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Give me one good reason why...



  • Member Posts: 613

    I'm saying that those Survivors played far worse. Only 1 of them (David) shown skill in chases but the other 3 played rather poorly.

    There almost isnt a burden of skill on Survivors. As seen they can constantly be downed left and right without needing to be skilled and still escape. Mistake after mistake only to still have another chance after chance.

    Meanwhile if Killer makes 1-2 mistakes the game is almost over. Hyperbole, but close to the truth.

    The burden of skill should be on both Killer and Survivor. Having it only on Killer isnt exactly fair. Survivor mistakes should be costly, but that just isnt the case.

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    And that's a relatively reasonable position to take, but it's not on topic for the comment you were responding to.

  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited February 2020

    David was the only one who actually adapted to the nurse. All the other survivors played as if they were fighting an M1 killer. All they did was loop pallets. David saw that wasn't working and tried stealth. He managed to actually lose the nurse twice. Which is significantly difficult compared to mindless looping no matter the killer. As a nurse player that is devastating to have happen. You fatigue after a hit then you lose sight of the person and ask "How the #@$% that happen?"

    It just piss's me off that those crappy survivors whine instead of gitting gud and get nursed nerfed. When David shows no nerfs are needed. Yet the Devs listen to the majority -.-

  • Member Posts: 776

    A single survivor only takes 8 minutes to do all gens. I don't know how survivors ever lose tbh.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    Someone still is playing Nurse?

  • Member Posts: 1,776
    edited February 2020

    He got almost no value from surge because he kept slugging and the perk was on constant cooldown and chases were mostly in the same corner of the map, where generators were likely already regressing. The first attempt to the 4-man slug and the two chases with the Claudette near the middle of the video were very questionable decisions. One person slugged is more than enough in most cases. You overdo it and you're essentially gifting free chances to come back. The fastest way to kill is by hooking, not by giving 4 minutes on the ground plus 2 on the hook.

    Also, with the stacked blink recharge add-ons he's using, he's essentially playing old basekit Nurse. So, this is really a case of bad decision-making. I'd also change shadowborn for something useful.

  • Member Posts: 59

    lmao dude just pressure 4 survivors and every single gen at the same time like dude lmao it's so easy

  • Member Posts: 1,829
  • Member Posts: 104

    What do you mean? And of course it can be done. If the devs add another meaningful objective, slugging wouldn't be mandatory anymore like it is now

  • Member Posts: 175

    "This is total, total domination"

    "They've got 4 gens done"

    Total domination would mean NO gens done.

  • Member Posts: 693

    "Survivors don't need to play skilled to escape and I think it's fair".... This is the definition of unfair. If you need to be perfect as killer to win against unskilled survivor, every killer in the game needs a massive buff, because if the survivors do play perfect, killer has no chance at all.

    This is the entire problem with the game right now, it's balanced around giving bad survivors a chance against good killers, which makes great survivors dominate great killers. Even the guys that play this game professionally are getting stomped by good survivors, and that's a huge problem. When monto can't get a single kill with body blocker hag, you know the game is horribly unbalanced.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    Arde did make some bad choices but the problem lies within the fact that gen speed is too fast especially for butchered Nurse with Add-ons that make her feel like her former self

  • Member Posts: 142

    "This the definition of unfair."

    It is an asynchronous Game. The pressure is usually on the power role. If the killer makes too many mistakes the survivors can win without too much personal skill, but just with sharing tasks and good timing which is in a way group skill. It is fair to the extent of an asynchronous game.

    "Even the guys that play this game professionally"

    To my knowledge there are no professional players who earn their money with playing DbD. It is not their full time job.

    "it's balanced around giving bad survivors a chance against good killers"

    Not really. It is designed so that Killers can't just stomp survivors with just simply chasing around random survivors. Most people don't get this because they associate killers with overpowered Hollywood Brutes, but in DbD as Killer you have to actually think and adapt a lot.

