All survivor meta perks need nerfed to the ground or deleted.



  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    Of course they sound bad for a survivor main. Its about fairness though. Your no mither idea sounds good.

  • Jashaun
    Jashaun Member Posts: 6

    if youre camping and tunneling, you cannot be mad about survivor side of perks sooooo lmao

  • Danielgdp3
    Danielgdp3 Member Posts: 452
    edited February 2020
    Post edited by Mandy on
  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    As much as I think OP is wrong on this, I want to share a few points:

    Ruin was used 80% of red rank matches, if it wasn't effective against good survivors, it wouldn't be used. Good streamers would also say it's a bad perk, but it wasn't, so streamers recommended it. This mentality of "Ruin didn't effect good players" needs to be removed because it sure did effect them.

    DS: It is used as an anti-snowball perk along with an anti-tunnel perk, this perk is stupid powerful and needs to be nerfed. When you start getting snowball it's a pain to be hit because you downed survivors too quickly. Lockers literally give survivors 60 seconds of god mode, that just isn't fair, and waiting 60 seconds (or any time for that matter) is a stupid form of "counterplay".

    BT: I'm certain that the survivors will be at a loop in 15 seconds. Hey did you just make a really bad save that you shouldn't have made? Don't worry everyone is fine because you have BT! In all seriousness BT encourages bad gameplay and it has no counterplay. It also has disgusting synergy with DS. IMO it should just be reworked.

    Dead hard: You cannot counter dead harding for distance for a pallet. You can't. Unless you have exhaustion add-ons (which are being nerfed and reduced in efficiency). Dead hard also needs a rework.

    Unbreakable: Sure you can do that, but it's still a second chance perk that can change a 4k into a 1k, even though the survivors allowed themselves to be slugged because they're bad. Needs to be reworked.

    Adrea"win": The reason the no heal meta exists, this perk. Can't do anything to counteract its effect except maybe NOED as you said. Needs the free health state taken away.

    Iron will: This perk is fine.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    It doesnt erase all chances it would make things fair and return killer to the power role where they belong. You would have to git gud like you tell all killers who used to use ruin.

  • TR_stonez
    TR_stonez Member Posts: 54

    It sounds to me you are either a newer player or just salty right now a good killer knows how to counter those perks not saying they aren't powerful. But what you are suggesting is very unhealthy for the game. Being camped and tunneled isn't fun for those people that use ds and bt for tunneling and camping. But at the same time they are easily abusable they do need to be changed a bit But We can't have any more dead perks like mom

    maybe make ds not work if they grabbed and bt there isn't much they can do about that. Adrenaline is fine dead hard is hard to use with dedicated servers and easy to counter for good killers

    Do I think that ruin needed to be changed, yes it did by removing ruin killers will be forced to get better. they nerfed balanced because it was the only exhaustion perk that worked while exhausted and ruin was the only hex perk you dont have to actually work for it to succeed it works passively which gave the killer to much Leeway, hex perks need to be worked for in order to get them to work. But that being said it can probably use a buff

  • Morgeese
    Morgeese Member Posts: 13

    Im so sick of these negative posts about ruin. Buddy I play both ends we we're wrecking killers with ruin and I'm wrecking red rank swf without ruin. A game demanding you to step out of your comfort zone and learn how to play the game is only gonna make you better. Stop whining and try new builds or killers. If you honestly think killers "need" ruin you arent playing correctly.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    Sounds to me you are a survivor main. I really don't care for a survivors opinion. This is about fairness which is something you constantly fight against.

    I've been playing off and on since launch and the game was getting better until they started torpedoing killers. You can write about counters and justifications all you want, but at the end of the day ruin was one of the easiest perks to counter and it STILL got deleted essentially. All because it was unfun. So i'm telling you these second chance perks are some of the least fun for killer and in the interest of fairness and game balance should be nerfed to the ground.

    End of story.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Ruin literally does next to nothing against great survivors. Red ranks aren't great survivors.

