We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Hook suicides need to be dealt with

Now that DC penalties have been implemented, people are just instanty killing themselves on the hook as a "legal" substitute for DCing.

If you aren't going to play the game, don't queue up.



  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    The problem for that one is that they'd be punishing "letting go" for the teammate to get hatch too, which is a good and valid stratergy, I'm saying this as killer, not survivor.

    And well, as killer, if one let go, I'll play normally and then farm with the last one and MAYBE let him go to cover up for those BP the survivor inquestion took from my game for "letting go" on first hook. As survivor, I'll just play normally but focusing more on pipping and BP than actually fixing gens. I usually play 4 men SWF so this is not common for me.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,896

    This definitely falls under the "not cool" category. But any solution would be worse than the cure. But yes, expect to see a large increase in first hook deaths.

  • wait4him2leave
    wait4him2leave Member Posts: 118

    @Mert_MK I was watching a streamer being chased and she was hoping her adrenaline would pop because there was one generator left. When she got hooked the other 2 remaining survivors where not on a gen. Crouched together on the 2nd floor of the Myers house. If looks could kill 👿

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,315

    You know, I honestly agree with you there. If only it was that simple and people actually didn't ready up unless they were intent on finishing the match no matter what happens (besides serious bugs and stuff of course, I'll never blame the guy stuck in a tree or something for disconnecting 😄)

    But it's like with "toxicity" and legitimate harassment. Obviously the best case scenario would be if people simply didn't do that sort of stuff, but that's sadly unrealistic and the best that can really be done is try to limit it and crack down on the true serial offenders that go too far. If people absolutely do insist on leaving I'd rather they do it on the hook than by disconnecting for a variety of reasons.

    There's games with much harsher punishments for both leaving matches in progress and "throwing" in one way or another, but they're usually games that are far more geared towards straight up esports and tournament play.

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175
    edited February 2020

    I play every match I'm put in unless I have a valid reason not to or something out of my control occurs. Check my record on PS4 and Xbox. If you find any evidence of me disconnecting, lobby dodging, or anything of the sort, then you can accuse me of being triggered. As it is now, I have yet to ever be in a match that meets my criteria for hook suicide so really, your accusation of me being triggered is pretty baseless.

  • Dewmgaze
    Dewmgaze Member Posts: 4

    The problem with now forcing a would-be DCer into a hook suicide is that it negatively affects the benevolent emblem. All remaining survivors will lose points in that emblem that they cannot regain, and will cause them to pip lower than they would have if the player just DC'd.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Prime example here of give an inch take a mile. Dcs are complained about by both sides of the game. Leave it at that. Nothing wrong with suiciding on hook nor would you be able to enforce it. Was suiciding intentional or were you trying to 4% so your team didnt have to come get you? Did you have a frame rate drop when you went into struggle causing the game to think you weren't trying to live?

    Much like outside coms, theres no way to enforce that rule. Even so, i don't beleive it needs to be a rule.

  • That'a right, only you matter. People should do things so you can have fun.

    You should be having a lot of fun seeing how quickly some players die when you put them on those super hooks.

  • Dewmgaze
    Dewmgaze Member Posts: 4

    How is a person's suicide which damages 3 other survivors benevolent emblem and ability to pip considered a selfish thought?

  • Why do you assume the other players are doing anything besides squatting in a bush?

  • Dewmgaze
    Dewmgaze Member Posts: 4

    I don't, and I never said that. But it doesn't matter what they're doing. Do you know how the benevolent emblem works? Anytime someone is hooked, everyone else looses points. They are regained when they are unhooked. If someone suicides on hook, those points can't be regained, and all other survivors are deranked a small bit for it.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022


  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    How do you propose they punish someone for a mechanic in the game. What if survivors don't get the unhook are they going to be punished? Should killers be punished for hooking a survivor since that is the only way a some one can suicide.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392

    You wouldn’t even be able to determine this easily. Yes from our standpoint you know when someone suicides on a hook, but it would be fairly difficult to track it.

    What if there are only two survivors left and the one on the hook would rather have a chance to get off then just hang there as bait for a killer? You would get punished for something you are fairly pidgeonholed into. Suicide on a hook or and escape is your only option sometimes.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'd rather this than an rage quitting. At least I can guarantee they losr their items and the killer get their hook/bbq stacks they earned.

    And as much as I hate a player leaving a team behind there is more reason to it than rage quitting. If I ever played solo survivor and saw 3 survivors doing nothing and all running urban, I'd probably do the same. I would try my best till I'm downed, make the killer earn the kill first.

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670

    Do you wanna punish people for not being unhooked too? For trying to kobe? If not, how can the system tell the difference between a on-purpose hook death and one that's not on purpose?

  • CrescentGent
    CrescentGent Member Posts: 60

    Nope. If I'm being facecamped by a leather face, it's very clear that my teammates arent gonna save me successfully so why would I stick around?

  • jzinsky
    jzinsky Member Posts: 112

    All problem I've never seen happen. Ah you crazy red rank guys!

