Why exactly do Survivors need ANOTHER 2nd chance perk?



  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    "How's this for a counter-argument?"

    "You're an #########."

    See why people stop responding to certain posters on these forums?

    I see clearly why now.

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

    @Iceman said:
    Hillbilly420 said:


    After performing a safe hook rescue on another Survivor, the perk activates. You now have a 100% chance to unhook yourself during the escape attempt. A successful Deliverance from the hook triggers the Broken status effect for 100 seconds.


    Who thought giving them a 100% chance to Kobe was a good idea? Probably the same moron who thought up DS.

    Lmao that is a gambling perk. 

    1. If you are the first to get hook then the perk is useless the rest of the game 

    2. Even if swf try to coordinate and take to take each other off the hook it wouldn’t be that useful because you are not able to heal to the healthy state for  100second 

    so it is really not that big of deal. And 100 seconds is long that is basically 1 minute and 40 seconds. Enough time for the killer to find you again or else be a stereotypical Dwight and hide in a locker. 

    Hey, what do you think about this idea I have for a new killer perk:

    If the killer hooks a survivor and immediately leaves the hook, running at least 12 meters away before the survivor is unhooked, he gains a TOKEN. Said token can be used to MORI the next survivor he downs.

    "It's situational (killer has to catch someone, hook him AND leave far enough before unhook occurs), it's a gamble (what if killer doesn't find a new survivor?), and best of all, don't complain about it now, give it a 2 weeks chance before voicing your opinion"

    1. I would not mind if that was a perk. However the killer would need to face some sort of consequence the same way deliverance have a con to it. 

    2. That perk you just created would not be the same and not as much of as work. It does not take that long to move 12 meters away before a survivor gets hook. Unless you just didn’t pay attention to your surrounding.  These would be two different perks and there is no way you can compare them. The perk you created would benefit way more than deliverance perk. Now that you can call “OP”
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Vietfox said:
    Condorloco_26 said:

    @Iceman said:

    Hillbilly420 said:

    After performing a safe hook rescue on another Survivor, the perk activates. You now have a 100% chance to unhook yourself during the escape attempt. A successful Deliverance from the hook triggers the Broken status effect for 100 seconds.
    Who thought giving them a 100% chance to Kobe was a good idea? Probably the same moron who thought up DS.
    Lmao that is a gambling perk. 

    * If you are the first to get hook then the perk is useless the rest of the game 

    • Even if swf try to coordinate and take to take each other off the hook it wouldn’t be that useful because you are not able to heal to the healthy state for  100second 

      so it is really not that big of deal. And 100 seconds is long that is basically 1 minute and 40 seconds. Enough time for the killer to find you again or else be a stereotypical Dwight and hide in a locker. 

      Hey, what do you think about this idea I have for a new killer perk:

      If the killer hooks a survivor and immediately leaves the hook, running at least 12 meters away before the survivor is unhooked, he gains a TOKEN. Said token can be used to MORI the next survivor he downs.

      "It's situational (killer has to catch someone, hook him AND leave far enough before unhook occurs), it's a gamble (what if killer doesn't find a new survivor?), and best of all, don't complain about it now, give it a 2 weeks chance before voicing your opinion"

      You weren't the smartest one from your class, were you?

    Welcome to "Using sarcasm to get a point across 101" buddy

    Haha sorry, got the notification probably because someone else was included in the conversation and i've been hearing some stupid stuff lately, that's why i thought u were talking to me
  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @Iceman said:
    Condorloco_26 said:

    @Iceman said:

    Hillbilly420 said:

    After performing a safe hook rescue on another Survivor, the perk activates. You now have a 100% chance to unhook yourself during the escape attempt. A successful Deliverance from the hook triggers the Broken status effect for 100 seconds.
    Who thought giving them a 100% chance to Kobe was a good idea? Probably the same moron who thought up DS.
    Lmao that is a gambling perk. 

    * If you are the first to get hook then the perk is useless the rest of the game 

    • Even if swf try to coordinate and take to take each other off the hook it wouldn’t be that useful because you are not able to heal to the healthy state for  100second 

      so it is really not that big of deal. And 100 seconds is long that is basically 1 minute and 40 seconds. Enough time for the killer to find you again or else be a stereotypical Dwight and hide in a locker. 

