perfectionism, Dark Bargain and Perseverance let him accomplish objectives quickly but risk being quickly found by the Killer, and hide in a pinch.
He can more easily get Great Skill Checks, as well as increase his Action Speed by taking hits, and cloak himself from the Killer's eyes. However, these great benefits bring risk with them as well and one mistake can spell death for him.
Difficulty: Hard
(based on only using his Unique Perks)

BIO: Frederick had always since birth been an ambitious child, possessing an indomitable will and drive to succeed. He saw all adversity as something to overcome, something he could conquer. Always refusing to back down, Frederick didn't care what he had to do to overcome anything in his way, he just did it.

His peers at his university regarded him with equal measure of respect and scorn. Frederick didn't regard them as his peers, that was for sure. People were nothing but stepping stones, tools to help him reach greater heights to him. He thought himself invincible.

Then came the fateful day, one day where Frederick simply collapsed while on his way to work. He was rushed to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Frederick didn't know what to make of it. He fought and he fought, even as the cancer grew within him.

One day, he snapped. He'd had enough of waiting for the cancer to kill him. He jumped out of his twenty-eighth floor apartment, aiming to at least be the master of his own end. Little did he know that he would be denied even that. Before he hit the pavement, darkness shrouded him and he found himself surrounded by fog. Standing up and walking towards a campfire in the distance, Frederick steeled himself for whatever was to come. No matter what he would face, Frederick would face it head-on.

No matter the cost.

Teachable Perks:

Desc: You're gonna get out of here as fast as you can, no matter how.
You can no longer make Good Skill Checks, but the area for Great Skill Checks is increased by 20/25/30%.

"You want something done right, you do it yourself." - Frederick Harrington

Unique to Frederick Harrington until Level 30, at which point the Teachable version can be learned and taught to other Survivors.

Desc: You've made a bargain with the Entity in exchange for power.
If you crouch and hold still for 2.5 seconds, you become completely invisible to the Killer for 5/6/7 seconds. Moving or being hit breaks the effect, and you are not immune to aura-reading. After the effect wears off, Dark Bargain causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.
You do not recover from Exhaustion while running.

"Alright. This better work." - Frederick Harrington

Unique to Frederick Harrington until Level 35, at which point the Teachable version can be learned and taught to other Survivors.

Desc: The threat of failing spurs you on.
Whenever you are hit, gain a Token. For each Token you have, your Action Speed is increased by 4%. If you are hooked, you lose 2 Tokens. You can only have up to 2/3/4 Tokens at a time.

"I'm still in this! Scratches like these won't stop me!" - Frederick Harrington

Unique to Frederick Harrington until Level 40, at which point the Teachable version can be learned and taught to other Survivors.


"A man dressed in a cloak of feathers, blood-stained bandages covering his eyes. Strangely, the sight of him gives me not a hint of not just dread, but despair. What drove him to claw out his own eyes? What horrors has he seen that would drive us all mad? Who was he, before he was warped into this monster who hounds us through the eyes of the corvians who watch our every move? Regardless, I find myself having to keep watch no matter where I am - in an instant his feathered ally may dive down on me and distract me, while he comes for me with killing intent."
-Benedict's Journal

Difficulty: Intermediate
Desc: A hunting-focused Killer who can scout large parts of the map for a target easily. His perks Obsession: Relentless Pursuit, Tear It Down and Hex: Nevermore allow him to conceal his presence from his targeted Survivor, quickly move after destroying a pallet or kicking a generator, and oppress Survivors who attempt to go it alone.

MOVEMENT SPEED: 115% (4.6m/s)
TERROR RADIUS: 20 meters/45 meters
HEIGHT: Average (same height as Ghostface)
DESC: While within 45 meters, the Survivors will intermittenly hear birds cawing. This sound is not directional and its volume does not increase the closer you are to The Raven. While within 20 meters, the standard heartbeat soundtrack plays. Any add-ons that change the size of The Raven's Terror Radius affect the heartbeat Terror Radius, not the cawing Terror Radius.
Dev Note: Marking a Survivor with Raven's Cry grants you the Death Marked type of Bloodpoints. This grants you 750 Bloodpoints in the Deviousness category. Hitting a Survivor marked by Raven's Cry grants you 500 Bloodpoints in the Deviousness category. Using The Raven's secondary ability grants you the Featherstorm type of Bloodpoints. This grants you 500 Bloodpoints in the Deviousness category.
WEAPON: Raven Talons (Bird-like metal claws worn on both his hands. When he lunges, he reels back both hands and swipes forward with them)
POWER: Raven's Cry
DESC: The Raven can send out a crow that flies in a straight line across the map, starting from him. If it spots a Survivor on that line, the crow will divebomb that Survivor and the crow then reveals the Survivor's Aura to the Raven and they cannot interact with the following objects: Generators, Undropped Pallets, Totems and Exit Gates for 15 seconds. Once the duration ends, The Raven must go to a marked group of birds where he can retrieve his crow. This causes the group of crows to fly away. If the crow does not find any survivors, it returns to The Raven after a few seconds.
DESC 2: The Raven has a secondary ability triggered by pressing the second active ability button. When activated, The Raven unleashes a murder of crows from himself in a set radius around him that block the following objects for 20 seconds: Generators, Undropped Pallets, Totems and Exit Gates. This ability has a cooldown of 30 seconds.
MORI: The Raven pounces on top of a Survivor and begins violently beating and clawing at them as they desperately try to defend themselves. Finally, The Raven grabs their neck and stabs their eyes, slowly jamming his claws in before pulling them out along with the eyes, which his avian ally immediately pounces on and begins to devour.

