Does anyone miss when we could still play a match with less that 4 survivors?

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, some time ago, when a survivor was not able to join the match during the match loading, you could still play the match with 3 survivors but only needing to fix 4 gens, or 2 survivor and 3 gens, and so like that.

Now if a survivor is not able to join, the match is ended as soon as it starts.

On the other hand, is not unknown that you have to wait a lot of time (at least on PS4) to find a match. So if I finally find a match, and I already went through the lobby waiting time, plus the match loading time, I honestly prefer to play a match with an incomplete team than having to go through all the damn waiting again to find another match and for it to load.

Any thoughts?
