Breakable Wall Questions

So can Survivors also see which walls can be broken? Is this feature meant to be a ''SURPRISE!!!'' or a tactical decision?
I for one feel the Survivors should not be able to tell or at the very least the indication on their end is very small.
I know the reasons for your features are different than what we choose to use them for but variety and freedom is always a nice touch and adds flavor to the game. If Survivors can see the walls then there is a possibility it can give no advantage to the Killer, the Survivor can
A: Avoid that area
B: Trick you into using them similar into breaking a pallet and lose your BL
This is of course just my worries and may be unwarranted when we see this feature in action but I just want to bring these up because you guys make weird decisions that I will not list out of self-respect.
PS, When is Legion getting their 3 second stun? It is the easiest change that could be made and any evidence for suggesting fairness has been exhaustively explained before.
Yes you will be able to see what walls are breakable. You already can see them in Lery's.
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they will be obvious which walls, the appearance will change depending on the domain (maps). will not be a scare action as there will be an animation, however there might be some examples where you have insane breaking abilities or killers like oni using his ability to smash the wall down as he charges to it, if youre on the other side that might be an "oh Shite moment"
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Interesting, that's sweet.
Yeah I saw the image another commenter posted, hopefully these are actually useful and not just a band-aid fix and wastes more time but actually fun. I can totally see this being fun with the Saw Bros and Oni, Demo might actually be scary with this.
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yeah those are a great example, so once you see the type of style in the maps you will be able to see, im unsure if certain perks can revel them, they might at that to windows of opportunity but it would help much tbh. will be interesting either way and will make my wraith even stronger, i am curious if the chainsaws will break the walls. the way they phased it they can and thatd make them even more of a threat which will be interesting
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The walls are going to be fairly clear, like a pallet. They may not stick out as much as a bright pallet, but you should be able to tell which walls can be broken just by looking at it. The idea is not to make it a surprise but rather to change the way that particular area is played.
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Speaking of pallet's (and gens if im being honest), as the new breakable walls will fit with maps (as they should) would you consider making gens and pallets that more so fit the maps? Like how hooks are all easily identifiable yet differ on every map, we could have Pallets on the game that look like traditional ones used to transport goods/Pallets on the wreckers yard that are bits of scrap metal tied together, all in the same shape. Same with gens, having snow covered gens on ormond, or have boggy gens on the swamp, with muck on their sides. more diverse interactables.
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That's something I wouldn't be able to answer. I wouldn't say it's completely out of the question, although it is nice to keep them easily recognizable from a distance. It's a lot easier to use the same pallets across all the realms that it is to use the same walls. You might have a boarded up wall on a farm map, for example, but that wouldn't make much sense in a map like Hawkins Lab. Meanwhile it's at least somewhat believable that there's a bundle of boards just about anywhere.
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I know that the best answer will be "wait tomorrow and see" :P, but asking costs me nothing so...:
in the design process, you want breakable walls to simply help the killer (e.g. removing god loops from an area) or some are also meant to backfire (e.g. an area which would normally have a single entrance becomes a two way area, adding escapability options for the survivors)?
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True enough i suppose, but would the boards look exactly the same? just playing devils advocate here.
Also in the spirit of playing devils advocate, people running to pallets are typically within 16m of one (unless using an exhaustion perk or just straight running across the map) and Should be able to recognise the similar positioning at loops, the similar model, if they had differing textures.
I mean how else do you explain being able to visibly see a window vault on all maps? :P like the baricades on the lab map, there not windows etc etc.
That being said i do realise how difficult it would be to texture so many different maps with unique/differing textures/even models.
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Will there be a perk from survivor side that allows you to repair broken walls? Does new survivor have perks related to this new mechanic or are the walls broken permanently like pallets?
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I highly doubt it because even from a lite standpoint being able to rebuilds wall in a realm would take a long time compared to lifting a pallet