Head: Shameful Bandage - A set of bandages wrapped around the head to block out eyesight. What horrible things could someone have seen to claw out their own eyes?
Body: Feather Cloak - A large cloak made of black feathers, worn over an old detective's uniform. Is he trying to hide something... or show something with that cloak? A mark of submission... or allegiance?
Weapon: Raven Talons - A pair of claws like those on a bird. Unlike those on a bird, these are for cutting and clawing. They're worn less like weapons and more like actual claws; as if that's all he needs.

Head: Bloody Bandage - His blood keeps pouring out from his sockets, more than these pitiful bandages can hide.
Body: Bloody Cloak - Fresh and fermented with the blood of his victims, he finds solace in taking out his hatred on those in his way.
Weapon: Bloody Talons - Rip and tear, claw and skewer, bathed in the blood and innards of those unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of a broken man's fury.

Head: Clean Bandage - A clean set of bandages, worn to blind the user. Changing bandages is one of the few luxuries he can afford.
Body: Whitefeather Cloak - A large cloak of white doves' feathers, made to signal passing on, rather than brutal death. Perhaps he isn't as hateful as he acts.
Weapon: Clean Talons - Clean and immaculately sharpened claws. Only, why would he bother?

Head: Doctor's Mask - Filled with scented herbs, perfect for combatting the awful smell of disease. After all, how can you cure them if you can't think because of the smell?
Body: Doctor's Robe - Simple, yet stylish. It's even got special pockets for keeping leeches in. A doctor needs the best he can get, of course.
Weapon: Doctor's Scalpels - A bit of an odd way to carry the neccessary tools, but to each his own. Every intelligent man is a little eccentric, no?

Head: Detective's Hat - The standard of any intrepid detective as he dives into the criminal underworld.
Body: Detective's Longcoat - The long, flowing coat that blows in the wind as you hunt down murderers and criminals.
Weapon: Detective's Talons - This detective isn't willing to let anyone get away ever again.

BIO: Darius Locke had an intimate relationship with injustice. He'd seen his mother walk out on his father, and he'd seen how his father was driven to alcoholism as a result. His father was a womanizer, a drunk and an angry man. But he was also a hard worker, a man who put the needs of his son before his own. Darius' father worked himself to death to provide for his son, going hungry thanks to his alcoholic habits. When he eventually died while Darius was being schooled, nobody but a few of his workmates and Darius were there to shed tears for him.

As the years passed, Darius took the example his father had been to heart. He worked himself to the bone, and it paid off. He made Detective, and he took pride in bringing criminals to justice. His father had shown him what happened to good people when they did what others wouldn't, but showed him why they did it in the first place. Darius regularly went undercover into drug dens, forcing himself to take part of the vile substances he swore to pull off the streets if it meant making the world just a little safer for others.

Then came the big one. The biggest case Darius had ever and would ever undertake in his life. The "Four-Cross Cult" killings. A killing spree that mystified others in its attention to detail. The killings were always the same - four people, laid out next to eachother with a line of blood drawn across them. And each time, a black feather placed over the eyes of the victims. Darius swore that whoever was responsible, he would bring to justice, one way or another.

He delved deep into even the smallest clue and questioned anyone and everyone who had even the slightest inkling of motive. It became less of a case... and more of an obsession. He began to get more and more violent in his interrogations. Each time another set of victims appeared, he got more and more fixated with the case. More frustrated, more unstable. His coworkers began to respect him less and less, and began to fear him more and more. He'd lash out, he'd yell and he'd hurt. Eventually he got himself laid off.

It didn't stop him. He delved deeper into the mysterious eyewitness accounts of a congretation of a cult, and began to see more and more people as being part of some conspiracy. This went deep, and he was coming close to the bottom. Eventually, he went too deep. He woke up naked in a field surrounded by masked cultists who injected him with something they called 'Revelation'.

The things Darius heard, the things he saw! He saw an endless ocean of eyes, trees made of spider-like claws and whispers of meat, of meat and sacrifice. Darius struggled and struggled and broke free. The four leaders of the cult kneeled down before him and did not move as the rest of the congregation began to chant like madmen. In a shriek of horror and unleashed rage, Darius ripped the throats of the four leaders, each of them slumping down on the ground like the killings while the congregation threw a mass of black feathers onto Darius. They rejoiced, for the ritual was complete. They rejoiced as Darius slaughtered them in the honor of their dark god.

Three days later, this would be known as one of the greatest massacres related to organized crime during the Great Depression. Dozens of people slaughtered in a circle, while in the middle - four people lying next to eachother with a line of blood drewn across them, and feathers covering their faces. Darius was long gone. The event was pinned on the mob, and used to sway public opinion against them - the evidence of the now inactive Four-Cross Cult was buried, and Darius Locke was struck from official police records.

While what was left of Darius's belongings were sold or thrown away, Darius found himself in a new world. A new place of blood and an endless chase. He wore the feathers thrown on him like a cloak, and his new dark patron gave him a dubious gift in the form of a large raven. His anger growing by the minute, Darius fashioned himself a pair of claws and set out to get his answers, no matter who he had to hurt.

