Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

10/10 Game Changing Update 🎉 

MiniPixels Member Posts: 536
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

EDIT: This was made BEFORE the new killer was revealed, please keep that in mind, thanks!

As I predicted, after the ruin changes we would be getting a very heavily Killer favored update, this is EXACTLY what the game needed to keep the community alive and the game fresh, the new breakable walls are gonna be a game changer, and will introduce so much more strategy to Killer that I am REALLY looking forward to. The item changes will prevent you from having to worry about saving charges which is a great change. Trapper is finally getting some love by removing one of the many counters to him, and Plague is getting a BEEFY fountain at the start of every trial. All I can say is good job BHVR, this update is really gonna shift the meta around and keep the game fresh for both sides, you can no longer just zone out and loop the same tile which is one of the reasons I dislike playing survivor, and EVERY Killer will now have more strategy in their game play. 10/10 Job!

Post edited by MiniPixels on


  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    It's a bit early to celebrate, after all the new mechanic may not enter other maps for months

  • CrassardStreams
    CrassardStreams Member Posts: 179

    Hopefully the sabotaging won't be too easy to abuse lol, but otherwise it's pretty cool so far.

    Another concern is being able to keep consumed addons with a perk? Would this include Brand New Part or the syringes/styptic agents?

    Is there a discussion about base generator times or is it mainly just toolboxes being looked at?

  • CrassardStreams
    CrassardStreams Member Posts: 179
    edited February 2020

    Thanks for clarifying and the fast response.

    Any idea how long hooks stay broken now after sabo? Since they're all "essentially 99%ed" I could see survivors just popping hooks like they do now only they don't need to waste all that time 99%ing hooks ahead of time (which is really nice tbh)

    I guess a more clearly stated question is.. how many hooks are toolboxes generally expected to last? Cooldown on Saboteur? Hook repair time?

    Alternatively.. when is the PTB tomorrow lol. I'll see if anyone wants to do some science with me

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    It seems like a very interesting update, there's a lot of things that are changed and introduced to tinker with.

    I'm a bit concerned about the new sabotage mechanics, I'm wondering if a swf team will have even an easier time to bully the killer if so they wish, but we'll see.

    Similarly, I'm a bit worried about the toolbox changes: the Dev Update makes it sound like if the speed increase is now massive, but very limited in charges. My worry is that competent teams will just preserve their toolbox for the very last generator, completely bypassing any 3-gen situation (assuming the speed to repair that last generator is quick enough, of course).

    But still, I'm excited to see how everything will work out 👍

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Toolboxes are being made faster, nerfing the uses doesn't matter when increase uses add-ons exist (It literally just makes no difference). Also you KEEP the item at the end of the trial regardless of using all of it's uses!? You might as well just GIVEN THE SURVIVORS ANOTHER PERK SLOT. They are buffing Sabotaging - game breaking SWF (You know the only ones who use it in the first place to bully killers). It's pretty obvious that they don't intend to nerf survivors out of the power role, and unless I see a big change in the near future after this update hits the PTB, then my idea that they were going to balance the game to make Killer power role again after nerfing ruin - obviously I was wrong. Like i'm still going to test on the PTB to see if my predictions are correct, but the fact that they buffed survivors in this update in anyway put a dirty taste in my mouth for giving credit that they were going to balance the game in favor of the Killer again.

    The Wall thing is going to be nice to balance god loops, which fix a lot of problems, but that is going to take a lot of time to even get across all the maps that needs them - in addition to coding every killer to have a wall crash animation, and fix all the bugs that will come from it (because that's ALOT OF CODING).

    I'm impressed with the buffs to fixing ridiculous loops, but i'm not impressed that they directly decided to buff bullying the killer.

  • SpacingLlamas
    SpacingLlamas Member Posts: 602

    What about white wards (offering)? Do they save your add-ons too?

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Not a lot of coding* a lot of animations. the coding would be the same across all killers, just as it is with pallet breaks. and with killers that use standard breaking animations, they would share the wall breaking animations (ie trapper, micheal, hillbilly, etc) with height and weight tweaks so that the positioning of the animation is right based on their charecter model. Ie not the coding that takes a long time thats the short bit.