  • toxicghostface69
    toxicghostface69 Member Posts: 19

    Fr. If BHVR reasoning to nerf ruin was because “80% of killers used it” then they should do the right thing and nerf the perks that 99.9% of survivors use (DS, BT, Adrenaline, Dead Hard, Unbreakable, Self-care) mainly DS and BT. The game is so unbalanced to the point where playing killer isn’t fun anymore. Devs need to listen to the other side of their player base. They’re digging themselves into their own grave.

  • TheCrookedMan
    TheCrookedMan Member Posts: 282

    No. It was nerfed because it was a perk that was unhealthy. It had no interaction on the killer's end, and it required survivors to be bad at skill checks. And if they WEREN'T bad at skill checks then Ruin was basically a dud. It was oppressive against survivors who weren't as good at skill checks and it was annoying for them to deal with. And according to the devs, when they tested the new Ruin changes even if they lost to the new Ruin it was a lot less aggravating to deal with. And the devs are trying to go for a more fun casual orientated game. If you are mad about the Ruin changes while gens are being done lightning quick then that's fine as long as you don't pretend that the perk was healthy.

  • EridianBlaze
    EridianBlaze Member Posts: 33

    So here's my opinion on Survivor Meta Perks

    -Make DS disable if the following occur: You started a self-heal action, you started working in a Gen, You started doing an altruistic action such as unhooking or healing an ally, and it disables if a Survivor is hit outside of a 16 meter range from your current location.

    -For BT, I don't really got any ideas.

    -Dead Hard is fine, imo. Same with Unbreakable.

    -Lastly, Adrenaline. I think it should get the same treatment that BL got. Make it so you can't get the effects of you're already Exhausted. Why can't I have a soft landing while exhausted, but I can insta-heal AND Sprint burst while I'm exhausted? Even if they make it where the perk waits till you're not Exhausted would be fine. Plus, it'd also give you a new way to potentially use it by 99-ing Exhaustion and sprinting away, maybe even to avoid a hit that would down you mere meters away from the exit.

  • CrassardStreams
    CrassardStreams Member Posts: 179

    Dead Hard is fine, it's really unreliable with Dedicated Servers so most people end up using it to break LoS/a sort of.. sprint burst I guess.

    Adrenaline is super cringe, but honestly okay since it rewards them completing the objectives and it's kind of a dead perk until then.

    Decisive Strike is really tilting, and kind of broken, but it doesn't hit 'toxic' until you pair it with something like Unbreakable or No Mither so they just can't slug you and have to eat a really long stun.

    Decisive Strike shouldn't last a whole minute either make the timer shorter or apply conditions like until you interact with something.

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81

    We all could take advice from you. That's the mindset I try to play with, and wished everyone else had the same.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    Killers will never suffer queue times unless they get bugged again by BHVR. Survivors out number killer 4-1 and survivor is the popular and easier role to pick up by newer players so killer's will always have quick queues. Just the way it is man, when I first played this game I played nothing but survivor because playing killer was intimidating and when I finally did play I got bullied by swfs and players who knew what they were doing but I got better and now I beat them. I play about 50/50 and now I'd rather not play the game due to horrendous survivors queues and killer games ending in a breeze.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    It's common sense bruh, in order for games to happen you need 4 survivors and 1 killer, if there was a plethora of killers then survivors wouldn't be suffering queue times rn, just use logic my dude. BHVR does everything for the survivor side of the game and they market towards them it's been showing in the last couple of dev streams and updates they've put out.

  • TR_stonez
    TR_stonez Member Posts: 54

    If you read it I addressed that the meta perks are powerful and can be abused easily. And they can changed a bit and how ruin can use a slight buff. what dont you get that nerfing perks to the ground is not game balance

    how are you gonna talk about fairness and fun and then go say these perks should be nerfed to the ground so that tunneling and camping are not counterable, no one finds being camped or tunneled fun you are killer biased thinking the way you do is unhealthy for the game

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Decisive Strike just needs to punish tunneling more and severely weaken it when it's used to just stun the killer.

    Unbreakable is fine, you slugged the survivor knowing they could potentially have Unbreakable, so I believe it's fair you pay the price for your actions.

    Dead Hard is unreliable to dodge hits due to Dedicated Servers and killers baiting the Dead Hard. Most survivors use it to correct a mistake by covering distance to a pallet.

