Please make ds an actual anti tunnel perk LOL



  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Make it so DS deactivates once your outside of the killer's terror radius.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    Honestly I would be fine if DS worked every unhook . as long as they made it to where it disabled after every action such as unhooking a survivor, working on a gen, opening a chest and cleansing totems

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Slugging isn;t a counter as DS is still preventing you from picking them up. Its mitigation.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited February 2020


    I never said anything about healing under the hook. I said working on a gen near the hook (as in the general area). A killer could simply watch you from a far wait until you touch a gen and/or start to heal by which point your DS has already deactivated.

    This is the entire purpose of the timer in its current iteration. Something that your idea is missing.

    A deactivation simply because the killer walked away for a few seconds doesn’t make any sense. Same as if another survivor gets hooked. Killer can camp the hook and hook the other guy instead of the one with DS first.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited February 2020

    Im not talking about healing either, im talking about doing any objectives in the proximity of the hook.

    And no, it doesnt disable as soon as killer walks away, it disables as soon as YOU disable it. If you have enough intelligence, you can disable it after you are sure that the killer is not going to come back.

    If you dont want to be tunneled, then at least do ANY effort to run AWAY from the killer before you start doing something that killer cant ignore (eg: gens).

    And no, I never said hooking one person would disable DS.

    I think I should clarify when DS should work imo:


    DS deactivates:

    • When you perform any action for more than 1 second (except vaulting
    • When all other surviviors are dead/hooked/downed
    • When another DS activates (cant tunnel multiple people at once)
    • When caught in a Bear Trap
    • After 2 other people get downed (-30 seconds for each down)
  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Another DS activating seems really jank to me, maybe DS deactivates whenever the killer is stunned by another DS?

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited February 2020

    I think your idea makes no sense...

    Think about this:

    There are 2 people on hook, (1st and 2nd), both have DS.

    1st guy gets unhooked (kobe), and then 1st unhooks 2nd.

    Currently BOTH of them have DS active, and this is wrong.

    So now, who is the "unhooker" and who is "unhooked"?

    The most logical rule to follow would be that the "most recent unhooked is THE unhooked", so in this case it would be the 2nd guy. Why? Because the 1st guy became "unhooker", because he unhooked the 2nd.

    And the "rules" say that you should go after the unhooked.

    So basically in this scenario, 2nd guy has the right to DS, while the 1st doesnt have it (because he became the "unhooker" in the most recent rescue).

    So how would your idea work here? You follow the rules and go after the "unhooker" (1st guy). You get DSed, because your idea is to "disable all active DSes after a DS stun". So now the 2nd guy DS deactivates and you kill him.

    So in the end, you got DSed by the 1st and then tunneled the 2nd...

    If "DS deactivated after another DS activates", then 1st guy DS would deactivate as soon as the 2nd is rescued.

    So you would kill the 1st guy and then get DSed by the 2nd guy. Everything works as intended, unhooker is not protected, while unhooked is.

    Hope I didnt confuse you lol

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Dude wth? DS shouldn't stay active if you unhook someone anyways. Try another scenario.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    ######### ur right, I need to write this again lol

    Ok, so again there are 2 people hooked and 1 not. All of them have DS

    1st unhooks 2nd and then 3rd.

    Now 1st and 2nd have active DS.

    So who should you go after? Obviously after the 1st, but lets say he got downed by Deep Wound or something, and he is in dying state now (NOT DEAD YET!)

    So now you should go after the 2nd. Why? Because he was unhooked earlier.

    So now your idea. Yougo after second, get DSed by 2nd, 3rd's DS deactivates and then you tunnel 3rd.

    So you killed the most recent unhooked, instead of the earlier one you were supposed to go for.

    Now my idea: the moment 3rd is unhooked, 2nd's DS deactivates and 3rd's DS activates.

    You go after 2nd because reasons above, kill him, then go for 3rd and get DSed.

    So the most recent unhooked is protected, and the eariler is now a target.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Yes but why does the 2nd deserve to get tunneled? The survivors should've unhooked slower?

