Sabo nerfed #########

I can understand buff for Trappers traps, but why rework(and nerf) sabo overall?
ok maybe i will start with why i call it nerf?
1) hooks are respawning faster
2) you cant 99% hooks
and if you tell me when killer is carrying survivor you have "few seconds" (knowing devs i bet it will be 8) to find out to which hook killer will go, and then be there 8 SECONDS FASTER (just reminder full wiggle bar takes 16seconds) and if killer will hit you ALL progress with be destroyed xd
current sabo with 99% hooks was most of the time waste of time (because you have to waste whole game saboing hooks and following killer to do 1 or 2 saves)
only consistent strategy is 99% hooks in 1/4 of map droping them, in those 3min doing gens there and moving to other 1/4 (but even then killer can just slug you to death)
i wont do essay about nerfing flashlights again (yey most useless item is nerfed again, and why im called FL useless? because how hard it is to do fl saves and most of the time FL user is just wasting his time because of pick up speed), i dont mind nerfing keys, or medkits this way (keys are strong, and medkits got buff recently anyway) but FLs are always kicked in ass xd
TL; DR Devs are telling survivors: just do gens, we destroyed/nerfed 2 of 4 non doing gens/heal/chase activities. (other 2 are chests and totems)
"we're working on 2nd objective" X months later "btw we're killing other non gen repair action"
Sabo doesn't have a speed penalty anymore and are buffing sabo speeds in general, though.
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thats what happen if you get a devs who dont know what they want ot do with game its really sad
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Sounds like it's being changed so it's more accessible to solos rather than just co-ordinated SWF.
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"Oh no! I can't abuse SWF comms to bully a killer with 99ing hooks anymore! What ever shall I do!"
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I think it'll be a good change. We'll see though
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In seconds sounds more like it will be 2-3 seconds tops
This will be a huge buff to sabotaging
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If they added to No Mither for running it:
“All perks with cooldowns get reduced by half“ - which would include; exhaustion, Q&Q, small game and sabotage
I don’t think it’d be broken at all and would revive the old sabo-no mither build.
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yea but still find 8seconds (i guess it will be 8 because devs wont risk making it lower) after you realise to which gen surv will be carried,
99% hooks on 1/4 of map im doing by myself without SWF xd
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We don't know how long it will take.
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I agree that its a nerf but honestly I think it's fine. If you run a full Sabo, you shouldn't be able to deny hooks consistently AND blast gens at the same time.
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i can bet you it wont be as short, because devs are too afraid it would work xd
well even if you want to risk and call 4seconds its still 4 seconds you have to be ahead of killer xd so you have to know to which hook he will go (impossible if youre in the middle of map)
so if you want to be dedicated to sabo it will just be impossible, if youre next to a hook where killer will go, well it might work (but i doubt randoms will be smart enough to do it)
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"and blast gens" yea 15seconds per hook ( + time wasted on running from hook to hook) is "blasting gens") xd waste 2mins to make almost safe zone and then you can do 2 gens (if killer wont chase you away anyway because you made noise with hooks) xd
its not "gen rush" method its find other way to play (that takes more time than just doing gens) xd
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As someone that plays killer a majority of the time, I really didnt see a problem with sabo before. I'd just drop the survivor and start slugging everyone. Plus like you said, if survivors are saboing then they aren't doing gens. Also it was pretty rare that survivors would even be trying to sabo hooks
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8 seconds is a pretty hefty assumption. For the record, it's nowhere near that (actually closer to 2.5).
I get being upset if you try something and it's not as good as it first seemed, but jumping to conclusions before you even know the details of it doesn't help anyone. At that point, you're making up something to be upset about.
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Just have 1 dude doing hooks with both sabo add-ons, make a deadzone, ezpz. However not always effective. I was ok with previous Sabo if it means anything🤷
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It's a SWF sabo nerf and a solo survivor sabo buff. Few things are more frustrating as a killer than a SWF clearing out hooks and running to the hook dead zone in every chase. There's little reasonable counterplay for a killer there aside from slugging until they use Unbreakable or get Adrenaline.
