There are absolutely NO red rank killers on PS4

Current challenge I'm doing:
Escape 4 trials
What I get:
Rank 5 - 6 survivors that play like rank 15's (or a rank 1 that is dragging literal 15's with them)
Always a rank 11 killer that uses the most borderline op add-ons and ebony mori, all while hard proxy camping. And the hatch always spawns near them as well lol
On top of that, before I've had any opportunity to cleanse totems...
Said killer has noed anyway.
Rank reset and updated matchmaking system needs to get here sooner oml.
True, I tested this with my sisters account.
Ten legion games on rank 12 account, always red ranks.
It is very sad but it makes sense, ps4 is full of red ranks swf squads, unpleasant to play against
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I guess on the plus side, since I play both factions, playtime as killer is swift as I am of the very few red rank killers lol
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Playing vs swf red death squads will make a better killer.
So just hold up, don't expect to win and do your best
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I'm rank 1 survivor and killer on PS4.
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There are red rank killers, I saw some. But way less than red rank survivors, no doubt.
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There are dozens of us, dozens!
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Oh im a red rank killer/was lol Ive been playing alot more survivor lately thus deranking me (started taking a break before the ruin nerf.) A lot less stressful and i can just mess around, get a little bp, and escape easily enough. Still consider myself a killer main tho.
But when I play survivor I dont see many red rank killers, usually its purple even tho im red rank.
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Aye can confirm i am out there :)
I get what op means though when i play survivor i also never encounter Red rank killers.
I think it's just that the matchmaking is in a rough spot atm
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I actually got deranked all the way to yellow before I started playing killer somewhat frequently again and even then I only do a couple games. I still like to talk killer builds and that stuff in general..but I swear im not that good at survivor and its a cakewalk. No stress, if my team sucks oh well ill die or get hatch and wait for the next game, if the killer camps oh well my team will usually escape. Now as killer I have to absolutely sweat, entity forbid I dont absolutely destroy the survivors or its t bag city xD like sometimes i just wanna chill.
I will say tho, Im really loving the perk diversity thats going on between all killers, alot less ruin on every build and more unique stuff, even for me I used Ruin to slow down the early game for myers bc he needed it, and now I dont even use a early game slow down for him, I just try to hurry up and get out of tier 1 and snow ball from there.
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There are but they are a minority compared to red ranks survivors, if I play 10 survivor's games I'll probably get 2 red ranks killers and 8 green ranks. Haven't seen a purple killer in a while
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I've been playing with red rank killers recently. They usually don't play well at all.
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I tried 3 games as a rank 11 killer Saturday night and faced the following rank survivors:
1 / 1 / 2 / 1
1 / 1 / 3 / 4
1 / 2 / 2 / 4
At least they weren't toxic, shout out to @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY (i think it was him), but yeah it was pretty rough. I think I earned 2 kills and someone gave me a pity kill to the entity.
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@kcwolf1975 Do you play on PS4? If so, what killer were you?
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Whenever I play killer (Rank 1) I usually face nothing but red rank survivors, which is great. On the other hand, whenever I play survivor (also rank 1) I never face off against red rank killers the majority of the time. It's really screwed up.
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Yes i am on ps4. I was a Freddy on Haddonfield. I had NOED (don't judge me) just for the egc challenge.
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As soon as you hit green ranks as killer you can expect red rank SWF most games. I think many killers struggle with the huge difference between versing green rank solos and red rank SWF.
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Maybe, now just maybe. If they stopped nerfing killer and they properly ranked survivors it just might balance out.
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Ohhhh yeah I remember that game! My friend was like "this is bullshit! My least favorite killer and my least favorite map!" haha.
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This is my typical rank 1 sol survivor experience on ps4 UK server, 10 minutes wait and then green killer 85% of the times, when I get a red killer the match starts within a couple of minutes.
When I play killer at Red ranks I also only get red ranks within seconds.
This sounds to me like there's a scarcity of red ranks killers
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Three purples? I would love three purples!
