Why exactly do Survivors need ANOTHER 2nd chance perk?



After performing a safe hook rescue on another Survivor, the perk activates. You now have a 100% chance to unhook yourself during the escape attempt. A successful Deliverance from the hook triggers the Broken status effect for 100 seconds.



Who thought giving them a 100% chance to Kobe was a good idea? Probably the same moron who thought up DS.



  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    i honestly see it more as a save for end game perk. One or two survivors left, I just got hooked, I can pull this ace out of my pocket and hopefully make a mad dash at a gate or hatch. I actually am looking forward to playing against it and seeing how I can counter it or even use it for my advantage.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Simple solution, just camp EVERY survivor for the 2nd hookstage.
    Survivor will cry havoc, but hey, that's the best counterplay to the new perk.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited August 2018

    This is going on my NM build (NM/BT/Resil) because I can make yolo saves (SAFELY with BT) then free myself from the hook when the killer takes me. Best part is that with NM the Broken status doesn't even phase me. Noice.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    Its not a second chance perk at all. Its not DS, which gives the ability to free themselves from the killer's grasp without penalties after having failed. Its a small reward after playing good (performing a safe hook). 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Hillbilly420 said:

    After performing a safe hook rescue on another Survivor, the perk activates. You now have a 100% chance to unhook yourself during the escape attempt. A successful Deliverance from the hook triggers the Broken status effect for 100 seconds.



    Who thought giving them a 100% chance to Kobe was a good idea? Probably the same moron who thought up DS.

    Because why not

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Ihatelife said:
    It's not really op, but has a potential.

    Yes, potential to increase camping even more. Sometimes I can just shake my head at these design decision

  • jwentzel987
    jwentzel987 Member Posts: 150
    So its a new perk? Find a way to work against it...its not like this perk is OP in anyway. 
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    If they kobe they are injured for a minute or more. They are bleeding go tunnel them get another easy hook.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    @Master said:

    @Ihatelife said:
    It's not really op, but has a potential.

    Yes, potential to increase camping even more. Sometimes I can just shake my head at these design decision

    They gave killers BBQ & Chili, and they still camp. Killers just want to camp for salt, and survivors will taunt for salt. That's just the way the game is. There's literally nothing compelling killers to camp anymore.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @fcc2014 said:
    If they kobe they are injured for a minute or more. They are bleeding go tunnel them get another easy hook.

    Yes it's almost as if they don't already do that to a freshly unhooked survivor that got unhooked with borrowed time. It's almost as if that freshly kobe'd person can't heal for the time frame the effect is on. It's almost as if the ppl complaining didn't realize it won't work on you if you've already been hooked once before.

    It's almost as if these same complainers fail to realize that they can use this to their advantage similar to unhooks they do now.

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    It's pretty weak in all honesty. You need to get a safe unhook first before it can be used and if you are hooked before that, it's a dead perk.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    I’m just glad that I can get the Escape Artist trophy. I’ve literally kobe’d once against a hard camping Myers (Back when I was new to Survivor). I just want my darn trophy!

    The easiest way to counter this perk though, is to proxy camp. You can still check on the hooked Survivor while protecting some of the gens. 
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    The complaints at this point seem insane to me. Wait till you play with the new perks and mechanics for a couple of weeks. Step out of your comfort zone and use new perks.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @powerbats said:

    @fcc2014 said:
    If they kobe they are injured for a minute or more. They are bleeding go tunnel them get another easy hook.

    Yes it's almost as if they don't already do that to a freshly unhooked survivor that got unhooked with borrowed time. It's almost as if that freshly kobe'd person can't heal for the time frame the effect is on. It's almost as if the ppl complaining didn't realize it won't work on you if you've already been hooked once before.

    It's almost as if these same complainers fail to realize that they can use this to their advantage similar to unhooks they do now.

    I saw this perk and thought, "Damn this is a cool little twist. This is going to be fun to play against." Right after that I thought, "Damn this is going to be bitched about for the next 6 months"

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Against a hag, billy, nurse or spirit this maybe a garbage perk. How about a doctor when you are in tier 3?

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @Hillbilly420 said:

    @lasombra1979 said:

    @powerbats said:

    @fcc2014 said:
    If they kobe they are injured for a minute or more. They are bleeding go tunnel them get another easy hook.

    Yes it's almost as if they don't already do that to a freshly unhooked survivor that got unhooked with borrowed time. It's almost as if that freshly kobe'd person can't heal for the time frame the effect is on. It's almost as if the ppl complaining didn't realize it won't work on you if you've already been hooked once before.