    Making toolboxes more impactful, yet drastically reduced usability will limit them depending on how drastic that is. i only hope they account for using streetwise/killers using unnerving presence. I'm thinking (Following how past sabo penalties worked and other things) that it would probs be something like a 3:1 ratio. or whatever. 80 charges would be a full gen at 1.2 speed now (with a brown toolbox), but we'd probs see something like, 26/27 charges, and 1.2-3x speed. ie its much much faster, but you'd do only a small amount of the gen (like 33% similar to a brand new parts 25%)

    TLDR for that section - it would increase survivor pressure a lot if done right, but can only be done once. also can be negated by applying pressure yourself. Also with franklins, removing 10% of a toolbox on hit will be HUGE with this change. Overwhelming presence will be NUTS. expecially in 3 gen situations, as the survivors will not be able to use toolboxes at all, essentially removing them from the game.

    If they even made the charges on a toolbox lets say half at 40, for clean numbers sake. and then use overwhelming presence... that makes the charges 20! 20 charges of a toolbox ie what would normally be 20s. even if it was double the speed for the toolbox, at 2x. making the 20 charges done in 10s, that would mean you just used your entire toolbox in 10s for what is the equivalent of 1/4 the generator.... And we know they wouldn't make the toolboxes work at double speed as that would be absolutely broken. how can i prove this? if a 40 charge toolbox was used on a gen at double the rate, you would effectively spend a full 60s on the gen, which is already way more then a normal toolbox speeds up a gen by now.

    Ie this is very much a toolbox nerf. and a overwhelming presence/franklins buff ironically enough. Even if you have max addons on a new toolbox, the most impactful time to use them would be in end game to prevent 3 gen strats. to quicken the endgame from stagnating due to killer pressure.

    Gen rush is dead. Optimal play is required to use toolboxes to provide pressure now.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Only if you are killed with your items and add-ons. 😁

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,126

    I like most of the changes.

    I do not think the Sabo changes are healthy at all tho

  • Almo
    Almo Member Posts: 1,123

    They do not at the moment. This will be addressed in a future update.

  • judge_fist
    judge_fist Member Posts: 114

    Biggest concern is the quick hook sabotage. I've experience some gnarly groups abuse the hook sabotage as is. Its going to be even more intense with the quick hook drops.

  • Kongtwenty12
    Kongtwenty12 Member Posts: 140

    You say that like survivors do t do the same thing except there's a lot more of them.

  • Kongtwenty12
    Kongtwenty12 Member Posts: 140

    You are making a lot of assumptions considering no numbers were given. They specifically made it sound like a single toolbox couldn't even do a whole gen. I would wait till after the testing things in the ptb before hating on it this hard. Plus that's the whole point of the ptb. If it's not enough they will make more changes.

  • SpacingLlamas
    SpacingLlamas Member Posts: 602

    I knew that but was asking to see if it was going to be changed for this update. Seems like it will be according to Almo

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651
    edited February 2020

    Even faster toolboxes with less charges, sabo made easier, a new wall breaking mechanic that probably won't get implemented on the problematic maps that badly need it for months to years and some minor tweaks and QoL changes to 3 killers.

    I'm sorry but I'm failing to see any massive changes here. In favor of killers anyway.

    Honnestly the biggest news is that survivors will always lose their add-ons after a trial. And its not like you ever needed to bring items when playing survivor to have an easy time.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Did you read the part where they said that they would also be adjusting add-ons to match, and that time saved overall with toolboxes is now "much lower", or were you seeing too much red by that point and missed it?

  • MiniPixels
    MiniPixels Member Posts: 536

    Seeing a lot of concern for the new sabo speeds, while I entirely agree that they sound unfavorable, it's one of those things I'm gonna have to form an opinion on after the PTB is out, as we don't know just how much faster they are and how long hooks stay broken.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    It's the fact they are buffing any part of the survivor that blows my mind. Gen speeds are already strong enough, decreasing the amount of uses toolboxes have, sure go ahead, but don't increase their speeds - at all, because they are already too fast. As far as sabotaging goes, it's already balanced. It takes around 2 minutes to 99 all of the hooks on most maps, and their plan is to give that for free. It's broken, and will only provide solo survivors with more oppurtunity to bully the killer. Don't even get me started on the SWF's - straight up you can't even face SWF's with this kind of sabotage buff. I don't need numbers to predict that. It's a stupid move, and I don't mind being blunt calling them on it.

