So apparently slugging makes you a bad killer ?

Just finished a game where I slugged 2 people to get the last person since they had a key , and right after I finished the match the survivors started calling me innaproproiate words. they also said that i had to resort to slugging to win .
Many of the best streamers use slugging to help keep pressuring. They're just mad at you.
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I approve of slugging, it slows down the game but slugging the whole team? Someone is greedy
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Slugging is a great way to add pressure. The only ones who whine about it are rank 20s who want everything nerfed cause they were left on the ground and couldn't spam their flashlight anymore.
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Ignore what salty survivors say, often they're just being toxic due to them losing.
For example a survivor messaged me that I tunneled him. In between his second hook and his death hook, I sacrificed a survivor, hooked a Yui twice, hooked a Dwight, and he was the last survivor I downed (I got a 4k).
I try my best to play fair as a killer, I still get hate messages so just ignore them, they're just salty that they lost.
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Because typically people complain about slugging because they didn't get their DS off. Unless I'm messing around, I typically only slug because either A.) Someone just got unhooked in front of me so I down them and give them a chance to get revived instead of immediately putting them on their second/final hook or B.) I'm trying to win so I down one of the last 2 survivors to find the other so they can't escape through a hatch. Hell, slugging aids the survivors more than it does the killer most time. You mean you get a chance to not be hooked again, killer doesn't get points for sacrifice, and you can crawl off somewhere that'll make finding you extremely difficult?
Wow, so bad.
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Slugging is apart of the game, and is a fair tatic for a killer to use, since it usually has a very low success rate due to perks like unbreakable and decisive anyway. Not to mention the keys.
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Players relying on slugging just couldnt do their objective the proper way, so they had to outdo basical game mechanics to ensure kills that wouldnt have been their else. Those are the bad ones.
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Anything that is within the rules of the game and gets the job done is the proper way.
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If you're a killer and don't run to the opposite side of the map after every hook and ensure that each survivor gets hooked 3 times despite losing all the gens in the process, you're a toxic trash killer
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Thats a really sad attitude.
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So, abiding by the rules of the game to complete the objective said game gives you is a "sad attitude" because it doesn't follow the non-existent imaginary book of Killer rules written by survivors? Noted. I'm not even more inclined to slug. I really don't give a crap what survivors find fun or boring, honestly. Survivors like you don't care how long you abuse a god window, or loop a pallet, so I'm not about to start caring about your fun. I play to win.
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Not really. Blatant dependancy on it would be like refusing to hook survivors and letting everyone bleed out. You used it in a viable situation to adapt to someone having a key. Seems fair
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No, its not. The studio designed what is and what is not acceptable. Their is no survivor's rule book for killers.
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I'm sad I can only vote up this post one time.
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lol sure.
Let's just ignore the survivors who put themselves into that position in the first place because killer bad.
Nobody gives a damn about some imaginary rule book made up by sore losers.
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Good to see you, McHarty. Glad we finally agree on a lot of things. You don't know me (well, you do), but I know you from my days on the armpit that is the steam forum.
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Be careful, A makes you a camping tunneler!
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Same thing with me. I also got reported and this survivor wrote on my profile:
"-rep slugged the entire time" when in reality, one person was dead, two dead on hook and the last one injured so... If he helped those one on the ground they could... "win"? Oh yhea... There were also 3 gens to make so it was a bit useless helping the survivor so...
Yhea... For salty survivors even being the killer makes you a bad one
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It's in the book. See chapter 4 page 12,345.
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So true.
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more like apparently playing killer makes you a bad and unfun killer.
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I love getting the " why you tunnel me?" after they've been unhooked. And you don't even go anywhere near the hook. You look over and theirs the unhooked survivor trying to hide in plain sight. They expect you to just turn around and walk away. Not happening that's not how this game works. Lol If I'm feeling merciful I'll slug so your mates have a chance of getting you up. I play both sides and don't complain either way.
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Loading in to a match as a killer makes you a bad killer...
Survivor rule book for life😐
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As a survivor main I'm totally okay with slugging even if it's me and and another player left. I'll make you look for me. It's fun. I even recieved a few hate messages because of it.
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If you select "Play as Killer" then you're an awful killer. Killer mains should select "Play as Survivor" and then somehow glitch the game into letting them play killer.
And when they do, no camping, tunnelling, hitting people, or chasing people outside of memeing.
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Life's a garden, dig it.
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Slugging is not only a totally fine strategy, the devs even created several perks around it; so see this as an encouragement to continue slugging. Infectious Fright, Knock Out & Deerstalker are sending their regards.
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I don't know what "slugging" is but keep doing it.
It's 1 person vs. 4 people
It's 4 perks(lol) vs 16 perks(ROFL)
It's 1 person thinking vs. a couple communicating
So yeah I say anything killers do is fair.
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I was recently told you're bad if you use billys chainsaw to down people and go for curves.
People will say anything to excuse their losses
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it‘s really funny to see people defending those so called ‚strategies‘ like slugging, camping or tunneling bc they are in the game and therefore okay. The devs implemented them this way after all!
but don’t you dare work on gens (genrushing) use toolboxes, flashlights, DS, BT, Unbreakable etc bc that’s no fun for killer. Devs, plz nerf!
it almost seems like there IS a killer‘a rulebook for survivors.
(and yeah there are moments were slugging is okay or tolerated and most survivors don’t complain then, but you have to admit that it can be abused, no?)
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Many of the "best" streamers aren't as good as they think they are. Hexy & Tru3 come to mind.
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The survivor rulebook for killers is set in stone 😤...submit...
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There's a huge difference between using a designed game mechanic to provide an advantage that may seem cheap to some people but is once again a designed game mechanic and straight up abusing perks and synergies between them. Slugging wouldn't be becoming a killer meta strategy if every other survivor didn't bring the DS, BT, Unbreakable, insert preferred exhaustion perk meta. Also, many of us "killer mains" aren't asking for nerfs to the ground, we're asking for conditions that make it so these perks don't synergize so strongly together, much like the devs did with Ruin and all the regression perks that made it stronger.
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Knockout, Thana, and Sloppy is my favorite combo. ;)
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I didn't mention Thana & Sloppy because they aren't designed specifically around slugging. :) But sure, there are different ways to create a slugging build.
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Survivors tempt to call you bad that is actually beeing in your favor, regardless what it is.
I got called a trash Killer because I played the braindead Killer Oni? xD Or someone said BBQ is a crutch perk. Someone even said I am a tryhard because I played Tanatophobia as Legion.
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I personally have never watched either of them. I only recently started watching any streamers, otz and tofu being the ones I enjoy since they own up to their mistakes while they make them. But my choice of wording could have been better, you're right.
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Someone doesn't play killer at red ranks.
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If you're trying to slug all 4 people before picking up you're certainly a boring killer. But the OP'S scenario does not mean a bad killer.
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According to survivor-mains, everything you do makes you a bad killer.
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The same here. There is nothing wrong with a killer slugging. However, I will crawl away as far as possible. If a killer wants to slug me that's fine, but if they do I absolutely will make them have to search for me, and I almost always use Iron Will. So, my location won't be given away by grunts and groans.
I've had killers message me after a match cussing me out because they couldn't find me. Apparently there are some killers that think after slugging me I have an obligation to stay in plain sight so they get points for hooking me. Not gonna happen. Killers have every right to slug, and I have every right to make it as difficult as possible to hook me afterwards.
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Slugged a whole team last night at end game....only two hooks by me so two got the hooks and the other two had to be slugs cause I'm not risking them getting up after I pick them up.