      Hey, what do you think about this idea I have for a new killer perk:

      If the killer hooks a survivor and immediately leaves the hook, running at least 12 meters away before the survivor is unhooked, he gains a TOKEN. Said token can be used to MORI the next survivor he downs.

      "It's situational (killer has to catch someone, hook him AND leave far enough before unhook occurs), it's a gamble (what if killer doesn't find a new survivor?), and best of all, don't complain about it now, give it a 2 weeks chance before voicing your opinion"

    1. I would not mind if that was a perk. However the killer would need to face some sort of consequence the same way deliverance have a con to it. 

      1. That perk you just created would not be the same and not as much of as work. It does not take that long to move 12 meters away before a survivor gets hook. Unless you just didn’t pay attention to your surrounding.  These would be two different perks and there is no way you can compare them. The perk you created would benefit way more than deliverance perk. Now that you can call “OP”

    I intentionally designed it that way, so anyone that plays survivor can immediately see how absurd it is. The same way anyone who plays killer immediately sees how absurd Deliverance is. Say, if I add a parameter like "killer loses aura reading abilities for 100 seconds", would it make it less absurd?

    The recent Kobe'd survivor can still work on gens, unhook and heal other people, destroy totems, loop the killer, etc.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068
    edited August 2018

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    "How's this for a counter-argument?"

    "You're an #########."

    See why people stop responding to certain posters on these forums?

    Well that goes for both sides and both sides have their built in bias arguments from certain posters to the point any logic and or facts gets turned around into insults.

    Survivor main spotted
    Killer main spotted
    You obviously don't play at high ranks.
    See's rank, well anyone can get to high rank
    Gets called out for the hypocrisy of that then says rank means nothing.
    You obviously play at rank 21.
    Survivors whined so it got shelved, ignoring the very obvious fact that coding has a lot do with things working properly.
    Killers whined so it got shelved.
    The nerf didn't go far enough
    All survivors are toxic
    All SWf groups are toxic
    Freddy can't beat skilled players at rank 1
    Freddy beats skilled players at rank 1 and then does it perkless.
    Those were obviously bad survivors and couldn't be a competent Freddy.
    The devs hand survivors everything.
    Omg she's super weak after only 2 hours of testing buf her.
    Omg survivors you're whining about a nerf, it's only been 2 hours wait and see how it works.
    Killers have it easy.

    Insert the other 20k possible insults, derogatory terms, clown antics and bait posts and call it a day.

    I could post for probably another 5-10 pages of the insults the same posters regurgitate over and over but that'd probably get me a warning and the thread closed.

    But you get the point or should anyways since certain posters are set in their thinking and a brick could be falling from the sky about to hit them. Yet if the other side tries to warn them they'll stick their head in the proverbial sand and deny it.

  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Master said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    LOL A nerf to a meta perk? When?

    Exhaustion for sprint perks and DS soon.Nice bait though.

    Can hardly call that exhaustion thingy a nerf, changed almost nothing.
    And DS is never gonna happen, devs are delaying it forever just to drop it eventually. Looka t what happened to hatch and SC

    considering how killer mains celebrated you would think you blew up the death star.

    Killer mains celebrated? From what I remember most of them were upset that SB wasn't being directly nerfed and, instead, we got this whole work around BS. Most said, "Sure, I guess it makes sense..." but that's a far cry from "celebrating". Survivor revisionist history though...

    Dude there's no arguing with some people. Yes the exhaustion perk change was a nerf but because it still didn't help them get their EZ4K they whine. 
  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940

    @chemical_reject said:
    Dude there's no arguing with some people. Yes the exhaustion perk change was a nerf but because it still didn't help them get their EZ4K they whine. 

    I don't see any killers whining about the exhaustion "nerf" but survivors won't shut up about it. So show me one post where a killer main said that, where they said "I'm not getting 4Ks! Waaah!". One. I'll wait. And until you do I'm done talking to you because you're right, there is no arguing with the likes of you.

    See the above comments about how exhaustion perks "didn't get nerfed"
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @ZombieGenesis said:

    @chemical_reject said:
    Dude there's no arguing with some people. Yes the exhaustion perk change was a nerf but because it still didn't help them get their EZ4K they whine. 