    They tip toe when they balance survivors, they tip toe when giving killers buffs, but will give killers nerfs without a second thought. It's become very obvious what they favor in the game.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I am SO hyped about this! Breakable walls. finally!! Now i can get my constant 4Ks in an average of 5 minutes instead of 6! Devs, we needed that so bad, since 60-80% killrate is clearly not enough. Thank you <3

    No but seriously, i dont blame you devs and i understand that you had to do something.. those killers here are just whining and beging for buffs constantly instead of steping up their poor game. I also know, it is a casual game for players who dont want to make any effort at all and the killer is the "power role". But do you really have to mess with the only defense (loops) survivors have?

    I guess i will become fully killer main aswell, at least i might bump the avarage killrate on your statistics even higher, since.. you read it everywhere here... most cant get kills, hooks and are just poor victoms of ruin change (which lasted 20 seconds in the past).

  • Gzilla
    Gzilla Member Posts: 29

    I dont think the ratio of charges to speed is going to equal the same at all. This seems to be an intentional nerf to toolboxes, and rightfully so. I imagine that the speed will be x1.5 or 2 and the charges will be reduced by about 66-75%. Thats just my speculation though an we will have to playtest to find out, but point is it should be a nerf.

    As far as sabotaging changes go, they look to be more of a change then a nerf or buff. I think that sabotaging will be more viable in some situations and less in others. Lets say it takes 5 to 7 seconds to sabo a hook. There is no more 99% them. Since the killer can see auras of survivors near hooks, the chance given to change target hooks should be sufficient enough in most cases to warrant adaptation, but in some cases where there arent many hooks nearby, say in a corner of the map, this will be more challenging for the killer. As it stands sabotaging is a bit of a meme atm and i welcome the change. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

    I think the wallbreaking abilities will be easy to supplement into the game with little coding and will be a welcome change to break those pesky loops for killers and hopefully bring some more balance to the game. I am unsure if it will be enough but it's a step in the right direction.

    Bottom line is dont assume the worst until you can see it for yourself, and remember to give feedback.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Two points to correct, as they said the overall bonus from toolboxes will be less than before. So, if you need 60 seconds with any given toolbox now, you will need 65 seconds after the change for example. But the 15 seconds buff will be finished within 5 seconds for example (that would be like the BNP effect, so bad example, but you get it).

    So first: Franklins will actually have less impact. It is less charges, so less loss after a hit. As the overall progress will be less you get from a toolbox, so the increased speed bonus overall, that you beat out of a toolbox, will be less as well.

    Second: Also to your calculation with the half charges sample: that won't be the case, the overall bonus in seconds per gen will be less than before, so "which is already way more then a normal toolbox speeds up" will not be happening

    I'm also pretty sure that new toolboxes are stronger against low map pressure killers. You will still have 1-2 gens pop if you don't run into at least 3 survivors in the beginning. So the first gen pops until the first hook anyway, without toolboxes. Normally then the second gen pops after the second hook. And after that, when the killer normally starts to put some pressure and having constantly one on the hook and one in a chase or unhooking, then you can use the toolboxes and the next gens pop fast too. At least that is my fear. Let's see how it works out, but I'm starting to think about playing nurse with Surveillance/Ruin...

    And genrush isn't dead, pretty sure.

    @Dead_by_David17 at least your comment is not benefitial at all...

    @Pythonheir did you notice that the difference of keeping the items is now like half a charge that you can spend more than before? you could stop using the item before it is empty. that's really not that horrific. Especially since you gonna lose all your addons now... And regarding the hook sabotage: we STILL don't know anything about numbers. You might be standing at the right hook by chance, if the killer doesn't walk to your hook, you won't be able to run with the killer and tap-destroy the hook, pretty sure. So let's test this first and see how ez it will be to bully the killer.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    One petrified oak, and then suddenly it's impossible to hook survivors against a 2 or more swf. Have you faced people sabotaging hooks on Lery's yet? It's rage inducing. Sabotage didn't even need to be touched, it's just a buff that pushes to bully the killer more - like as if they didn't already have enough on their plate to deal with. Honeslty I would remove sabotaging all together, the survivors are not supposed to be working together to that extent

  • Kongtwenty12
    Kongtwenty12 Member Posts: 140

    Except you have to remember that toolbox charges are getting super nerfed and sabotage is getting a cool down so it's not like everyone can sabo for free. If you use your box to sabo then you aren't doing it on gens and vice versa. I still think you are over reacting. Ptb drops Tuesday so just wait and try everything before you hate on it.

