What if gens finishing too fast would get a penalty?

For example if two gens get finished at almost the same time one or both would regress by a quarter due to overcharging or something
all other gens that are being worked on after a gen gets finished would get a tremendously amount of hard (or old ruin) skill checks for a few seconds.
That would spice things up and doing gens wouldn't be so boring.
Don't lapidate me, it's just an idea 😅👉️❤️
The penalty is NOED.
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This. You have it, what more do you want?
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That seems like a bad band-aid solution. "You better not do gens too fast or else we'll be very disappointed in you harumph!"
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What the hell, no.
What next, penalty to the killer for downing people too fast?
Don't be ridiculous.. I had games where I won too fast on either side (or lost too fast, too, for that matter) it would have been stupid to have the game prevent me from doing more objectives because I was doing too well.
Rubber banding is annoying in Mario Kart, can't imagine why they would implement it in this game.
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I don't think NOED is fun, neither for killer nor for survivors and I wan't to enjoy the game midgame not at the end
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Delete noED, bring it back as the default when the game ends like back in the day.
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Killers already have a penalty for downing people too fast. It's called decisive strike.
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lol NOED is the penalty for survivors doing gens too fast, DS is the penalty for killers hooking too fast.
The rubber banding is real. Add in Adrenaline too.
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Killers that do too well get punished by both DS, and the emblem system. Why is the same standard not applied to survivors?
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I don't think the penalty should be applied to gens because of obvious reasons, but invoking a penalty for being too efficient does sound like something that's already in place for killers.
In order for something like this to be implemented, it'd have to apply to the killer as a buff.
Nerfing survivors for doing well won't make for a fun experience.
But if the gens pop quickly within a match, the entity could imbue the killer with a speed bonus to help them move to catch survivors, like a longer lasting bloodlust until they actually hit or down a survivor to gain some momentum.
The idea is to give the killer more time to do their job when the gens are finished quickly. This can help them "catch up" when survivors have a good start.
With the right idea and tuning, I think this would be a pretty interesting piece of tech.
SWF groups would have to choose whether to rush gens or take their time to avoid giving the killer a boost.
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You both are right.
Anyone who does too well doesn't get nearly as many bloodpoints either.
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Survivor emblems are screwy in general and killers do have a perk that punishes the enemy team for playing "efficiently"
Am I wrong?
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I mean, killers get punished for doing well. If I 4k and kill all the survivors too fast, I barely even black pip. What's your point?
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NOED only punishes one of the four survivors. The other 3 will just leave as soon as they see the notification, if they are smart.
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According to killers, individual survivors do not matter and it's all about "the survivor team". The survivor team is taking a heavy loss.
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There is a penalty, if I down a surv too fast. It’s called ds....
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I don't think this would be a good way to handle gen speeds. All that time, just for the game to pretend some of it didn't happen.
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Noed doesn't exist? Also DS won't punish you unless you pick them up. If you're applying good pressure like you claim, you can afford to slug and stretch out a little bit more.
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You literally depip if you kill all of the survivors too quickly.
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Wow, the emblem system is broken? Thanks for letting me know mate!
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You're welcome, thanks for criticizing my point earlier when it was apparently obvious to you!
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Hell yeah! Punish survivors for doing their objectives and reward killers with a no brainer for not doing their job.
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Game balance should never be solved with a single perk. Devs will just take it away from us if we use it too much anyway.
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Sorry, I didn't see the point. My bad.
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All good. And sorry if that last comment was a bit toxic, I'm a bit of a smartass :P
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Hm? Tunneling shouldn't be easy.
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I also thing that is stupid.
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If you finish gens to fast and win, survivor gets a minus 1. So that's the penalty.
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Killers depip for winning too fast at higher ranks
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That doesn't make sense. You're being punished for doing an objective? This is especially bad for solo players
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I mean, killers already black pip or lose pip if they kill survivors too fast so.
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This sounded ironic at first but then I realized it actually applies to OP's suggestion.
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Man no disrespect or anything man but damn. Survivor mains are terrible in these threads and killers are getting just as bad.
It's a game guys. What happened to being a gamer and overcoming things by getting better at it? This game is dying. You can only blame the ball-less Devs so much. Smh.
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There is no such thing as finishing gens too quickly.
The game design is this:
Killers have so profound an advantage that death is inevitable for all four players. The trick is to escape so fast that you can avoid your demise.