    I don't see any killers whining about the exhaustion "nerf" but survivors won't shut up about it. So show me one post where a killer main said that, where they said "I'm not getting 4Ks! Waaah!". One. I'll wait. And until you do I'm done talking to you because you're right, there is no arguing with the likes of you.

    Why would a killer main whine about a perk that helps them? What do you think every thread or comment about killers being in the power roll and should kill everyone or the hatch is a cheap get out of jail free for survivors who failed? I won't call you any names you can assume what i think of you from my tone and context.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited August 2018
    Is anyone even actually complaining about this perk?
    Or is it just the usual few extra-salty killer mains?
    It's not going to replace DS/Adrenaline/SC/SB/Unbreakabill. It doesn't prevent a hook stage. Relax.
  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78
    edited August 2018


    Survivors: Decisive Strike, Deliverance.
    Killers: No One Escapes Death, Devour Hope, Haunted Ground, Make Your Choice, Rancor.


  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    Just the normal survivor main circle jerk crew proving, once again, they have zero reading comprehension ability.

    The OP wasn't very compelling.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @fcc2014 said:
    Why would a killer main whine about a perk that helps them? What do you think every thread or comment about killers being in the power roll and should kill everyone or the hatch is a cheap get out of jail free for survivors who failed? I won't call you any names you can assume what i think of you from my tone and context.

    Yup, SB sure helps all those killers. And what does the hatch have to do with the exhaustion nerfs? Oh, that's right nothing. Christ I don't know why I bother responding to these posts. So I think I'm gonna stop. Go ahead and get your "last word in". I'm sure it'll make you feel better.

    U dont get it. Not a single killer says "i want ez4k", but SOME of them aim to have a guaranteed 4K in every match by demanding lots of nerfs towards survivors and buffs towards killers "for the sake of balance". I explain that very well in my last discussion.
    You are one of those killers, maybe you dont notice, but you are. You get aggresive every time you talk to someone who thinks different.
    You honestly arent asking for balance, your way of speaking and demands are meant to provide you an easy and relaxed match, and i will dare to say that you might have some kind of issues with survivors.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388
    edited August 2018

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    Just the normal survivor main circle jerk crew proving, once again, they have zero ability to comprehend what has been written. Which is too bad because there are some good points made here that get completely buried by the likes of viet, fcc, and chemical reject stroking each other off and calling people #########.

    I will have you know i have never jerked off @chemical_reject or @Vietfox how dare you sir.. I may have insinuated the other about you but i did not directly call you one.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Vietfox said:
    U dont get it. Not a single killer says "i want ez4k", but SOME of them aim to have a guaranteed 4K in every match by demanding lots of nerfs towards survivors and buffs towards killers "for the sake of balance". I explain that very well in my last discussion.
    You are one of those killers, maybe you dont notice, but you are. You get aggresive every time you talk to someone who thinks different.
    You honestly arent asking for balance, your way of speaking and demands are meant to provide you an easy and relaxed match, and i will dare to say that you might have some kind of issues with survivors.

    Well if you say so then it must be true. It just shows, again, zero reading comprehension.

    Oh, using the easy escape? Okay
  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    @ZombieGenesis said:

    @Visionmaker said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    Just the normal survivor main circle jerk crew proving, once again, they have zero reading comprehension ability.

    The OP wasn't very compelling.

    Maybe not but there were other arguments and other posts in this thread. The OP is just one of 3 pages worth.

    Eh, the first page was mostly just "the perk's OK, situational".

    But a sarcastic, no-argument opening post isn't good at persuading people to take the thread seriously. Then there's half of the thread boiling down to survivor vs killer main bashing...

    I can see why people would be upset because it looks strong at first glance. But realistically, it's lower on the ladder than the other 'second chance' perks.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714
    edited August 2018

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    Survivors: Decisive Strike, Deliverance.
    Killers: No One Escapes Death, Devour Hope, Haunted Ground, Make Your Choice, Rancor.


    you forgot Self Care, Borrowed Time, We'll make it, Insta heals (1 and 2 states). DS actually getting buffed in the PTB. And also mentioning that 3 of those killer perks can be taken out of the game within 30 seconds.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited August 2018

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    @Visionmaker I agree and have stated as such several times in posts completely ignored by the posters attacking me. In the end I don't think this perk will make much of an impact on the game at all because it just doesn't compare with the holy trinity of survivor perks. I think it's much more balanced than the others though. I do think there will be some SWF nightmare groups who do abuse this perk, however.