    But seriously, I've suicided on a hook by spamming space in the exact same way when I dont... If you're not going to punish people when the game crashes don't punish them for a slip of the finger

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    It's the buff killer mains always wanted. Some shitlord disconnects, next one suicides on hook, last two can't just dc they need to stay and feed the killers ego for the 4k. Slugging if necessary.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    Impossible since you can't really prevent it without it being a guaranteed kobe which would be awful for the game

  • Dewmgaze
    Dewmgaze Member Posts: 4

    Simple really. Get rid of the button spamming 2nd hook phase, and just make it be a straight timer. And to solve for AFKs, if you get unhooked and don't move, do not penalize the unhooker with an unsafe hook rescue.

  • Stevie_Eye
    Stevie_Eye Member Posts: 5

    This. I wish it was a timer, remove the stupid button spamming. The "struggle" should still be active so you can't jump off the hook at least but as long as people have the option to struggle, you can't be punished for letting go.

  • obeymylogic001
    obeymylogic001 Member Posts: 4

    Getting rid of the button spam mechanic is the only way that the community would be happy with but other than that I think that's just going to be something to deal with

  • obeymylogic001
    obeymylogic001 Member Posts: 4

    If people aren't going to play the game with you why stay in that game

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608

    I guarantee you there would be less suicides the moment they removed that moronic struggle mode.

  • If a survivor commits suicide you can't do much about it. Struggling and failing to keep the tentacles from stabbing you in the face is part of the game and there are some stratgys to it. So no, Reworking it is not possible.

    But I agree if a survivor is just going to do that then why even bother playing? Your basically throwing the game so just don't queue up in the first place. But again. Suiciding is still better than a straight up dc. As it still costs time to hook and down them.

    At the end of the day. You cant really solve this issue. Just leave it and let things run there course. Not everyone is going to play ball so just ignore them and move on.

  • DanteMorello
    DanteMorello Member Posts: 142
    edited February 2020

    I agree but it is reportable. Report the people who do it on the endgame screen.

    I know some people though who do that when they have a game breaking bug and want to avoid punishment for it.

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    Ikr? The option to attempt to escape and to not press the button to struggle is there.

    Suiciding on hook is a strategy to help your last teammate have a chance at the hatch.

    And if people don't want to play a certain trial due to their idiotic teammates doing nothing or the killer being a douchebag then they have the right to leave

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670

    Hook suicide isn't reportable, there's nowhere where it says it is. I'm not staying in a match against a camper or with immersed teammates, you can't force anyone to do that

  • DanteMorello
    DanteMorello Member Posts: 142
    edited February 2020

    Hook suicide is literally helping the killer and therefor reportable. At least if the downing and hooking itself is without any effort to get away.

    Or am I wrong with this assumption @Peanits

  • TheEndOfSolace
    TheEndOfSolace Member Posts: 16

    For all yall saying that adding a punishment for frequently dividing on hook is stupid cause then it would punish people who died bc of camping/bugs/etc. You know theres an achievement that keeps track of how many times a killer barely misses you at a window right? I'm certain they can keep an accurate track of who is killing themselves on 1st hook early in the game on multiple frequent occasions. Quit being entitled ######### not every game is gonna bring you joy but that doesnt mean you gotta ruin it for everyone else.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    No, because camping and tunneling aren't reportable offenses.

    Ragequitting, however...

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Look for "Purposefully losing the game" under "Unsportsmanlike Conduct."

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670
    edited February 2020

    If the devs haven't said it is, they won't ban for it so. I'm not staying in matches to play a staring contest with the killer, I'm moving on. Plus a hook suicides doesn't lose anyone the game. I had a game with 2 dc and 3 gens left and we managed to espace

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited February 2020

    It literally says so in-game. A player who hook suicides is purposefully losing the game for themself.

    "Ragequitting" is also listed under the same section. Hook suiciding almost always falls under one of the two.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    This!! So much this!!

    It doesn't even happen rarely nowadays. Red ranks. I give Billy the chase of his life, running him for 3+ minutes and being super greedy with the pallet resources. I get downed. 0 gens popped. 1 crouching around, other one going into locker, third one searching box in the basement. Oh hell no, not even 10 horses will let me stay in that match. I'm out, enjoy the rest of the match u useless potatoes.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Another whining post about this? No, suicides don't need to be dealt with. If someone suicides out of my match, so be it. Personally, I don't see that very often. one in 10 matches have suicides. I also avoid tunneling, don't camp (unless I immediately chase someone I see when hooking another...can't help if they won't leave the hook area). Usually, if I get a suicide on hook, it is in relation to crappy teammates, or someone feeling butthurt that they got downed right after teabagging by a pallet. :)

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262


    See these posts all day every day since the DC ban. Lol every person who dies on the hook is a suicide


    They didnt get caught and murdered they suicide ??? Hahahahah lol

    They must jump right on that hook themselves

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670

    No, hook suicide isn't losing the game because there's no way to lose. Some people think getting points is a win, some people say that pipping is. The fact that you get rewarded for hook suicide by points or even a pip means it's not a loss

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