    Adrenaline is fine, just remove how it wakes up survivors because it's completely unnecessary. Imagine if Adrenaline reduced your madness level, cured you from sickness, freed you from a bear trap, and so on. Perks shouldn't directly nerf a killer's power. 😁

  • eatpotatos
    eatpotatos Member Posts: 4

    Can we all just admit Dbd is broken as hell right now. I mean I don't understand the rank system on console, there's a lot of issues that the devs have known about but haven't fixed yet, and playing on the gas heaven map I found a place in the map where it is like quick sand. I haven't experienced any survivor perk problems and I've just stopped using ruin after the change. I'd rather just use PGTW or Surge.

  • MagnetBeard
    MagnetBeard Member Posts: 36

    Literally can't tell if the original post is satire or not. Yes, DS is used in some problematic ways lately and it does need some tweaks. But otherwise this is all laughable.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    None of the meta perks are OP in the slightest, and all have been nerfed already. They were broken, now they are fine. People don't use meta perks because they are OP, they are just the only perks worth running. Stop nerfing stuff. Buff all of the weak ######### to the same level as the strong perks, and even the playing field. A good example is kindred, now it is actually pretty good to run, because it also benefits you instead of you bringing 1 perk that gives a slight advantage to your team while you are hooked and get no benefit. Buff all the garbage perks that no one runs, and lightly change some of the intermediate perks maybe and people might start running some of them. Some perks are actually pretty good, but only if you run them with 1 or 2 or even 3 other perks to make them collectively strong, but F U people who don't have all of these unlocked. Deja vu, monsterous shrine, no mither (absolute worst perk, but apparently devs said they wanted it to be like an "optional challenge") predator, sole survivor, blood hound, rework object of obsession, because it screws some killers, and is 90% useless against any stealth killers, and beast of prey, which was recently buffed with the undetectable effect, but still never see people using it. If you take what people have, they will get upset, but if you give them more, they will at least accept it, even if the buff doesn't make people start using it.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    They cant fix the problem if ruin is covering it up.... That's why they reworked it. And the fact is, survivors all use a wide range of perks. I dont see a strict meta of 4 perks on every single surv. Perks like d strike was indeed reworked and balanced. Ruin was used every single match. It was annoying and stale and created the same exact strat. They're going to keep track of the killers kill rates im sure...and hopfully wait until at least match making is fixed so they have more accurate stats.

    Killers constantly complained about ruin not being good enough and now they're acting like they lost their god perk. Cant have it both ways. Be patient. The devs have nerfed plenty of surv/killer issues to prove they are trying despite being slow af about it. Anyone who says different clearly hasn't paid any attention to the patches.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Solo Survivors use a wide range of Perks. Many are not necessary for SWF + Comms. Kindred, one of my mainstays, is useless to them, but it gives a solo queue'er so much information it is top tier in my eyes. Stuff like Empathy, that can really help in solo queue, are just not needed in SWF, so they end up using all the ones that give them a 2nd chance in the match.

    There's no use nerfing anything until SWF can be balanced against solo queue, and tbh, that's probably never going to happen. You just get entirely too much information running with voice communications than you do as a solo Survivor, you know, the way the game was meant to be played.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    Have you seen what they do to killer perks and sometimes even killers?

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    Doesn't mean they always solve the problem effectively.

    I just am stating what a nerf is SUPPOSED to do

  • UpsettingDruid0
    UpsettingDruid0 Member Posts: 20

    At this point, I've given up on anything you will ever have to say. You sound like a killer that tunnels each person off a hook even when you know BT is in play and get DS each time because of it. Is it annoying to not even mean to tunnel a surv and eat a DS, yeah, but the perk used to be way stronger. Most killers with a single brain cell knows when to wait for BT/DS to expire. There are more important things that need to be addressed then you not liking something, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it needs to be changed. When I play killer, if I eat a DS, I accept it. If I'm a surv and I have DS, I honestly only use it if I'm being tunneled or sandbagged by another surv. Other perks need buffs badly, maps desperately need reworks, and some killers need hard buffs or complete reworks. If you played surv, you would probably complain about noed. You don't have reasons on why they are op besides you don't like them and you refuse to have a discussion about it and instead you decided to just cry about it.