    It's almost as if these same complainers fail to realize that they can use this to their advantage similar to unhooks they do now.

    I saw this perk and thought, "Damn this is a cool little twist. This is going to be fun to play against." Right after that I thought, "Damn this is going to be bitched about for the next 6 months"

    It's almost like Survivors are still massively OP and don't need additional 2nd Chance perks? Hmmmmmm, crazy idea, huh?

    Actually, its almost like some Killer mains think a perk, that can only be activated under specific circumstances is OP. Its not that great of a perk honestly. Its not a big game changer and not even close to a game breaker. Honestly, I do not even see it as a second chance perk. But if you feel the need to continue screaming about a perk that will barely affect game play, knock yourself out champ.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited August 2018

    @Eninya said:

    @Master said:

    @Ihatelife said:
    It's not really op, but has a potential.

    Yes, potential to increase camping even more. Sometimes I can just shake my head at these design decision

    They gave killers BBQ & Chili,** and they still camp**. Killers just want to camp for salt, and survivors will taunt for salt. That's just the way the game is. There's literally nothing compelling killers to camp anymore.

    Wrong. Killers will camp when they have BBQ because they know with absolute certainty that there is someone nearby waiting to hook dive. Especially if you're not using Billy or Nurse or possibly the Wraith now with that Add-on that gives him insane speed.

    Sorry bud, if I'm using any other Killer that lacks insane mobility like the top tiers I'm not going to walk alllllllll the way across the map because I see one or two people at a gen. Especially when I know for a fact that a guy is waiting nearby to hook dive. Sorry/Not Sorry, I'm not going to let ######### on the hook just get away because you insist that I leave.

    You call any survivor "#########"? Lol
    I can't tell because i haven't tested it yet, but as a survivor main and just by seeing the description i would say they can remove it if they want.
    First i need to unhook someone, then kobe, then i cant heal for 100 secs (60 in tier 3?) and probably get downed again by a soft camper killer... If you played enough as a survivor you would have noticed already.
    If i wanna run a kobe build i rather use slippery meat with vigo's jar, it's not guaranteed but works pretty often.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    It's like hey there's a new survivor, well it can't have any cool or unique perks because then it's op, game breaking 2nd chance, free escape etc. But when a new killer comes out it's massively weak within the 1st 2 hours of being tested. When a nerf to meta survivor perk comes out the same killers say it's not that bad, wait until it gets tested more etc.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    @Hillbilly420 said:

    @Eninya said:

    @Master said:

    @Ihatelife said:
    It's not really op, but has a potential.

    Yes, potential to increase camping even more. Sometimes I can just shake my head at these design decision

    They gave killers BBQ & Chili,** and they still camp**. Killers just want to camp for salt, and survivors will taunt for salt. That's just the way the game is. There's literally nothing compelling killers to camp anymore.

    Wrong. Killers will camp when they have BBQ because they know with absolute certainty that there is someone nearby waiting to hook dive. Especially if you're not using Billy or Nurse or possibly the Wraith now with that Add-on that gives him insane speed.

    Sorry bud, if I'm using any other Killer that lacks insane mobility like the top tiers I'm not going to walk alllllllll the way across the map because I see one or two people at a gen. Especially when I know for a fact that a guy is waiting nearby to hook dive. Sorry/Not Sorry, I'm not going to let ######### on the hook just get away because you insist that I leave.

    Thanks for proving my point.

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    @Hillbilly420 said:

    @Eninya said:

    @Master said:

    @Ihatelife said:
    It's not really op, but has a potential.

    Yes, potential to increase camping even more. Sometimes I can just shake my head at these design decision

    They gave killers BBQ & Chili,** and they still camp**. Killers just want to camp for salt, and survivors will taunt for salt. That's just the way the game is. There's literally nothing compelling killers to camp anymore.

    Wrong. Killers will camp when they have BBQ because they know with absolute certainty that there is someone nearby waiting to hook dive. Especially if you're not using Billy or Nurse or possibly the Wraith now with that Add-on that gives him insane speed.

    Sorry bud, if I'm using any other Killer that lacks insane mobility like the top tiers I'm not going to walk alllllllll the way across the map because I see one or two people at a gen. Especially when I know for a fact that a guy is waiting nearby to hook dive. Sorry/Not Sorry, I'm not going to let ######### on the hook just get away because you insist that I leave.

    This is your typical example of a Killer that gets genrushed and then runs to the forum to complain about it.

    As stated it's basically a niche perk, most of the time you won't even be able to use it.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    Why can't there just be a discussion? Why do these posts just devolve into "us against them?" The perk isn't that strong. It's incredibly situational. Yes, there are other perks on the survivor side that are too strong, but that doesn't mean that this one is that bad.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @fcc2014 said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    LOL A nerf to a meta perk? When?

