New DC ban brought something beyond

Trolls threwing pallets like no tomorrow, losing skillchecks, bring to you the killer, suicide in the first hook, clearly they are upset for that and this is how they "protest" because more than a protest it's a babycry supermarket scene.
Whats the problem? If i see a survivor trolling another as killer I mess with the trolling one. I think most killers do so.
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Nope, the killers that I match always be rude and killed everyone, noone be nice.
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Um, the Killer is supposed to kill everyone...
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Yes and no, because sometimes you kill everyone but you obtain less than 20K BP, sometimes you can get more BP but all the survivors escape.
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Remember the good old days when the killers would only target the trolling survivor. Then the game went mainstream and brought in all the toxic little S#$%'s and that's all that's left in the game.
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Points arent your goal. Killing is.
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Depends what you play for? If you play for points, for killing everyone or what? There is no a only reason
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I saw this yesterday. Someone blowing gens, spamming fast vault for attention, then they suicide on hook immediately. Just remove DC ban please. The old system used a percentage formula so it didn't penalize players who played more than others. If the goal is to get me to play the game less, it's working.
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Ask yourself this question how often are the survivors nice to the killers? if the killer worked there ass off all game and didn't get one kill would you let yourself die at the end to give him a kill.
It's a two way street that a lot off people forget if one side want's the other side to play nice then they have to do the same. in my games tonight i have had 2 people kill themselves on first hook to avoid the DC penalty and one go AFK mid game.
I hate people that use that as a way to avoid the DC penalty even more when there is 5 gens still to go so i will give the others a easy match, but its a two way street if they start being rude/toxic in the match i kill them and when they ask why i tell them.
So not every killer is rude some might be and play that way others might play just to have fun and like someone said if they see a survivor trolling or screwing over other survivors they will go for them.
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is it enough to make a post game report, without video proof?
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That is ridiculous. Ban someone for wasting pallets?! Ever seen Pallet Peggy?
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Thought was just like a placebo report, good to know from a dev it's real!, even if was a placebo works to soothe that upset moment.
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Have you ever watched a Vincent Vega stream (Pallet Peggy), I know @not_Queen does? Shouldn't rules apply to everyone including Fog Whisperers / Streamers ?
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Not to be "that guy" but you have a tooltip that explicitly says a pallet can be dropped to distract a killer. I have no doubt that people are 99% doing this to troll but I think if all they are doing is dropping pallets it may be a fine line to walk if you punish them.
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You've said multiple times video evidence is required.
That post still says video evidence may be required?
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Let them have their tantrum.They will settle down or stop playing in time.
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Or the devs could fix this mess. They already delayed the DC penalty once. If they want to have DC penalties, do it on a percentage of games basis and not a 24 hour window which unduly punishes players who play a lot, and doesn't punish enough players who play more casually.
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Learn that the game will always be broken. DC penalty had to happen.
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Then do it correctly the way I outlined above. The current system makes no sense.
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What about survivors like Tru3Talent that sometimes drop pallets prior to killers coming to set up loops?
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I wish that were true in my experience. It’s quite the opposite.
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It probably depends on what else he does in a match. If he isn't just running around dropping pallets and works on gens, clears totems, goes for rescues, and such, it's probably not considered griefing.