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Opinion on purposefully slugging to bait DC?

It seems to be a popular topic on the steam community hub and honestly? In my matches as survivor today I've been slugged and left to bleed out like everyone else at least twice in my 8 or so matches. It's ridiculous that I'm being told by killers that its a good tactic and that "they arent baiting DCs" but theres tons of killers on the steam forum gloating how they are baiting out DCs so survivors get a large penalty.

This game is like a toxic relationship that seems to have no end, I get why the penalty is put in place but there really needs to be something done about how if given a chance survivors are just ai to killers. I used to play this game and laugh while i got hooked or scared by Myers and dumb stuff like clown, but now its just frustration and yeah I could quit but I've been a dedicated player since release I love the game I hate to see it get purposefully torn apart because the "sides" Killer and Survivor of this game just get to go at eachothers throats without any repercussions.

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  • Member Posts: 3,536

    It was obviously going to happen. Anyone who plays the game could have seen this coming if they have any experience with the community.

    Either people just stop playing in which case killer queues take longer or game mechanics are changed or certain perks get buffed to combat it.

    Any killer participating in this behaviour is only shooting themselves in the foot. These kind of toxic players will be the first to cry if survivors are given a bleedout option for example.

  • Member Posts: 731

    I got slugged yesterday so went for an "Arthur Kit". After i'd seen off "Arthur" i came back and my match was over ready to start a new one. Passed the time.

  • Member Posts: 980

    If it happens, I just go get a drink and watch a little YouTube. Alt+Tab exists, slugging from 5 gens is nothing special. I don't even find it toxic tbh. Stupid, sure, but not toxic really. If you want no points and depip, go ahead. I'll get mine back next game. If it happens twice in a row, I'll play something else for an hour then maybe come back.

    People get so upset over the stupidest things. There is another match right around the corner, so just crawl into your own corner and chill a bit. If it makes you that upset that you got slugged, might need to take a break from the game for a couple days. If you want to play Justice Crusader and try to make everyone play nicely, good luck to you. Everyone is different. If we were all the same, and did everything the same way, that'd be pretty damn boring.

    fwiw, my cat likes slug games. She gets petted for the couple minutes it takes me to bleed out, so at least someone is happy for them. 🙀

  • Member Posts: 3,536
    edited February 2020

    One time use perk. Fixes everything. Totally makes trolling in games acceptable.

  • Member Posts: 119

    There could definitely be the killers purposely slugging people and never picking them up to bait DCs, but I think there is also something else to blame. For awhile now, people who have been slugged make no sound sometimes, and sound isn’t the killers best tool for locating slugs.

    I get that that this baiting of DCs thing is annoying but both sides are always going to pull scummy stuff when a new update comes out that can promote the playstyle. I’m sure a lot of killer players can tell you the amount of toolboxes being brought into their games after the ruin nerf. It’s unfortunate that there are are people who resort to playing like this, but the best we can do is not give them what they want, if you actually DC you are just fueling them to continue doing it. If these players see that no one is DCing and that we don’t care if we get slugged and still say GG then they won’t get their fun.

  • Member Posts: 2,410

    Lol ok Mr. Sensitive. Clearly I have the high power to change what is and isn't allowed in the game.

    Maybe, I was suggesting to the OP something he could do while he the game was out of his control?

  • Member Posts: 2,410

    Or do something else while you're stuck in a situation out of your control?

  • Member Posts: 243
    edited February 2020

    If the killer clearly knows where you're at its a scum bag move but there's been times where I couldn't find someone before they bled out and I got accused of doing it on purpose. It can be hard to find slugs nowadays with the audio bugs. How about an option to give up and die after you're half way bled out?

  • Member Posts: 286

    The truth is other player doesn't push your buttons so (technically) DC'S can't be blamed on others, I don't think it's the fairest thing but still is under the TOS so in the meantime try to spend time with other things like already mentioned here.

