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Advice for a baby killer?

I've been playing the game for about a month, but I've mainly only played survivor. I think my highest killer character level is 11, and my killer level is 17. The only killers I can seem to manage to play are Trapper, Huntress, Plague, and Legion. I played some Michael Myers and Clown yesterday and struggled really hard. Part of the reason I think was because I got placed against purple ranks but. What advice do you have for a new killer? I try not to camp and tunnel because I think it's a cheap way to get kills.



  • Member Posts: 26

    First of all: remember that your goal is to get as less people on the map as possible. Don't feel bad for anything, you're the killer, you're the bad guy.

    I recommend you to try using just one killer for some time (an easy one to learn, for example Hillbilly, Wraith or Trapper, even though they're all hard to master) to understand better Killer and general game mechanics. Otherwise, you can just start off with the killer you like the most (I started playing killer with Spirit just because I liked her design and lore) if you feel like it.

    Use general perk combos while playing your games and don't focus too much on relying on complex stategies. Also, remember to save Blood Points for a character specifically, so that you can get some nice add-ons and offerings to get even more BP. Levelling some killers and survivors is important because it lets you transfer their perks to other killers who could use them way more efficiently.

    Watch DBD streamers/youtubers. It really helped me a lot when I wanted to start playing more seriously or when I wanted to try some new killers or strategies. Trust me, there's always a lot you can learn.

    And most importantly, have fun. Don't ever get angry for some survivors teabagging at you or insulting you because you were "unfair". It's not worth it, enjoy every game and gg.

  • Member Posts: 7,314


    It honestly depends on which Killer you enjoy the most out of the ones you play, and who you're willing to experiment with to "git gud" in a sense.

    I'd like to recommend a Killer that's fairly versatile, balanced, and can be devastating if used properly, that Killer would be Hillbilly and here's why.

    my reason for going with hillbilly...

    For one, Hillbilly in the right circumstances can be a devastating force in the trial. Hillbilly has a chain-saw that allows him to break pallets quickly, traverse vast stretches of the map, apply massive pressure when you down people a lot with it (since it's a one hit down with the chain-saw sprint), and overall his presence on the map is very "scary", in the sense that he can easily 1 hit down you if you're good enough.

    Also, hes fairly versatile and (in my opinion) the most balanced Killer in the entire game because of how his mechanics work, if you "git gud" enough with Billy than you can be a real threat in-game, but he isn't extremely OP and he is counter-able as well, which is pretty good.

    If you'd like to know more about Billy than i'll link a few videos below to get your started, one is kind of long so i'll link an alternative version below if you want a "shorter" version.

    I'll also link below an in-depth guide on his add-ons, perks, etc. The guide also focuses on some tips that you can use as well that the video above might not of covered.

    next, i'd like to go over basic loops/tiles

    Tiles or more commonly known as "loops" are the most important thing Survivors use to avoid being downed by The Killer, loops can be classed as basic, intermediate, or advanced, but the ones we'll be covering are the basic tiles.

    Well, for clarify i'll link you a video that covers these tiles, but I will explain myself a bit more before doing so. You see, most maps have what's known as "common tiles" that spawn in almost every map in the game. Some maps that're the exception to this are maps like Hawkins, Badham Pre-School, the new Lerys Post and Pre rework, The Game, and a few other maps that show these tiles less.

    The maps I listed though either don't show these tiles AT ALL or some of them like Badham and The Game have basic tiles like The Shack loop for Badham or the L-Wall and T-Wall loop on The Game, while the other maps don't show these tiles at all and show different tile sets that're unique to that map (for the most part).

    However, these maps don't make up the majority of the maps that're put into the pool for RNG to decide, so you'll more commonly see maps like Cold-Wind, Yamaoka, Macmillan Estate, maps with a lot of variants and/or basic tiles like the ones that'll show up in this video.

    anyways, here's the video i'd like to link below

    (Side-Note) before I go any further, i'd like to say that some of the maps that might be shown here are subject for reworks and/or change in the future. This video was made before maps like Hawkins and Sanctum of Wrath were added, and maps like Lery's were reworked, but besides that it still covers the important fundamentals that're still present in-game, and the tips are still solid for todays meta.

