Killers need MASSIVE buffs.

Survivors dont need nerfs or anything like that. If their perks are nerfed they can still do 3 gens in a minute and some.
What the game needs are some fundamental killer buffs. If not that then make a bunch of add ons basekit for the weaker killers and proceed to spice up their addons.
The first option will be easier and more immediate, it makes everyone strong somehow and if some killers overpreform they can be fine tuned in a hotfix.
Second option is the better one because it makes individual killers stronger at what they already do. We all know a jack of all trades killer sucks ass, look at legion. He has everything yet also has nothing. If one thing all low killers have in common its being heavily add-on reliant and not having much good/unique addons. Make the brown add-ons base, change up the effects from just number changes to something unique and make them viable without addons. Currently I feel oni and freddy are the best examples. They get bonuses from their addons but can do just as fine with no addons.
Enough survivor nerfs and new mechanics. The killers being weak is the underlying problem
Fix huge maps, buff weak killers, bring solo survivors to near-SWF level so we have a better point to balance around, buff killers again to reach that level.
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Honestly, just fix maps
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fix ranks then balance, the ranks are a mess atm i just slugged and killed 4 ranks 2`s as a perkless and addonless clown on blood lodge
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If killers needed a buff so badly why not make all killers 5% faster? Would be a good start.
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I, unfortunately, agree.
My games lately go like this;
Rank 10 killer gets matched with 4 red ranks that know how to do everything.
I get hardly 3ks with all exits open cause of noed. Since they will fix matchmaking I hope they fix gen times and HEAVILY nerf toolboxes. 2 swf with bnp destroyed me before I was able to patrol the first gen. C'mon how is this a thing?!
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You're right, they CAN do 3 gen in a minute and a half. But that's not the case with 99.9999% of survivors in dbd. So you can't balance the game around that, because if you do you're gonna destroy it for everyone else. And that's what some stupid killer main has to understand: if you win a consistent percentage of your matches, and sometimes you get destroyed is FINE. You SHOULDN'T win 100% of your matches, because a game that works like that will die, and is ridiculous that many people can't understand that.
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Sorry but your argument wad flawed the moment you mentioned win. The game has no real win condition so saying the killer wins if they dont get "destroyed" is a bit arbitrary.
If your win is pips then it's completely possible to dominate, have a close game or even get destroyed and still pip or safety pip.
If its about the 4k then its still full well possible to 4k after being destroyed.
Theres no way your logic works with any type of wins
Also when did anyone mention maining anything?
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Most people complain that theyre versing ranks below them and its not fair, well most of those red ranks would actually be green etc. ranks dont mean anything right now... this was my clown game on bloodlodge, no amazing perks or add-ons and the game was pretty easy because these players shouldnt be red ranks and that goes to about 85% of red ranks i see.
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This is what I have found too. Red ranks have never been easier as killer and never been harder as survivor.
The chances of getting 4 genuine red ranks seems extremely low. Most games have at least 2 potatoes.
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I doubt that killers need massive buffs. Most killer would just need some minor and easy to do tweaks.
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βThe killers being weak is the underlying problemβ
okay, then tell devs to stop nerfing killers. Itβs coming to the point where there will be no killers left and only survivors waiting 10+ minutes in the lobby for a single game. And the survivors who are red ranks usually have meta perks equipped, and theyβre red ranks for that reason only. Take away DS, BT, Adrenaline or Dead Hard and youβll see survivors drop like flies. Survivors have too many second chance perks, while killers are left in the dust.
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Um iv been a rank 1 survivor for 2+years and its not due to meta perks at all its due to skill, map and loop knowledge. most of the time its random perks for me or challenge focused perks, i see way too many people complaining without actually knowing what the issues are. too many killers complain its the perks, its the ranks etc. but end of the day half of you killers now dont know how hard killer games use to be back then when everyone who was red rank earned that title unlike the game now where people do nothing and pip. legit just showed my killer game as clown (2nd worst killer) add-on less with no decent OP perks on bloodlodge, i won easily because they arent actual red ranks like most red ranks now.. as you can see in that picture i havent played killer in ages and im still in green yet still did well. if they ever fix the ranks god help all you killer that actually verse the actual red rank survivors, but as it stand most of us vet rank 1 survivors cant be bothered to carry the other fake red ranks who should be rank 10-15 at best
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Haste is an element you usually wanna leave out. It's an absurdly game changing mechanic, and is very touchy.
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4k.... nice.. but you slugged. To many killers don't challenge themselves, or their skill by playing a solid, legit match. You may, or may not do as well, but at least played them clean.. I'm not bashing your play style, because everyone plays differently. I like to see killers ( myself included ) work hard and earn their kills.. I find it more rewarding personally...
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I think they should implement a run mode for all killers. Wouldn't last very long , like maybe 6-10 secs and can't attack while running, but would allow you to cover ground a lot faster. Would also be on a cooldown of like 120secs or something after using it.
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I think most of the killers are fine as they are. Legion is amazing: get more straight irids with him than any killer. The new Doctor is good too. I have every killer but Cannibal and they are all really good. My point is that I believe no killer needs buffs. If they give that to anyone, the survivors will start asking for the opposite.
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What's the problem with slugging again? It's the only way to counter DS when you can leave the unhooked. Chase the unhooker. Hook them chase someone else hit them. And the find the first out of 4 DS users in one match working on a gen and not running when you come walking. Just to use immunity. Or they get frantic how you leave them on the ground as there the obsession. Slugging counters that and not only that. You can chase and hit two other people come back and find that person and it's. "Anti tunneling" not really honestly.