    Yeah I just saw your post at the bottom. :)

    I'd like to see them try to abuse it. It'd be so ######### weird and funny to see 4 survivors kobe. Regrettably, that weakens Devour Hope, MYC, and that kind of stuff.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @Visionmaker said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:

    @Visionmaker said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    Just the normal survivor main circle jerk crew proving, once again, they have zero reading comprehension ability.

    The OP wasn't very compelling.

    Maybe not but there were other arguments and other posts in this thread. The OP is just one of 3 pages worth.

    Eh, the first page was mostly just "the perk's OK, situational".

    But a sarcastic, no-argument opening post isn't good at persuading people to take the thread seriously. Then there's half of the thread boiling down to survivor vs killer main bashing...

    I can see why people would be upset because it looks strong at first glance. But realistically, it's lower on the ladder than the other 'second chance' perks.

    Agree, enough is enough. Let's see how it all plays out.

  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    fcc2014 said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    Just the normal survivor main circle jerk crew proving, once again, they have zero ability to comprehend what has been written. Which is too bad because there are some good points made here that get completely buried by the likes of viet, fcc, and chemical reject stroking each other off and calling people #########.

    I will have you know i have never jerked off @chemical_reject or @Vietfox how dare you sir.. I may have insinuated the other about you but i did not directly call you one.

    When did I call anyone an #########? I love how the easily offended on this forum like to put words in people's mouths.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388
    edited August 2018

    This is scary your 666 comment, now i think it will be the new meta.....

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    @Master said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    LOL A nerf to a meta perk? When?

    Exhaustion for sprint perks and DS soon.Nice bait though.

    Can hardly call that exhaustion thingy a nerf, changed almost nothing.
    And DS is never gonna happen, devs are delaying it forever just to drop it eventually. Looka t what happened to hatch and SC

    lolwut The Exhaustion nerf was huge to the Sprint Burst + Vigil combo. Now you can't be looped for 4-5 generators by a single survivor unless you're playing for the first time.

  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    @Condorloco_26 said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    Survivors: Decisive Strike, Deliverance.
    Killers: No One Escapes Death, Devour Hope, Haunted Ground, Make Your Choice, Rancor.


    you forgot Self Care, Borrowed Time, We'll make it, Insta heals (1 and 2 states). And also mentioning that 3 of those killer perks can be taken out of the game within 30 seconds.

    You forgot that you got Ruin&many other perks to slows game for survivors and still crying that survivors are doing gens to fast, in 2016 it wasn't a problem but back then, there was not Ruin, Overcharge, Lullaby, not even a damaging generators.
    You also forget that you get sweet BBQ&Chilli combine with some killers are just OP-AF.
    You also forget that you get many ONE-HIT killers ability, addons for killers to make them ONE-HITTing.
    You also forget that you get Nurse Calling&Coulrophobia to counter Self Care.
    You also forget that you get that super strong power to wait untill borrowed time end and then hit(btw. am rank 1 survivor, never saw anyone using BT untill nerf in ranks higher than 10.
    You also forget that We'll make it is also easy tou counter, just get back to the hook fast lol(works well with coulrophobia).
    You also forget that you got Franklin's Demise or Overwhelming Presence to counter survivors items.

    " And also mentioning that 3 of those killer perks can be taken out of the game within 30 seconds. " That's still better on your side.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    So Survivors better really watch out for that Tier 3 MM with BBQ, Overcharge, Lullaby, NOED, Franklin's Demise, Caulrophobia, Nurse's Calling, and Overwhelming Presence. You'll be in trouble then!

    This is a game mate, i'll be safe.
  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Condorloco_26 said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    Survivors: Decisive Strike, Deliverance.
    Killers: No One Escapes Death, Devour Hope, Haunted Ground, Make Your Choice, Rancor.


    you forgot Self Care, Borrowed Time, We'll make it, Insta heals (1 and 2 states). And also mentioning that 3 of those killer perks can be taken out of the game within 30 seconds.

