Can we get stats on ebony mories ?

Like what is their % usage in red ranks and all ranks merged or how many do people have stored but don't use ?
Probably not very high, I know I don’t use mine besides 4 man SWF
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I never use em. I have over a 100 on Trapper alone. That said, 10 survivor matches and 10 moris with the wife. Nuts. lol
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I've been playing a lot of red rank survivor matches lately and still haven't met single 1 ebony game. Either I'm lucky or the complains about them are over exaggerated. So I'd love to see some stats to know if it's really me beiing lucky or they just aren't as common as people claim they are.
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I hardly see them as well. I saw a rise in them after the Ruin nerf but it’s died back down. I’ve gotten some salt for using them and had to point out that it was Devour Hope and that it was their fault they left the totem up.
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Very common. Sometimes you turn the game on and can get 3 in a row.
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I think when they see two eboni’s in a row and don’t see another all day it’s full on panic mode
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Red rank killers generally have some self respect, and don't use broken ######### like Ebony Moris. Unlike survivors who regularly bring in 4 toolboxes, with 2nd chance perks stacked, and map offering ontop of that.
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They are extremely uncommon at any rank other than brown or yellow. The novelty of mori's wears off to any other rank killer, because they just want blood points etc which you get more of out of hooks and sacrifices. Even still, most killers in red/purple/green rank who bring a mori that I go against will do it after 2nd hook anyway.
This assertion that they are this all too common thing is complete nonsense. Most mori offerings go unused. If they were very common, people wouldn't have hundreds of them in their inventory.
I've brought one mori with me in the last...3 months of killer. It was last night, for the rancor challenge, and it was an ivory mori.
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Sure I have hundreds stored myself as long term DBD player but I want to know if people actually use them.
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Yeah they don’t need to be changed just be cause yellow ranks complain
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Yes they’re very commonly used.
I dont use them unless its 3-4 toolboxes or a Squadette swf.
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That's why I'd love to see some official stats on them since I've been playing in reds for a while and haven't seen single one. Do you really get so many mori matches yourself and if so how often does your team escape ?
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Come on now, we both know that's not true. 1 out of 10 games, maybe, I get a mori offering as a survivor at rank 1. How is that "very common".
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They are only used in 13-20, where all the noobs are, anything lower is fine rates
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Yes, definitely very common at those ranks.
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It is true. Depends on the day. Some days its rare, some days its extremely common.
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I play all day everyday at rank 1 and I see an Ebony once every few days, maybe. They are quite rare.
Most high ranks myself included, stock pile them for rare occasions. I've got a couple hundred or so I think.
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I mean, yeah, at yellow and brown ranks. Sure.
At green, purple and red ranks, they aren't really that common. At all. As other people have said, it's just not a thing. The whole "very common" argument is either you being facetious or just simply being in lower ranks. Fair enough either way, but you are incorrect, and that's all I'll say on the matter.
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Since the Stranger Things update, I've had a total of 3 Ebony's, 5 Ivory's and 2 Cypress.
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Sounds about right, yeah.
It's a huge tell to what ranks a person is at when they say certain things. Like "mori's are very common".
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Now now, they may be telling the truth. It is improbable, but completely possible.
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It's more than improbable, lol. It's nonsensical. Unless, as I said, they are between ranks 13 and 20.
I don't think survivor mains truly appreciate how many mori's killer mains have accumulated over time, and how many of them go unused for various reasons - including because we know they are unfair.
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No it isn’t lol. In case you haven’t noticed EVERYONE is getting put against low rank killers right now.
It’s a common tell as to who doesn’t play the game when they assume red rank survivors don’t get put against low rank killers.
EU region btw so no idea how moris fare in other regions but here some nights they can be very common.
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I don't believe I mentioned matchmaking. Nice strawman.
In terms of going against low rank killers, you literally only strengthened my argument. It's them bringing mori's.
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All I said is that moris are common. I never specified rank.
I turn the game on and get hit with 3 mori games in a row. What do I care about which rank they are?
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You said they were "very common" as a blanket statement. You didn't say "in your experience" or "in your gameplay". You said it as a catch-all for everyone without context.
Even still, if you're getting hit with 3 mori games in a row, that's bad luck. Unless you're going to just outright lie and say that happens all the time.
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How are you suppose to tell a SWF or not anymore?
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All you can really do is look at profiles, which I don't waste my time with. Other than that, you can never know until you're in game.
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I answered from my experience. I also said it depends on the day. Some days it can be at least a third of games, other days it can be none.
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No - your original response was what is called a blanket statement. It simply said:
You even followed it up with:
It wasn't until your third post, when more than one person said you were incorrect, that you backpedaled into your "from my experience" stance. You said something, people knew it was nonsense, and you backtracked.
Have a good day.
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I was speaking from my experience. The posts above mine were speaking about their experiences, so I spoke about mine.
I don’t know why you’re trying to turn this into something it isn’t. Until the devs put out official stats how the hell can anyone here answer the question factually? We can only give our experiences and try to draw a conclusion from there.
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Okay there, bud.
Have a wonderful day! ❤️
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yesterday alone i had 3 in an hour its getting gross
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just dodge if you see a mori and don't want to play against it, problem solved
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I rarely see them in Red/Purple Ranks. Usually it's only when 2+ toolboxes/flashlights are in the lobby, or 4 items. That and Streamers. I tend to see them come out when a Streamer is in the Lobby, but unless others play toxic the Killer normally only uses it on the actual Streamer. Which is funny AF, and I try to get in to teabag them when it happens if I'm close enough.
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Moris tend to punish killers rank wise cause it doesn't count as a sacrifice(for obvious reasons). So, there is little incentive to use it.
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