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Why is there so little killers at high ranks

Why? Just curious since apparently it’s so ez to pressure gens and pressure survivors lol

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  • Member Posts: 1,829

    If you're looking for a serious answer, in regards to me personally, it's because I play Hillbilly and chainsaw hits only count as one chase, so I sometimes end games with bronze chaser or no emblem at all.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Tonight is kinda a mess. Nobody's dying on hook. It's either bleed out, disconnect or pig head pop.

    Nobody's playing the actual game lol

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    So this is just a pure troll thread?

  • Member Posts: 1,829

    In all fairness, when is anything on here not a troll thread?

  • Member Posts: 332
    edited February 2020

    For me it's simply because the game as killer can be so incredibly sweaty at times that I don't have the energy to play enough games in a row with the intent of getting a merciless to rank up. Right now I'm lik rank 8/7.

    But between me mostly being a silly bugger, not using optimal builds, not interested or having fun playing optimal loop-lets dance around the same thing 6 times in a roll- or gaming around them-I can loop..I legit just get so bored that I mentally give up on the third one if no other play is made- and randomly switching to killers I don't really play as or know how to use optimally for kicks. I'll probably be knocked back to greens eventually.

    Now I'm constantly facing red ranks who come into the game together and while it can be fun some of them are so optimized and so hell bent on looping stuff constantly to milk time as possible for a sweaty win that I just don't have fun. So when I meet those teams consistently I'll honestly probably not play for a few weeks until my rank resets.

  • Member Posts: 797

    I feel like I remember seeing you in a lobby alongside 3 other default nancys with flashlights, boy you know I left that lobby faster than a heartbeat

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Matchmaking's busted, people are starting to lean more into one-shots which hurt their emblems, more killers are relying on tunnelling and camping, so survivors are adapting to run perks and strategies that completely counter those aspects. Borrowed Time body-block comes to mind.

    Survivors are also more likely to live if they complete their objective quickly. They REALLY don't like to have a drawn out game.

  • Member Posts: 85
    edited February 2020

    I don't know, I seem to be part of the minority who actually think getting to rank 1 as Killer is easier after the ruin nerf. Mainly I think this is because I've had to switch up my playstyle.

    Previously against strong SWF teams, ruin would either be completely ignored or instantly cleansed, which more or less made it useless. Against weak teams, I would have killed everyone either way (and rather quickly), so the perk was still kind of pointless.

    I don't know, after the recent changes I've just started playing a bit differently. More mind games, almost no 1v1, sometimes completely filtering out survivors I actually see on screen and instead focusing on gen status. It actually works out pretty well, and I usually end up with a 4k.

    Side note: Yes, the game still suffers from, sometimes heavy, balance issues (matchmaking is terrible, for instance), but it's not nearly as bad as a lot of people in the community claims.

  • Member Posts: 961

    It really is quite bad right now. Gen times, map size, map strength, strength of perks, matchmaking, emblem system, and lack of game breaking bugs are all in survivor favor.

    I think region plays a big part in the challenge of this game. Where I am, the survivors are just too good. Bhvr doesn't see a problem because they don't encounter these types on a daily basis.

  • Member Posts: 379

    Because Killer mains are tired of Devs catering to survivors and seeing survivors stroke their ego for making one decent play.

  • Member Posts: 636

    Yesterday I played 8 games and had 8 different killers FYI Rank 2 Survivor

  • Member Posts: 85

    What region are you in? I have no experience from any other region than mine (EU on PC), but from what I've gathered it seems to be about the same everywhere... I just don't see how it would differ that much.

  • Member Posts: 337

    Gens get done too fast, too many survivor perks you have to play around, dedi servers denying grabs, and frame rate and sensitivity issues on console.

    if they fix these issues maybe playing killer will feel enjoyable again.

  • Member Posts: 182
    edited February 2020

    Well it's very hard to pip when you face 6/8 SWF in a row armed with toolboxes, flashlights etc. I still get "brutal" even if i manage, somehow, to make 4k. I occasionally get "ruthless". I have no problems with solo queue, with Hillbilly. The problem is SWF.

  • Member Posts: 961

    Southern USA. I get a lot of players from Chile. 60 percent of my games have a team with over 10k combined hours. They know every loop, every distance, every safe zone, and run the strongest meta perks and items. It's frustrating to say the least.