    Exhaustion for sprint perks and DS soon.Nice bait though.

    Oh yes, the devastating nerf to exhaustion perks. LOL Thanks for showing survivors have no sense of perspective. :)

    Dont you think that SB, which could be used every 40 secs (32 with vigil) even when sprinting, got a huge nerf?
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @fcc2014 said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    LOL A nerf to a meta perk? When?

    Exhaustion for sprint perks and DS soon.Nice bait though.

    Can hardly call that exhaustion thingy a nerf, changed almost nothing.
    And DS is never gonna happen, devs are delaying it forever just to drop it eventually. Looka t what happened to hatch and SC

  • Snow_
    Snow_ Member Posts: 56

    Unbelievable that we get a decent survivor perk for once and already people are bitching that it's "too much" despite being super situational.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Master said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    LOL A nerf to a meta perk? When?

    Exhaustion for sprint perks and DS soon.Nice bait though.

    Can hardly call that exhaustion thingy a nerf, changed almost nothing.
    And DS is never gonna happen, devs are delaying it forever just to drop it eventually. Looka t what happened to hatch and SC

    considering how killer mains celebrated you would think you blew up the death star.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181
    edited August 2018

    @ZombieGenesis said:

    @ShrimpTwiggs said:
    Why can't there just be a discussion? Why do these posts just devolve into "us against them?" The perk isn't that strong. It's incredibly situational. Yes, there are other perks on the survivor side that are too strong, but that doesn't mean that this one is that bad.

    I agree that this perk itself isn't that bad but I don't agree that you can't judge it in a vacuum. Honestly, DS by itself isn't terrible but when 4 people have it combined with SC, DH/SB, etc that's when it becomes a problem. This is just another way to completely unravel everything a killer has done and, honestly, it really is just going to lead to more camping. I'm not sure what the devs were thinking when they made this perk.

    Well the survivor would still have been hooked once so it wouldn't unravel all the work the killer has done. I see your point of judging it in a vacuum, but this perk isn't the problematic one. It's only an issue when it's paired with other perks that are much better. Even if all four survivors run it, it's not guaranteed like SB or SC. It requires the survivor to unhook someone safely in order to use it so the first person hung is already unable to make use out of the perk. It can be annoying when it's paired with strong perks or if multiple survivors use it, but it's far from OP.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited August 2018

    @Vietfox said:
    ZombieGenesis said:

    @fcc2014 said:

     @ZombieGenesis said:

    LOL A nerf to a meta perk? When?

    Exhaustion for sprint perks and DS soon.Nice bait though.

    Oh yes, the devastating nerf to exhaustion perks. LOL Thanks for showing survivors have no sense of perspective. :)

    Dont you think that SB, which could be used every 40 secs (32 with vigil) even when sprinting, got a huge nerf?

    [BAD WORD] NO!

    The problem with Sprint Burst has always been that it has zero startup. So what happens is this: you find them at a gen or hiding, the instant you get close to them they take off like a bat out of Hell. And unless you're using Billy/Nurse you cannot catch up to them.

    All we wanted was the perk to be nerf so it has startup. Like 3-4 seconds of startup so ######### cannot stay glued to that gen for the last possible second. That's all. But no, the devs refuse to listen and decided to just nerf all the exhaustion perks instead. Which is an okay nerf but it does nothing to diminish the effectiveness of Sprint Burst and it being an extremely common perk to see.

    Sorry but it's called sprint burst for a reason, and it's nothing unrealistic either. Just get used to the fact that not a single game is  gonna be designed according to all your wishes, neither for the others.
    Besides, you can catch up a SB user with any killer, it's just 3 damn seconds....
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Master said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    LOL A nerf to a meta perk? When?

    Exhaustion for sprint perks and DS soon.Nice bait though.

    Can hardly call that exhaustion thingy a nerf, changed almost nothing.
    And DS is never gonna happen, devs are delaying it forever just to drop it eventually. Looka t what happened to hatch and SC

    considering how killer mains celebrated you would think you blew up the death star.


    The only thing about sprintburst that annoys me is that they can stay at their gens till the last second and that you actually ahve to walk 1 meter close to them just that they zip away. It wastes so much time of the killer and that hasnt changed with the exhaustion nerf.

    Most of the survivors screwed themselves over when sprintburst activated durign the chase (myself included) and only the very top survivors were able to exploit it properly, but you better DC against these survivors anyway unlses you are nurse :wink:

This discussion has been closed.