    Anyways, the reason I recommend you watch this video as a Killer/Survivor is for many reasons, but the main reason is to just learn these tiles and know how to face them as a Killer and/or use them as a Survivor in-game.

    This video covers how you can effectively use them as a Survivor, and with your own common sense you can deduce how to face them with said information. The video also covers some tricks The Killers will use in these tiles, so you can integrate this into your play-style or make up your own counter to these tiles in-game, it's really up to you and that's the beauty of experimentation and practice.

    as for any other Killers you might want try...

    plague & Legion

    Killers like Legion and Plague are fairly decent, they focus on damage over downing, so don't focus on one person too much as The Legion and make sure you focus on putting everyone in the broken state whenever you chase a new healthy Survivor.

    Myers & Ghostface

    Killers like Myers are fairly versatile and focus on stealth as their primary means of going around the map undetected, perks like Monitor & Abuse can really help with Myers gimmick and overall improve his stealth capabilities outside of chases for easy grabs, hits, and downs. Ghostface follows the same principles as Myers for the most part, but his Terror Radius can be reduced to 0 because of his power. The only downside to this is that Myers Terror Radius is passive while Ghostfaces is integrated into his power, meaning it can be broken if a Survivor looks at you for a fair amount of time to knock you out of it.

    Trapper & huntress

    Trapper is a pretty decent threat if used correctly, you need to focus on trapping key areas and loops that Survivors will use and try to use your environment to hide said traps in loops, so using grass to hide your traps or just sneak spots around the loop will make it easy to trap and grab any Survivors that're causing issues or just unsuspectingly walking around the map. Trapper is fairly versatile, but perks like Corrupt Intervention (a Plague perk) are essential for set-up time, just so you don't get insta-genrushed for 3 gens while you set up traps at the start of the game.

    Huntress is also another Killer that you can become a monster with in-game, if used right you can learn where to throw your hatchets and even close off a lot of loops by simply using a charged hatchet and throwing it through windows, over pallets, and over loops that're fairly low to the ground. The Huntress is a good Killer to master and it really shows once you start to get the hang of her, even a decent Huntress can make a fool of a lot of Survivors, so it's really a good option for you to learn her and look up guides to get the hang of her.

    essentially speaking, if you can "go pro" with Huntress than you can easily stop any Survivor from using most loops, if the Survivor is good enough than it can go both ways, but it honestly depends on the Huntresses skill, prior knowledge to the loop, and just overall muscle memory when facing Survivors that use a common loop all the time, like the Killer Shack for example.


    The issue with Clown is that he struggles heavily with map-pressure and overall downing potential, if you want to try and learn him than you'll have to practice with M1 chasing mechanics first and get used to most if not all the loops in-game to be decently effective with him.

    Use perks like Corrupt Intervention and one of his teachables Pop Goes the Weasel to mitigate gen progress and overall prevent any fast gen-rushing from happening in-game. Like all M1 Killers, Clown suffers from a lot of loops in-game, so if you can learn to effectively cut off these loops with your Tonic and use these loops to your advantage than you'll probably do alright or pretty well.

    Also, using perks like Brutal Strength, Enduring, or both helps a lot with creating dead-zones in the map and saving time on "respecting pallets" since with Enduring the stun is cut down to 50%, so you don't really have to worry about being stunned and just full sending a chase.


    There's a lot more to cover for basics and such, but this should help for the most part. If you have any questions than don't be afraid to @ me by using the @ symbol and typing my name to notify me back to this post, or you can click on the "quote" button that's below the comment itself (it's in-between the Flag and Vote Up Buttons), once you quote my comment in your comment, than just type out the comment and i'll also be notified to come back to the post.

    Stay safe out there, see you in the fog...

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