    You forgot that you got Ruin&many other perks to slows game for survivors and still crying that survivors are doing gens to fast, in 2016 it wasn't a problem but back then, there was not Ruin, Overcharge, Lullaby, not even a damaging generators.
    You also forget that you get sweet BBQ&Chilli combine with some killers are just OP-AF.
    You also forget that you get many ONE-HIT killers ability, addons for killers to make them ONE-HITTing.
    You also forget that you get Nurse Calling&Coulrophobia to counter Self Care.
    You also forget that you get that super strong power to wait untill borrowed time end and then hit(btw. am rank 1 survivor, never saw anyone using BT untill nerf in ranks higher than 10.
    You also forget that We'll make it is also easy tou counter, just get back to the hook fast lol(works well with coulrophobia).
    You also forget that you got Franklin's Demise or Overwhelming Presence to counter survivors items.

    " And also mentioning that 3 of those killer perks can be taken out of the game within 30 seconds. " That's still better on your side.

    We can go on for 100 more posts if I list all the advantages survivors have, or we can call it a day right now buddy. I will for sure. Best regards

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    So Survivors better really watch out for that Tier 3 MM with BBQ, Overcharge, Lullaby, NOED, Franklin's Demise, Caulrophobia, Nurse's Calling, and Overwhelming Presence. You'll be in trouble then!

    Most killers only need 4 perks to wreck lobbies but hey we could make an exception.

  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    So Survivors better really watch out for that Tier 3 MM with BBQ, Overcharge, Lullaby, NOED, Franklin's Demise, Caulrophobia, Nurse's Calling, and Overwhelming Presence. You'll be in trouble then!

    You killers love to get counter for everything in any case and also only 4 kills per match otherwise game suck and survivors op.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited August 2018

    @Eninya said:

    @Master said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    LOL A nerf to a meta perk? When?

    Exhaustion for sprint perks and DS soon.Nice bait though.

    Can hardly call that exhaustion thingy a nerf, changed almost nothing.
    And DS is never gonna happen, devs are delaying it forever just to drop it eventually. Looka t what happened to hatch and SC

    lolwut The Exhaustion nerf was huge to the Sprint Burst + Vigil combo. Now you can't be looped for 4-5 generators by a single survivor unless you're playing for the first time.

    Do people still use Vigil? Lol

    It wasn't just a nerf. It was a COFFIN.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Condorloco_26 said:

    We can go on for another 100 posts and neither your opinion, nor mine, will change. I'm calling it a day. Best regards

    Did you ever post your color blind suggestion in the wishlist. That is valid and should be addressed.

  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    @Condorloco_26 said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Condorloco_26 said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    Survivors: Decisive Strike, Deliverance.
    Killers: No One Escapes Death, Devour Hope, Haunted Ground, Make Your Choice, Rancor.


    you forgot Self Care, Borrowed Time, We'll make it, Insta heals (1 and 2 states). And also mentioning that 3 of those killer perks can be taken out of the game within 30 seconds.

    You forgot that you got Ruin&many other perks to slows game for survivors and still crying that survivors are doing gens to fast, in 2016 it wasn't a problem but back then, there was not Ruin, Overcharge, Lullaby, not even a damaging generators.
    You also forget that you get sweet BBQ&Chilli combine with some killers are just OP-AF.
    You also forget that you get many ONE-HIT killers ability, addons for killers to make them ONE-HITTing.
    You also forget that you get Nurse Calling&Coulrophobia to counter Self Care.
    You also forget that you get that super strong power to wait untill borrowed time end and then hit(btw. am rank 1 survivor, never saw anyone using BT untill nerf in ranks higher than 10.
    You also forget that We'll make it is also easy tou counter, just get back to the hook fast lol(works well with coulrophobia).
    You also forget that you got Franklin's Demise or Overwhelming Presence to counter survivors items.

    " And also mentioning that 3 of those killer perks can be taken out of the game within 30 seconds. " That's still better on your side.

    We can go on for another 100 posts and neither your opinion, nor mine, will change. I'm calling it a day. Best regards

    Am just trying to explain for you how it works, am playing this game almost since launch and i really love to devs make this game to the state from 2016, killers would see what's really means SURVIVORS OP111!
    I really would like to not get DC or Deliverance but just self-care&knowledge combo(=healed in 2-3 secs) + no gen damaging with instant brand new part space bar instalation.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Condorloco_26 said:

    We can go on for another 100 posts and neither your opinion, nor mine, will change. I'm calling it a day. Best regards

    Did you ever post your color blind suggestion in the wishlist. That is valid and should be addressed.

