Does anyone miss when we could still play a match with less that 4 survivors?

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, some time ago, when a survivor was not able to join the match during the match loading, you could still play the match with 3 survivors but only needing to fix 4 gens, or 2 survivor and 3 gens, and so like that.
Now if a survivor is not able to join, the match is ended as soon as it starts.
On the other hand, is not unknown that you have to wait a lot of time (at least on PS4) to find a match. So if I finally find a match, and I already went through the lobby waiting time, plus the match loading time, I honestly prefer to play a match with an incomplete team than having to go through all the damn waiting again to find another match and for it to load.
Any thoughts?
That was awful. Nobody wants an unbalanced game.
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I had forgotten this was a thing and definitely don't miss it.
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Maybe its my general nostalgia for the "old" times in the game, but I kind of miss it too. Seeing old videos of it makes me want to be a clueless noob who doesn't care about balance issues at all.
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Still do. Quite often there's a survivor that dc as soon as he's been downed in the beginning of the game. Pretty much the same thing
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Haha same thing for me. Plus the not having to wait again.
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Not the same thing cause you still have 5 gens to complete
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Can you please let me forget it?
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Pointless unnecessary comment. If you're going to comment at least contribute with something.
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No, I just want the game to work
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I thought they were interesting games, plus with all the lower rank killers being matched with higher rank survivors, they might as well let it happen to give the killer a chance LOL. Wish there was a preference system or something for survivors to set. Not sure if it's something they could do or would do, though.
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That was horrible. You ever had to play just you vs killer and do 2 gennys against the doc. Still most unfun game I ever played.
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I definitely don't. As a killer, people would expect me to farm or go easy when I really just wanted to play the game. A lot of the time they'll just sit there and refuse to actually get chased. As a survivor, we would be at a huge disadvantage right out of the gate and probably die.
I'd much rather just move on to the next match.
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I hated when survivors expected to leave the game alive, or for the last one to get the hatch, just because someone didn't load in (or disconnected in the early game, really)
Seriously.. I rather play the game normally, if I don't want to farm, you have no say in it. Or if I do want to farm, I'll make it less obvious, go for two hooks on everyone before going for the final hooks, so everyone has a chance to play, but I won't sit there watching them work on generators so they can get more points and be bored out of my ass.
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Idk my 2 upvotes says I spoke a lot about my own, and other peoples opinion on it. I don't need to write an essay to contribute to a discussion.
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yeah I miss it
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It's as Peanits said. That and half the time, the killer would just go full tryhard anyway.
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God no, why would you say such a thing
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God no, probably the only time i actually thought of disconnecting were those boring onesided slaughter fests, and I play killer lol. It's so boring to deal with that, then had to patrol the remaining 3-4 gens because it's near impossible to do 2 gens before the hatch could spawn. Only to deal with even more DCs because survivors didnt wanna play those games either. I'm much happier waiting an extra 2-3 minutes than wasting 15 and offerings/addons
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Mainly to end it as soon as possible. I normally just wanted the game over so i would kill everyone as soon as possible.
Or maybe you thought they were tryhard because their was one less player, maybe the killer just played like they normally would and didnt treat the lack of a survivor any different than if there was 4.
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It still sucked. I didn't go full sweat in those games, unless they flashlighted and teabagged at pallets.
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Neither did i but i still killed them all, i would deliberately do bad chases a couple times so i can chase more and have fun chasing but i never went easy on them because i wanted them to have fun. And what is full sweat in dbd? Bringing meta perks? Mindgaming? Being good? I can easily tell what messing around is but it's hard to pinpoint a person being sweaty in dbd to me.
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Sweat for me tends to lean more into how aggressive someone is in a chase. It's kind of just a feeling that you get too. You generally can feel when someone's trying a little too hard to get you.
I'm an aggressive killer and sometimes swing a little too early, but there is a difference. A minute one, but a difference still.