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Trapper buff isn't good enough.

Member Posts: 504

First off, I want to say that this is a step in the right direction that they've buffed him... but it's such a minor buff that it won't really change Trapper too much at all.

Okay, so you can reset traps. A nice little feature.

But will this help him in the early game? Not really.

Does this mean he has enough time to set up? Again, not really.

The only thing this buff is good for is like saving a second having to pick it back up. You still have to walk to the traps at the start of the game and spend time setting them up. Also, yes you can reset traps... but at some point you're going to want to move the traps to a different location anyways otherwise everytime you reset them the survivors will remember the location of it and disarm it.

It's almost as though the devs are like "We hear you, you want us to stop nerfing killers and start buffing! Well here's a minor buff that won't change much at all just to make you happy!"

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  • Member Posts: 500

    I feel like there is a pretty good chance he will spawn with all his traps for now on, I feel like everyone has been screaming at them to do this for a while now.

  • Member Posts: 500

    I don’t get it. Do you think that would be too much of a buff for him? All it does is stop Survivors from knowing the killer right away (which is something they always try to negate if possible, hence why no one has their own unique hooks anymore). Starting with his traps will only save time for him to set up, and at most force survivors away from loops he may try to trap in front of them.

  • Member Posts: 500

    At least with the chase music they have to be in range to hear it, and that is whoever is near. Multiple people seeing traps is the difference between blindly running into one or staying vigilant around corners, windows and pallets.

  • Member Posts: 1,829

    Then again, pig boxes, plague fountains and Freddy clocks exist and you can spawn right next to them too. I don't think it's that big of a deal.

  • Member Posts: 504

    That's understandable. But... Trapper needs some buffs. We've also been asking for him to start with more traps for a very long time too, can we expect any actual buffs for him in the near future?

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Being someone who absolutely enjoys playing Trapper as he is. I welcome this change.

    Picking up a trap, especially when you know it’s a good spot that you would just re-arm it in the same spot saves a lot of time.

    Being thankful for even a small change in the right direction doesnt hurt sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 504

    I really hope they do, but I don't expect anything else from them.

  • Member Posts: 313

    Is the trapper buff live? or will it be live next update?

  • Member Posts: 179

    Wait so when is this supposed to be happening? Where is this confirmed? The teaser is just a video of a chain being pulled taut lol.

  • Dev Posts: 7,555

    It was shown in the dev stream. It'll be included in the next update.

  • Member Posts: 951

    Its thats its a QoL change not a buff and ppl are wondering if thats it

  • Member Posts: 500

    Looks like it has been confirmed, Trapper won’t be starting with all his traps next update... 😔

  • They should just let him carry 1 more trap by blood default, it's been long enough, it's been asked for even more than this, and it would be a necessary buff especially after ruin nerf like holy hell it isn't something game breaking it's something to bring him up to a functional level.

  • Member Posts: 1,364

    Will you also be increasing sensitivity in the next update? Bc that community for console has been screaming about that for a very long time now

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    I'm with you. It should be an add-on that lets you start with all your traps.

  • Member Posts: 169

    So, we can reset a trap that survivors know about without picking it up. Yeah, it really doesn't change much. If anything.

    Besides that, thought his traps move a small bit after they've been set-off, either by being disarmed or by a survivor stepping in them? Why would you reset a trap that's been slightly moved to a position where it won't work AS well.

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    I wouldn't really say it's much of a buff, just a change so Trapper can actually play the videogame sooner than the rest of the killers. He still has the most counterable power in the entire game, the only power that can literally be disabled for 50% of the game, detected by maps and perks (Unless Hag's traps can also be seen by maps but I don't think they can), avoided with dead hard, made useless with SWF and object, becomes pointlessly visible on every indoor map, has to travel everywhere to get his power, only starts with a max of 3 traps whereas Hag and Freddy start with all of them, has no downsides to escaping the traps by yourself without honing stone...maybe if all of his traps were on the side of the map he started on. I could live with that but right now it's just depressing playing him, especially with no Ruin.

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    Oh god peanits please tell me the bag is gonna be base kit :(

  • Member Posts: 75
    edited February 2020

    Trapper should never start with all of his traps, that's absurd.

    Imagine being put in the basement and he traps around the hook, every entrance, and the loops around the basement. That's a guaranteed death.

    It's nothing like Hag or Freddy before anyone says anything, because their powers don't cause damage, nor will they immobilise a survivor. Not to mention their powers have work arounds aside from alerting the killer that you're on the way.

    The above applies to more hooks than just the basement too.

    I do think 2 traps as base would be good though (I would suggest starting with 3 and once you put one down you can hold 2 max).

    On another note, why is everyone complaining about a buff, despite it being a small one? Be grateful.

  • Member Posts: 42

    How about survivors just stand in place so it's fun for the killers. I have been playing since the game came out, now it is a shadow of the game I enjoyed. The same thing I hear in the forum of complaints I can just read in my messages. Poor dbd ur a shadow of your former self why have you lost your way. Oh well I can just spend my money on new games how unfortunate. It's horrible to grow in skill over years of play then start over as a boob after continuous changes. R.I.P my love for this game.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    As someone that has mained Trapper for 2 years, I don't get why your poster killer is so neglected. His fix would be so very simple. Give him an extra trap, the ability to carry 2 traps as base kit and it will do him wonders. Maybe take a look at a few of his addons, but they would be minor tweaks at most.

    But no. We act like Trapper is not even there.

    Please, for the love of ....well...of Trapper, GIVE HIM A TRAP!

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    Letting him start with all his traps would actually be a minor change and really give him a good boost. Nothing to worry about balancing. He still needs time to set his area which wastes time. Minor change, huge effect. Would be great if there is a calculation how big this change would be for developers and if possible, add it to the next update

  • Member Posts: 8,266
    edited February 2020

    Letting him start with all his traps

    No, its a massive buff. Why?

    1. Equal to 2 Purple bag addon.
    2. Save 1min or 2 going around the map to pickup.
    3. To plan 3 Gen strat traps, you must go across the map to get traps, which Survivors aware what you're doing. Having all traps in hand by default, Trapper will able to do 3 Gen strat right at the start.

    Im Trapper main, I know.

    Im rather to have Traps have more utility and QoL, not straight up buff like your idea.

    • Traps spawn faraway from the edge of the map.
    • Disarm traps cause a Skill check, Coil add-on make the skill check harder. Sync well with his Unnerving Present. Fail Skill check as Healthy will cause Injured, fail as Injured cause Deep Wound.
    • Injured Survivor when trapped must requires another Survivor to make them escape, or they will go to Dying state. However, Suvivor able to escape traps when injured once per game.

    With the change above ^. No mither will likely to disarm trap more often, because they dont lose a health state if fail a skill check. However if No mither trapped, they will always need a Survivor to help them.

  • Member Posts: 243

    It's a small bandaid on a flesh wound.

  • Member Posts: 550

    The Trapper's traps move from their original location when survivors step in them though, so you'll still have to pick them up and reset them to be perfect.

  • Member Posts: 70

    If you dont like him theb play another killer. Why do you think your entitled to a buff?

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    OP is explicitly wanting a massive buff.

    Pointing out that it's a big buff isn't much of a counter argument when a big buff was the goal in the first place.

  • Member Posts: 82

    I mean I can see him starting with a larger amount of traps and less on the field. Most other killers start with a good amount of toolkit (Hag, Freddy, Huntress, ect.). It'd be a little less obvious for survivors to guess who it is and allow Trapper a bit more map control early game.

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