Sabo nerfed #########

I can understand buff for Trappers traps, but why rework(and nerf) sabo overall?

ok maybe i will start with why i call it nerf?

1) hooks are respawning faster

2) you cant 99% hooks

and if you tell me when killer is carrying survivor you have "few seconds" (knowing devs i bet it will be 8) to find out to which hook killer will go, and then be there 8 SECONDS FASTER (just reminder full wiggle bar takes 16seconds) and if killer will hit you ALL progress with be destroyed xd

current sabo with 99% hooks was most of the time waste of time (because you have to waste whole game saboing hooks and following killer to do 1 or 2 saves)

only consistent strategy is 99% hooks in 1/4 of map droping them, in those 3min doing gens there and moving to other 1/4 (but even then killer can just slug you to death)

i wont do essay about nerfing flashlights again (yey most useless item is nerfed again, and why im called FL useless? because how hard it is to do fl saves and most of the time FL user is just wasting his time because of pick up speed), i dont mind nerfing keys, or medkits this way (keys are strong, and medkits got buff recently anyway) but FLs are always kicked in ass xd

TL; DR Devs are telling survivors: just do gens, we destroyed/nerfed 2 of 4 non doing gens/heal/chase activities. (other 2 are chests and totems)

"we're working on 2nd objective" X months later "btw we're killing other non gen repair action"