MAP: The Raven's signature map is a variation of Coldwind Farm called Sacrifice Site. It's an old farmland but all the crops are withered and dead, the trees are blackened and decayed and there's Darius's sacrifice in the middle of the map, the circle of bodies and the four dead cult leaders with raven feathers across their eyes. There's a small shack on the side of the map which leads to the Basement.
NOTE: A large amount of crows are present at the middle of the map, where Darius made his sacrifice. Should a Killer or Survivor approach them, they will fly into the air.


Desc: You become Obsessed with one Survivor.
You gain the Undetectable status towards all Aura reading done by your Obsession. When this perk is blocking a Survivor's aura reading, you detect their location by Killer Instinct.
The Killer can only be Obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

"The worst criminals are those who don't need to hide. But they will hide. If not from the law, then from me."

Unique to The Raven until Level 30, at which point the Teachable version can then be learned and taught to other Killers.

Desc: Your hatred of anything getting in your way makes you faster.
When you perform a Break action, gain a 5% speed boost for 3/4/5 seconds.

  • Gain 50%/75%/100% more Bloodpoints for actions in the Brutality category.

"It doesn't matter what they throw in my way! I'll drag them into the light, no matter what it takes!"

Unique to The Raven until Level 35, at which point the Teachable version can then be learned and taught to other Killers.

Desc: A hex rooting its power in the despair of being alone in the dark.
When a Survivor is not within 12 meters of another Survivor, they receive a 10%/12%/15% Action Speed penalty.

"You're going to feel the same crushing loneliness I did. Then you'll talk. You'll tell me what I want to know."

Unique to The Raven until Level 40, at which point the Teachable version can then be learned and taught to other Killers.


Ultra Rare
Desc: A perfectly clean syringe filled with the dreaded "Revelation". It seems to change colour depending on which angle you view it from...

  • Attacks against a Survivor afflicted with Raven's Cry instantly put them into the Dying state.

"Some people say drugs make you see things you normally can't. The things 'Revelation' shows you are things you'd wish you never saw."

Ultra Rare
Desc: A second corvian ally, gifted to the Raven as a mark of having satisfied his dark master excellently.

  • When a Survivor is marked by Raven's Cry, it triggers a Featherstorm centered on them.

"His anger, his hatred, his dark master gorges itself on it. And it wants more."

Very Rare
Desc: A piece of raw meat for the only ally the Raven can trust out in the Fog.

  • Tremendously reduces (-3 seconds) the recall time of the crow from a group of crows. Stacks.

"They're not even people to him, just obstacles in the way of the truth."

Very Rare
Desc: A grimy, black substance that coats the claws of the bird that the Raven uses to hunt down his prey. Just touching it seems to drain the life and energy out of oneself.

  • Raven's Cry applies the Exhausted status effect for its duration.

"The claws gouge into your flesh, and the wounds seem to drain the very life out of us."

Very Rare
Desc: An old Detective's badge, stained with dried blood.

  • Tremendously lengthens (+7 seconds) the duration of Raven's Cry. Stacks.

"Detective Darius Locke, Memphis, Tennessee."

Desc: An old relic, busted beyond repair. And yet, occasionally one can still hear some voices from it.

  • Considerably lengthens (+5 seconds) the duration of Raven's Cry. Stacks.

"I'm gonna find out who did this, sir. And I'm gonna drag them into the light."

Desc: A clean, unstained syringe filled with an addictive substance.

  • Attacks against a Survivor afflicted with Raven's Cry apply the Deep Wounds status effect.

"He used to tell himself every shot would be his last."

Desc: The lens of an old camera used to take photos of crime scenes. In the reflection, one can seemingly see a bloodstained hand throwing it into the creek...

  • Moderately lengthens (+3 seconds) the duration of Raven's Cry. Stacks.

"Don't look into the lens. The things you see in the reflection..."

Desc: A pair of bird eyes, strangely preserved against the flow of time.

  • Raven's Cry applies the Blinded status effect for its duration.

"It goes for your eyes... like it did to his."

Desc: A small piece of bandage covered with dried blood.

  • Slightly lengthens (+2 seconds) the duration of Raven's Cry Stacks.

"He covers his wounds... is he ashamed?"

Desc: A dirty syringe, half-filled with some strange substance.

  • Attacks against a Survivor afflicted with Raven's Cry apply the Mangled effect.

"He doesn't care anymore. Anything to relieve him of the pain."

Desc: A piece of evidence found by Darius during his investiagtion. The Four-Cross liked to show off, like they wanted to be found...

  • Moderately increases the duration of Featherstorm. (+3 seconds). Stacks.

"A mess of clawed limbs, eyes and darkness. What a twisted imagination."

Desc: A testimony from a young child who witnessed a victim being taken.

  • Moderately reduce (-2 seconds) the recall time of the crow from a group of crows. Stacks.

"She said saw a bird man take her mother away."

Desc: An old notebook filled with increasingly paranoid ramblings and conspiracy theories penned by Darius during his time as detective.

  • Slightly reduces (-1 second) the recall time of the crow from a group of crows. Stacks.

"Looking at his notebook, was Darius ever sane to begin with?"

