Forever Freddy...

My friend got dbd last night and we played this night and we went against 2 forever freddys in a row .... It didn’t bother me but I’m sure my friend didn’t get a good impression of the game
edit : I think the swf matching change should also be reverted
Forever Freddy doesn't exist anymore. The addons in question were nerfed.
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I too enjoy nitpicking phrases instead of just knowing what he meant and leaving it at that.
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Me too lol!
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Forever Freddy isn’t a thing anymore. Also does your friend know about waking up? Not trying to sound rude but you should’ve told him about waking up or wake him up if they find it a problem. Sorry your friend had a bad experience
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Not too much nerf.That build is still viable.
(Forever Freddy main)
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I mean, if you don't want people pointing these things out, perhaps you should assist in making sure people are educated instead of enabling the attitude of where things need to be nerfed even further.
No, you're not edgy.
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True. It's still a very dull build to play against.
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If your friend is new to the game, and you are a high rank player, you shouldnt be surprised you are getting good killers.
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The addons getting nerfed doesn't change that it's still called "Forever Freddy". What do you want people to call it? "Slightly less forever freddy?" Cmon bruh.
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In regards to the SWF stuff, I'd family share a steam account and play at rank 20 with them to give them a better experience.
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No such thing as forever Freddy anymore. Nice try
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Which is probably why they threw in the "swf matching should be reverted " comment, and I agree. The killers level should be based on the lowest level in the group. That's the way it once was I believe, and it was nice, because it gave new players a chance to learn the mechanics of the game while actually playing the game, instead of being killed in the early stages of the match..
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So that 3 rank 1 players and 1 rank 20 player smurfing can bully a baby killer? Lol no.
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Only if they're douchebag survivors. The senior players will know that they are going against a weak killer, and go easy on them, so that they also can learn, and have a good game experience..
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"Forever Freddy" was nerfed
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Yes... It is now unofficially slightly less forever freddy. Lol
That being said hopefully he kept playing and learned to enjoy the game.
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Forever Freddy doesn't exist anymore? You're telling me he CAN'T run corrupt, pop, sloppy and thrilling tremors with swing chains and jump rope and not slow the game to a crawl? Those add-ons and perk combos exist, so forever Freddy exists. It's still the same boring-ass playstyle we all know and love and it still drags out matches far longer than it should.
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People think because the numbers are slightly lower than before that the name "Forever Freddy" can't be used. It's really annoying and doesn't contribute at all to the actual discussion lmao
Same thing when people say "Insta-saw doesn't exist anymore". Yeah no ######### old insta saw doesn't exist, we're talking about double charge speed add-ons. Of course you knew that, but just gotta derail a conversation you don't like somehow. We're not going to call it "Significantly faster saw" or "Slightly less forever Freddy". Grow up.
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Yes. That is what happens.
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How would you know that always happens?
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Players in this game have this dark mentality that if something is imbalanced and broken it is not their problem and they ride it out to get to the next match. I know this because I play through it like the sadist that I am.
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You and me both, man. However, when I introduce a friend to this game, I play on my rank 20 account and just watch what he does for the most part lol. I can help them improve that way and not ruin the match for the rank 20 killer at the same time.
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As long as it doesn't skew towards rank 20 that would help fix a lot of mm problems.
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They nerfed the forever Freddy add-ons, and then got rid of ruin as well. There is no forever Freddy.
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Yeah, because high rank survivors go easy on baby killers all the time.
That is completely divorced from reality. Especially red ranks? They just teabag and loop baby killers and end the game in 4 minutes. Matching to the lowest level survivor is an awful idea.
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I agree with OP that though the add ons were nerfed it's still pretty bad and I consider it just not as Forever Freddy, lol
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you realize you can wake up right?
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These same senior Survivors know about the high ranked killer they are bringing so what is the deal ?
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It also allowed Killers to play against Survivors of substantially higher rank than they should be up against without them being able to do anything about it. So I'm glad it's not like that anymore (yes, I'm aware the matchmaking is still trash, but that is a different issue).
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You realize the amount of time you stay awake is negligible at most right?
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Freddy's yellow rope add-on was nerfed to be only 2%.
Two percent.
"""slightly""" lower.
Is 2% seriously too much for you? What do you want?
The reason why the rope add-ons are stacked together is because they do nothing on their own.
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Forever Freddy isn't just the addons though?
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Every killer in the entire game can stack thanat, dying light, etc. The thing that made Freddy "Forever" was combining these with his add-ons. The add-ons which have been nerfed.
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The add-ons still exist. Therefore when combined with the perks it is called forever Freddy. We're not going to call it "slightly less Forever Freddy" just because it's a few percent less effective.
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Forever Freddy.
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The only way 2% can be a problem is if you are bad at the game.
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Combining both add-ons doesn't result in 2%. Idk where you got that from.
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No man they took 9% off of it.....that totally means you can’t use that name anymore!!!!
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Yellow rope add-on is a 2% slow. If you don't stack this with other slowdown perks it does nothing. They nerfed Freddy's add-ons to the point where they cannot be used on their own and MUST be combined in order to be useful.
They don't need to be nerfed again, unless you think you can't handle 2%.
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Swing chains alone adds 2% PER SLEEPING SURVIVOR. And survivors are sleeping for a majority of the trial because you just passively get to fall asleep with no interaction from Freddy.
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Only the chains stack for each survivor, he ropes don't.
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That's still more than 2% if you combine that with a rope. That's a potential 12% and it will probably hover from 8-10% the whole game. Plus his teleport cooldown is lower if more people are asleep, however you don't progress the objective if you go and wake up just to fall asleep a minute later, plus the thanat, pop, etc. Forever Freddy.
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They still provide a good debuff on gens. Just because they got nerfed we can't say it's "forever freddy" anymore? Oh pls, give me a break.
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It's not "forever" anymore. That's like saying forever mending Legion still exists. It's nonsense.
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There's a big difference from the Legion mending time being fixed and the Freddy debuffs being nerfed 9%. It's still very much usable. It's a combination of the add-ons and the perks.
You're comparing apples to oranges.
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Your so right, that 2% is what completely breaks this. So how do we stop the Forever Freddy, 1% this time? Or is that too high for you?
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You're acting like it's just 2%. It's most likely 6-8% the whole game not including another add-on. Idk if you're trolling or what man.
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No it's 4% for green and 8% for swing chains totaling 12%. The fact you're only using the yellow add ons shows you're being disingenuous.