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I am also puzzled why I was put in that match, consider that I was doing solo survivor. I guess the mm decided that I had been waiting long enough
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I hate that map too, at least the person who used that haddonfield offering was one of the two to die :)
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Yeah we were I think a 4 man at that time. I told the friend who put the offering "well, I guess you reap what you sow" 😂
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Hi red rank PS4 player here
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Recently hit rank 1 as killer after a long time, ironically, though, I tend to get matched purple ranks or 3 red ranks and one rank 20
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I’m rank 5 killer and rank 3 survivor currently and I can confirm this problem. When I play survivor it’s always a green rank killer. And when I play killer, I only face red ranks survivors even when I was rank 14.
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I had a red rank 2 Billy. He actually spared me the hatch too. Good egg.
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I can barely get to purple rank killer. I don't have all the decent perks, but the moment I hit green ranks I get matched with only red rank survivors who run circles around me like I'm dumb. What's the point of color coded ranks if you don't matchmake with the color/rank you're at? Have fun being a good killer.
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I've been red rank every season since the original hallowed blight.
The problem is that red rank matchmaking takes so long that the guy just says "Whatever, just throw them in with whoever!" and you get babies.
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*game, not guy.
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The emblem system and match making really need to be changed up. I'm a rank 1 killer and survivor yet very rarely get matched with other red ranks. And when I do get red rank survivors, they play like absolute potatoes. In the rare instance I do get a red rank killer, they actually do play very well
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Yeah PS4 sucks. Sometimes I just queue up as killer and dodge games I know survivors were waiting like half hour for.
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I mean, there are some. It's just easier for the crappy matchmaking system to get lower killers. If the rank of a killer is lower, that makes it easier for the system to match then with anyone. If they're higher, then it might take awhile. At least, I think so. Correct me if I'm wrong.
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I had several red rank killers yesterday.
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Playing Killer on PS4 at rank 13: "Wheee! This is fun and we're all relatively the same skill level, I win some, I lose some, couple kills each match!"
*Become rank 12*
Nothing but red and purple survivors, mostly SWF (you can tell because they know what perks they each have and play accordingly). Struggle to get even 1 kill before the exit gates are powered. Much teabagging.
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I was at purple rank last month now i'm at rank 12, literally everything i've gotten is red rank swf, i barely get a kill and all of em LOVE to t bag at the exit gates. I'm like "bruh, you proid of yourself?"
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yes there are. i get plenty of red and purple rank killers on my matches
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I'm a Red Rank killer right now but it's super stressful just to even make one mistake in chase. When playing survivor all I go against is Green/Purple ranks when I'm a rank 2 survivor. It's not fun constantly playing against players who clearly have no chance against 4 red ranks with half a brain.
I really hope BHVR works on these problem fast but from the looks of it this game is going down.
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There are red rank 1 killers, but just as rare as the Adam mains.
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I’m a red rank killer on ps4
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The only way to tell is facing the same killer over and over. Once that happens, you know the game is screwed hard.
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I am red rank on both sides on PS4. I typically get red rank survivors when I’m a killer but the past few times I’ve played survivor I’ve gotten really bad green rank killers who proxy-camp and rely on NOED for kills.
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There are plenty of red rank killers. DBD's matchmaking just sucks ass so they're trying to hide that fact with their new matchmaking system.
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I’d like to contest as I’m a rank one killer.
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My LF, Doc, Huntress and legion are at 50, Trapper, Wraith, Clown and Nurse are close. I mostly play Doc and clown rn. I’m currently attempting to upgrade my killers and put proper builds on all of them, I had a lot of killers at 50 but for some reason I decided to prestige them, lol.
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This doesn't do anything anymore though? Survivors stay in lobbies now so they only have to wait maybe another 20 seconds or so for another killer to show up if you dodge.
Can't tell you how many killers dodge lobbies because they assumed it was an SWF when it's just how the lobby system is now.
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Frosty eyes? How dare you use frosty eyes you NOED crutch perk killer!
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I’ve decided to not prestige killers anymore but admittedly I do like prestiging survivors, I hope you complete your goal soon! :)
I know! D:
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You’re welcome:)
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I’m also a completionist and I’ve prestiged killers/survivors that I rarely even play. I have Nurse and Huntress at P3 but I absolutely suck with them and don’t use them often.
I am getting close to prestiging all the killers I really want to though. I’ll eventually prestige them all but for the time being I really can’t see myself prestiging killers like Legion and Trapper when I never play them. I’d rather get more add-ons on killers I like :/