Desc: A syringe with the top part broken off and only a few drips of a substance inside.

  • Attacks against a Survivor afflicted with Raven's Cry apply the Haemorrhage effect.

"The lengths people are willing to go to..."

Desc: A picture taken at the scene of the crime.

  • Slightly increases the flight speed of the crow.

"Four dead, arranged side-by-side with a line of blood across them."

Desc: An old polaroid of a father and son.

  • Slightly increases the duration of Featherstorm. (+2 seconds) Stacks.

"Never let anything keep you down, son. Let nobody get in the way of what you gotta do."

Post edited by Doccy on


  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    It’s good :)

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    Glad you like it.

  • Nubler
    Nubler Member Posts: 1

    Great work,
    i love it !

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    Updated the whole thing, changed some things that were next to useless and tried to make them a bit more unique.

  • TheSkreechingDeath
    TheSkreechingDeath Member Posts: 36

    @Doccy Member

    PERK 1:
    Desc: You become Obsessed with one Survivor. While your Obsession is still alive, you have 20%/30%/40% increased Action Speed.

    BOC? If so... good on you.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    @TheSkreechingDeath said:
    @Doccy Member

    PERK 1:
    Desc: You become Obsessed with one Survivor. While your Obsession is still alive, you have 20%/30%/40% increased Action Speed.

    BOC? If so... good on you.

    I forgot to add "while in a chase", sorry. Looking back, that would be ridiculous

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436


  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    Re-did "Don't Fear The Reaper" and made it into something more interesting and fitting with the Raven's theme of map presence.

  • ACoolName
    ACoolName Member Posts: 177

    Loudly sobbing for 20 seconds max and it's good

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    Mourn The Fallen has been nerfed, and Addons have started to take form.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    I'm honestly still not sure on a lot of the things I've written down and could really use some input.

  • LonerNova
    LonerNova Member Posts: 22
    The name startled me. I thought someone had stolen my own killer idea, and slightly changed it. The name is where the similarities end though. Sounds interesting enough, but I hate the idea of a skillcheck while moving. It's weird. 
  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    I think remove the exposed part of Raven’s Call and increase the number of ravens sent out and the cooldown to retrieve them and make the exposed an addon. So like 2-3 ravens sent out, ability has a 15 second cooldown, shows a hit survivor’s aura for 10 seconds. Also maybe instead of the charge having a cooldown, The Raven builds a charge each time they hit a survivor with Raven’s Call. I just think having both abilities need a cooldown would
    frustrate people. 

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    @GhostEuant said:
    I think remove the exposed part of Raven’s Call and increase the number of ravens sent out and the cooldown to retrieve them and make the exposed an addon. So like 2-3 ravens sent out, ability has a 15 second cooldown, shows a hit survivor’s aura for 10 seconds. Also maybe instead of the charge having a cooldown, The Raven builds a charge each time they hit a survivor with Raven’s Call. I just think having both abilities need a cooldown would
    frustrate people. 

    The charge recovery idea for the charge part is a brilliant idea, and has been implemented. Thanks for the feedback.

    @LonerNova said:
    The name startled me. I thought someone had stolen my own killer idea, and slightly changed it. The name is where the similarities end though. Sounds interesting enough, but I hate the idea of a skillcheck while moving. It's weird. 

    The skillcheck has been removed in favor of just making it a guaranteed mark. Thank you for the feedback.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    I've written a few more things and added a lot more Add-ons. Soon I should have a complete set of addons.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    The Raven's power has been reworked - it's automatic application of Exposed has been removed in favor of lasting twice as long and impeding Action Speed instead.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    @GhostEuant Your suggestion on the removal of the Exposed part was taking into account - it worked a lot better with the reworked power. Thank you very much for the feedback.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    Perks have been reworked, all Addons have been completed, a bio is in the works... man, this has come far.

  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    Doccy said:

    @GhostEuant Your suggestion on the removal of the Exposed part was taking into account - it worked a lot better with the reworked power. Thank you very much for the feedback.

    Quoth the raven...”CAW!”
  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    Finally, The Raven has gotten a bio. He was once a detective who ran afoul of an Entity-worshipping cult who injected him with a mysterious drug known as 'Revelation' which caused him to see visions of the Entity. Horrified and enraged he killed the entire cult and tore out his eyes so he wouldn't have to look at the Entity anymore. Now he roams the Trials in service of the Entity, his old self gone and replaced with nothing but hatred.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2018


    Post edited by Doccy on
  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    Once again, The Raven has been given a once-over. Don't Fear The Reaper has been reworked into the new Relentless Pursuit, which should be generally more effective and provide an interesting new perk choice for someone like Freddy - and Nevermore (which was far too close to Spies from the Shadows for my liking in hindsight) has been removed entirely in favor of a new Perk named Tear It Down, which should suit the Raven's very chase and pallet-break heavy playstyle a lot more, plus adding a new tool to the arsenal of Killers like Leatherface and Hillbilly.

    And Raven's Cry has been reworked entirely, now simply locking you out of certain interactions like working on Generators, dropping Pallets and Totems while on a Survivor rather than a simple Action Speed penalty to give it a much more clear function (that being a pseudo Mark-of-Death).

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2018

    For some reason, this got posted again. Please ignore.