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited February 2020

    I believe that yes, they should have unhooked slower if they wanted both DSes.

    Lets say you have 3 people in the basement rescued by the 4th. And all 3 of them have DS. If all of them cant be tunneled, then you are forced to exhange 3 people for 1. And this is pretty stupid. It should be 3 people for 3 people, 2 for 2, the law of Equiwalent Exchange should apply to hooks too lol.

    Another issue is that body block of 2 or 3 people cannot be easily passed through, they cannot be all immune.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434


    I don’t think you understood what I was trying to get at. So let me try to be a little more clear.

    I am saying that in the event that the person on the hook has DS, a killer can easily walk away and come right back to that same area looking for a wounded survivor and if the survivor happened to start on an objective, they could easily be “tunneled” again, only this time DS isn’t present.

    This can happen even when the survivor has tried to made an effort to stay as hidden as possible.

    So in that scenario DS kind of becomes pointless by design because you don’t even need to tunnel to turn it off, you just walk away and pretend to leave the area.

    Also, why when you get caught in a bear trap? What if you were being chased and you get caught?

    All these ideas of how it should deactivate further complicate DS. All when a simple slug gets rid of it.

    Slugging is known to be a way to slow down the game so people are already doing it even when the person doesn’t have DS.

  • gamerscrybecauseofme
    gamerscrybecauseofme Member Posts: 366
    edited February 2020

    Just remove the timer completely and have it activate for your what would be your death hook, which would also include being the last survivor to be hooked.

    Killers mains giving their opinion on how it needs to change, will only serve to significantly weaken it for their benefit.

    Survivor mains want to keep it as is, because it gives them options on how to use it, making it strong against killers.

    If it's changed to give the survivor a last chance to escape before death, it still keeps it's value as strong perk that disrupts killer momentum, while it also removes the current "abuse" killers feel survivors use it for.

    I am also for making the skill check harder, as let's be fair, to a survivor, hitting the skill check is relatively easy.

  • Shirtless_Myers
    Shirtless_Myers Member Posts: 383

    "There is at least 2-4 BT's in e very single game I play. Also, the amount of killers that counter BT is extremely small and hardly worth mentioning."

    In every single game you get 2-4 BT? That's just a blatant exaggeration or you only play in SWF. You can't dismiss that certain killers hard counter a perk that discourages camping or you're not willing to accept that there are flaws in your argument.

    "If this is seriously happening then the survivors are playing just completely terrible. Even in a face camp scenario that is THREE hits from the killer. That is serious misplays and should not be happening. It's an unrealistic scenario and a perk being countered by the survivors playing bad makes total sense."

    That's three hits and completely possible. It's not a misplay if the killer refuses to leave the survivor and they're about to die. A hit to the survivor before they make the save, a hit after the save, and then a hit on the hooked player that was just unhooked. That is a play, not a misplay, especially if they weren't hooked yet within the game. It's providing time further toward completing the objective.

    The idea hooking another survivor to disable DS doesn't work, saying the survivors are dumb doesn't really hold up because there's many situations in which it is a smart play to a play style that isn't fun or rewarding to play against. DS only requires a change in the end game as the killer becomes screwed in that situation with no counter play. Other than that, DS is fine the way it is.

  • beardedninja
    beardedninja Member Posts: 2

    Anybody in here that says D's needs a buff is wrong in my opinion. It is effective at anti tunnel bc if the killer is worried about you having it they won't pick you up. Run unbreakable if you are being slugged when using ds. For every play style or ability killer has survivors have a counter. P.s I play both sides. More survivor than killer though. also I can personally say I have lost matches ( didn't pip ) bc the last person I hooked had Ds and the only hook I could get him to was close to a open gate. His swf friend unhooks him. I lose no matter what. It's a strong perk case in point you see at least one survivor running it every game.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731
  • rikaa
    rikaa Member Posts: 81
    edited February 2020

    Bro :D My departmant is computer engineering and I know Java. The diagram just reminds me the programs that I wrote xD But umm anyways, it is good point. DS is not OP and easily counterable for me. It does not bother me if I play killer because I know what to do also as survivor I always use it :D