I find it incredibly offensive when people say "get good" but the state of this game right now is absurd.
All of the killers are ridiculously OP and survivors have no way of countering it.
I am a killer main but I do play as survivor with friends.
Every match I play is 4k. I am a red rank level 1 survivor and I escape MAYBE 1 in 15 rounds
So if you are having trouble as killer, it really is that you need to get better. Change your strategy. NEVER chase one survivor for more than 30 seconds. If you don't down them, leave.
Make sure you bust up multiple people working on gens. Run the legion perk that shows you went 2 or more are on a gen. Then when you chase one, KNOW THE OTHERS RETURNED TO THE GEN and sneak back and get them.
The reality is, the killers are WAY too OP. There are multiple killers I can't even play because I feel guilty because they're too OP for an experienced killer.
So if you're having trouble, you need to alter your strategy.
The other problem is killers often feel like they failed if they didn't get 4k.
If you get BRUTAL killer, YOU WON!
if you don't kill anyone, you will won.
You don't need 4k.
As long as you hang everyone once.
And as strategies go...
Stop the camping and tunneling. If you've hung someone, you got them. MOVE ON.
If you're worried about the hook, you are missing out on the other players.
Everyone I know says the exact same thing.
Most games are 4k. Killers are way too OP.
So none of us have any idea what y'all are talking about.
And lastly
I LOVE IT when people try looping me. It's a guaranteed down.
Stop approaching the game like the survivors have power.
They don't.
Stop getting psyched out.
Take control.
This game gives killers such a huge advantage that is frankly unfair.
So use it.
Whining when the game is already this imbalanced is really unattractive
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If that's the idea, why does the emblem system punish Insta down killers? Why does DS exist? Both of those punish killers for doing well.
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Uh decisive only works if tunnel.
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Huh? You depip as a killer , I've tried and failed to depip awesome. But a killer quits and I depip as a survivor. Wierd
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It doesnt work very well. It would make much more sense if you had a base slowdown or the speeds of generators were regulated by how the killer interacts with survivors. Gens shouldnt interfere with one another, regulating that according to what is happening in the match would be a mess. There are 3 ppl on the floor and you complete a generator, now you manage to get someone up and you have less speed?
No hooks = less speed, for every hook (or time bleeding out) there is more speed, same for deaths. This forces ballance into both ends of the spectrum, casual (or new players) and experienced players alike.
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Bad idea.
HOWEVER. I would like to see more punishment type perks that resonate well with gens getting done rather than aiming to intercerpt them or regress them all the time. Right now one of my fav perks is cruel limit combined with Tinkerer because it lets me work with the flow of survivors as a killer and get to a chase.
A chase that is now more intense and slightly in my favor thanks to CL. It adds a lot of pressure and I do like this idea of a punishment or negative affect occuring when survivor do certain things. There are other punishment perks-make your choice namely- but as a killer I like to get to a chase.
A real chase with japes and mind games and not just looping or watching someone vault through a twin window area endlessly and cruel limits lets me do that. Tinkerer also gives me time to prepare and get in a jump scare.
More perks that have an affect when a gen is done would be great..you know...like fire up...except not utterly useless.
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You mean like killers getting the "you killed the survivors too fast so we're disappointed and you don't get a pip harumph!" penalty? lol
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that will only nerf solo survivors and not make a difference on swf since they can just communicate and coordinate on gens
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They will still blackpip or even depip when they did nothing except Gens.
Not different from playing Killer at this point - if you want to keep the interaction between both sides low, you will get punished. This is for Killer ans Survivor.
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We do get penalized for killing them too quick. You have to remember that we are not allowed to kill them fast if you want points. We are points pinata's. The more hooks and chances they have the better bp we get. But we are told that killing is our ultimate goal. We are killers. Or are we?
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But this seems to be happening a lot on ps4 red ranks, to the point where even farming BP, unless on a strong killer, has become problematic.
Matches were killers score 20k points and survivors 15/17k should not happen.
I want my BP, tasty BP :)
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or just give a secondary objective so the match doesnt end too fast
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Why not? If killer get 4k too quickly, its depip and almost no BP, survivors should get same.
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No, no, no to the OP. BHVR has said that the game is balanced around two escapes and two kills per match. If you cant get two with gen speeds being what they are (post toolbox rework of course), then try different perks or a different killer. Or somehow improve your skill.