    Post edited by Doccy on
  • dmayo44
    dmayo44 Member Posts: 10

    Good, but I would call the Hex perk "Nevermore" since it's a phrase associated with ravens and grieving

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    @dmayo44 said:
    Good, but I would call the Hex perk "Nevermore" since it's a phrase associated with ravens and grieving

    You know, in hindsight I'm kicking myself for not having done that already. I'm doing that post-haste.

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    This seems like a cool killer with what seems to be a pretty amazing looking map. The Mori seems brutal and thats just fantastic. You did a good job with this one m8. ;)

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    @Global said:
    This seems like a cool killer with what seems to be a pretty amazing looking map. The Mori seems brutal and thats just fantastic. You did a good job with this one m8. ;)

    Thank you very much for your feedback, sir/madam. Allow me to express my gratitude for you taking the time to read it all through. It's a bit big, so thanks again for the support.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    He's now been given a description of his cosmetics as well - soon I intend to get a comission from an artist friend of mine, who will hopefully provide a good illustration of The Raven.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    The illustration is still a work in progress, but I've made a few tweaks here and there, plus written down descriptions for some additional cosmetics.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    The Raven has now been given a description like every other Killer has in the Killer section that describes the general learning curve the Killer presents - in this case, The Raven is a moderately challenging Killer that demands a bit of tactical acumen from the player through Raven's Cry, not pure mechanical skill that Killers like Nurse or Huntress do.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    In order to make sure that there's no overlap with fellow Concept creator @LonerNova due to me accidentally creating more or less the same Mori for The Raven as for their Killer, The Crow, I've redone the Mori as to differentiate the two.

    Besides, I felt like the Mori needed to be more... aggressive and hateful, as to fit with The Raven's character.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    The whole thing has been given a tidying up, plus the Very Rare cosmetic set, the Detective Set has been added. The Detective Set's purpose is to look like Darius did before the Four-Cross Killings sent him off the deep end and into the grasp of the Entity.

  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    The first thing I notice is that Freddy would greatly appreciate Obsession: Relentless Pursuit.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    @Mrrgle_the_Mediocre said:
    The first thing I notice is that Freddy would greatly appreciate Obsession: Relentless Pursuit.

    Exactly - the idea behind The Raven's Teachables was that while they should work with his tunnelling playstyle, they should also work for other Killers as well. Relentless Pursuit was meant to be for Freddy what Monitor and Abuse is for Myers, for example.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    The Raven's Addons have been given a slight overhaul, with overlapping Addons having been changed a little so stacking cooldown addons isn't as strong as it once was, along with giving some of his more unique addons a bit more identity.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    The Raven's Addons have now been given descriptions as well to grant more insight into what really happened to Darius before he turned into the hateful Killer we know as The Raven.

    Soon I plan to write a short story on Darius, along with a set of suggested builds on how to play The Raven out in the Fog should he ever join the game.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    Hex: Nevermore has been changed a little as to be more reliable, but I'm still not sure on it. I might replace it entirely at some point with a better-balanced Perk.

  • TheNightingale123
    TheNightingale123 Member Posts: 10
    All we need after The Raven's completion is a survivor. I vote for Bob the Minion o-o

    Jk, jk
  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    @TheNightingale123 said:
    All we need after The Raven's completion is a survivor. I vote for Bob the Minion o-o

    Jk, jk

    I absolutely am toying around with ideas for a Survivor, as to make it a Chapter rather than just a Killer concept. Trouble is that designing good perks for Survivors is surprisingly hard, as I don't want to make another Sprint Burst or Decisive Strike.

  • TheNightingale123
    TheNightingale123 Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2018

    I absolutely am toying around with ideas for a Survivor, as to make it a Chapter rather than just a Killer concept. Trouble is that designing good perks for Survivors is surprisingly hard, as I don't want to make another Sprint Burst or Decisive Strike.

    I understand. I hope luck comes your way because this killer is looking awesome!
  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    @TheNightingale123 said:

    I absolutely am toying around with ideas for a Survivor, as to make it a Chapter rather than just a Killer concept. Trouble is that designing good perks for Survivors is surprisingly hard, as I don't want to make another Sprint Burst or Decisive Strike.

    I understand. I hope luck comes your way because this killer is looking awesome!

    I'm glad you like The Raven thus far, but I still don't consider him complete. I still intend on redoing his Teachables for a third time, until I get it right.

  • TheNightingale123
    TheNightingale123 Member Posts: 10
    Doccy said:

    @TheNightingale123 said:

    I absolutely am toying around with ideas for a Survivor, as to make it a Chapter rather than just a Killer concept. Trouble is that designing good perks for Survivors is surprisingly hard, as I don't want to make another Sprint Burst or Decisive Strike.

    I understand. I hope luck comes your way because this killer is looking awesome!

    I'm glad you like The Raven thus far, but I still don't consider him complete. I still intend on redoing his Teachables for a third time, until I get it right.

    Got it.
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    That obsession would be good for freddy 
  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    Hex: Nevermore, which was probably the weakest Perk has been given a rework to hopefully be a much more viable perk option.

    Also, a Survivor concept is in the works. Stay tuned.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    Finally, finally I've got my notes in order. Now it's a Chapter Concept rather than just a Killer Concept - with the addition of the Survivor, Frederick Harrington. Frederick is a Survivor whose perks are meant to be double-edged swords. They give a powerful benefit, but either come with a complication you need to overcome or a potential to backfire on you.

