Here's the DC penalty time for each DC

First time: 5 mintues
2nd time: 5 minutes
3rd: 15 minutes
4th: 15 minutes
5th: 30 minutes
6th: 30 minutes
7th: 60 minutes
8 -
Are you playing with fire, or did you datamine or smthn?
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I'm bored atm~
12 -
5 mins?
Sweet, just enough time to make a cup of tea.
7 -
That is extremely disappointing honestly. Not nearly harsh enough.
12 -
Solid enough imo (we dont know how long it takes to decay).
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The real question is how long before penalties start to go away. Because looking at this rn there's nothing that will stop people from dc
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The first is too harsh it should only be seconds at most. Why should everyone in our SWF have to wait 5 minutes every time someone gets a loading screen crash before we can play again?
Since they basically admitted making it not punish innocent folks is impossible the least they can do is ease up on the first one so that it's not as harsh on them.
After that, the later ones honestly are the opposite problem, they should be much more harsh, assuming that the cooldown period is about 24 hours in between or 12 hours between the DCs or something.
9 -
I forgot which thread I saw this on, but I read 24 hours decay period, starting when the most recent penalty ended. So if you get 4 disconnects, you get a 15 minutes penalty, then after that 4 minutes is over, if you disconnect again in 21 hours, you get to the 5th penalty, which is 30 minutes, then you have to wait another day?
Or did I understand it wrong?
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Thats the point
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Needs a buff.
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Yes being giving a 5 minute ban for no fault of your own due to an issue that has plagued the game since 2016 (infinite load screen) is far too weak.
We should make it 24 hours. People need to be punished harder for trying to play the game dammit!
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I'd say 5 minutes is plenty harsh enough when queues might take just as long. It's meant to be a deterrent, not a tazer.
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I mean, if you want to keep pretending that is the reason for the majority of DCs then go ahead. It's not reality though.
5 -
7 DCs is only an hour? That is a disappointingly low amount of time fore disconnecting that many times.
6 -
Nobody said it was the reason for the majority.
Why should someone have to sit on the naughty step for 5 minutes just because the developers are unable to create a stable game?
Wait until youโre stuck in a pallet unable to move or caught in a basement bug unable to see.
Players should not be punished for developer incompetence.
3 -
Ngl if someone dcs that many times on purpose just to be a toxic idiot they should be banned. Not given seven separate chances. I know it sounds harsh but my major complaint with this game is the toxic people in the community. The less toxic people the better. Not talking about when you're internet dies cuz That's something out of a person's control.
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prepare yourselfs for lobby simulator or even better, AFK players and free points!
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It would be worth chasing confirmation about this but, if someone crashes on the loading screen then the trial never actually begins, so it may not apply a penalty in that scenario.
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You're making excuses and giving examples that are infrequent. The basement but was the worst because it happened over a break. I played and never once dced because of it. It's possible. The dcing because a match is not going your way was out of control and needed addressed.
4 -
Incorrect, the forums were flooded when the DC penalty came out due to false bans, do you want to know why?
Because people are so used to DBD crashing they don't complain anymore, they restart the game, and requeue, but now people are being punished for it so people get more annoyed and speak up, just because you may not experience these crashes as much as others doesn't mean it isn't happening because it definitely is.
9 -
That's pretty weak if you ask me, it should be something like this :
1st : 5 minutes
2nd : 15 minutes
3rd: 30 minutes
4th: 45 minutes
5th: 1 h
6th: 2 h
7th: 8 h
8th and more: 24 h
3 -
Flooded? I am not new to the forums. I am not saying it doesn't happen, but it happens infrequently enough that the 5 minute penalty you get is not going to turn into a 60 minute one and therefore is a mute point.
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But WHY should someone have a 5 minute ban due to something that isn't their fault?
You could have 3 gamebreaking bugs/infinite loading screens/server issues in a 24 hour period easily.
I admit the gamebreaking bugs rarely happens to me but the infinite load screen sure as hell does.