    If it's not fun for you like you kept saying, I have one big piece of advice, don't play the game then 😜

  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    What is annoying is that it was a band-aid for how fast good survivors could plow through gens early game, and because of it, devs just let it fester. They do that a lot. If there's an issue with the core game, just release a perk for it!

    It's the idea that it was removed because it was annoying for survivors without anything being done to address the reason why it was run so much. Kinda like how it's annoying they upped DS stun time because Enduring but then never touched it when they made Enduring only work on pallets.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Sure. Just be prepared to say goodbye to NOED, Rancor, Blood Warden, Spirit Fury-Enduring, Ruin- Surveillance, and any other killer perk combos.

  • madsweeney84
    madsweeney84 Member Posts: 31

    Give Borrowed Time a set number of tokens.. 3. That way borrowed time has to be used sparingly and strategically.

    DS, with a cool down. After being unhooked for so many seconds then it kicks in.

    Adrenaline, this is their biggest crutch perk. This should work similar to the key Add On. Fix it to where the only way they benefit from it is if they at least complete the equivalent to a generator for them to benefit from the perk.

    ... but hey, I havent played in months because the dev's have switched the focus from this being a "horror" game, to being more of a "survival" game.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    Didn't read most your survivor main drivel, but yes me and many other killers have been taking a break and it's only going to get worse if they don't make the game fair.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632
    edited February 2020

    How to counter Adrenaline: Kill them all Before the last gen lights up.

    God Adrenaline is such a god awful perk. I don't even know why people have an issue with that perk. Its like as bad as NOED. Wastes of a perk slot.

  • grayon444
    grayon444 Member Posts: 757

    Lol, obvious bait.

    Try better next time


  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275
    edited February 2020

    From a killer main turned survivor main because of brokenness.

    DS is great idea. Just needs to deactivate in some situations. If you have time to be healed to full, OR someone else gets downed AND put on a hook. Sorry. But you were not tunneled and DS should deactivate.

    BT could simply be made an exhaustion perk. If you are exhausted, ya can't use it. Might not fix the problem. But it couldn't hurt to limit the use a little bit.

    DH: Sorry. It's fine. Good in the right hands. Pretty easily countered. I find it a quite balanced perk. Strong. But you gotta use it right. High skill cap rewards a decent perk.

    Adrenaline: it's fine too. Though I think if you get the heal you shouldn't get the speed burst, just the exhaustion for a free heal. Otherwise it's fine. Small change. Big help. A free health state is enough. No need to be a free health state AND extra chase time.

    This is just my opinion of course.

  • Hetameme
    Hetameme Member Posts: 45

    So you claim that dead hard needs a nerf because you don't like it,, my guy that ain't how ######### works. Also even if someone is running dead hard, more than half of the time they get downed after they use it.

    On top of that 'The counter to slugging is don't get hit', really dude?? You expect survivors to go a whole game without getting hit by the killer?? I'm sorry but have you played dbd?

  • Androuruguayo99
    Androuruguayo99 Member Posts: 55

    It's funny how you show that Unbreakable and Ds make you can't do anything.

    Wait 15s for BT and then hook? Oh I can't, he has ds. Don`t grab? I can't, he has unbreakable

    At that time already 3 generators were made

  • dominatro
    dominatro Member Posts: 1

    This is painful. As someone that plays both sides, I don’t see a reason that any of these really need to be nerfed. Don’t be ######### or don’t give up so easily and you’ll be fine, dude. If you really wanna hook that person with DS, suck up the stun and continue chasing. If you really wanna hook that person that was unhooked with BT, hit them twice. Or don’t be #########, and instead go after the person who unhooked. Should be able to hit once while unhooking and again after the unhook. Dead Hard’s fine. Just don’t fall for it a second time. Unbreakable’s fine. If you’re worried about someone having it, pick them up after you down them. Or let them get up and down them again. It’s single-use.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Bad bait 2/10

  • Jenkinsu
    Jenkinsu Member Posts: 13

    I’m a survivor main, and I think having Unbreakable to potentially save the entire team from a slug play is super fun. I think stunning a tunneling killer with DS so I can waste time for my team and so they dont die is fun. I think using dead hard to narrowly escape a down and extending the chase a bit linger is fun. I think using BT to counter a facecamping killer and saving my teammate is fun. I think that clutch moment when Adrenaline saves you from a down at the endgame is fun.