    As always, any and all feedback is immensely appreciated and valued.

  • SpiritWolf
    SpiritWolf Member Posts: 16

    Well thought out. This may be one of my favorite Killer concepts. Hope Devs see this.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    @SpiritWolf Thank you very much for the support. I appreciate your compliment greatly.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    The first rough draft of the new Survivor perks have been finished. I might still change them or entirely replace them down the line, but for now they're complete.

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @Doccy said:
    Chapter: He Who Hunts Monsters:
    The theme of this chapter is falling to the corruption of the Entity. The Chapter comes with the new Survivor, Frederick Harrington - and the new Killer, The Raven, or Darius Locke. Both are men trapped in impossible situations, willing to as far as they have to in order to achieve their goals. And does that make them any different, in the end?


    "What makes a man human? The longer I run and die in this umbral world, that is the question that resurfaces in my mind. Or rather, what makes those who seek us, who chase us and kill us inhuman? What horrible gifts has the spider limbs granted them to make them what they are? I wonder this as I look at the newcomer, a man who seems to be stuck in a state of frustration. I dare not get close to him, for when I do I feel my heartbeat slowly rise. What has he done for the sake of his own survival? I dare not think of it..."

    Difficulty: Hard

    Teachable Perks:

    PERK 1:
    Desc: You're gonna get out of here as fast as you can, no matter how. You can no longer make Good Skill Checks, but the area for Great Skill Checks is increased by 20/25/30%. Every time you make a Great Skill Check, the Killer receives an audio notification.

    PERK 2:
    Desc: You've made a bargain with the Entity in exchange for power. If you crouch and hold still for 3 seconds, you become completely invisible to the Killer for 5 seconds. Moving or being hit breaks the effect, and you are not immune to aura-reading. After use, it applies the Exhaustion effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

    PERK 3:
    Desc: Whenever you are hit, gain a Token. For each Token you have, your Action Speed is increased by 5%. If you are hooked, you lose all Tokens. You can have up to 3/4/5 Tokens at a time.



    "A man dressed in a cloak of feathers, blood-stained bandages covering his eyes. Strangely, the sight of him gives me not a hint of not just dread, but despair. What drove him to claw out his own eyes? What horrors has he seen that would drive us all mad? Who was he, before he was warped into this monster who hounds us through the eyes of the corvians who watch our every move? Regardless, I find myself having to keep watch no matter where I am - in an instant his feathered ally may dive down on me and distract me, while he comes for me with killing intent."
    -Benedict's Journal

    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Desc: A hunting-focused Killer who can scout large parts of the map for a target easily. His perks Obsession: Relentless Pursuit, Tear It Down and Hex: Nevermore allow him to suppress a single Survivor from far away, chase more effectively and weaken the Survivors by killing someone.

    KILLER TITLE: The Raven
    MOVEMENT SPEED: 115% (4.6m/s)
    TERROR RADIUS: 20 meters/45 meters
    DESC: While within 45 meters, the Survivors will intermittenly hear birds cawing. This sound is not directional and its volume does not increase the closer you are to The Raven. While within 20 meters, the standard heartbeat soundtrack plays. Any add-ons that change the size of The Raven's Terror Radius affect the heartbeat Terror Radius, not the cawing Terror Radius.
    Dev Note: Marking a Survivor with Raven's Cry grants you the Death Marked type of Bloodpoints. This grants you 750 Bloodpoints in the Deviousness category.
    WEAPON: Raven Talons (Bird-like metal claws worn on both his hands. When he lunges, he reels back both hands and swipes forward with them)
    POWER: Raven's Cry
    DESC: The Raven can send out a crow that flies in a straight line across the map, starting from him. If it spots a Survivor on that line, the crow will divebomb that Survivor and the crow then reveals the Survivor's Aura to the Raven and they cannot interact with the following objects: Generators, Undropped Pallets, Totems and Exit Gates for 20 seconds. Once the duration ends, The Raven must enter a recall animation where he walks slower and cannot attack (the recall animation lasts 7 seconds), the Raven can then recast Raven's Cry. The Raven can manually recall his crow before the duration ends. The Raven must wait 5 seconds after recalling the crow before he can recast Raven's Cry. If the crow does not spot a Survivor, it will automatically return to The Raven after completing its flight without requiring The Raven to have to do the recall animation.
    DESC 2: The Raven has a secondary 'Charge' ability. When The Raven holds the Ctrl button down for one second, The Raven will then charge forward with limited directional control. If The Raven hits a Survivor with this charge, they go down one damage state. If The Raven connects with a pallet, he will instantly break it. This ability has two charges, regaining a charge by marking a Survivor with Raven's Cry. (Essentially, it's a diet Leatherface chainsaw)
    MORI: The Raven pounces on top of a Survivor and begins violently beating and clawing at them as they desperately try to defend themselves. Finally, The Raven grabs their neck and stabs their eyes, slowly jamming his claws in before pulling them out along with the eyes, which his avian ally immediately pounces on and begins to devour.

