This Community

Hello all, i am sure i will piss off others by this post so you are warned.

Let me start off by saying i am a survivor main(killer for dailies an archives).

I have been playing since last October, have watch 100’s upon 100’s hours of DBD on Twitch.

The reasons i am writing this is because of all the wasted time i see here on “this needs nerfed” or “this is unfair”. First of all NO game is perfect no matter how hard devs try, it’s impossible.

The problem is there is a problem you see by certain perks or way your game is going, gen rushing for example, you need to try new tactics to solve this. Nothing is suppose to be easy for you, it is suppose to be a challenge. Yes i have had bad games and said this is too OP or this needs fixing as a knee jerk reaction to the bad thing, but then i watched others play to get their insights or actually used my brain to figure out what i should do to fix the problem. Did i get it right first try, no sometimes it took many attempts.

If the devs tried to fixed everything everyone wanted fixed the game would be UNPLAYABLE. The devs have to take middle in all this toxicity to keep game playable and fun.

On another note i have read where survivors are not unique, just cookie cutter characters. I can see why this is thought and i think each survivor or killer should be made to play 1 of their own perks(at least) and this would help the problem.

Let the flaming of me start.......


  • Xetoil
    Xetoil Member Posts: 94
    edited February 2020

    Some of the features of this game's balance are awful, worse than any other game I've played. (I still can't believe Mori's were a thing that some guy thought "yeah this would definitely make our game more enjoyable", same with old Mettle of Man).

    But at the same time, alot of the issues in this game can be played around or ignored entirely for most sessions. For example, I find NOED and DS both absolutely awful to play against under certain circumstances, but for the majority of the games I lose, these perks often aren't the reason. (And when I win, these perks are often in play too, because they're popular).

    I don't think either perks are really in a good place balance-wise, but the game isn't destroyed by them in the same way that a cacophony of scrub players picking Ryu and spamming Hadouken for every match of whichever Street Fighter game hasn't destroyed online play for that franchise.

    People do complain a lot in this community, and whilst many of their complaints may be valid, I do agree with your sentiment that players should shift their attitude to one which analyses & adapts to difficult situations, rather than one which lingers on vengeful emotions. This is pretty much the one quality which, IMO, is the biggest block for any player (or any person) who wants to really get good at something, whether it be in a game or life in general. You don't always get to change the rules, and even if they do change its going to take time, so better get good in the meantime.

  • bloodsiren1
    bloodsiren1 Member Posts: 8

    DS, which i do use is not that big of a game changer. The killer still gets me after i DS, if i make the skill check, about 75% of the time.

    Yes there are bigger issues, match making, taking 20 min to get a survivor match are just a few.