I've had a guy DC for that vary reason. I knew he had DS front he vary mentioned example. And he left cause I wouldn't hook him within the known minute timer. The other players were well around and nearby but ya.
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Well this game has balance issues based on competitiveness and skills. The scale is too easily tipped in favor of another role which actually makes small fixes or adjustment huge. I'm for the idea but the average survivor team can't keep up with killers progress. Example a small mechanic change could make the game "Unfun" for Survivors like no red stain or no hit cool down or extended Bloodlust. Survivors are just not really good at the game but few are Bosses.
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I guess I play with or against the 1% frequently because most of my survivor matches lately have been getting 3 gens done before a single hook.
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Honestly. Im quitting killer until this genrush BS stops.
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Iβm not trying to argue but I play as both killer and survivor. With blood lust killers are spray faster than survivors as is. If you make them faster How is that fair. I have seen low level killers slump all survivors higher ranked with no add ons. That includes trapper and legion. I think things need to be done. Exspecially match making for ranks yes. And other things. But I donβt think itβs fair to make killers faster.
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I agree with you
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Yes I agree with you completely
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FIX. THE. #########. MAPS. Seriously, 99% of killer problems are from maps. Red Forest, Yamaoka's, Swamp, Coldwind, some Autohaven and MacMillan, Badham, Haddonfield, Crotus Prenn. These maps suck because they are so big with such good loops/such a large amount of connecting loops that killers can't initiate a chase for more than 15 seconds if they want to keep up pressure. Add onto that the insanely strong buildings featured on these maps that everyone runs too because why would you not, and perks like Dead Hard for extending the chase, DS when used offensively, hell, even Lithe or BL, maybe even Adrenaline, and bam, GG EZ.
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Killers(most anyway) donβt need buffs, gen rush needs a nerf, which is why theyβre planning on nerfing toolboxes.
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Agree, it is always more fun to have op things but everyone has excess to that. It is not fun if everything getting nerfed and is balanced in that way, since the gemaplay can become stale and boring.
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I just think M1 killers need either stall potential or mobility added to their kit. Insta down or getting a free hit doesn't mean Jack when 3 gens pop at once.
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Easy fix for the game. Take the current pallet count and cut it in half on every map except for the game, lerys, and autohaven. You do not need 20+pallets when the gens can be done in under 4 minutes. This will teach new survivors how to properly loop with windows and give killers a chance against the super strong survivor mains.
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u can't fix killers based on 4ks and u can't base survivors on 4 escapes. there needs to be a midterm
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No, that's a bad start. Killers already have bloodlust. If anything killers like the Hag should be 5% faster.
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My goal is not 4k's or making 4 escapes the norm. My idea is to make it so killers can do a chase and they don't have to worry about 3 gens being done in the first 80ish seconds of the match. If that possibility becomes impossible then I'd say killer will be in a good spot. That's really it. The devs themselves expect 1-2 gens in the first couple minutes of the match. 3 gens is in general too much to be popping no matter how good the killer is.
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okay i agree.. gens get done really fast and the ruin change wasn't good but you know..
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Or maybe you aren't a good killer, and blame the game for your incapacity
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Most of the players consider a win a 4k/3k. The pip system just doesn't work and basing your win around that is stupid. Also, a veteran player knows that rank doesn't matter anything, cause there are no rewards.
So i base my logic around that.
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Or maybe if you aren't good at reading maybe you should realize that I said survivor matches meaning I'm not the killer. What a dumbass πππ
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People like you that insult because are too insecure to normally argue always make me laugh. That's why the community is trash, because it contains trash people like you
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Don't insult me if you can't take an insult back. dumbassπππ
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Trust me, I don't think you want to see a faster Hag.
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I said "maybe u aren't a good killer". Not being good isn't an insult, and if ur mental age were above 5 years u would have unsderstood it.
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People still doesnt understand a thing in the game actually about balance....that's why this game is so screwed up killer side.
Killers dont needs add on come on, the reason killers are so weak its because they cannot prepare their games correctly , look at the trapper .. if he decide to prepare the traps he'll begin his game with already 3 gens done
Let me explain how a dbd game is played :
- 1 getting chase
- 3 doing gens
- the first one getting chased is down so 1 of the 3 other leave a gen to help the first one
- Killer hook the first 1 one ... Boom 2 gens Popped
- Killer saw the two survivors with chili and bbq he chase one of the two
- the one who's not getting chase do a gens and the first one who's getting rescued by the second survivors heal themselve together and rush a gen
- Killer down the survivor he was chasing , he hooked him ... Boom another 2 gens Popped
So 4 gens popped against 2 survivors hooked cuz Killer got looped/jungle gym etc..
Even if you're doing good as a killer so lets say you did 23k blood points you still didnt pipe , but as a survivor if you get 23k points you double pipe , see the logic here? You need a large amount of work as a killer who's alone , no voice chat , no help etc against survivors who has everything . Devs needs to fix it asap who people will just flee the game or play survivors and there will be no more killers anymore .
Dont add any mechanic or add on please just CHANGE things...
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βSurvivors can still do 3 gens in one minuteβ yeah, only because youβre most likely trash as killer and donβt know how to pressure gens. Donβt blame you being a brainless killer main on the game mechanics.
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I agree but legion is pretty good. maybe middle C tier. He has mobility, can find other survivors quickly unless they make it hard and can injure many people at once while downing soon after and has a slight objective delay.