    Head: Shameful Bandage - A set of bandages wrapped around the head to block out eyesight. What horrible things could someone have seen to claw out their own eyes?
    Body: Feather Cloak - A large cloak made of black feathers, worn over an old detective's uniform. Is he trying to hide something... or show something with that cloak? A mark of submission... or allegiance?
    Weapon: Raven Talons - A pair of claws like those on a bird. Unlike those on a bird, these are for cutting and clawing. They're worn less like weapons and more like actual claws; as if that's all he needs.

    Head: Bloody Bandage - His blood keeps pouring out from his sockets, more than these pitiful bandages can hide.
    Body: Bloody Cloak - Fresh and fermented with the blood of his victims, he finds solace in taking out his hatred on those in his way.
    Weapon: Bloody Talons - Rip and tear, claw and skewer, bathed in the blood and innards of those unfortunate enough to be on the recieving end of a broken man's fury.

    Head: Doctor's Mask - Filled with scented herbs, perfect for combatting the awful smell of disease. After all, how can you cure them if you can't think because of the smell?
    Body: Doctor's Robe - Simple, yet stylish. It's even got special pockets for keeping leeches in. A doctor needs the best he can get, of course.
    Weapon: Doctor's Scalpels - A bit of an odd way to carry the neccessary tools, but to each his own. Every intelligent man is a little eccentric, no?

    Head: Detective's Hat - The standard of any intrepid detective as he dives into the criminal underworld.
    Body: Detective's Longcoat - The long, flowing coat that blows in the wind as you hunt down murderers and criminals.
    Weapon: Detective's Talons - This detective isn't willing to let anyone get away ever again.

    BIO: Darius Locke had an intimate relationship with injustice. He'd seen his mother walk out on his father, and he'd seen how his father was driven to alcoholism as a result. His father was a womanizer, a drunk and an angry man. But he was also a hard worker, a man who put the needs of his son before his own. Darius' father worked himself to death to provide for his son, going hungry thanks to his alcoholic habits. When he eventually died while Darius was being schooled, nobody but a few of his workmates and Darius were there to shed tears for him.

    As the years passed, Darius took the example his father had been to heart. He worked himself to the bone, and it paid off. He made Detective, and he took pride in bringing criminals to justice. His father had shown him what happened to good people when they did what others wouldn't, but showed him why they did it in the first place. Darius regularly went undercover into drug dens, forcing himself to take part of the vile substances he swore to pull off the streets if it meant making the world just a little safer for others.

    Then came the big one. The biggest case Darius had ever and would ever undertake in his life. The Four-Cross Cult killings. A killing spree that mystified others in its attention to detail. The killings were always the same - four people, laid out next to eachother with a line of blood drawn across them. And each time, a black feather placed over the eyes of the victims. Darius swore that whoever was responsible, he would bring to justice, one way or another.

    He delved deep into even the smallest clue and questioned anyone and everyone who had even the slightest inkling of motive. It became less of a case... and more of an obsession. He began to get more and more violent in his interrogations. Each time another set of victims appeared, he got more and more obsessed, more angry. His coworkers began to respect him less and less, and began to fear him more and more. He'd lash out, he'd yell and he'd hurt. Eventually he got himself laid off.

    It didn't stop him. He delved deeper into the mysterious eyewitness accounts of a congretation of a cult, and began to see more and more people as being part of some conspiracy. This went deep, and he was coming close to the bottom. Eventually, he went too deep. He woke up naked in a field surrounded by masked cultists who injected him with something they called 'Revelation'.

    The things Darius heard, the things he saw! He saw an endless ocean of eyes, trees made of spider-like claws and whispers of meat, of meat and sacrifice. Darius struggled and struggled and broke free. The four leaders of the cult kneeled down before him and did not move as the rest of the congregation began to chant like madmen. In a shriek of horror and unleashed rage, Darius ripped the throats of the four leaders, each of them slumping down on the ground like the killings while the congregation threw a mass of black feathers onto Darius. They rejoiced, for the ritual was complete. They rejoiced as Darius slaughtered them in the honor of their dark god.

    Three days later, the police arrived to find the most grisly scene of the 20th century. Dozens of people slaughtered in a circle, while in the middle - four people lying next to eachother with a line of blood drewn across them, and feathers covering their faces. Darius was long gone.

    While what was left of Darius's belongings were sold or thrown away, Darius found himself in a new world. A new place of blood and an endless chase. He wore the feathers thrown on him like a cloak, and his new dark patron gave him a dubious gift in the form of a large raven. His anger growing by the minute, Darius fashioned himself a pair of claws and embraced the endless chase.

    MAP: The Raven's signature map is a variation of Coldwind Farm called Sacrifice Site. It's an old farmland but all the crops are withered and dead, the trees are blackened and decayed and there's Darius's sacrifice in the middle of the map, the circle of bodies and the four dead cult leaders with raven feathers across their eyes. There's a small shack on the side of the map which leads to the Basement.
    NOTE: A large amount of crows are present at the middle of the map, where Darius made his sacrifice. Should a Killer or Survivor approach them, they will fly into the air.


    PERK 1:
    Desc: You become Obsessed with one Survivor. Unlocks potential in ones aura reading ability. When you can see the Aura of your Obsession and you are not in a Chase with them, their Action Speed is reduced by 50%/60%/70% and are half as likely to trigger Skill checks.
    Only one Obsession per match.

