So dedicated servers have been out like, hour (console)

I've played like 3-4 games already and honestly it's awful. console was already way worse for lag and now dedicated servers are out, it's disgusting. Revert this, please and thanks xox
Best Answer
Only go into games with green ping. It's now your ping plus everyone else's. Yellow and red are unplayable.
Fine for me. Apart from the odd few 170+ Lobbys I've been getting now and then.
Most of my Lobbys have been 50-120ms.
Not terrible but still could use a bit of work.
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This is awful. I haven't gotten a lobby with a ping below 200ms and I have great internet. I dreaded this day...
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I knew it'd be bad but, damn...
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You are blessed
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Dedi servers arrived on xbox?
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Yeah, don't get your hopes up.
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I haven't tried killer yet but I think I'm done playing for the day, good luck boys
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I’m a ps4 gamer. Dedi servers were horrible too when they first came out for me. But now they’re actually pretty decent. Not perfect but really not horrible. Just give them some time. They will improve.
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I’m on ps4 and for the most part I love dedicated servers
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Maybe it's Xbox? Maybe it's just my terrible luck
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There is definitely an issue with latency between killer and Survivor which is very frustrating even on matches with 70ms ping.
Just went up against a demogorgan who hit me from a stupid long distance. It's very frustrating and eventhough the matches are somewhat smooth the latency different kills the matches tempo.
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Same i havent had a single problem since it came to ps4, before it would be a chance of a killer with terrible internet and everyone would lag like crazy, now i never lag, only the killers or survivors with bad connection lag in my games! My games overall quality have increased alot for me, anecdotally of course.
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Zero issuses on my end. Xbox One X on wifi.
I welcome the change.
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From a PC user to you:
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Welcome, friend, to the hell that is BHVR's dollar store servers. Grab a seat, you're in for one hell of a ride
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While playing as Killer, I've managed to down a player who then teleported 20 feet ahead of me. Downed a player as Oni with his blood fury attack then 2 seconds later a pallet they dropped smashed me on the head. As survivor, I've fallen through the map in Autohaven after being downed. And a Doctor smacked me from around the corner while he was out of sight. Fun times!