    Yes I posted it again today. As I did at least other 10 times across the whole message board, but it seems to get little to zero attention. Actually I created an account in this forum thing to post about it.

  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    @Condorloco_26 said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Condorloco_26 said:

    We can go on for another 100 posts and neither your opinion, nor mine, will change. I'm calling it a day. Best regards

    Did you ever post your color blind suggestion in the wishlist. That is valid and should be addressed.

    Yes I posted it again today. As I did at least other 10 times across the whole message board, but it seems to get little to zero attention. Actually I created an account in this forum thing to post about it.

    Btw. take a look on that if you really think We'll Make It is op right now. xD

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Condorloco_26 said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Condorloco_26 said:

    We can go on for another 100 posts and neither your opinion, nor mine, will change. I'm calling it a day. Best regards

    Did you ever post your color blind suggestion in the wishlist. That is valid and should be addressed.

    Yes I posted it again today. As I did at least other 10 times across the whole message board, but it seems to get little to zero attention. Actually I created an account in this forum thing to post about it.

    Btw. take a look on that if you really think We'll Make It is op right now. xD

    That is insane and needs to be fixed.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Condorloco_26 said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Condorloco_26 said:

    We can go on for another 100 posts and neither your opinion, nor mine, will change. I'm calling it a day. Best regards

    Did you ever post your color blind suggestion in the wishlist. That is valid and should be addressed.

    Yes I posted it again today. As I did at least other 10 times across the whole message board, but it seems to get little to zero attention. Actually I created an account in this forum thing to post about it.

    Tag me in it and we can alternate posts keep it on the main wishlist page.

  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    @fcc2014 said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @Condorloco_26 said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Condorloco_26 said:

    We can go on for another 100 posts and neither your opinion, nor mine, will change. I'm calling it a day. Best regards

    Did you ever post your color blind suggestion in the wishlist. That is valid and should be addressed.

    Yes I posted it again today. As I did at least other 10 times across the whole message board, but it seems to get little to zero attention. Actually I created an account in this forum thing to post about it.

    Btw. take a look on that if you really think We'll Make It is op right now. xD

    That is insane and needs to be fixed.

    Right yeah? Whole video is broken, see there is no bloodlust so that means back in 2016 killers was dealing with survivors without bloodlust??? NO WAY! HOW?!

  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    I see your logic. Because there were broken perks in 2016 and it is now 2018 everything must be fine and evenly balanced. You got it, dude.

    And it is balanced, just sum not git gud killers are still crying about new perks for survivors just after read description.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    Right yeah? Whole video is broken, see there is no bloodlust so that means back in 2016 killers was dealing with survivors without bloodlust??? NO WAY! HOW?!

    They will continue to adapt the game as skill improves. You don't think these last 2 chapter gave killers perks to help prevent pallet looping. Blocking windows and eating pallets after 2? What about the new hex perk combined with ruin. Other than nurse, billy and maybe huntress i can see most killers using some combo of enduring and spirit fury. Honestly i can't wait to use them together.

  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    @fcc2014 said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    Right yeah? Whole video is broken, see there is no bloodlust so that means back in 2016 killers was dealing with survivors without bloodlust??? NO WAY! HOW?!

    They will continue to adapt the game as skill improves. You don't think these last 2 chapter gave killers perks to help prevent pallet looping. Blocking windows and eating pallets after 2? What about the new hex perk combined with ruin. Other than nurse, billy and maybe huntress i can see most killers using some combo of enduring and spirit fury. Honestly i can't wait to use them together.

    That's the thing, killers are getting amazing content, survivors(imo)are getting way less amazing content than killers but still okey, what are doing "not git gud" killers instead of being happy? They are making discussions like that one, not about killer perks but as always about SURVIVORS perks, they haven't got good chance to try it yet but already saying
    " dumb perk omg, so op who add that, i will stop playing if that perk will be added to the main game "

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338
    edited August 2018

    This perk is not OP by any means and will definitely add some new plays into the meta. And it's NOT a 2nd chance when you are already on the hook.

    2nd chance perk could apply to DS or unbreakable since they could deny a hook, especially DS.

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