    Similarly, I don’t have fun when I die to NOED. I don’t have fun getting cucked out of an escape with Remember Me and Blood Warden is fun. I don’t think having to spend more time healing with Sloppy Butcher is fun. I don’t think having to focus super hard on the game to hit red Ruin skill checks is fun.

    Now here’s the difference between me and you. I understand why these perks exist, and I don’t whine and ######### and demand something be removed just because I don’t like it.

    Why is your sense of fun superior to my sense of fun? Why should you get to remove anything unfun you like? Get off your throne of entitlement and play the damn game like everyone else.

  • Kai6864
    Kai6864 Member Posts: 377

    I have a few issues with what you’re saying there, if you don’t mind me pointing out. I thin items being stronger than co-op actions (not including keys, maps, the purple gen toolbox) are fine. They have charges and will run out- whereas co-op actions are infinite and the whole process can be sped up by Leader, Botany, Autodidact, Solidarity. Toolboxes are already getting nerfed substantially and an item should be able to be used by everyone not to ‘help out the noobs’. Sorry if I sound mean, that wasn’t my intention :)

  • CrescentGent
    CrescentGent Member Posts: 60

    Couldn't care less about perks, more so with infinite loops and gen rushing :) because it's a tactic

  • DeltaForce291
    DeltaForce291 Member Posts: 13

    Killer main here.

    Borrowed Time is fine. It's a 15 second time. If you really can't help but tunnel that survivor after they're unhooked, that's on you and BT is meant to counter tunneling. The perk is working as it should: a counter to a single thing.

    Same can be said for Decisive Strike. Granted, multiple people being able to stun a killer in the same lobby for a free escape is rather annoying. However, you can easily wait out the timer or trap them in a body block to cut their run shorter and catch them again.

    And again with Unbreakable. It counters slugging, and that's it. It takes roughly a minute of healing to get to the point of being even able to use the perk. If you pick them up, then your problem is solved. If not, then I don't see how you're losing games to Unbreakable. If you know where you downed someone and know they needed to heal up to that point, you should know their general location.

    Adrenaline is touchy, but again, a counter to slugging. If it didn't reward a survivor for being alive and standing when all gens were completed, I think it'd be better. Especially rewarding a freshly hit survivor in a chase. However, it's another perk that isn't that big of a deal to counter unless you were...slugging.

    Dead Hard being broken? That is one of the most delusional things I have heard on this forum. So much so, I had to throw an account together just to make this comment. Get closer to the survivor before you swing. If they DH, you can catch them with a lunge. If they don't, they can't react to a hit at point blank range. This just sounds bad.

    This whole post sounds like a complaint from a low rank player that doesn't want to improve, but would rather see survivors thrashed for playing the game with certain perks. I don't see you complaining about our equipment. NoED, BBQ, Moris, Whispers, Corrupt Intervention, Nurse's Calling, Enduring + Spirit Fury...Killers have meta perks too. If you're using a weak build as an average/below average killer, you aren't going to have an easy game. You aren't expected to 4k every game either.

    Stop trying to ruin the experience for others because you cant manage. The game is already struggling enough to keep a playerbase, and changes like you suggest or nerfing into oblivion won't keep it alive.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    but you dont need co-op actions, if you have items. You can do it all alone.

    Would you like to escape without powering generators? - grab a key. ♿️☑️

    Would you like to quicky do middle generators alone- grab 180 charges toolbox (140% boost). ♿️☑️

    Would you like to heal 70% faster than in co-op and without Botany- grab a med-kit. ♿️ ☑️

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379
    edited February 2020

    only second chance perk I have a problem with is DH simply because of the strength of looping and the fact that DH is literally being used to prolong loops and not avoid taking a hit

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    You might as well have changed your first sentence to "Survivor main here." Ohhh the game is dying really you don't say. Maybe making it fair will bring back some killers and survivors will actually find it more fun to be challenged and in the weaker role as they should be.