When will this server test be over?

I've been playing the last 4 hours on dbd as survivor and I cannot believe the amount of lag. Teleporting back 8 feet, 3 seconds just to throw down a pallet and hits connecting when they should not. Honestly I really want to just go back to peer-peer until they can, Put more and better servers up. I'm in the USA and I can RARLY get a 30 to 50 ping game, it's mostly 100 to 250.
First of all. Do you have a prober connection to the web?
If it says 50ms ping. Then that's what against you.
I'm in EU. And getting 80-100ms for US servers
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Yes I do have proper connection, I get about 75 mbps. It's the best speed where I live. Never really had issues until servers dropped.
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higher bandwidth speeds doesn't always equate to better latency. but yeah using a ping testeris a good place to start to check if the problem is on your side.
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Buddy, I just tested it and everything looked fine on my end. My ping is 29 yet I still suffer ingame. I would post a screenshot but I would give away where I live.