2 -
They shouldn't. But that is just something we will all have to deal with in an attempt to make the game better. It is 5 minutes. By the time you restart it is only a couple minutes left. Spend some blood points, get a drink etc. It sucks but if it helps all the crybabies that keep doing it because they got downed too quickly then it is for the best in my opinion. I shouldn't have to go without internet because my isp is doing upgrades to their system ever. But at times I do, and it's to improve the experience overall. It's just life.
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Well, not it means you'll wait to die or keep working to get unstuck instead of DC'ing.
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It needs to be lenient towards loading bugs and such. My first game with the penalties and my game froze and then kicked me out and gave me a DC penalty ;( I wish it only punished people who DC on purpose
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Is this already in effect on console (PS4)?
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Peanits said that infinite load screens shouldn't result in the DC ban since they're happening before the match starts. If you're seeing it, please get a clip and report it to the devs.
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I think the DC escalation system should double the punishments faster. ๐
1st: Warning Message About DC Penalties
2nd: 5 Minutes
3rd: 15 Minutes
4th: 30 Minutes
5th: 60 Minutes
6th: 2 Hours
7th: 4 Hours
8th: 8 Hours
9th: 16 Hours
10th: DC Ban
Post edited by NMCKE on4 -
I like yours much better
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I mean, I don't mind the current ones that much but repeat offenders will just do it a few times and time them well to not really get punished in the end. Basically just a slap on the wrist "tssk tssk don't do that!" and then looking away so they can do it again right away.
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Too weak, increase the penalty
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I think these are actually pretty fair times considering how much of the playerbase has mediocre connections that cut out from time to time. Having a few game crashes and having to wait a an hour would be pretty frustrating in itself. I think even 5 minutes is going to be pretty good for some people to stop and take a breather to calm down if they rage quit from a game. I know personally I wouldn't leave a game if I knew I had a 15 minute penalty, and definitely not if it meant a 30 minute penalty. Even if a 30 or 60 minute ban doesn't deter somebody from DCing, i'm happy with knowing that nobody is going to have to deal with them in their games for an hour
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No one system will be perfect, if you ######### on the hook and bypass the system. It will be up to the report system and other players to catch you bypassing punishments.
If different people from different games pile up reports, it will be obvious to the support team that you're trying to bypass the system.
Not saying you would do this, just saying as an example how the developers would stop people from bypassing the DC penalties. ๐
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Well at least that's something.
Sure it can be abused (map offerings, moris etc) but it's better to let the bad apples go than punish the innocent.
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Considering queue times for survivor are 20 minutes on weeknights on PS4, I'm surprised anyone is upset by this. Whats 5 more minutes?
IMO these shouldn't even apply to killers.
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How often does this happen to you? What platform do you play on?
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Infinite load screen?
Depends. Some days not at all, other days multiple times per session.
I play on PC. Happened on my old PC and my new PC. Sucks.
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The problem is they can't tell the difference between someone whose internet goes out on its own and someone who's being a toxic idiot and decides to disconnect by pulling the plug on their router.
The reason the penalties are not extremely harsh is because they have to take into account the multitude of legitimate reasons why someone might lose connection to the game. I thought the trial penalties were too harsh for that reason, but I think these ones actually strike a good balance between punishing toxic behaviour and not punishing bugs or network issues more than necessary.
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They can tell the difference between someone who uses the Leave Game button and someone whose game crashes or whose internet drops out. However, they can't tell the difference between someone's internet dropping out and them turning it off intentionally, nor, I believe, between a game crash and a forced termination of the program, through Task Manager or something similar.
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What surprises me most is that so many people are surprised that the system is toothless.
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Good thing I don't DC anymore gotta get them blood points and gotta get them challenges done
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It will never be perfect, but it still better than doing nothing or banning only ppl who pratically dont play the game and only DC every game (50%+ DC) as it was before.
Great change. Good work devs. Not being sarcastic.
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60 hours?????
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Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I'm also a human being.
My bad, I'll edit the comment. ๐
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Your not wrong I feel the DC should only take affect once the game had loaded with 5 people total.
They should also determine if it was the app crashing through no fault of anyone or an actual DC.
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Thank you for your sacrifice solider!
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Just give up on first hook 4head
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Some Hero's don't wear capes, they just don't play an addicting game for several hours