  • Member Posts: 1,791
    edited February 2020

    I wouldn't mind a 4th health state you could recover into. Maybe you could stand back up but be too injured to run.

    Besides that, slugging isn't toxic. You can escape while slugged, have several slugging related perks for killer or survivor, and its a baiting/slowdown mechanic for killers.

    There's also valid reasons not to pick someone back up. Wiggle timer after dropping someone is almost maxed, or they have DS.

  • Member Posts: 1,791
    edited February 2020

    I know. That's why I specifically mentioned a 4th health state. Everything after that is musings I guess.

    Though something has to seriously go wrong in a match if all 4 people get slugged which is probably why I went that direction.

  • Member Posts: 243

    They should add a 2nd stage to bleed out, like if you are left to bleed out and reach 20% health remaining you can crouch walk again and interact with things but are broken until healed by another survivor. This will stop people from slugging and purposely letting everyone bleed out. Idk, just think that would help a little or something in that nature anyway

  • Member Posts: 1,045

    Maybe they could add a surrender button while bleeding but giving 500 points like being hooked

  • Member Posts: 312

    Sadly, it's a one time use. It should be unlimited as often as survivors get slugged. I know no mither is unlimited, but it leaves you vulnerable.

  • Member Posts: 71

    For some this is revenge for ruin nerf. For others this is spite over DC changes. Either way, I'm running a no mither, tenacity, unbreakable build as survivor now. Fun. It would be terrible if I shared the love and did the exact same thing. Down every survivor and chainsaw around the map for 4 minutes as they sit there hating the game. I would never do that though.... That's other nasty people... Right... Not me.... right...

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    In about a week the few killers that do it on purpose will stop too as it's also 4 minutes of them doing nothing

    After that how often does it happen that a killer let's the entire team bleed to that?

    I've had that once against a baby nurse my other 3 teammates were taunting all game

  • Member Posts: 123

    Guess you better run unbreakable. Add tenacity too if you like. This will stop the slug, if you're good.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Just as much as survivors chaining flashlights and DS to force low rank killers to DC.

    Toxic people will be toxic. Regardless of side or situation. They will find a way.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited February 2020

    I think very few people are actually doing it to intentionally get people to DC. Most are doing it just for pressure. The rare chance you all get left to bleed out at the same time on the ground means yall had to have been quite toxic.

    Not to mention there are even perks available to counter slugging if you wanted them.

  • Member Posts: 786
    edited February 2020

    Honestly I don’t care about the penalty I will still leave a game if the killer is being a a hole il sit there for 15+ mins like the lobby’s don’t take that long anyway Waiting 15 mins to play something is normal in this game, anyone that thinks I am sitting on a floor for 2 mins coz a killer is a “ a hole “ or butt hurt over there last game is seriously confused. I would rather play lobby/ban simulator

  • Member Posts: 51

    If I play someone that keeps doing that humping crap and im playing ghost face then I will slug and hump them. What goes around comes around.

  • Member Posts: 332
    edited February 2020

    I don't see there being anything realistically done against this. My suggeestion would be this:

    1: If you find evidence of people exploiting the game to specifically bait the DC system. Which I would imagine would fall under unsportman like actions...or exploiting a quality of life system to troll. Send it to the devs on the forum.

    2: Give feedback in the suggestions area about ways you think slugging can be made more bearable. One way I think would be to have the "recuperate" guage be passive and maybe having some perks passively increase it or decrease it.

    3: Try to use more stealthy playstyles. You can't be slugged if you weren't in a chase to begin with. Or run unbreakable/no mither. I know that being told to run a perk is a slap to the face and its' not fair. I feel the same way when a killer has to run anti-pallet perks for loopathon maps but if it's a cosntant thing you might save yourself some frustration by doing so.

    I'm not going to talk about slugging itself since you specificed slugging as a troll tactic. So I envision a killer just downing you all and leaving you all there with no players, hooks and only patrolling to down you again.