    The nurse is a good example. And especially the video is also a good example. Many killer players associate blinking, hitting and downing survivors exclusively with skill. They watch the video and think "but he played so perfect" just because he downed them fastly most of the time, ignoring all the many mistakes that happened. He could have made it minimum 3k many times.

    As I said in my older post, the video is a good example, he is good at blinking but bad at decision making. It is a big part of playing Killer successfully.

    Being a one trick pony is not enough to 4k against high ranks.

  • Member Posts: 693

    The point of an asynchronous game is that four players combined need to equal the power of one player. That means that the killer needs to be able to easily win against a single survivor. That isn't the case in this game. It's completely possible to exclusively chase one survivor for the entire game and still not win against that survivor.

    There may not be tournaments, but plenty of streamers making their living off this game. They play it for 8-24 hours at a time, several times a week.

    Thinking and adapting will only get you so far with the current balance. Try playing Wraith on Ormond vs decent survivors and tell me how far you get with "thinking ahead". You're literally limited by your move speed and the map.

  • Member Posts: 142

    In my opinion a Killer vs a survivor with equal skill can win against him quite easily if the survivor would be alone. There was a time in this game when you actually could, in theory, play 1vs1 when people disconnected during the loading screen and it spawned fewer generators. 1 killer vs 1 survivor with 2 gens. I highly doubt the solo survivor would have much of a chance. Or even when they are 2 from the beginning the chances of winning would be pretty much non existent.

    Ardetha for example got outplayed 3 times by the same survivor because that guy was smarter than the rest. It doesn't mean that the game is unbalanced. Matchmaking is not the best, we can agree on that.

    I know the streamers but I highly doubt that the streaming is their only source of income. As far as I know unlike professional players they are not playing 50 to 70 hours a week. If you know one who does I would be very interested in a link to subscribe. Also them being decent and streaming doesn't mean they are all automatically good. Many streamers and youtubers, just like most killer players in general overestimate themselves a lot, just like Ardetha.

    I played competitive games in the highest ranks. It was usually the people who couldn't get there who were constantly searching for excuses and boasting about how good they were and how it must be the game whenever they lost. I feel that it is pretty much the same with DbD.

    The only things I can feel which are odd is the matchmaking, especially recently. And also that some maps need a few additional changes, I agree on that. I think that many do over exaggerate though when it comes to the base balance of the game. It improved a lot during the years and is currently not bad.

    I can not talk about Wraith. I do not play wraith, trapper or pig at all.

  • Member Posts: 693

    Define winning quite easily. Gens can be done in roughly 4 minutes, which means for a killer to 3 hook everyone, he needs a hook every 20 seconds. Pretty sure monto, noob3, puppers, and Tru3 stream full time. Probably others as well.

    I don't think anyone playing this game with any killer stands a chance against top survivors without a mori in play.

  • Member Posts: 54

    Sure, he might be better in chases... but hey, thats the main point of playing nurse. And just look at how much time he waste chasing 1 survivor while others repair gens. And i think thats the main point why he didnt kill all of them - too much pressure on chasing, too less pressure on gens. I play demogorgon, not nurse but i focus on gens for 99.99% time and often got 4 kills. I rarely spend more than minute chasing someone. If i dont see a way to end chase in few seconds then i dont even start it and go back to gens. After minute or two everyone end up wounded, one or two healed themselves (wasting time as they dont work on gens), but others dont. And if i catch them... chase ends in split second, one good demo leap is all it takes to kill wounded prey.

    And now the best part - combine this with surge, hex thrill of the hunt, reworked ruin and devourer of hope and you get chance to end matches before they even begin. What are 5 hooks? Nothing. And in the time they rescue each other i can go around gens + ruin destroys them. And in the end they figure out that they have to search for totems.. oh, well, thrill of the hunt give me a vision if someone try to destroy cursed totem so they cant even do this one.

    There is so much ways to hold game for eternity... but you have to play around it. The most idiotic thing is chasing someone for few minutes as in this time you dont have any pressure on map. Even in ranks 11-14 everyone should be smart enough to do gens when you chase someone as its the safest moment to work on it

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