  • Member Posts: 29


  • Member Posts: 282
    edited February 2020

    Because that's the nature of ranked modes in video games. It's lonely at the top. The higher the rank the less people will be there because only a few people will have the skill to be there. Survivor is easier to climb if you care about climbing.

  • Member Posts: 6,492

    And you believe something like that is the main reason as to why survivor queue times are much longer than killer queue times? People saying it's because there are not enough killer players are not to be taken serious?

  • Member Posts: 2

    I also agree on that I do play both survivor and killer but mainly survivor Ruin wasn’t a real problem to me an my team it was really where it was hidden an where the killer was camping it I just really hate when the devs nerf good perks like that makes it fun for everyone I just hate how toxic this community can be in the sense that one perk is annoying for some people not everyone if a killer gets a 4K or not that’s not the survivors fault there only playing how there supposed to play and escape.

  • Member Posts: 8,589

    It's probably a combination of things. The Ruin change may have pushed some killers out of red ranks that didn't necessarily belong there. SWF matchmaking changes flooded red rank matchmaking with survivors. And the rank reset changes continually push more players into red every month

  • Member Posts: 175

    I honestly feel like it because the game is broken more and more with each nerf/buff and because some killers only care about ranks and "winning", not actual fun, while some survivors only care about being obnoxious towards killers which ruins things for killers in general.

    I suck as a killer, but I still have fun playing as them because I don't put pressure on myself to 4K or pip or any of that. I just try to entertain and be entertained.

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    Cause it needs skill to get into killer high ranks. And 95% of the players base just relies on the utmost cheap mechanics for ranking up, which just fails at some point.

  • Member Posts: 21,146

    And here I thought camping and tunneling were uncounterable.

    Also, 95% of Red Rank Survivors are boosted.

  • Member Posts: 715

    Say hi to all those urban evading survivors! And people who are scared of killers! And survivors who will be near a locker instead of unhooking you.

  • Member Posts: 715

    How can you see skillful killers when they don't have time to actually show their skill? Oh, wait, if a killer didn't kill anyone or got 1 kill by the end of a match, that killer sucks.

  • Member Posts: 736

    surviv main logic lol, I had a survivor tell me spirit takes no skill lmaoooo

  • Member Posts: 951

    Looping and evading the killer are so freaking easy on some maps, when i play killer i either steamroll people who are having a rough game or i get 4 tier 1-2 survivors on comms where unless i am playing perfectly I cant even hit the survivor. Honestly chases are very heavily controlled by the survivor its just dumb. The killer has to either follow a survivor and waste his time to try and get hits and downs, or he can break off the chase, get no reward for leaving early and just check gens. Right now killers have 0 control over game pace.

  • Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2020

    Honestly I'm considering quitting Killer altogether. I enjoyed both roles until I noticed half my games are vs red ranks (Rank 8 myself). Really demoralizing.

    Also Killer is just plain harder to play when vs good survivors, every mistake you make is punished. As Survivor getting hooked isn't a big deal if your team is on gens, but as Killer missing a single M1, or getting looped too long... say goodbye to gens 1, 2 and maybe even 3.

    I mean I see good killers stream and they play almost flawlessly with predictions/pressure/reads... if they don't then they never pip. Killer is just way more stressful as well playing on your own. Meh... IMO the game needs to start off with proper matchmaking. I can actually enjoy killer vs green/purple ranks, but not red.

    To balance Killer a bit I'd start by removing DS. Having Dead hard/unbreakable is one thing, but when you have a survivor (and most red ranks do this) taking DS then it's so ######### punishing to make the error of picking up a previously hooked survivor. You basically lose a whole chase and have to make another hook. I mean yeah you can not tunnel but sometimes tunneling is the only way to win vs strong teams. Getting 9 hooks means ######### all when everyone is alive and all escape. It's like as Killer you have to fight against DS to prevent your tunnel, Borrowed to stop people unhooking in your face, Unbreakable if you chose to situational slug... as Killer your basically told this "Hook survivors one at a time, don't hook the same one twice, don't ever slug, don't camp". So your playstyle (if not very refined) is typically chase/hook/chase diff survivor/hook/chase diff survivor/hook. And if you violate that code you'll be at a severe disadvantage.

  • Member Posts: 1,829

    It's not because there aren't enough killer players. It's because of the SWF matchmaking changes making more low ranks take up red rank slots if they play with a red rank friend.

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