  • Member Posts: 109

    I believe that the game created counter perks for just about any complaint and before the game loads you have to choose or play with what you have. Lastly I noticed unplugging from the forums for awhile actually could help, because it gets in your head and reinforces toxic thought.

  • Member Posts: 109
  • Member Posts: 59

    anything a killer does to even the odds is "toxic"

    flashlight spamming and teabagging aren't toxic though because survivors do it

  • Member Posts: 2,410

    Don't feed the troll. If it isn't survivor buffs, killer nerfs, then it's considered b8.

  • Member Posts: 96

    I don't get why people turned this into defending the act of slugging which wasn't what the OP said at all.

    This has only happened to me once, Ps4, so I don't personally think it's a big enough issue to call for action, at least not yet. I didn't DC over it, but I can't blame someone who would when you wait half an hour in the lobby and end up being left to bleed to death purposely.

    Sure, you can go watch something, but we're here to play the game, not watch YouTube. This is not a solution. If I wanted to watch videos I wouldn't be trying to play a game.

    Imagine telling killers who can't catch anybody because of the broken matchmaking system to watch videos and just wait for survivors to finish the gens and leave. Or better yet, 'Gen speed is fine just pReSsUrE gEnS'. Yeah, I didn't think so. Because that's not a solution, it's not even a bandaid.

    And before you get more 'it's totally not on purpose' posts:

    Played a solo match with No Mither for 'No mither, no problem' challenge, just for the killer to slug everyone including me. It doesn't matter how many times you get yourself back up when they're hovering over you because they know you can get yourself back up infinitely.

    If it's happening enough to someone, I believe they have the right to complain about it at the very least. I may not agree that it's a big enough issue to take action, but I can understand the frustration.

  • Member Posts: 949

    You know what's funny? Some people in this very thread have made it abundantly clear that decisive strike is a perfectly balanced perk (lol, k) and the counter to slugging. These same people are now saying slugging is somehow toxic, and "baiting a DC".

    So much KEK, but not enough W.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Don't lie and try to twist things.

    It has already been explained the difference between slugging, and slugging with the intention of leaving players to bleed out. You're really trolling today.

  • Member Posts: 949
    edited February 2020

    What do you mean lying?

    Calling me a liar and a troll? What did I lie about and how am I trolling? Bro, stop harassing me already. My god, always up on my jock, calling me names etc. So much belittling. Chill, my dude.

    It's almost like I'm not allowed to have an opposing opinion without it being considered trolling.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    You've obviously been reading the thread, stop pretending to be innocent after trying to rile up other people.

    Go back and read my post on the other page where I make it clear which kind of slugging is being referred to here.

  • Member Posts: 949
    edited February 2020

    I read the thread, sure. That's why I didn't reference anyone specific. There's a lot of these complaints all of a sudden and I find it funny that it's so "all of a sudden". Is that a crime? To find the irony in something humorous?

    Dude, you need to stop targeting me for having a valid, opposing opinion. Talking down to me constantly, calling me a troll and a liar, overall just belittling me. :/

    But if you insist on talking about baiting people or trying to rile people up...

    From a different thread, that I hadn't even posted a message in. Yeah, you don't get to talk about harassment, bait, and riling people up. Now climb down out of my rectal cavity.


  • Member Posts: 212

    Stupid to have the broken status visible for the killer, who the heck would slug a no mither

  • Member Posts: 157

    I started a scenic screenshot collection to pass the time while I'm slugged.

    It's on PS4, so they're not great quality or especially close, but it's fun to crawl around and get differing perspective pictures of things I'm too busy to enjoy while ambulatory Sometimes I can get pretty shots of the moon overhead with shadowy buildings looming in the background.

    People will get tired of it after a week or two, not to worry.

  • Member Posts: 3,536
    edited February 2020

    That was a joke. That should have been obvious. Lighten up.

    Meanwhile your line about “some people consider DS balanced” was clearly aimed at me since you drop it in everytime. So yes it was aimed at someone specific.

    But yeah fine. I’ll climb out and just ignore you then.

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