  • Kongtwenty12
    Kongtwenty12 Member Posts: 140
    edited February 2020

    Yeah just like how survivors needed ruin to be nerfed or for new killers to get nerfed to Oblivion. It's not like gen times and God loops have been a problem for a long time. Or maybe you think survivors need more second chance perks and NOED needs to be nerfed. People need to chill. Everyone is bitching before anyone can even test. Is that hard to wait 1 day before you complain and actually test the new mechanics before chatting on them?

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    I honestly thought OP was being sarcastic at first, but then I got sad when I realized hes actually serious.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    The Developer Update looks really interesting. Those are very substantial changes! You are taking Sabotage in a much different direction than I would have expected but I really like where your head is at. Breakable walls sound awesome. I kind of hope you put breaking walls on some kind of cooldown or killers will just break all the walls early in the game and the map might as well not have had those walls in the first place. I think it's great either way. Plague and Trapper changes are both great. I'm really looking forward to this update.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    So you mean most of the killers in the game who don't have pressure or ability to get around the map will be ######### by this update most likely? More then likely as even when the devs try to help they can't just nerf survivors without making them stronger instead.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I predicted that this would happen since I have 3000 iq. Nobody believed me but get rekt boiz and gerlz

  • KindredMain
    KindredMain Member Posts: 8

    Then don't hear them. I have found that survivors are crying about everything HARDER AND LOUDER than killer players. Killers only started complain after the Ruin nerf and you pretend like it's a thing way before toxic survivors.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    No, you dont get it, i dont need any second chance perks and noed nerfed or anything.

    I am just very tired that this game is slowly but surly getting more and more ballanced for those baby killers that are simly bad at the game. You know, those people that come here and complain about ruin or nurse changes. If someone needs ruin (and also noed) or the old nurse to get kills, sorry, then this person is simply a weak killer that has no idea how to play his role.

    And still, i can understand devs, because they kinda have to please those new / bad players, since they are definitly the majority.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    I love these changes now I actually have a reason to sabo and not get accused of being an abomination to all of mankind by my whole team for wasting time doing it

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited February 2020

    I dunno about more strategy. I can't imagine walls would take too much time to break unless they were intended to be used to make things easier for you before a chase. Otherwise it'll just be like "See a wall? Break it". Open areas don't really help survivors at all, so there's no real thought that's put into breaking walls I would imagine.

    It's a nerf to sabotage honestly. There's no buff to sabotage I can see. If you see a survivor standing near a hook, go to another one. If it's solos then no problem. Hooks respawn quicker and with Hangman's Trick you can see survivors near hooks when you down someone. The killer moves faster than survivors, so they can't change their sabo plan on the fly now because it takes a few seconds to sabo. It's not gonna be a drop and done anymore. Sabo will basically be dead.

    Honestly you're probably gonna be flamed harder for standing at a hook waiting on a killer to go towards the one you're going to sabo only for him to see you, turn to another close by hook and your plan fails and you're doing absolutely nothing.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Ive been pretty meh towarda recent updates and chapters and slowly burning our but im excited to see how this shakes things up in the long run

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632
    edited February 2020

    Yeah. I hate the changes, toolboxes are more broken than ever now. Already faced 3 teams that just bullied me with just breaking hooks. Then got mad when I slugged them out.

    New killer is dope though.

    EDIT: It's really stupid that I am keep commedius toolboxes for nothing, the loss of add-ons was never a big deal to begin with.

  • MiniPixels
    MiniPixels Member Posts: 536

    I 100% agree after playing the PTB that sabo speeds need to be looked into, they should be a little less then double the speed it takes currently.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I believe them when they said they weren't even swf, it's crazy. I been testing it as Survivor and I made 2 killer's straight up DC because they couldn't hook anyone, while at the same time running Breakout and a flashlight. I couldn't be anymore right, and all of these people tried giving me a hard time like my prediction was wrong.

    I don't think I could have been more right. Survivors never needed more buffs.

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    After reading the update the other day I was excited for this change. After playing the PTB...this does not favor killers at all.

  • Kongtwenty12
    Kongtwenty12 Member Posts: 140

    That is fine even if I disagree with you. All I wanted was for people to take to he time to test the new features before hating on them. The new killer is pretty dope though. Definitely my new main.

  • Kongtwenty12
    Kongtwenty12 Member Posts: 140

    I agree he needs a slight buff but his reload speed actually feels really nice. Not too fast not too slow. I'm looking forward to it. If only I could get into games due to the absurd wait times. Kyf he I come.