Doctor gonna get nerfed?

Since he is one of the few viable killers right now, will they do him like Freddy and give him unnecessary nerfs? Where are my survivor mains at? Lets complain and get him changed!
"He's frustrating to play against!" - say it along with me!
I don't think they'll nerf doctor imo he's in a good spot now,
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I think Freddy's nerfs were justified. Forever Freddy was silly. He's still crazy strong, just not as boring now.
Doc? nah, he won't get nerfed. As others have said, he's in a great spot.
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I hope not. I don't even think after the changes he is anywhere near top tier.
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I hope he will yes, most annoying killer out there.
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only nerf to doctor i want is to have an option for his chase music to be changed, my god do i really hate it
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No. Hell no. Doctor is strong, but not OP, which is great. We need more strong Killers. Unfortunately some Survivors just want to gen rush and loop every Killer into oblivion and they start crying when that gets changed. Then they proceed to complain when they see the same Killers in red ranks.
Freddy’s add-on changes were because of how unfun Forever Freddy was for a lot of people. Doctor doesn’t have any combo like that yet.
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No doc is fine
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Doctor is finally good after 2 reworks. They reworked him twice in the past, the first doctor was really bad. Second doctor also bit trash, third doctor is good.
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Doctor is fine, well...powerwise he is fine.
His frames for me however just hate me. If Doctor gets nerfed, and I am surprised I am saying this, I will honestly just stop supporting the dev team and take longer breaks as the killer nerfs are getting out of hand.
And this "Doctor is annoying so lets nerf him" thing is so dumb, just run Calm Spirit, direct counter to doctor, he counters stealth play, so learn how to counter him and not hide at the same loop the entire match
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Lol 🤣🤣 The add on nerfs was uncalled for and a poor decision. Forever Freddy wss his weakest build, and easiest to counter. The nerf was just another band-aid solution to not have survivors learn the basics of the game.
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Should just ask for bots
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will you guys fix the inability to mend during tier 3 madness? or is that intended game mechanics because you guys can't play test your game?
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It is intended and was even present on the old doctor.
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Finally some good news for Killers! Thank you! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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They already stated that they were both aware of it and okay with it as-is.
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Ya the grinding noise is annoying AF.
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ok but we are not talking about the old doctor, but thank you for your useless comment
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Yes! Thank you!
The devs said on their last stream (which was shortly after the new Doctor released) that it’s fine.
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Tbh its not useless he answered the question and added a tid bit of knowledge
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I want to thank you for answering this. Its good to see a dev/nod respond at all, plus it lets us know what all of you guys are thinking
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If Doctor Who has taught us anything, however, the Fourth Doctor will become one of the most iconic versions of the character and last the longest of any of them.
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Pretty sure the DC penalties are automatic.
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No, just the ones who DC repeatedly.
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bit of an empty claim when killer lobbies are currently instand and survivor lobbies take 5 min
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Lol, survivors not getting their way and being salty
Say it ain't so
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Pretty sure it is the person who DCs who will be playing lobby simulator. :P
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It won't change anything. People will just try to Kobe three times on first hook, not struggle & get no penalty. It is almost the same thing as a d/c. And you can't penalize people for dying on hook...
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God forbid you play against a killer who forces you to play well and loop differently. You're not losing to doctor because he's OP, you're losing because you want to play the exact same way for every killer. Scratch that you want every killer to be an M1 only dummy that you can just pallet camp and run.
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That's an interesting claim when Killer queues take a few seconds and Survivor queues are the ones taking upwards of 10 minutes at least.
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Okay bye! :) Game will be better off without your toxicity anyway.
Learn counterplay instead of complaining. Doc has plenty of counterplay. Get on out of yellow/brown ranks, hone your skill.
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If I am remembering correctly your teammates can still mend you(Yes you can mend teammates) in even while your in tier 3 madness.
Also doctor can't apply deep wounds naturally so its entirely the survivor's team's fault if someone goes down to it.
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Did I ever sayed: "I love you." ?
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Ok guy im clearly stating it has been like this. It is nothing new and it is intended stated by the devs.
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you mean removing all the survivors that ruin the game anyway? that would reduce survivor lobbys times you mug... and make the games better without your crying dc "plays"
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actually you can mend in time, you just have to stop running so much and being so scared... as soon as youre free from chase snap out of it then mend, sure it can get close at times but thats a downside to people unsafe borrowed hooks... but most of the time and iv seen this as survivor or as doc people just keep running and running without actually paying attention and therefore waste time, too many red ranks survivors with little skill and knowledge yet again rip
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Snap Out of It and Mending both take 12 seconds though. You’d probably have to get the timing down to like milliseconds in order to Snap Out of It and Mend, otherwise you'll go down.
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Kinda wild how out of touch you guys are with your own game. Nobody wants the dc penalties because there are valid things to dc against and boring/broken things that still exist that literally nobody wants to play against. And basically refuting anything people say that is annoying about doc like the fact you just hold W and press M2 and you win a chase kinda puts a sour taste there but oh well I guess.
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I know doc isn't in a bad place right now, but a good QoL change you guys should consider would be making his add ons work in T1 now. This would make T3 not worse than T2 without any actually buffs for the doc. Plz and ty <3