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2.5 seconds to sabo a hook? Damn I'm really looking forward to seeing how it plays out.
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Like hook sabo is what made me quit playing dead by daylight for over a year way back before the last changes, and they are basically going to bring it back bigger than ever.
This could literally kill the game for me and my interest in it entirely, and you call it a nerf @_@
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If they are sabboing, they are not doing gens. It really as simple as that.
If the dev's are nerfing sabbo that is laughable. The SWF could be bullying the killer a million other ways than wasting their time sabboing.
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Lol, dev proved you wrong on the time. :P
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2,5 seems accessible but even then its impossible to do that before knowing to which hook killer will go beforehand (when saboing killers m1 is reseting that), if youre doing gen next to a hook and know killer is carrying someone and BY CHANCE you have toolbox you can sabo hook
so its change making sabo casual friendly and bad for dedicated sabo
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One could also argue that a killer not hooking anyone isn't doing much of anything. Doesn't take a full squad much time to clear out an area
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*reworked. And so far i sounds more fair. Actual reason to run saboteur now...and breakdown, too. And hangman's trick. I like it.
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Easy there. Back in the dark days we didn't have respawning hooks, or hangman's trick.
Not to mention the slug meta is still very very effective. We still have all our old tools we used to handle those dark days on top of the new ones I've already mentioned. Let it play out - sabo needed help anyway.
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2.5 seconds? Thats waaaay too fast, this will make 4 man swf even worse.... Atleast the 99% hook wasted some of their time.
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you will see after 1 month even less ppl will sabo if its not daily/challange
even then i doubt it will stay like that after PTB
and we still dont know 3 things,
1) how long it will take for hooks to respawn (if its sabo for 1 carryied surv, or longer)
2) how many hooks you can do with green toolbox
3) sabo CD?
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I'll give it a try on PTB but this is legit the most terrifying thing I've read from the developers so far. The frustration of losing is something I've always been able to deal with, absolutely no issue, but to not even be able to hook survivors? If you get a good SWF it's quite likely you will get stunned and lose a hook like half a dozen times in a match, the amount of power that would bring to survivors....dear lord.....
I need to test it on the PTB, I could be way off base, but this literally could be the thing that actually does just turn me off the game, or at least stop me from ever playing killer again.
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Sabo needed to be buffed if anything. It’s now a dead perk. And it was already basically deax
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Almost no one sabo's now, hence the change. They said it's closer to like 2 or 3 seconds to sabo a hook. Does the legit concept of of that not convince you?
I feel so bad for newer killer players that get matched out of their rank, suddenly they are not even going to be able to get a hook all game let alone a kill....
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And in the time they took to clear out an area, they probably could have done 2-3+ gens with those toolboxes and the game was halfway over.
Sabbo is a meme for trolling as a SWF, and it is almost utterly useless for solo Q. A flashlight save will get you just as much value, not waste any time other than you waiting around for someone to go down, and also helps you personally in a chase to boot.
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well as i wrote it will be easier to sabo if youre already on gen next to a hook, but if you want to be dedicated to sabo, its impossible
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Notice the only people upset with this are toxic teams that just run around and break all the hooks screwing the killer. Finally, something a teeny, tiny killer sided... Maybe..
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Have you never had a SWF game ever?
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so youre telling me 4 ppl not doing gens just waiting to sabo 3 hooks is bad FOR ME? xd just slug them xd
and no i never played vs SWF in about 900h (only on killers, and mainly between purple and red)
ofc i played vs sabo squad (super ultra rare) to the point i hope its sabo squad when i see 4 toolboxes in lobby (i dont dodge those lobbys and i dont equip mori/add ons) xd
tell me whats worse, 4 repair toolboxes or 4 sabo toolboxes? i will take 4 sabo EVERY GAME, EVERY DAY
edit when i wrote 900h only on killers it doesnt mean i play only killers (i have around 1400h on survs)
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That's not the scenario that is going to play out at all lol, if only it was.
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Read again sabo is not nerfed...
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Cant wait to see it in action
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It got an insane buff when it never needed to be touched at all, but again we are making changes to create more of an imbalance gap between survivors and killers - honestly what is the point of playing Killer at all at this point?