    "His gaze is like a dagger, stabbing you in the back - as if he can see you no matter what's inbetween you."
    Unique to The Raven until Level 30, at which point the Teachable version can then be learned and taught to other Killers.

    PERK 2:
    Desc: Your hatred of anything getting in your way makes you faster. If you break a Dropped Pallet, gain a momentary 10% speed boost for 5/10/15 seconds.

    • Gain 50%/75%/100% more Bloodpoints for actions in the Brutality category.

    "It comes after us in blind fury... the more we halt its progress, the faster it becomes. It becomes a matter of who slips up first."
    Unique to The Raven until Level 35, at which point the Teachable version can then be learned and taught to other Killers.

    PERK 3:
    Desc: A hex rooting its power in the despair of losing your comrades. When a Survivor dies or is sacrificed, this Hex activates if there is a Dull Totem on the map. While Nevermore is active, Generators decay 50%/75%/100% faster and progress half as fast. When a Survivor begins to work on a decaying Generator, recieve an audio notification.

    "Nothing breaks a man like the pressure of being alone."
    Unique to The Raven until Level 40, at which point the Teachable version can then be learned and taught to other Killers.


    Ultra Rare
    Desc: A perfectly clean syringe filled with the dreaded "Revelation". It seems to change colour depending on which angle you view it from...

    • Gain a third charge of your Charge ability.
      "Some people say drugs make you see things you normally can't. The things 'Revelation' shows you are things you'd wish you never saw."

    Ultra Rare
    Desc: A second corvian ally, gifted to the Raven as a mark of having satisfied his dark master excellently.

    • Gain a second charge of Raven's Cry. Each crow must be recalled individually.
      "He used to see with his eyes. Now he's nothing but a blind monster."

    Very Rare
    Desc: A piece of raw meat for the only ally the Raven can trust out in the Fog.

    • Moderately reduces the length of the recall state of Raven's Cry. (-2 seconds) Stacks.
      "There's nothing left. We're just meat in his eyes."

    Very Rare
    Desc: A grimy, black substance that coats the claws of the bird that the Raven uses to hunt down his prey. Just touching it seems to drain the life and energy out of oneself.

    • Raven's Cry applies Exhaustion for its duration.
      "As long as he sees you, you will never escape."

    Very Rare
    Desc: An old Detective's badge, stained with dried blood.

    • Tremendously lengthens (+7 seconds) the duration of Raven's Cry. Stacks.
      "Who was he, before the Revelation changed him forever?"

    Desc: An old relic, busted beyond repair. And yet, occasionally one can still hear some voices from it.

    • Considerably lengthens (+5 seconds) the duration of Raven's Cry. Stacks.
      "He's always there, watching us. Hunting us."

    Desc: A clean, unstained syringe filled with an addictive substance.

    • Tremendously decreases the charge time of your Charge ability. Stacks.
      "He used to tell himself every shot would be his last."

    Desc: An old leather case with five lines of blood on it. Four lines, one across.

    • Moderately increases the speed you gain from your Charge ability. Stacks.
      "The cult always did the same mark - four lines, one across."

    Desc: An old police report on an unsolved crime - a suspected cult killing with a ritualistic M.O.

    • Moderately decreases the charge time of your Charge ability. Stacks.
      "The mysterious cult killings' official report. Always killings of four."

    Desc: The lens of an old camera used to take photos of crime scenes.

    • Moderately lengthens (+3 seconds) the duration of Raven's Cry. Stacks.
      "Don't look into the lens. The things you see in the reflection..."

    Desc: A pair of bird eyes, strangely preserved against the flow of time.

    • Raven's Cry applies the Blinded status effect for its duration.
      "It goes for your eyes... like it did to his."

    Desc: A small piece of bandage covered with dried blood.

    • Slightly lengthens (+2 seconds) the duration of Raven's Cry Stacks.
      "He covers his wounds... is he ashamed?"

    Desc: A dirty syringe, half-filled with some strange substance.

    • Moderately decreases the charge time of your Charge ability. Stacks.
      "He doesn't care anymore. Anything to relieve him of the pain."

    Desc: A piece of evidence found by Darius during his investiagtion. The Four-Cross liked to show off, like they wanted to be found...

    • Slightly increases the speed you gain from your Charge ability. Stacks.
      "A mess of clawed limbs, eyes and darkness. What a twisted imagination."

    Desc: A testimony from a young child who witnessed the crime.

    • Moderately reduce (-2 seconds) the cooldown time between the recall and activation of Raven's Cry. Stacks.
      "She said she ran from a monster in black."

    Desc: A syringe with the top part broken off and only a few drips of a substance inside.

    • Slightly decreases the charge time of your Charge ability. Stacks.
      "The lengths people are willing to go to..."

    Desc: A picture taken at the scene of the crime.

    • Slightly increases the movement speed you move at while recalling the crow.
      "Four dead, arranged side-by-side with a line of blood across them."

    Desc: An old Detective's uniform, ripped and torn to pieces.

    • Slightly increase the distance covered by your Charge ability.
      "An old policeman's uniform - torn to pieces."

    Desc: An old polaroid of a father and son.

    • Slightly reduce (-1 second) the cooldown time between the recall and action of Raven's Cry. Stacks.
      "A picture, ruined forever. Whoever was on it he must have tried to remember."

    devs please make this exist

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    @alivebydeadight Thank you for the support, my friend.