Oh right they have a few challenges so you HAVE to play killer to unlock lore - forgot about that.
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I mean they said it'll deplete toolboxes very quickly. A 3/4 man all with saboteur could be nasty though, even with a cooldown.
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1st its not reddit
2nd youre too obvious with your entitlement
3rd so youre sad if survivors dont do gens
4th i did all killers challanges before touching survivors xd
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Are you kidding with me? 2.5 is ridiculously too fast
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Overall this is a pretty solid buff, being able to just drop hooks in front of killers without wasting an asenine amount of time 99%ing them is a major change. Saboteur might actually be worth running again because right now it's absolutely worthless.
This game IS unbalanced in survivor's favor but mostly because of maps + gen times and people straight up saying "just play nurse or spirit lul, just give them half the gens and try to 3 gen" and the devs themselves are "balancing for a 2K" which for most people doesn't feel like a win.
Win or lose, people tend to think all or nothing, all dead or all escape. But that isn't the case and I think it throws a lot of people off.
Right now, if you play a killer that can't cross the map within a moment's notice or requires set up for traps and stuff.. it's pretty damn rough, any m1 killer is also infinitely abused by stuff like ironworks, coldwind, haddonfield, etc. Ironically, I think Lery's is the best map unless you're playing billy/huntress. There are some pretty strong pallets but I haven't encountered a straight up infinite yet which is absolutely wonderful. You can move strategically and cut them off, or chase them normally, and they have equal opportunity to out maneuver you. It's not a "Oh no the killer saw me better run to Ironworks where they can't get me."
Overall I like these changes but I have a suspicion they're going to be hella abused since you don't need to 99% hooks anymore and can just walk up and pop it off in front of the killer without basically any prior effort. It's gonna be similar to flashlight saves in that it's super accessible.
These changes in a vacuum aren't bad but everyone's got DS and Unbreakable so you can't slug for hook to return, you can't hook more than one person at a time because DS lasts an entire minute and that's if you get them to the hook in the first place to even activate it lol. I'm curious what the game will look like in a month.
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It's more a big buff that is going to be really annoying to Killers. Survivors are going to abuse the ######### out of this, leading to a really unfun Killer experience. With how ######### the matchmaking is, I can easily see a lot of new Killers getting matched with high rank Survivors and having all of their hooks get sabotaged. Not too sure if this is a good idea.
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if youre 2,5sec ahead of killer with survivor its huge buff, buff how often you will be 2,5 sec faster on hook (knowing killer will pick this hook) and by chance you will have toolbox you can sabo it, and thats why i wrote its buff for casual players, because if youre dedicated sabo player you wont be 2,5 ahead xd, and if killer will smack you progress will reset
about balance i agree with map size everything else i wont comment (im wraith/pig main not using slowdown perks and never had problem with gen speed)
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It doesn't take a genius to know what hook the killer is going for if you're in the area unless they use the purple hook addon and even then it's 2.5 seconds. The killer has to deal with wiggling, find a hook and commit to it before they wiggle out.
This basically means every hook is pre 99%ed like before and you can do it from any angle so you can put the hook between you so by the time they hit you off of it you're done saboing.
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2.5 seconds.... Here's how this is going to play out. SWF bully squad is going to come in armed with sabo, breakout, unbreakable, and flashlights. You down someone, they body block once and your hook goes down and the survivor wiggles off. So next you try slugging, which unbreakable is going to counter. Rinse and repeat. 4 man escape, killer's will to live gone, ggez.
You're either going to need to make the sabo time take longer/be a one time use perk, make the killer lose collision while carrying a survivor, or make iron grasp/agitation basekit for all killers. This is going to be abused so hard.
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Actually Im not so sure. Before you 99 the terrain around the gen you did, and then you alone did the sabo saves if someone working with you got caught. Now you need more time to do the sabo save itself (cant 99), so it might be hard saboing hook in such a short time without bodyblocks.
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Rarely anyone sabotages or 99% hooks, so it shouldn't be an issue.